ee FREESIAS for Peonies A Golden Opportuni BPLENDID openings |f aclling INCOME PR gontract to good mi Flask, $0 King St atari. We will take your order and other for the. Right' Man jor whole and part, time men to tnple yohr present 'none © | tor Barrio. west of Torvsta Bt., and. Allan: who can produce | dale, solicits orders from all old customers > business. For full particulars address LF, 8nd 3 . East, TORONTO, | Addros, 97 © 41-42 PEOPLE OF BARRIE The Chautauqua Lyceum Co. of Toronto will give four high-lass concerts in the Central Meth. Church, on Nov. 9, Jan. 21, Mar. 10, Apr. 25, under the auspices of the Epworth League. The Chiutauqua needs no introduction to Barrie people, haying been here on three former occasions, when they|won the hearts of the people by the excel- lence of theirconcerts and addresses. Season (Tickets: Adults $2.00, Children $1.00. Sugar has doubled its price in one yeur. In addition, war tax of 12% was imposed. Our chocolate pric- es wdvunced only 10¢ per pound during that time. Don't expect chocolate prices to decline because sugur drops u few cents, It takes 4 big change in the sugar market to even \slightly affect chocolates. "The Hub' Chocolates sre worthy of your trial Chogolate Mixture- One--Nut Cordial, cherry centres with milk chocolate, $1.00 per Ib Two--Cream and Caramel cen- tres, 70¢ per Ib. Three--Cream and Caramel cen tres; 60e per Ib. PHONE 18 "THE HUB" T. N. HOBLEY MRS. G. DAVIS Corsetiere for the Spirella Corset large humber of new clients, library Family 39-B1ptfo | Wool, Reliable Goods BARRIE, CANADA, New Potatoes, bag Butter, per pound .. building, Owen 8t., north of the Post Offic ON PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY K. 8, Macdonell is now engaged on Pro- papers preartn being engine' is | ther cufering cuta about the fase, charge of a stretch of 80 miles between |ter some bruises, and Miss Stoll a London and Hamilton. most important sections of the highway, much of it being high-clugs pavement. Mr, Macdonell ia provided with car and has three assistants, BARRIE MARKETS THURSDAY WHOLESALE prices | Oats, new No. 2 Fall Wheat This is one 2.00-2.25 | w $1.10. $1.20) $1.50 doy | Manitoba Flour Flour . washed 0. nglish and Scotch For downright value everybody knows that Old Country goods lead themjall. That's why we have procured for you a large assortment of SHeetings, Flannelettes, Cottons, Pillow Cottons, Shirtings, Blan- kets, bt. direct from England and Scotland. Goods they have been f 2 manufacturing for hundreds of years and can't be beat the world over, We would be pleased to show them to you.--Come in today. Whit Engli Engli 17-in Table Linen, Union Linen and Cotton, 60 i 38-inch Pure Linen Huck Towels with fancy border, hem: Pure Scotch Wool Blankets, lai | Sarje Read the list below "Arpekas," double warp English Flannelette-- , 27-inch. .55¢ 31-inch. .60c¢ 33-inch. .65¢ » English seamless Pillow Cotton, no better made..... «++. $1.00 yd. wide -.... " THE STORE OF SATISFACTI - Sheeting, 82-inches wide. A world beater........ $1.75 yd. Cottons, heavy round thread: 36 inches wide. .50c and 60c yd. All Irish Linen Hand Fowelling, with red border... . 22-inch Pure Linen Tea-Towelling.......... R 26-inc) Pure Linen Tea Towelling. . . Pure Linen Half-bleached Table Linen, "Made in - +. -50e England," 64-inches -- $3.00 yd. inches wide. ,... $1.75 yd. stitched... . eeeeeben te GLIS ant & King, ION" rge size, finished ends . . .$25.00 a pair 7 3 Ltd. rear seat in which Mins Stoll was sitting, the driver, Edward Hounsome, found the wheel turned and the ear (a Ford) going directly toward a ditch on the side of the road. Swinging it back, the front wheel slipped into a rut, breaking the spokes and causing tbe car to upset. All the occup- anta were thrown out, the father ang mo- the |only a light injury on the bridge of the nose. The driver escaped unhurt. The injured were removed to a neighboring farmhouse and medical assistance was sum- moned. Miss Stoll was not then believed to be seriously injured, in fact, she felt so well that she determined to go to her boarding house and walked from the house tow waiting cor. There. just after abo jstuted the accident war due to her insis enee on passing the ice cream to the young man driving, she fell into an unconscious gondition. from which she failed to rally, Mis« Stoll was 22 yeurs of age, and a very wecessfull :eacher. Her remains were taken home on Satur- night. and the funeral took place at Nottewa on Monday. FORESTRY CAR COMING A travelling exhibit of Canadian forest products will visit Barrie on Monday, Oct. 18, under the auspices of the Canadian Forestry Association of Ottawa, The For- estry Cur will be »t the station from noon until 10 p.m., with an outdoor motion \picture demonstration of forest protection at 8 pam. The car ix an educational enterprise ich bas drawn thousands of visitors all along the line. More thon five thousand people have parsed through it during the past week, The inferior is fitted with eases filled with forest products and is not only instructive but picturesque. Wireless ap- poratus, used in forest protection, ia on- other uncommon feature. The Barrie pub- lic is cordially invited. No charges of any kind ure made. 5 70 | be ICE HOUSES BURNED Yesterday afternoon a fire, supposed to have been started by boys smoking or play. ing with matches, destroyed the ice houses belonging to Scott Bros. at the foot of Toronto St. Wm. Marshall was in the south ice house when the fire started in the north one. Ag be came out of the door she saw w youth running away. Be- fore he could turn in the alarm the build- ing was in s blaze and it was impossible to save it. The buildings and contents, including about $400 worth of hay, were valued at over $2000, with insurance of $400. THORNTON ~ Oct, 13.-The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. John Crowley on Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 2.30 p.m. A full attendance is re- quested. -Miss May Garnett of Calgary is visiting for a few days with her aunt, Miss Annie McKensic. Air. and Mrs. Bishop of Elmvale spent list Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alton John- ston, Corn cutting und potato digging is the order of the day. The corn was badly broken down by the snow storm, but is 8 fair crop in this district. Potatoes are 8 bumper crop. Both the ttuchers re attending the tenchers' convention in Barrie this week, consequently the schools will be closed un- til after Thankegiving. Another one of the early pioneers of this vieinity and village has passed away, at the 'ripe dld age of 88, in the person of Matthew McKenzie. Deceased was born in the Township of Whitchurch and there helped his father to chop down and build home. At the age of twenty-one, he moved to Innisfil and there he lived on was a Conservative in polities and a Meth: odist. He was a true, nobleehristian and very recently was always found in his church on the Sabbath. The Tuneral was held on_Tuesday to the Union Cemetery. Bervice in the hose was conducted by his pastor,-Rev, Mr. Adams, amisted by Rev. FJ. Dunlop, of King, Rev. G. R. Kitch: fing of Victotia Harbor and Rev. R. Hy Somerville of the village. The pail-bearers 'were Howard Cooper of Cookstown, Alex. Duteber of Bradlord, Rdgar "Garnett "of Toronto, Mr, Stewart of Aurora, Frank of Barrie, and Mr. Campbell of Barrie. those front- distance who attended 'the funeral were Garnett, Copies 5 $208 Per Your"ti sive p= UNION BANK OF CANADA ae eee Ovenden College Barrie RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS @ntatio Scholarship Matriculation, Solo Singing, Music, Art, Conversational French emphasized, Qutdoor games and sports. Health record excellent. For Prospectus apply to Princi INDUSTRIAL Limited' numbers. MISS CLEMENS WITH NATIVE HAWAIIANS (Mail & Empire, Sept, 14) Lover of natura betty wi fad mueb| ~EWENING CLASSES |to commend. in Pg rm in Paradise-- COMMENCE | Hawaii', as told by Mildred Leo Clemens p.m. ith her troupe of native Hawaiian mus- Tuesday, Oct. 19, at 7.30 cians und dancers at Massey Hall this} At the West Ward School week. This romance of the | t islands! 4 competent staff of tedchems have been of the Pacific is told in music, song, story. | engaged to teach and picture. Haunting Hawaiian melodies, MILLINERY startling moving pictures of the worl DRESSMAKING jlargest voleano in eruption, colored slides the exquisite flowers of the tropics, | HOME NURSING AND FIRST AID ; eof Hawai th an interesting talk by Mise Clemens] RGR Sg AWD ARITHMETIC that adds the touch of reality, combine to i ey form an evening's entertainment of rare| Those intending to attend xbould com- municate at once with interest, three men andj Dr. IL, J. Simpson, Six native Hawalia J. E. Morrison, three women, in their national costume, Chairman Committee. Principal, sing native songs in English and their own language, to their own accompaniment on the guitar and ukulele. One of the sex- ANNUAL MEETING " tette dances the hula-hula dance ax it is| The annual meeting of the Royal Vic- performed on the beach at Waki 'The 'toria Hospital will be held st the Police pictures include scenes showing the Prince Court Chambers on Tuesday, Oct. 26, at of Wales on his recent visit to Hawaii, na.|4 o'clock pm. 42-480 tive and" swim ssurf-board riding, and the recent eruptions of Mount Kileau when rivers of molten lava flowed from the top of the mougtain and poured over the cliff into the sea, Miss Clemené: who is a relative of Mark Twain, also shows pictures of the Ami in humorist and of Robert Louis Stevenson. At the Grand Opera House, Barrie, two nights, Oct. 18 and 19; matinee 2.30 on Thanksgiving Day. -- THANKSGIVING SERVICES Collier St. Methodist Church Sunday, Oct. 17, 1920, SUBJECTS: 11 a.m.~-A Family of Forgetters. 7 p.m--A National Thanksgiving, SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR Solos by Mrs. H. J. Heath and Mrs. A.| W. Laidman. | | OPERA HOUSE | Thursday, Oct. 21 |. Guy Bros.) Minstrels Company of 30 People Rev. R. J. Fallis, Pi ' 7 Mm. Myrtle V. Rice, Oryialet aad Choir Singers Leader. | Dancers , TRINITY CHURCH Children's Day--Oet. 17th | 8.30 a.m.--Corporate communion for Sun. day School officers and teachers and confirmed members of the Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning prayer and sermon. 3 p.m.--Sunday School service in the church. Collection for the General Board of Religious Education. 7 p.m.--Evening prayer and sermon, Thanksgiving Day, Oct. 18th 10.30 s.m.--Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. -------- | BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, October 17 | "The Believers, Never-failing supply." | (morning.) "Heal and Save by a Touch" Comedians 8 Big Vandeville Acts Watch for the big street parade at noon Prices 25 -50 -75c GAS RANGES AND GAS WATER HEATERS GAS FUEL IS CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER, BOTH FOR COOKING AND: FOR HEATING WATER THE BARRIE GAS CO. LTD: Mrs. (Dr.) B. McKenzie, Mrs. (Rev.) Hull and Oswald Stewart, Toronto; Mr. and Office and Showroom: Wells Block, Owen Street. Telephone No..78 J. W. McCutcheon, Manager