"This commitment, of the government by' its -|leader ix very definite and satisfactory. No reasonable person could ask for more or ees.--Osbawa 'Reformer. No Punct No Blow Like the Oshawa Reformer, the Owen Sound Sun-Times has emerged from the 6 'eemi-weekly stage into:s thrice-a-week pa- stitute for alpin sutoaionie xe 01 per. The Sun-Times has for some time 'Helpense worry anSlocsoftiweasdplessure enjoyed the largest circulation of any pa- per published in the towns or small citice of Ontario, with » total considerably over the 6,000 mark, Perusing its newsy pages from week to week one can readily under- stand why ite circulation is so large. Owen Sound has goed reason to be proud of the Sun-Times, and Mr. Fleming in his new| and larger venture will no doubt be given | the patronage his enterprise merits. Statistica given at the meeting of tho United Stutes National Safety Council heli in Atlantic Cixy are calculated to arouse astonishment and horror. A statement was presented showing that automobiles caused 15,000 death in a year, one about every, thirty-five minutes, Automobile fatalities are roughly divided into two cluesee: those in which the drivers or pussengera meet death, und those in which pedestrians or persone in other vehicles gre the vtetima. In nine cates out of ten the accidents aro the result. of carelessness, sometimes on Look into this--Now! 'Come in--See for yoursel## WM. CROSSLAND, AGENT, BARRIE [ COMMENT OF THE WEEK | [VS eS Collingwood Bullen --Barrie town coun-! A lot of praise hus been handed out to jwhich the men who ix in public ply' because" there have been some~ public men who have betrayed their trust, geem 'ready to generalise without any retro | 'and. to conclude that all are of the same) itripe. Those who thus judge seem to {ail to recognise that in reaching such a conclu- sion they are in the first instance passing | judgment upon themgelves, They are prac tically saying, "If I were in that positior and had those opportunities 1 would .by! that kind of man." Their conclusion, fur= ther, is one based usually upon a com-! paratively small number of cases, involving very often some in whicly there ix nothing | more in the way of proof than certain suspicious-looking circumstunces and the | testimony of partitan and prejudiced! minds. It ix the kind of conclusion which no one who is fundamentally disposed to be fair would think for a moment of ac- cepting. But the evil bus gone 60 far that it hus colored the every-tay thinking of men very| generally, and it is going to take years of | earnest effort to regain the position in, fe will not be under a degtce of wuepicion and ad-| verse prejudice which no one thinks of ap- | plying to men in private life ! The thing we need ia not blindnew to the faults of public men, not an easy ond! foolish tolerance of public failure or public! Che WILLIAMS - PLAYER PIANO 'OR lasting satistaction choose the Williams Player. Used as a piano, it all the pure, full, ree sonant tone volume that has caused the@Villiams New Scale Piano to be called the "Artist's Choice." Used as a Player its exclusive Floating Rail Device and Transposing Scale enables you to truthfully interpret the compositions you are Fepro.iucing, and, by the mere act of pedalling, to express the cmotions that the music rouses in your own soul. cil anticipate fuel shortage and to be pre- Henry Ford because he made a cut in the pared stops have slreudy been taken to se- price of hin care, We can't see any por: cure & meet of hurdwood slabs from Al-| 'icular virtue in making slight reduction gonquin Park. 'This looks like good bus: when the net profits of the Canadian Ford inet The motor fire truck easily paid for it self by the work it did at Mondsy's fire, Vad for the splendid pressure given hy its pump. there can be little doubr that the tire would bave spread to buildings and have wiped out follars worth of property t not be velyncent thoumands of The trouble with the hydrant on Mon day morning. causing the low of much val able Gar, euuphasizes the necessity. of re wudar an! enreful teting Theve should be inspected once a month we that the fireryen will not be handicapped wo ther work as they were on this occasion F you wereto hire the best soap maker in the world and gate him unlimited scope materials and facil- ites. he could turn our nothing better or purer for you than Sunlight Lever Brothers Limited Toronto Co. lust yenr were 67 per cent., a clear gain of $4,696,245 on the year's bunines. Last Sunday the Ivy bandsmen once more showed the kindly apirit. for which they are noted by turning out in full force to furnish the music for the military fun. eral which the Veterans gave Comrade Reddit, To do thie must have meant no little inconvenience to the bandsmen, and their generous act will nqt soon be forgot- ten by the Veterans and the other friends of Mr. Redd be proud of ite band. Ivy bar good reason to of hydeante. ° Opening our mail on Monday morning-- the day that our $2.00 subseription rate went ito effect we found a notice from the Mo newsprint was increased one cent per Wb. The notice added tht thin is not a fixed price but thot all orders would be the price prevailing when «ip: yer manufxoturers that the price subset je. Lust week we received a ment is chypment of news ink which was aver three tines the price at which we bought ink 'There ia certainly naw pore wat dye die tion of lower prices in newspaper sup: | nes, The Examiner we in receyt of several columne of matter from the Canadian Manufacturers' Amocintion which ska the stintance of thie paper in clearing up certain alleged misrepresentations regard. ing the manufacturers of agricistnral in plement If there were any misrepres. entations The Examiner had nothing to do with them and\does not feel ut all in: chned te nie wealthy organization a Tot of free avernamg. If tt wishes to stace its ea the readers of The Examiner at may do soot regular adverti«: before ing rates. so fur as his Oshawa speech i« concerned Premier Drury states ax plainly se words can way anything thut he ix quite ready to secept the finding of the Royal Commis- on, whatever that finding may be. commission says "stop", the Premier and "atop" his government are prepared to" nerhape they are ready to do {hat now. But af the commission says OK, 'KO jwhoud."* the government will go sahead. to remove all Fire -Hazards caution to Prevent Fire. a » The Work of Fire Prevention should appeal to the | Farmer, who is at the mercy of the Fire Demon; and to | every Merchant and. Manufacturer who wishes _ serve the continuity and non-interference of his business t SPECIAL EFFORTS SHOULD BE MADE DURING | | Fire Prevention Week--Oct. 9 ' _ CLEAN UP i accumulation of waste material, rubbish, bees, brush, weeds and conditions that create disorder. ONTARIO FIRE PREVENTION LEAGUE, INC. In affiliation with THE ONTARIO FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE, TORONTO EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY AND NIGHT The Torch of Carelessness BRINGS DESTRUCTION TO SOMEBODY'S PROPERTY IN ONTARIO to pre- and take every possible pre- If the, the part of the victim ond sometimes in spite of all they can do to prevent it, With more care than ever on the road, and the program of roud-building that ix under way, the necessity for more cure on the part of drivers and pedestrians becomes increasingly apparent. The little village of Waverley and the four townships which uasisted in erecting the memorial thut now stand on the his toric oldePenctanguishene Road near that village, are to be very heurtily: congrary luted npon the aplendid manner in whieh they have carried out the project. Beauti ful und appropriute in design, standing on 4 leading highway, it will be « lasting tribute, conatuntly before the eyes of the Pussers-by, to the heroie suerifice of the men whose names are thereon inscribed Citizens of municipalities where memorials jhave not been erected. when viewing the | Woverley monument must xurely wish © hud been | Such wn exai [that some similar recognition [Riven their own men, ako by the village of Tottenham nerve ae a atimulue to the people in other places to honor the memory of {their dead hero» in like manner. "OF the insidious evile that heet see }and endanger the country's future the Belleville Ontario, jbe feared than the decay of family hfe [In creating the home, humanity achieved | "none is more its greatest social triumph, for the reaxou that i insures its perpetuation upon a true {- and enduring basis. With no comparable substitute in might at would be folly to dis Jrogard thie crowning reault of age-long ex 'perience establiched upon christian prin ciples, For ite permavent preservation PPublicwt und pulp can unite upon the Seommon ground of «paramount need. 'To {the present and to posterity: it asert. an equal obligation, Modern tendeneies con spire aguinet the home, The exactions of business life, the opening of xo nan pur Jenin to women, multiplying organizations, [and the swirl of town diversions dintruct land divert from the household. 'The Amer- ican type of life inflata, while adupted to the elderly, Weiturely class, ix far re moved habitat, put into the mouth of modern childbood the caustic repirouch: "When my father and mother foreuke me, then the community will take me up." from the dexirable family-roaring Small wonder that someone has Popular education regarding snfety de. | ° aK bd W. | h vicot and preventative measures for the Burning the Nation's Wealth |=: us, 3 dates ston eter conservation. Should they, sfter thorough trial, prove ineffective, then it is likely that there will be added thereto stringent regulations concerning responsibility for fires with severe penalties for infractions or neglect. The necessity for effective pre- ventative meusures is apparent when it is known that at « time of high building costs and acute scurcity of material, we burning buildings at 9 criminal rot+ $2 500,000 lust year, or approximately $2.90 per capita, The highest rate per capita of any nition in the world. Not only this » complete loss of national wealth, but its replacement creates incressed compet:/ ition for available building supplies, thus enhancing prices for new building, . If there is to be » reduction of the annual fire waste, public education and a recog. nition 'of personal responsibility are esen- tial, In tiny such campaign it is part'e- generation. 'This can be best done through the public schdols, Fire Prevention Day. Saturday, Oct.' 9, will give » splendid op- portunity for bringing this. subject to the 'ottention of pupile 'and should: produce good results. A STRAIGHT, CLEAN MAN If one were to accept fully the common 'eynical and pessimistic street-philosophy of life it would, mean practical disbelief in the existence in the world of the present day lof any man--or ot least any man in public {life--to whom the words "straight"' and {"clean" may be applied. Many men, sim-|- crime, but honest purpore in moving to | ward more wholesome conditions. We need that charucter und integrity shall he considered quite us much x epecial tal | Used as a piano for teaching music to the young, the Williams Player possesses the double value of instilling appreciation of true musical tone and of enabling either teacher or pupil to draw more extensively 'Church on Monday evening. the Chapter Fae hax been vet by these four townships of the Brotherhood of St, Andrew was re ularly: necessary to interest the younger | on the famous compositions of the great Masters of Music, Maude in Canada by Canadian Piano Craftsmen THE WILLIAMS PIANO CO., Ltd. Canada's Oldest and Larges Piano Makers rnte in our choice of leuders anc, that, having elected men in whom we huve con fidence, we should support them and up | bold them in courses that make for right eousness and justice and peace. To elect men to office and immediately to begin to treat them with suspicion an-t sntagoniem and vague critieuan ix not go ing to ag inen ag permanen: public xerva: te way lies defewt ond disstter, There sre today in public life etraight men and clean, | und the way to multiply their number i¢ to give credit whore credit in due and ever to expect the best, That way and that way only lies hoy for bet erment and for ultimate progress.--The Prewbyterian rate toward securing the beat That WE ARE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES. THE J. M. GREENE MUSIC CO., LIMITED THE HOME OF GOOD MUSIC BUGGY RUBBER TIRES H. H. BURNS, late of Barrie Carriage Co., has taken over the rubber-tire department and can be depended upon to give prompt and satisfactory service in putting on or repairing rubber tires. Wheels also repaired. Shop--194 Blake St. (near East Ward School) 4 P.O. Box 543 BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW ! Ata meeting of the men of Trinity | Organize and the following officers were | elected) H.C Channen, Director: C. R Kendall, Vier Director: AL H. A, Padgham Seey Treas, ' A meeting will be held on Monday even ine OC in the Parish Hall, when oll former member of the Brother. at Spam hood will he welcome ~~ a Read the Classified Adlets. Phone 247) - - = + © «= 'RE are four of the very latest dance numbers and two of the newest and most popular vocal successes just released on three special 'His Master's Voice' Records : The Japanese Sandman - Fox Trot Silver Water Fox Trot Both Played by Raderman's Novelty Orchestra "His Master's Voice" Record 216203 Avalon Fox Trot Hiawatha's Melody of Love Waltz (Intro. 'Tired of Me") Both Played by Raderman's Novelty Orchestra "His Master's Voice" Record 216204 I'm In Heaven When I'm In *My Mother's Arms 4 I'll Be With Youin Apple Blossom Time Both Sung by Lewis James "His Master's Voice" Recard 216208 All on 16-inch, double-alded--Price etill remains at $1.00--WE PAY THE TAX, Now on Sale at any ' {. "His Master's Voice" dealers Manufectured by BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, 20156 E ¢ a ~ GEO. VICKERS 1 DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT