WEDDINGS' ; Bove CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 3025 COPIES A. MacLAREN, Editor . WALLS, Manager ASSESSMENT ROLL SHOWS GROWTH Barrie's ussewment roll for 1920, returne!, last Thursduy, show un increase of $120,275, the taxation on which would be ufficient to lower the rate about 144 mills. Income awessinent is le than last year owing to the exemption being increaxed froin $1700 t> $2000 with an additional exemption of $200 for encb child under 16. The Population is 6876, which is 101 more than on the previous roll. Detaile for the 1920 and 1919 ralle are given below. 57th Year 1920 Value Value Total Exempt Land Buildings Taxuble Business Income Total Ward 1 $152.1 615 $406,870 $ 8.900 $ 8.325 $ 4.200 § 428,205 219,403 475 055.730 128.100 40,990 23.320 £68,190 205,110 524,809 626.169 104.750 114 855,085 205,330 788.195 792.52! 44.864 1.077.494 590.260 505.845 4.900 33,980 Ward 87.955 451,349 48.50 11.920 SL.010495 3.119,200 8,498,544 716.300 400 538 060 1919 Value Value Total Exempt Business Income Total Land Buildings Taxable Ward $149,615 015 $303,330 $ 9.300 $ 7.475 $ 414,880 Ward t 219,655 28.100 54.890 858.645 Waid 3 207,874 Want 4 206.230 81.589 31.691 650 504.200 469.964 170.060 45.420 40,025 112.100 431.440 48.050 11,420 iw 200 $36,710 714.660 158.634 4.415.704 aati eden quet of Sweetheurt rovés By her brother- in law, J.B. Barr, she was led to a bower of fern und carnations, where the cert mony was performed. The wedding march from Lohengrin wus played by Min Emily Anderton. 'The groom wax supported by hie bre Mr. A. 0, Elder. of Toronto. LYNCH--TOUCHETTE while Minx Ahce Rows of Toronto acted as Ao murringe of interest' to many Barrie | bri id, Among the many hundsome people took place in the Church of the Holy | presents wae a beautiful wedding coke sent Family, Toronty 28. when Mise| from Prince Albert, Susk.. by Mr, Roy Tay Ethel Touchette, daughter of Mr. Mury |lor, brother-in-law of Mr. Burr. Touchette und the Alexander Touch | After the ceremony the guesta eut down ete, became the bride of Mr. Vineent J. |to sumptuous wedding dinner prepared Lyfeh, son of Mr. and Mm. P. J, Lynch jhy-Mra. Barr, A tonat to the bride w: Barrie. Mins Florence Touchette and Mr. | y Rev. J. 8, Stevenson und was lies Lynch were the attendants, On their hy the groom in a few well return from a trip to the Snguenay, Mr.' chown words. After dinner the party mo and Mrs. Lynch will make their home in| tored to Allandale where the bride and Close Ave., Toronto, {groom left ou the 5.30 p.m, train, amid | shower of confettr ar{ good wishes, for Toronto, Cornwall, Ont, and several cities in Ni ino navy bine tailored euit_and Barto match; Ou their return to Toronto, 'Mr. 111 Toronto St.. Barrie, when Miss Bessie (and Mra, Elder will reside at 182 Monacel Gnifin. Mrs. Barr's sister, was united in| Park Avenue. where they will be vrvllock "to Mr. Win, Ru Elder of the stuif /bome" to their friends sfler Noy, Ist of the Daily Star, Toronto, Rev. J. &. ---- Stevenson of Coldwater officiating. The} fF. A. Black has sold hie farm in the bride looked very pretty in a pale blue | Oth of WesrmGeilimbury ty Ruseell Webh gown of chiffon taffeta und earried a ho Jof Tecumaeth. . ELDER--GRIFFIN A very quiet byt pretty wedding took place on Monday bet. 4, 1920, at 2 pam. at the home of Mr: und Mra. J. B. Barr. York Stuts, the bride trovelling WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1920. | BAD FIRE AT DR. MORREN'S | Fire, supposed to have been caused by a tramp sleeping in the building, complete- {ly deatroyed the large barn at the premises fot Dr. Alfred Morren, V.8., Collier Bt... on Monday morning shortiy 'after five 0" lclock. 'The flames had a big start before the fire was discovered and when the bri- \gude artived they were greatly handicapped iby a cracked hydrant to which the lines were attached on Collier St. To replace this the pump on the motor truck was coupled up to the hydrant at the corner lof Muleaster and Worsley Sts, and soon several lines of hose with 4 pressure of 140 ths, were playing on the flames, 'Though 'it wan impossible to wave the Morren stable. \the fire was kept from spreading to the American Hotel and stables and other 'buildings close by. All the contents of the stable were de stroyed. 'These included Dr. Morren's Chevrolet cur, two buggies, two cutters, neverul sete of hurnesa, » number of robes. a quan'ity of veterinary appliances, two 'fine deer hounds and two pullets, On the contents the low is over $2000 and it would cost double that to replace the bu ings. Ax the insurance rate war very high |Dr. Morten had only $500 insurance AN EARLY SNOWFALL After a period of unseasonubly warnt weather, the mercury took a sudden drop with the close of September and on the morning of October lst people were sur- prised to see the ground covered with snow | Not since Sept. 30, 1889, has snow fallen so early in the seuson here Ax the snow was very soft and wet it lay heavily upon the trees, breuking a Inrge number of branches. In the country many a corn field was Isid almost flat. Tele phone linex suffered considerably and the Hydro power was off for « couple of hourn Friday morning. Official figures for the past week's weather are given by W. H Buttery x follows -- Low High Ruin Bnow Bop 20 485M 30 50 Oct. 1 341.020 24 2 48 0.15 3 0.01 4 64 0.01 49 - 8 52 TRINITY HARVEST THANKSGIVING Bright. interesting and helpful were the seit xervices beld in Trinity Church lust day to give thunke for the bountiful harvest. The eburch war urtisticully dee- orated with flowers, fruit, grain, ete.. the decorations being the work of the willing wnd clever hands of the Chancel Guild. Tn the sermonx and musie~-the whole rer view indeed- breathed the spirit of thanky to Gort for Hie bountiful: mercies In the afternoon the Sunday Sehool held ws xnpual Rally D U.F.0, DID NOT NOMINATE At the U.F.O, convention for the Fed: eral constituency of East Simcoe, held yes- terday, a committee was appointed to sce if it were possible to draft a platform for Federal. purposce. in. which the Furmer, Veterans and Labor could unite. [t wus agreed to defer action regarding the selec: tion of 1 cundidate. Vice-President Thomas Swindle of North Orillia attributed the sinall uttendance to the fuct thute the Dominion Government, having had recent by-elections, there was little likelihood of a general election with in two years, urd therefore not the «ame need for naming a candidate for East Sim coe. The speakers representing U.F.O., Labor and Veteran interests were us follows. J. B. Johnston, M.P.P. for East Simcoe; Ed. Dutton, Reeve of Tay; Wm, Rankin, Reeve Ball, A. Jackson and W. member Couneil, and Chairs Orillia Township an Swindle, DROP EAST SIMCOE PROTEST inst J. B. Johnston, M, imicve. hax been dropped | petition. The time limit for filing--four teen days before the duy set for trial-~ oxpingd ut 4 p.m, Wednesday, Sept. 20 Advtisements niu now be plased pers in the constituency to give ai chance to proceed. Johnston's crose-netition will be dropped if the other one Ips It is suid that the Centre Simene protest aeninst G. HT. Murdoch alto will by drop ped. AS BAD 25 YEARS AGO Coming down town with D. Wy Len: nox in Friday's snow storm, a repurter was told thut 25 years ugo there was juat such weather. On that occusion Mr. Len. nox had to clear away the xnow to dig bin potatoes for the Cookstown Fair next day, Following the snowfall there was two weeks of exceptionally fine weather, HORTICULTURAL PREMIUMS Vor Fall_premiums the Barrie Horticul- tural und Toien Improvement Society has ordered 2000 Darwin tulips and 300 hya cinths, These will he ready for delivery | in short time und members who wish to seenre the Fall premium should send in their membership fee promptly. FASHION DISPLAY 'The special fushion display ut the store of Sarjeunt & King this week attracted 8 lurge number of dudies who were greutly ' Interested in the many beauriful and varied | gowur aud suite exhibited . well as tho artistic millinery xhown in profusion. - EXAMINER Levi Taylor, Tay; Walter | ure to file particulars of the) SECTION 2 PAGES 9 TO 16 Single Copies 5 cents $2.00 Por Year (in advance) IFE Insurance affords an ad. mirable opportunity for cr tion of a substantial estate, and provides protection for your fam- ily, in the event of your death. Open a savings account with us and make regular deposits, so that you can meet the premiums as they fall due, UNION BANK' OF CANADA | Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes, A. Leslie, Manager Branches also at Cookstown, Thornton na i Ovenden College Warrie RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Q@ntarto Re-opens Sept. 22nd, 1920, for boarders; Sept. 23rd, 1920, for day pupils. Scholarship Matriculation, Solo Singing, Music, Art, Conversational Freneh "emphasized. Qutdoor games' and' sporta. Health record excellent. Limited numbers. For Prospectus apply to Principals. GAS RANGES AND GAS WATER HEATERS GAS FUEL IS CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER, BOTH FOR COOKING AND FOR HEATING WATER THE BARRIE GAS CO: LTD. Office and Showroom: Wells Block, Owen Street. Telephone No.78 J. W. McCutcheon, Manager "The Devil's Pass Key": beg "End of -lst.Performance 7.15 3RAND OPENING! Mon.-Tues., Oct. 11-12 Presenting PRISCILLA DEAN IN wi the Road" "THE VIRGIN OF STAMBOUL" a The Biggest Picture of the Year ADMISSION--27c Qe SHOWING SOON "Passers By" \ "Man Who Lost Himeelf" "Right to Love" % Doors Open 7.00 | BSSWoosmoeeen----- SSSRSRBAS 6.4 4 8: 8. 8. 8. Ex 3. 6. 2 8. 5 5. 4. 6. 6 6. 6. 6 6. 6. BRRRESRRESRE see aes eRe 2828 | | |: |