imchial Service We continue to merit the appreciation of the public - by furnishing them with the finest Meats at the lowest prices obtainable. We buy direct from the farmer and_kill all our own meat, and our prices will compete with any in Barrie or the cities. Wiseman & McBride Next Huxtable's Garage PROMPT DELIVERY - PHONE 106 M.D. Cubitt-Nichols REAL ESTATE HOUSES FOR SALE Small brick house on 'Worsley Street, two bedrooms, patlour, dining room, kit. chea, bathroum and garuge, Price 'Al brick house on Bradford street. all conveniences, 0 down balance ar. ranged. ces seee+ $3500 Hrick house on Charlotte Street, wll veniences, four bedrooms. three 4 Towns, sewing room, garden, garage. Price $3 500 | Six roomed frame cottage on John St., we location for a railway mau. £100 and balance urranged -- Btice $1700 ned cement brick housé on John large reception hall dowostaire aod well, Price $1800 Vine brick house near St. Vincent's park, has good parlour, dining room, kitohen, pantry and three bedrooms and bath. Good erllne with cement floor and walls. Price $2500 FARMS FOR SALE 100 21 res in Vespra, miles. from Craghurst, 9 miles from rie, 60 acres 1). 6 acres maple bush, bank burn 36x50, . rougheust house, cement cellar, Price z 3 $4900 50 acres in Innisfil, bank barn, 36x60, silo, drive shed, oil clay and clay loan, 7 room frume house with ap Al cellar, one mile from Barrie. Great view of the Ioke Price izes eeranonextasouesy, $350 M4 eres of light loam, Al garden soil, brick house. electric light, furnace, three rooms und large bath room upstairs, and three rooms downstairs, Good 'floors,' good eenent eellar, in good repair. Good barn ni hen house, louse wired for electric stove, Price i $6000 25 acres in Oro, soil clay loam, frame house on stone wall, seven rooms, wood- shed, bank barn 30x20, ten miles from Barrie, two miles from Craighurat station. young orchard, seven acres of bush. Price ceceeeeess $2000 "For further particulars apply to M. D. Cubitt-Nichols, Barrie Phone 31 Res. Phone 62 THE BARRIE MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Markers Tablets Gorner Posts . Canadian, Seotch and Amer- jean Granite Monuments. All kinds of Cemetery Work Strict attention given to Inscription Cutting. All. work neatly and artiat- ically done. J. F. MURPHY Veteran - Proprietor Office and Works: 78 Bayfield St. Phone 734 GRAND TRUNK THE DOUBLE ~ TRACK ROUTE between TORONTO MONTREAL DETROIT and CHICAGO Bleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains.' . Unexcelled dining car service . Full information from any Grand Trunk, Ticket Agent or G. EB. Horning, - District Passenger Agent, Toronto. |. +E. Billingsley, Depot Agent, Phone 6b ee Kollingwood Fair had an immense crowd but the exhibits were not #0 good nor éo numerous as in former years, $1900) hull upstairs, good cellar and flowing | 0) R. J. W. Perry of the Parish of Innisfil. HARVEST THANKSGIVING St. Andrew's "was crowded: Last Sunday morning at the special harvest thanksgiving service, Seldom, if ever, had 2 local church been as besutifully desor- ated as was St. Andrew's on this;oceasion. Sheaves of oats and wheat, corn in the stalk, ears of corn/ beautiful clusters of apples and plums, crimson rowan berries, 'a profusion of flowers--gladioli, sweet peas, asters, heleniums, hydrangeas, ete--and many vegetsble products of field and gar- den. All were arranged in s most artistic manne}, making » highly effective setting fov@ servic& held to acknowledge the | bountiful harvest. Rev. Geo. A. Brown, M.A., gave a most timely and helpful discourse from the text, | "My soul desireth the first ripe frui (Micoh 7:1)... After dwelling upon the duty and joy of giving thanks for God's manifold goodness, the speaker pointed out thot thanksgiving must be from the heart, not merely from the lips or of an emo- tional natuge. felt on certain occasions. Man's best praije to God is a daily sur- render to Hig/will, Then can he truly give thanks "and hia life "bear the rich fruitfulness of a new heart and a re-sre- ated spirit, Bright harvest hymns were sung. For an anthem! the choir rendered exceedingly | well "Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem" (Maunders) with solo by Miss Gauley, and during the offertory they sang the Te Deum (Jackson) { BABY KILLED BY STREET CAR | The Ottawa Journal of Sept. 18 re- ported the accidental death of Arksey Gal- Sraith, the two-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Galbraith of that "city who holiday visitors at the home pf Mr. and Mrs. T. Sewrey this summer. While playing in front of the fumily | residence, 411 Somerset St., on Tuesd affernoon, Sept. 14, he endeavored to cross to the opposite side of the street but was etruck by a street car which part: | ly severed both legs, as the wheels passed lover them, His injuries necessitated both limbs being amputated and though every- thing possible was done to save hin life, "he succumbed the following morning. gies j ARCHDEACON PERRY ACCEPTS WELLAND PARISH Welland, Sept. 20.--The pastorate of Holy Trinity Church here bas been ac cepted by Ven. the resignation of Rev. Jumex Thompson. Archdeacon Perry was formerly rector of St. Thomas' Chureh, St. Catharines, and also Educational Secretary of the diocese of Niagara. preachers in the Anglican community ani is a speaker of great ability, He was alo one of the outstanding figures in the For- ward Movement, He begins his pastorate here on Oct. 3. : Archdeacon Perry is a brother of Rev., He is one of the foreiost ONE OF THE BIG ONES From hia garden at 9 Grove 8t., Jos. ! C. Lung has been Sarvesting some fine | tubers. One of them weighed an ounce short of three poulila and the average throughout in very large. this spring, Mr. Long says be planted only Archdeacon Perry, upon |, gard to the Dominion G turned Soldiers' Insurance Act, full ulars, When planting | the as application blanks may be obtained from tices containing the eyes from the outaides |{P6) Bu ge ote or from Ottawt. Horse-power 21/ Self-cranking Prest-O-Lite Battery of 160 Loads With the engine running: From fully charged battery eight hours. BRANTFORD, ONT. SOLDIERS' INSURANCE * query in re In answer to "Veteran's ernment's Re including a booklet setting forth all ferent plans of insurance, as well Pensions Commissioners, S. K. F. Ball Bearings Detachable Cylinder Head tinuous rating Price $750. f.0.b. Brantford 50 to 60 Twenty-Watt Lights. 30 Twenty-Watt Lights will burn for On Exhibit at MIDLAND FAIR. . September 28, 29, 30 Dealer, K. C. Millikin Dominion Steel Products Co. for table use. LEAGUE OUTING BRADFORD'S BIG DAY bilee-"Festival. Fiction ~ Fortioth = * Advertising of Billy Tc Beptember «+ eesreons The House of Baltazar . The Man on Horseback The Soul Scar The Husband His. Majesty's Well Beloved . Street of Adventure . Citcerton of Chis: Siting Middle Temple Murder Silver and Gold Taming of Nan Optimiam 'and Other Sermons Story Hour Favorite . Whittaker's Almanack Everyman's Legal Gi The Cissh of the seed potatoes, and used the balance | A very pleasant time was spent Monday evening when about forty mem-|tske out policies. bers of the Epworth Lengue of Central Methodist Church motored out to the home policy. of Thomas Dawson for a corn roast andjtially s life premium of from $500 to vocial evening. An interesting programme was givtn, after which refreshments were ability is not due to war service, and there: verved and all went home feeling they had} fore does not entitle the holder to s pen- spent 8 very enjoyable time together. Next Wednesday, Sept. 29, an all-day|many-returned men have come home witb programmé and a bang-up good time has! ailments which would place ordinary insur- been arranged for Bradford's Harvest Ju- Many interesting attrac- tions have been arranged. See advt, in/two yearn of Sept. 1, 1020, and no. sppli- this issue or large posters, or write Dr. A. Thompson, Bradford, for particu- 80-3: NEW BOOKS AT THE LIBRARY ae use. Morgan Siamese Cat . Ridout fir wigs age REAL ESTATE 'olly Masson + Moore i Pin fered ciore|$ Farm Lands a Specialty Fee tn power walt|{ A share"of your patron- Spiritual Voices Davies age solicited. Any returned man or woman who served \with the Canadian forces or with thove of any of the Allies, and was resident in Conada prior to August, 1914, is eligible for insurance (without 'medical examina- 02 |tion) aud widows and dependents also may The scheme is a most commendable one and has many attractive features not usually found in an insurance While the policy offered ie essen $5000 ample provision is made for cases of disability, in such cases where said dis- ion, The pleasing feature of the policies offer- ed is that no medical examination is ne- cessury. This is especially appropriate, ws ance above their means, or entirely impos- sible to obtain. ; _ Tnsurance must be -applied for within For Air cooled Splash oil system ; ampere hours con- alone: Limited. will be in a position to give full particulars und write up polices, |eations will be uccepted after the expiration | of this period. Several options are offered and all have , 9c | their advantages in various cases. Alo) provision is made for change of option. | The beneficiaries must be the wife or children of the returned man, or future wife and children if unmarried," If he eur- vives such beneficiaries the reserve on the policy becomes part of his estate. Much the same applies to women taking out pol- jcies, including a widow of a soldier who died' overseas or previous to Sept. 1, 1922.! 'Arrangements are being made whereby | ny | all soldiers' organizations and. postmasters S. H. BROWN INSURANCE IN EVERY FORM PLATE GLASS, ETC. Prompt attention assuted Phone Office, 95 Dunlop St. Res, 750w Next Dyment's offite POPLAR PODER EEOE LOO DOLE. An Electric LIGHTING and POWER PLANT The FARM or COUNTRY HOME Features Rating, one K. W. (1000 watts) Col. J. A. Currie, M.P., formally pre- their fair there last week, and promised sented a German gun to Collingwood at poy one or more machine guns would fol- : a »Forty-Eight Years in "Canada's Western Empire" FORTY EIGHT YEARS AGO Colonel John 8. Dennis, C. M. G., who rode the plains of Alberta, Backatch and Manitoba 48 years ago, when Indians and buffalo were plentiful, knows more about "Can- im the United Srates during the re- sent wer and not only volunteered for but saw service with the Can- aMian Expeditionary Force in Siberia, Now the four westerm provinces 't of Canada have a population of 2,500,000, the buffalo are to be found waly in parks in the Canadian Rockies and the Indians, are on reservations. There are nearly 20,- 000 miles of raflway in the four provinces, or one mile for each 125 Persons and of 225,900000 acres of good agricultural land. but 35.000,- 000 acres ere at present occupied and cultivated. Of the dalance, 190,- Me within fifteen miles of these rafl- way lines waiting for settlers. "Think of ft," says Col. Deants, "rnd the world crying out for food." His 'view is that while Canada has won & standing among the nations by her work in the recent war so that to- day the mame "Canadian" is re- cognized as distinguishing of a progressive and virile c-untry, Canada's share in the great struggle has involved her im financial oblisa- tioms whick can only be met and discharged by increasing her popu- lation and developing her vast natural resources which, while ample security for many times her war debt, must be made _ oductive of wealth through development. Between 1905 and 1914 About 000,000 acres, ome 30,000,000 acres | 2,500, 'They Britain, the United States and other countries for thetr new home, and Col. Dennis believes that 600,000 each year may follow them until HAVE You Later on w you immedi: of any size, work right materials, chanics only Better have MOF! Sole Age Plumbers, Shop--Elizs 0 Open every after Telephone 7 25-30p-tfe Ph ---- Qeoeerennnens F GOVE F 15¢. Also F BARRE Opp. B: Ph