Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1920, p. 5

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umer on a yim | results, 8 LINI- ottlen it together, ERSON, Sept. Se ee ee eee Lenemcemcecmmeenily paints nasi THE BARRIE EXAMINER Page Five THE BIG EVENT OF NEXT WEEK WILL BE BRADFORD'S Harvest Jubilee Festival ON WEDNESDAY. SEPT 29TH An All-Day Programme, including ' Come for a Good Time Admission: Adults - 55c Children - 25c Autos - - 30¢ All Tax included --------____. CALITHUMPIAN PARADE ATHLETIC SPORTS AND CONTESTS. BASEBALL--Cookstown vs. Ivy, and New- Car market Bloomer Girls vs Factory Girls. LACROSSE--Orangoville vs. Bradford (Juniors) "TSLOW RACE FOR FORDS DWAY ATTRACTIONS. IVY BAND ~ Big Special Evening Attraction "THE RAMBLERS' MUSICAL REVUE" See bills for particulars, or write DR. W URS AA ACTOR Ro RoR on kkk ok * . i % NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS ANGUS Anniversary services will be held in An- gus Presbyterian Church on Sunday, Sept 26, at Ham. und 7 pm. Rev? Mr. Hanns of Elmvale will conduct both ser: vices. An invitation) in extended to all who oan come. Mayor Wright and Mrs, Wright of Pen. 'uishene™ure on a month's trip to the ic Conet For Sale 4 teams of heavy horses, all young. i 1 team of hackneys, 4 ! i] i | i] i and 5 years old. I 2 teams 4-yr.-old horses. ; 3 teams 3-yr.-old horses. ; Also 1 frame barn, 40x 4 60, with sheds attached | APPLY TO § FITZGERALD BROS., ! HILLSDALE | Long Distance Phone ! oe od . A: THOMPSON, Bradford MIDHURST Sept their loss. Some excitement was caused in th lage last Saturday when wis wen wandering wround all day until evening. He seemed to be absent-minded. Three of the gentlemen of the villuge took him to Barrie in wurday evening and left bim in enre of him and 6, Lambie. to fall off the nd had a bo in her wrist broken, wih friends im Stroud at his home here her daughter.) Mire. W. P, Gill Mrs. Richstd Monteith. who hus been ill, is able to be ground azain Mra. David Coch hus tuken Thos 8 position there. i much improved Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Frankeom of Tor onto are spending a few days with Mrs, J, Frankeom fefore leaving for England, CROWN LIFE THE BEST ig the best of all bequests. Th i cannot be frittered away or unwisely invested. Our Monthly Income Policy adds to each monthly in- stalment a dividend out of the Company's earnings. Crown Life Insurance Co., Toronto a» BEQUEST A regular monthly income to,meet ninning expenses L O. MATSON, Manager at Barrie 1a} Properties For Sale Prices that should appeal to Nine-roomeg brick house, - all con- veniences, "hardwood floors, 1% seres of land, must be sold, new .. a seni $4500 Nine-roomed_ brick house, all con- veniences, hardwood floors, _ sun room, central. See this one.. .$5000 Bight-roomed brick house, -all_ con- veniences, central ........++ $4000 Eight-roomed brick house, -all_con- . veniences, central ....... $3600 Eight-roomed, brick house, all con. veniences, stable ........... $351 Eight-roomed brick house, all. con- veniences, central ......-+0++ $2600 Six-roomed brick house, two lots, SABLE Le souvpadousraviens $2000 Six-roomed plastered house, water aad lights; two seres ........ $1800 the man of good judgment Seven-roomed brick house, conven- fences, nice location, ........ $3500 Pair houses, seven rooms, con iences, the pair ........- L. $3200 Nine-roomed house, water and lighta central veeveseesevsseeseses $1300 Pair houses, all conveniences, cen- tral, A bargain ......... $3600 Two five-roomed houses, $700 eac or the two .. $1308 TWO SPECIALS IN ALLANDALE Six-roomed brick, cottage, water and ts, jen, henhouse, nice Hotta A Garpals veers '$2500 Seven-roomed plastered house, water and lights, good workshop, 'henhouse three-acre garden .......... $1800 Now is the time to buy your FARM while the list is good Small deposit will secure it for spring, delivery. We have some exceptional good A call will convince you. values in Farm Property.-- 1800 feet of Lake Shore Property: for sale, also a number of Good Paying Businesses. Partridge For full list, particulars, and a square deal, see -& Gilroy THE RELIABLE REAL ESTATE MEN Office :. Five Péints, Barrie. 'Office Phone 861, Residence Phone 864. P. O. Box 1011. --Mr. and Mra, L. Spooner bad the misfortune to have their house and niost of the contents destroyed by fire on Sunday forenoon last ubout 10 o'clock. Much sympathy is extended to them in jbest Canadian manhood to follow a Haring profession. He lao pointed out the jennie Simpwon had the misfortune ing at the school last week Mr and Mr. J. E. Wellwin spent Sun eggie Dunn of Toronto ix spending some di * L Hoover has returned to her home | in Toronto after spending a month with ne and children of | Ewart are the guests of Mra. A. Coch Mra, A. Morrie of Toronto ie the guest | of her sister, Mrs, Bert Fieldhouse, Walter Ward has gone to Toronto and where they intend to spend the winter months, Mise Alma Whan of Lefroy spent a week the guest of her sister, Miss Lillian Whan. CROWN HILL Sept, 21--The 40th anniversary of the Crown Hill Methodiat Church will be beld next Bunday, Sept. 26. at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev, Beecher Parkhouse, eldest son of Ezra Parkhouse of sacred memory, one of the best members of the church, and grandson of Charles Partridge | and Henry Parkhouse (also gone on before), the first supporters of the church, will be the preacher at both services, The pastor, Rev. W. 8, Irwin, will also he present. Special music will be given and good ser. viecs are amticipated. A thapkoffering will be taken. The Navy League mecting at Crown Hill on Sert. 15, arranged by the Women's Io- stitute, was very much enjoyed by those present. Hon, E. C. Drury acted us chair- man. In bis remarks he emphasized the great work that was being sccomplished by the Navy League of Canada, it being an organization neccesary for the promo- tion of the mar'time development of the Dominion of Canada. The Ontario Gov- ernment had been quite libemil in their sup- port, giving a grant to assist in the edu- cational work the League is doing by lec- tures throughout the rural districts, Can- ads is a country of vast resources and the markets of the world are open to Cana- diane. It is good business, therefore, to support the Navy League of Canada, The opportunity in before us--will Canada grasp itY The prosperity of every sountry waita en transportation and the call from every soland of the ness is for 'ships'. The Can- adin flag must become the talisman of a world commerce. We went Canadian lines established! and maintained if the far- mer and laborer in to benefit, ux well ax the commercial business man Lieut.-Col. Cecil Williams, Director of Organization of the League. gave an inter esting and inrtructive address on the life ot the sailor. illustrating it by personal exner- | ienece, and the great work the League ia doing to improve the condition under which the sailor must live, Thin great work in casential if we are to expect our ea Rreat natural advantages Canada possraser| to assist in the upbuilding of a great mari- time country do her wonderful chain of lakes and fi The Navy League is Promoting this reve 't. Foreign trade is essential to domestic prosperity. or else | we will have stagnation at hom routes must he opened, and Cana ines must he rstubliched and mai Canada produc a surplus of necessities, and with al he markets of the Bre open to Canadians. Commercial at- Premacy means tye ability to carry where and when required. to «ell without inter- ference. and demands the freedom of the seas. Canada is now the eighth maritime | power; seventy years ago she was third and her ships were then manned ent'rely by Canadians, Through lack of interest of Canadians in their maritime affairs, these ships today are neither officered nor ma ned hy ns, To ayercome this Boys' Naval Brigades hase been formed in many towne and cities ¢ 1 "sex con, sciousness' ifthe young men of our Dom. | inion, and some 2000 boys in Ontario are now being trained in the art of handling smull craft, swimming. life-saving, knot ting, and various other useful arts, At the close of the meeting the Women's Institute served delicious refreshments. CLOWES (Too late for last week) Sept. 0 No. 15 school opens on Tucslay, the 7th, with Miss McKenzie of Oritba ns teacher Mr. and Mrx. P. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson unl daughter of St. Catharines spent he holiday at the home of J. N Willing Dro J.T. 'und Mrs. Thomas. and_ little digughter spent-a few days with relatives here. The threshing machine has started oper: atinns in ths vieinity. Sept. 20--Mrs. Patterson of Walkerville, formerly of Shanty Bay, called on. frienda here last week Roy Slick attended the Great Northern Exhibition in Collingwood. Isabel MeCuaig and her father are visiting friends in Vespra. "Mr. and Mrs, Morley Beath were among those who attended the Exhibition in Tor onto, travelling by motor. Mies Lulu Partridge, who has been, in poor health for some time, is eufficiently Tecavered to be able to be out agai Mras Currie has returned from a visit in London accompanied by her daughter, Mise Edith, who is a pupil nurse in the Victoria Hospital. London. Perey Robbins attended the funeral of his brother, who died suddenly st his home in Vespra. UTOPIA Sept. 21--The Harvest Home Thanke giving services held in St. George's Church Inst Sunday were a decided success. Rev. Mr. Soanes of Aurora gave very interest: ing and instructive addresses. The offering wan a very liberal one. Congratulations to our school and teach- Williams, on being successful in capturing first prise at Barrie Fair for best drill and marching. Miss James of Omemee spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Beckerton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hood of Alliston and Minn Annie Jack of Nantyr spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miller. F. and H. McCann spent Thureday with Orillia friends. H. Harris of Alliston renewed acquain- tance here recently. Miss Bella Miller of Barrie spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Allan Miller, 8. Marsh and Mrs, Robert Ross and son Donald are visiting friends here. Chat Miller is visiting friends in Ham- ton. Miss Mary Smith @f Thornton visited friends here last week. Allan McLean is another who has pur- chased 8 Ford touring car. Mr. and Mrs, Fred McFarlane of Jack's Lake spent a few days with Mr. Wynes recently. Mr. Newman and family have gone to reside in Barrie. John Patterson has returned after tak- ing a trip to the Pacific Coast. Collingwootl's public seavenger, who was j00 a year, now wants in- "| also took second prize in the purade. STAYNER _ Sept. 20--Mrs, B, Robinson is improv- ing since her recent illness. Quite » number from here attended the Collingwood Fair last week.- Mru. Strong, who bas been visiting her mother, Mrs, M. Jackman, for the last few months, returned to her home in Great Falls, Montana, Inst week. | Miss Eva Juckman left for North Bay last Monday to attend Normal School. Rey. Mr. Domin of Toronto preached in the Mennonite Chureh on Sunday snd Rev. A. B. Winchestar of Toronto preached in | the Baptist Church in the morning and in the Presbyterian Church in the evening, both speaking in the interests of the Do minion Alliance, { Mr. Laties and daughters of Port Elgin and Mr. and Mrs, Culp were visitorn at | Robt. Sider's over Sunday. Rev, J. Sider and daugh'er ond Alex. | Pridham are attending the Mennonite eon-| ference which ix being held in Vineland. Mr. and Mrs, Campbell attended the fun: | eral of the former's mother, who died | suddenly in Chesley last week. | Minn Louiss Raymer spent a few days) in Kitchencr last week. | Levi Troyer returned home from Tor onto on Wednesday, where he had apent 8 week, also goimg to Whitevale for a fow | daya to visit his son and daughter. HAWKESTONE ; 4 Mra, Wm. Leigh purpose visit ing their daughter at' Edmonton. fim Myra Reid had a hurried visit 10 | her home on Sunday. Our tencher, Mids Collins, visited Coll ingwood last week to see her narents, -- | Mrs. E. Stone has been making a visit to her non here. Mrs, Mcteulf ix at present in Orillia, via- iting her brother. A busy duy last Thursday, whon the Barrie District held ita financial meeting at Hawkestone. Some sixty delegates were present from various parte of the district. Bnlendid adcressea were given by some of thore present; also the reports from the churches of the district. The Ladies' Aid furnished the meals for the jay. which were greatly enjoyed by all present. All fully enjoyed the day. Arthur Stone is home this week from oronio. ~ MINESING STATION Sept. 21--Miss A. Caldwell of Barrie is visiting et Thos. Elliott's, The school children ull attended the school fair at Midhurst on Sept. 15. and carried off quite x number of prizes, They Mr. Mr, H. Eiliott of Midland is visiting friends here. A corn roast took place at W. Cook's on Friday evening, A fine time was spent| yall who attended | A. Tracey and family of Collingwood ; called on frieuds hore last Sunday. | DEVLIN & MURCHISON ee ee eran ree ee McCALL'S MAGAZINE | McCall's Fall Quarterly McCALL'S PATTERNS 15c, 25¢ and 30c order in early. est lot of average man may desire. Phone 247J ee er cen / er encmncmm cama DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT NOW OPEN MISS SHANNAHAN IN CHARGE MEN'S READY-TO-WEAR SUITS AND OVERCOATS The New Fall Suits and Overcoats are all in stock now. . ~ Amongst them will be found the snappiest of styles and cloths--We have almost any style or cloth that the Young Men's Tweed Suits made in a 2 or 3-button sack, ' or 2-button double breasted style with form-fitting ~\y back. Some have slash pockets, cuffs on trousers. PHICES 6 6a si ecvre are $25.00, $28.00 and $30.00 each Young Men's Form-Fitting Suits with high waist-line, slash pockets, and vest buttons up high at neck; trous- ° ers have belt straps, 5 pockets and cuffs. Made from good quality worsteds. Specially priced'at........ if eee SeST BS se ceeeeeeeeees $29.75 and $34.75 Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits in 3 different qualities and styles. We do not sell anything in navy blue serges but those made from all wool. Priced ac- cording to quality...... $28.00, $38.00 and $50.00 Men's Overcoats--In the new Overcoats this season will be found some of the snappiest styles ever shown. We have the Trencher style with the convertible collar and all-around belt, some have patch pocket: some slash pockets. Then we have the coat with high waist-line and square pockets, and last of all is a form- fitting coat with storm collar and square pockets. All are medium length coats and made from good ma- terials. Prices .......:--eceee Men's Ulsters with storm collar and half belt on back. Made from good heavy serviceable tweeds. Sizes 36 to 44. Priced at............ $15. $18, $25, $35 MEN'S OVERALLS--We sell the celebrated Leather Label Overall, and it can't be beaten for wear. nd $30.00 to $45.00 SPECIAL-- A shipment of ladies' plain black Cashmere Hose in "Penman's Sec- onds" just veceived. These are just as good as firsts in many cases and are all wool and if firsts would be sold at $1.75 pair. Because they are seconds we sell them at half price: «a. sie gisisa7a si Sisis aierais 0% Sia aieieieiee He R ees Ue He Kao toes. OSCpale Devlin & Murchison FRY'S. « THE BEST FOOD AT THE LOWEST COST BUGGY RUBBER TIRES H. H. BURNS, late of Barrie Carriage Co., has taken over the rubber-tire department and can be depended upon to give prompt and satisfactory service in putting on or repairing rubber tires. Wheels also repaired. Shop--194 Blake St. (near East Ward School) - - = + P.O. Box 543 Magazine, 25¢ MISS BRENNAN, FORELADY This department is getting busier every day and we would advise getting your \We have now on hand in the Dress Goods Department the smart- 1itings, Dress Goods and Silks that we have ever shown.

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