Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1920, p. 2

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Has Made to Lighten Work in the Business' World ? Just up and ask him, low about getting my washing done by electricity?" And if he's con- sistent, he will see to it that your household duties arp lightened as much as possible. An Electric washer will save you endless effort and cut down the-hours of bondage in the damp, steam-ladén atmosphere of a crude, out-of-date wash day. e Blue Bird ~ Is a marvel of efficiency. It will wash anything from the heaviest blankets to the daintiest and most delicate wearing apparel. Space does not permit of our beginning to tell you of the great merits of the Blue Bird. We want you to see for yourself, Come to our store and learn all about this wash- er from a demonstration. | We can put one in your home right away. PRICE $200. | Otton Hardware . . LIMITED | THE FIVE POINTS HARDWARE BEEF Choice Porterhouse Roast 2... .. 35¢ Finest Smoked Ham, Choice Rib Roast 30 half or whole ham at tice Rump Roast , 28 soot. « Bc bb, Shoice Shoulder Steak mn A ' ape sh sae ieee Finest Pickled Ham, $ Good Chuck: Ros 25 half or whole ham at Choice Rib Boil ... 20 Choice Bri .. 15e Choice Stewing Beef 20 STEAKS , Choice Sirloin Steak 37c Choice Porterhouse Steak READMAN'S - Phones 18 and 473. \ Does 'Your Husband 'Boast | !luevare of the Wonderful Strides Electricity Electric Washer Co. READMAN'S CASHand CARRY MEAT MARKET These Are Money-Saving Prices . To Help Lower Living Costs PAY CASH ~Week-End Specials YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY seeeeees 500 Ib. Swift's Finest Shorten- ing, 3-lb. pails at 85¢ Snowflake Shortening, 3-Ib. pails at ...85¢ sees cece ce es 38 | Swift's Silver Leaf Choice T-Bone Steak 38 Lard, 1-Ib. pkg. at .. Choice Round Steak 32e reteset serene 306 Choice Hamburger Steak dona 6% aia ae aye QVC TRY OUR DELICIOUS BREAKFAST SAUSAGE "You'll like them, and at the price they are "most economical ...........+... Only 8 YOU CAN'T FIND LOWER PRICES OR BETTER VALUE ANYWHERE Elizabeth St.--Just West of Dreamland THE BARRIE EXAMINER ~ Ed WEDDINGS, PURCHASE--PEACOCK On the afternoon' of September 15, at 2.80 o'clock the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Peacock was the scene of a pretty wedding when their fourth daughter, Laura Marjorie, became the bride of George Ed- wurd, Purchase, youngest son of H. Pur- chase of Egbert. The bride, who was giv- en away by her father, wore a dress of | white silk crepe-de-chene and bridal veil; | \ arranged with orange blossoms. Miss Bes- 'ie Hunter of Holly, cousin of the groom, played the wedding' march, and Rev. H. Brown of Toronto, uncle of the groom, officiated. Miss Dorothy Peacock was her sister's bridesmaid, while the groom was ported by Mr. B. G. Roberteon of Bar- rie. After the ceremony about forty-five § down to a delightful dinner. shower of confetti and the good wishen of their many friends, Mr. and Mrs. Purchase motored to Barrie to en- train for Hamilton, Niagara Falls nod To- tonto, the bride travelling in navy blue tailored suit and festher hat to match. On-gheir return they will reside in Egbert. The young couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful giftr, showing | the esteem in which they are held, first attract the eye h WAY--KEANEY St. Patrick's church, Phelpston, was the woene of a pretiy wedding on Wednesday morning, Septembér "8, when Miss Annie, (eldest daughter of Mr. and Mra, Patrick Kenney, became the bride of Mr. Angus Way of Tamworth, Ont, .Rev. Father Gearin tied the nuptial knot. The bride wes becomingly gowned in white Duchess satin with large white hat | and carried bouquet of pink roses. Mine Adelaide Keaney, sinter of the bride, wax bridesmaid, wearing pink crepe charmeuse, black picture het and carrying a bouquet of |xweet peas. " }_ The groom was supported by his cousin, \Mr, Wm. Smith. of Tamworth. | After the ceremony the wedding party partook of a sumptuous repast at the home of the bride's purenta. | Mr. and Mrs. Way left'on a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falla and Rochester, the bride travelling in navy blue suit with |hat to match. Many beautiful and costly gifte were - received by the bride. The groom's favors were: To the bride, a gold necklace; to the bridesmaid, a signet ring, and to the | groomsinan, « tie pin They will reside at Tamworth, Ont. Further, when you a Tag Day for the Children's Aid Society netted $306 at Collingwood Fair, The 1. 0. DE. bad charge af the collections. PRY IN WOMEN STROUD WOMEN'S INSTITUTE | Ax it ins very busy season. the attend | ance ut the September mocting held at Mrs. Geo, Hewxoi's wax not we large as usual, Tlowever, the meeting was one of interest An diem by Rev. RJ. W. Perry on, Ness on "Woman Suf [frnge™ were in ting and beneficial. | |Coumuttees were appointed to arrange for a booth and lyneb-tuble at the school fair | on Sept. 30, The October meeting will | be held at Mrx. Wilkon Black's, when Mra, Win. Young and Mra, G. Harpet will give papers on "Housckeepi 0 years ago) and at the present time." All old Indies | ure eapecially invited to attend, and the! members are naked to bring some old re- Date, Oct. 14 paper by Mra, Fr lick. if pomnible. BARRIE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE At the September meeting of the Barrie | branch of the Women's Institute, Mra. Drury was elected president, Mra, Cameron, vice-president, Mrs, 8. W, Moore aceretary PAY LESS Drury. gave an interesting report of an | addres in the interests of the Navy League given by Col. Cecil Williams at Crown Hill. Mfrs, Averill of the Children's Shel ter told of the 'need of clothing that could LAMB Choice Shoulder Roast Lamb...... .. 30e Full Shoulders at ... 28 Leg of Lamb .. .. 38¢ Loin of Lamb .. .. 35¢ Stewing Lamb .. .. 25¢ CHOPS Choice Pork Chops . 38¢ Choice Veal Chops . 35¢ Choice Lamb Chops,. 1st «quality... ...... 40 Choice Lamb Chops, 2nd quality... .. 1... 35¢ VEAL Choice Roast of Veal 35¢ Choice Leg of Veal. .33c Fore-quarter Roast of Veal... .. .. 2. 28¢ Stewing Veal, 15c to 25¢ Sutherland spoke of the lack of a reat room for women in Barrie, CHURCHILL WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The September meeting will be held on} the Inst Wednesday at the home of Mrs. R. W. Sloan. As it is the beginning of | the new seston, an interesting afternoon is anticipated und good crowd baped for. DAUGHTERS oF THE EMPIRE Miss C. Welland Merritt ia coming to Barrie to give an address on the work of | the Imperial Order Daughters of the Em- | pire, Miss Merritt was the Honorary Or-| Ranizing Secretiiry and formed the Chap. tere throughout the Western provinces and | in Lower Canada as well ax the National | Chapter in Newfoundiand and helped to! Iny the foundation of the Imperial Chapter | in London, England. Miss Merritt's ad: res ix full of interest and instruction and it is hoped u large audience worhy of Barrie's good war report wil) attend. The meeting will be held in the auditorium of | the Public Library on Monday afternoon, Sept. 27. at 4.15/ A FAMILY RE-UNION | A happy man today ie Inspector George . Hegart. His happiness is caused by the visit of his brothers and sisters, name: | ly: Mr. and Mrs. B. J, McCullough of Portage La Prairie, Man.. who have not teen him for 27 years; Mrs. Barbara Cam eron anid daughter, Mrs, Fred Edlind, both | of Marquette, Mich. (Mrs. Cameron has not een her brother for 44 years and Mrx. Ed- Jind anw her uncle for the firat time); his elder sister, Mra, Alfred Link of Oro, and his brother. J, R. Hagart of Toronto, 'There | are the surviving members of the Hagart family of twelve. An enjoyable time was passed looking at the old landmarks, etc, Ax n matter of fact, they hardly knew the old home- tend, 8 80 changes hal taken place. During their stay here their time will be partly spent in visiting their friends and many scanaintances, Mr, McCullough, who is Past Grand Master, Grand Representa. tive to the Sovereign Grand Lodee. I. 0. \0. F., which meets in Boston, is paying a visit to his mother lodge, Lindsay. where |he was initiated 88 years ago. He will also pay a visit to other lodges during hia 30¢ lb. CASH-AND-CARRY ' MEAT MARKET | SFRPLPLE RFLP ARG LENG Ne ee neg | LOLKGLEKG LO KONKEREREnE Leen "Woman's Work und Influence" and ut and Mra. J.-L, Gurvin' treasurer, Mrs. | be remade for the children, and Mrs. | ' i ursday, September 23, 1920 Transition If you have no acquaintance with the GREENE PIANO, you haue but to see it, hear it to know it and loveit. The graceful lines of the case on the Greene Piano earing its clear liquid tone satisfies the ear ---You then feel that you know the piano you want, because you have fallen in love with it. re told its moderate price, and find you can buy it on very easy terms of payment, that settles it. Won't you call at our Store and get acquainted ? The J. M. Greene Music Co. Limited "The Home of Good Music" , m4 THE LITTLE FOLK We are now showing our Fall Baby Coats and Bonnets; also Children's Plush Hats and Tams, We have a complete line of Sweater Wool in all the desired shades, MRS. MATHIESON BEREAVED | Almonte Gazette--There pussed into rest | on Sunday morning (Sept, 12) at the bone of her daughter, Sr. 'Wm. C. Tosh Pakenham, Mrs. George A. Lack, for-| ly Miss Elizabeth Pattie, daughter of | lute David and Mury Pattie, Deceased | wus born in Carleton Place 74 yeurs ago, and was twice murtied, her first husband being Wm. Jackson, and the latter George A. Duck, who predecease| her a number. years, Tho late Me. Mack, who lived | here for 29 years, war well liked by ull who knew her, She was charituble and kind hearted, and was a staunch Presby. terina. For the lust three years, since she had Jef Pakenham, she had 'made. her home with her children, having come {rom her daughter's home in Barrie to visit her dauehter here, She became ill, bad never tallied. und hud been confined to her bed for eight weeks 'when she Passed away. She in wurvived hy three. daughters oi _numly, Mra. J. L. Mathieson of Cowie & Co. CLAPPERTON ST. B. B.C, NOTES Mr. Sanderson from Caledon East called ut the college one day lost week, Mr. UNLESS you give attention and care |] to your eyes when glumes are need: iss || ed, nervousness, hendaches and a Lent ones a with him to fill ms "| run-down condition will be the re- Misa Olga Glennie, hus uceepted a pos. || *ult- ition in Mr. Grafton's office, | A number of the students attended Oro Fair last week, | H. Brown enjoyed a short visit in the! country this week. Miss F. McKechme motored to Toronto one day last week, Mise Ada Vallentyne was entertaining | Manitoulin friends last week, Mr. Ruthven, ulso Mr. Mitchell, ex: | wtudents, were again renewing old scquaint: | ance in town during the week, Miss Opel Gilroy spent a few days visit ing Stayner frienda lust week. | Misses Ethel and Fairy McKechnie at tended the Collingwood Fair. Miss Elsie Gregg wax suddenly calles home, owing to the deuth of her grand. fother Mist Irene McVeigh is at college again after enjoying = week's holidays out of town, M.C., con of Mrs, Mary Carmichuel, Mise' Nora Nixon has taken s temporary | ceremony was enedheny ty the Rev, Robt position with the Burrie Gas Company. | ert Fowlie in the presence of the immediete relatives. Mr. and Mra, Carmichael. left CARMICHAEL--DEVEREAUX --_|to apend u fortnight at Algonquia Park. The account of a wedding which will be of interest to many people of this trict. appeared in the Globe on Saturday, September 11th:-- A quiet wedding took Corson ix taking one of the graduates, Neglecting your eyes is a serious mistuke and can only be remedied by correct. glasses, 'An examination will show the' ghus es you need to restore normal vision ax well as to protect your eyes fron future troubles, CONSULT US O. R. RUSK OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN Phone 143 99 Dunlop St., Barrie Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College, Toronto, An important meeting of reeves und clerks of Muskoka municipalities was held in Bracebridge last week. Matters per- Mrs. Grace Devereaux. Collingwood, when | navigation compa . Organization of the her daughter, Besse, was married to Lt.-| unorganized townshipa, "ste wore "init Col. Hon, Dougall Carmichael. D,8.0..| discussion. Geerpenunemeseeiemenemmeenmemneeee (eeenecevecvoverooreneerreenrnnsennnoooooooosrorosoosorecotcoocececen YOUR WATCH REPAIRED Bofore taking your watch or clock repairs elsewhere let me see them. | have had thirty-five years? experience in the trade and own one of the best equipments of accurate and up-to-date tools in Ontario. My work is guaranteed fully for one year and no Jobs are kept over one week. A trial solicited. Note Address: A. E. TRAVERS-BAILY Late Principal of the Ontario Horological School. 101 DUNLOP ST., BARRIE--OPPOSITE THE BARRIE INN travels, place on September 8th at the homme of |taining to road-making. rates chusged'ty CY abi i "to ba heate Weh impos under bidder other railwi vacati throu to be requir Th oe MOVIN¢ The passibili ING PICTU iginality ure system, Ou; ing thie prof TORONTO, | MOTOR % ¢-- Is Is Cy % Lo

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