| | 4] i | " Page Sixteen | Suformal Opening of Nem Bream- land Cheatre Next Week | Friday-Saturday at Old Theatre Viola Dana --IN-- "Please Get Married" Sanders is spending his bolidays in Montreal. "Mm. Morrison, 8r., is visiting her son, J. E, Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cullen started on Mon- day for a trip to Calgary, Rev. A. E, Owen is attending » confer- 'ence at Victoria Collage this week. Mrs. Geo. Willmot of Orillis is visiting with ber daughter, Mrs. F, Martin. Mre. C. Wilson and family are visiting the former's mother in Listowel for a week or 80. 'The Grand Master of the Roysl Black Knights will speak in the Orange Hall. Friday night. Mr, and Mrs. R. J. C. Nichols spent the week-end with relatives in Victoria Harbor and Midland. on Sunday night after spending their hon- eymoon in Detroit, Mich, --The Allandale Presbyterian Christian Endeavor will give a social evening next Monday night in the basement of the Church. Good programme, silver collec- tion. All welcome. 396 W. D, Little and wife have gone to spend their holidays with his sister, Mrs, (Rev.) yn, Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. ing at their house in their absence. For months the room at the Y. M. C. A. has been inadequate for those desiring to use ita accommodation and it has been decided to make @ considerable sddition to the building. Ruling operations will be commenced as foon as the plans are ready. Mrs. Gilchrist. Wins Case The first case beard at the Assizes this Gilchrist against the Merchants Casual:y Co. of Toronto to recover $1000, being the amount of a policy on the life of her husband, who was killed at Scotia Jet |The company wantéd to pay off the claim with $100 and claimed that deceased had changed his occupation to one more has jardous than 'hat stated in the application |for insurance, This, however, they failed Tto establish and the jury awarded Mre. 'Gilchrist $1000 and costs. | ees HISTORIC 35TH REORGANIZED At the adjourned re-organization meet- Jing of the 36th Simcoe Foresters Militia Regiment, held in the Barrie Club rooms last Friday afternoon, Lieut..Col. Hon. Dougal Carmichuel, D.S.0., M.Ca was chosen ws Commanding Oicer. There was of the former officers being present A meeting, was held uw week previous | when Maj..Gep. Victor Williams, Ox, Mil |itary Distrief No. 2. "with his staff, Was present, und adjournment made for a week Lieut.Col. D. H, MacLaren having re- tired some time ago, Col. Carmichael was chosen, And be will proceed at once with the re-organization of the historic 35th which furnished so many men for the war 'from the first contingent down to the or- jganigation of the tio Simeoe County battalions. The new Commanding Officer, Lt.-Col. Carmichael, served with distinction through out the war, winning the 0.8.0, and Mil- itary Cross, He served aw 4 lieutenant in the old Simcoe Foresters, At the last On- tario elections he waa elected off the U. F.0.-Labor ticket for Centre Grey/ and was given the Hydro portfolio, =~ ORO FAIR "In all the years of the Society's his- tory we have never picked a better day for our fair," said Secretary Tudhope of the World's Fair, Oro, last Friday. This annual gathering, which includes not only 8 great proportion of the farming popula- tido of the Township, but also scores of representative*~from Barrie and Orillis, has become uch @ recognized event that it draws the people like » magnet. Last Friday's exhibition - was the 68th annual World's Fair. Hon. E. C. Drury opened the Fair in the morning, but had to go to Toronto on the noon train. The Fair was well up to the avefage, with about the sanie_number of ' Some of the classes, notably hommes, osttle and sheep, might 'have been better filled. A fine new building housed the horses. 'The list of prize-winners will be given next week, PRIZE-WINNING BREAD Mrs, Campbell of Oro, who took first prise for her bread; both at Oro and Bar- ie Fairs, used Fisher's Star Flour. When 'you want prize-winning results use 'Fisher's Flour. . neato THEM It-some of your friends have been think- ing of joining 'Phe Examiner's big family of readers, remind them thet the $1.60 rate does not bold good after Oct. Jt. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spearn returned | | week was a suit brought by Mrs. Benj. | & most representutive gathering, about 30 Thursda , September 23, 1920 y 3a saan ---------------- The Millinery Secto Grand Display of New Fall Hats The styles are refreshingly new and in hats for all occasions with lovely com- binations of colors. An extra effort on the part of Misses Lawlor and Marshall presents to you an exceptional showing. Each hat is the product of our wor- room by our own Millinery Artists with Miss Brown (late of Mioray Key) as supervisor, distinction, individuality and becomingness are features that will help' to serve you best. Come in the morning if you can. ABOUT HOSIERY PRICES LOVELY SWEATER COATS FOR FALL Made of the finest grade imported y arns in various styles, including the New Tuxedo Coat styles, rare co mbinations and extra good qualit- ies, while the assortment is large there are not more than two of a OUR NEW OVERCOATS AND | SUITS are in and you are assured of satisfying values' in anything you buy. --SEE BOB MALCOMSON Although the market prices for the various issues of Victory Bonds have dropped down to 98, 97 and even 93, we take all denominations in payment for goods, at par. If you have a $50.00 or $100.00 bond to sell, trade. it at this store and avoid taking a loss. ; This offer applies to all Cash Sales 5) Only a Headquarters for Victor. Victrolas fine 1x1 Rib Cashmere Hose, all pure wool, best British make, Raitt cas os « & wers Special Offering in Silk Hose-- Black, Gunmetal, Pearl, Grey, Brown, Tan, Navy, Buck, Beav- er and White, spun silk hose in Holeproof and Black Cat makes, sizes 8% to 10%. $2.25, $2.50 and $2.70. ! ] | To date there is absolutely no. sign of a fall in the marketof Cashmere ¢ and Woolen Hosiery, the tndency color. Prices $8.50 up to $13.50 is in the opposite direction, as OW- | en cy ing to the scarcity of all finer grad- es of wool, combined with the in- HANDSOME WwooL PULLOVERS : creased cost iof production, indica- A large and varied assortment of Handsome Wool Pullovers has just tions point to still higher prices be- come to hand, they comprise all the newest shades as American fore the turning point is reached. Beauty, Mist, Khaki, Turquoise, Delph, Melon, etc., etc., in the pretti- Our prices are the same as last year est of combinations imaginable and priced to sell $4.25, up to $8.50 and gradesthe same reliable makes. The most popular and useful garment today-- SEE THEM EARLY, We advise you to stock up on Hos- je se ren ae iery and buy them early. LINEN TOWELLING 40c ME A Good Stocking for School Wear. Up to and including Saturday N This is special: is 2x1 rib in evening we offer our heavy pure Union Cashmere Hose, heavy Linen Hand Towelling that comes FOR TRUE ECONOMY weight, foot is seamless, a good in six ways, stripes and plains, 16 Better spend a dollar wisely than wearing line for school, sizes 7, and 17 inches wide, and sells regu- i a quarter foolishly--there's an' old 7% and 8 only. Just 98 pairs to larly at 50c per yard. ....... 40c } maxim and a sound one. In buy- Sell At. sx neuswaw ae ae 75c Pair ------ ing clothes, pay enough to get a Boys' Hose at 50c. Only 514 doz. AKEN good Suit that will look well and left of a Fine 1x1 Rib Cotton VICTORY BONDS T. wear long. To pay LESS than that Hose with rib to toe, plain soles AT PAR or MORE than that is waste. pp Regular This week only, pair........ $1.99 NO FEDERAL TAX and Records oes = 2A Sat: A SALE OF MEN'S FINE SHIRTS t} 25 dozen Men's Fine Cambric Shirts, soft front and cuffs, all W. G. & R. makes, narrow and fancy stripes, sizes 14 to 17. Regular $2.75 and $3. Special $2.50 MEN'S HEAVY SOCKS, 45c. Heavy Woollen Socks, wide rib, plain foot, light and dark grey. Our regular 65c line. Special .. arecenate a 45c, 3 pairs for $1.25 BUY UNDERWEAR NO W.-- Heavy elastic rib winter weight Shirts and Drawers, cut full and free, all stamped unshrinkable, sizes 34 to 42. Our regular $2.50 line. Special, each ..... $1.90 arene rerencencennencennanvemoamiane KER few™ays at his home, -- ee CONSULTING ENGINEERS THE E. A. JAMES LIMITED £m a Ye! Manager 36: TORONTO ST., TORONTO, CAN. ta, Wa Sewer- The New Fall Coats are All In and the values and style correctness com- mend themselves to all thoughtful buyers, the showing | include Berberry Tweeds, Silvertones,Velours and Jersey Cloths; Browns, Blues and Greens are favorite colorings |, - - Only one of each style is 'shown and each exclusive to this store's selling, all have fancy linings. Prices range from $23.00 to $56.00 COME AND SEE THEIN EARLY | and good wearing, sizes 9 and 9'4 only. Regular 69c, to clear out balance at, pair ....... 50c Women's Cashmere Hose. A very "GEO. VIC GUTHRIE 21--Mr. and Mrs, J, Bartholomew week the best ever held in Barrie i : __ | Rev. R. H, Somerville took cbarge' of ' Sept. 28.--Miai Gertrude Henry, 'Miss|Rey. A. B. Irwin's work in Bracebridge! of Thornton spent » few days last Test Sabbath, +/+ Jat their respective homes Mre, McLaughlin and children of British}. Bert Metcalfe Columbin are visiting here for a few weeks] sister, Mrs. A. G. jur int the |with' friends, by 4 J.A. Patter: |eampsign, conducted ros emt