Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1920, p. 11

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field ber 23, 1920 Thursday, Se; "The Bank of this erie Ss. Capital $5,000,000 'That the Canadian railways are inerens- ing their curnings over last yeur is shown by the statements recently made. The Grund Trunk Railway gross truffie earn- ings for the secon week of August totalled $2,443,144, as sgainst $1,966.718 in the same week of 1919, an increwe of $476,- 'The gross carnings of the Ganadian al for the week ending Aug 14 were 19 compared with $1,926,349 in lar week & yee, From' J 350,057,327 und in the corres- jonding period a year ago $59,135,492, creas of $5,901 335. good showing will Jaen up. A large num! sisted For The F. CF The Bank of Toronto places farm production and crop finan- cing among the first calls upon its resources, bank are =). We understand r of the branches itcated in rural sections and in villages and towns which are supported by the farm- ing community. 0 }-the farmer's requirements and are prepared to assist him. When your crop is sold this Fall, deposit the proceeds with us and cheque against it. paid out of the pocket is hard to account for--a cheque is a receipt. BANK*TORONTO Money = FACTS AND FANCIES Eels spawn only ip the deep sea. * Wading birds never swim. The title of baron was formerly the ouly cestry. The cow backed by several gen. one ipythe English peerage. @ castor oil plant, a shrub in America, | lisbl becames a tree in India, Napoleon wore un emerald ring .aken is s producer. from the tomb of Churlemagne. The wood of the elm tree is eapecially | find durable in water. Vaud Diamonds are inflammuble, Rowing races have been held at Oxford fur more thun 100 yeara After yeurs of experiment Hawait is pro: lucing high grade tobacco, Cotton is the only fiber manufactured on parently «prung from. int 4 preater scale than jute, Stanford university bss the wortd'y larz- ext collection of fossil fishes. lle in the eighteenth century con. | with strong snecstors. of popular songe, Lake Van, the largest lake in Asiatic is also felt. Turkey, had'no outlet. pards ere virtually the only large tropical animals found in' Zululand. Neurly pinestenths of Yellowstone park the value of the cow for what milk is under forest, 7 'The bark of 9 dogwood tree is some. will buve upon the future of the herd A times used a8 a tonic, cite geranium w native of the Cape of slowly her value ax» mill produerr. but 300d Hope. - THE BARRI it proves bout an animal, either favorably or oth- erwise. We frequently hear comments of some quch nature us "I donot care about the papers, it is the cow I wan:.". Speak- ing broadly, that may be good business for a butcher, but the real stock breeder is paying more attention to pedigree than et before and we often hear him say |"that itis s beautiful individual, but I \do not like her breeding. |to a pedigree is the one who knows the | most about ite true value, The pedigree student may learn of a cow that bas had | brilliant show-ring career. She may be particulurly plessing to the eye in type. form and conformation, He studies her pedigree hd finds that she has sprung |from ancestors that were of little value and immediately decides to let her alone, |regarding ber as a grcak. On the other |hand he may find » cow that is not a parr ticulerly fine individual in type, but b> studies her pedigree and finds tha: she hay {for ancestors some of the very beat ani | mals of the breed. He decides to buy tha cow, doing so on what he knows about her |ancestors. He has made use of the pedi- gree to select a cow but he has not, a: to many are inclined to state, paid s big figure for papers. ° Pedigree does not make vulue, it decides ~ value by establishing the history of an- erations of good producers is much more le to be the dam of producers than the cow whose dam only, of all ancestors, This does not. of course. alwaye hold true, Just ax we frequently good individual with a poor line of ancestors, a0 do we find poor individuals Like, ns a general tule, produces like, but the law of variation The' pedigree student studies these laws and draws his conclusion, When a cow is purchased for a breeding herd two things are kept in mind; firet, she will produce, and.-necondly, the effect she ood judge of dairy cattle can estimate her worth es a herd improver must be de termined chiefly by pedigree Individual merit. very important and 'should not be overlooked it must not be the main deciding poi tory show. ua some excellent individuals luer have become wonderful foundation cows, Such snimalx are velunble if pro perly developed, but the owner must have ak'll and patience to handle a problem of An, Ttaliim at New York is charged with this kind, as often after a few generations stealing 100 dolls from a shop where he there mai was employed. He explained he intended | ancestral type. soon to return to his native land and wished to take home presents for all his perfection with the exception that possibly nieces. be a reversion back to the old Some herds have been built almost to a xingle defect may be noticed through the pedigree of some sort Only the | 'The man who attaches the most value IE He elects an animal not only strong itself where the defect is shown in the herd, but the breed: jer finds that the animal is from families | perfect in this respect. This sire is more cer- tain to correct the fault than an animal which is strong individually but part or all of his ancestors are weak. ~ This is where the real value of a pedigree fs recognized. It is not so important to know simply thet an 'animal is pure-bred it is to know that the in in the herd is of the very best. W. M. Hicks, Superintendent, Agassiz, B,C. ELECTRIC-TREATED SEED | The Agricultural Gazette contains a re-| port by Professor 8. C. Lee of the de- partment of physics and mathematics ut | the Manitoba Agricultural College, on the result of experiments with electrically-trea ed recd. Last year the department con clucted laboratory investigations, making about 150 involving modifications of voltage, amperage, temperature, direct and | alternating currents, different chemicals, different strength of solutions, etc. From these tests the most hopeful resulta ob- tained were singled out, snd an endeavor made to confirm the laboratory tests made | by field terta, Two plots were seeded side , by side with Marquis wheat, both plots having received the same pre-cultivation. During the period of growth, it is stated. no difference was apparent from casuul ob- servations, but toward the maturing stage the electric-treated plot showed a slightly tanker growth of straw. and ripened more (lowly. Both plots auffered somewhat from | | rust, Cutting and threshing of the crop from ithe two plots was carried out under the exmé conditions, und the electric-treated |sred showed a 'yield of cighteen bushels 'of grain to the scre. with 4.800 pounds of wraw; the seed which not been lelectrically treated gave yield of 14% bushels of grain per acre, und 4,266 pounds of straw Fd there teste Profemor 1 T any definite conclusion can be . but he srgues that "the fret that the results were in accordance with the lab- orarory texte gives auificient encourngemer to justify further research alone thie line '« ven it in the intention to try out in triplicate a number of field teats of seed treated similarly to thet of lust xenson. and also xome others which give prom of eood reeults with entirely different tryatment arrived at from more recent Iah- does not * Voratory experiments, \ First Train Hamilton to Allandale, 1877 A correspondent usks on what date the first parsenger train ran over the H. & N. W. Railway (row the Grand Trunk) from Hamilton to Allandale. 'The first train was operated between the points named on Dec. 31. 1877. Consult Hunter's 'History of the County of Simcoe" for additional in- formation regarding the early history of | the railways in this county Es Treasurer's Sale of Lands! In Arrears for Taxes COUNTY OF SIMCOE The Anaual Sale of Lands in Arrears for County of Simeve will be held in the COURT HOUSE. | | BARRIE, on Taxes in the Monday, November 1st,,1920 - ot72 p.m. The Sale has been advertised in Gazette, Saturday, July Bist, Saturday, Aug. 7th, Saturday," Aug. 14th, Saturday, Aug. 21st. A copy of the Ontario 'the list has been posted up in the Court House and copies may be bad at the County Treasurer's Office in the Court House, i 'The following are extracts from the List:-- TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Lot Con Ac. Arrears Costa Total Part a described in Reg. deed No. 8540, part ..28 3 8 $27.11 Park lot 9, plan 20, pt .. 6 14 11" 6.00 TOWNSHIP OF ORILLIA * 2 Reg. deed N. Hamewood Plan 428 . 5 N. Homewood Plan 428 .22 14.76 Plan 508 .. eld 2.55 Plan 563 31 8.70 Pisn 563 69 15.86 Pian 863 89 2.58 Plan 572 29 & 30 53 Plan 585... vs we DOB 53 Village of Washago-- E. Muskoka Plan 174 ..38 17.08 TOWNSHIP OF SUNNIDALE- WOEMSH...... w 9 1.00 1 6 15 200 26.39 8 15 81 12.95 6 16 47 18.27 6 16 588 18.27 7 _ 145 8 ~ 145 we ae a F 68 'TOWNSHIP OF TAY W 1 as. pk. fot "2, pt 111 1 1 3.65 Lot 45 pt pk lot 10, pt 111 1 2 8.75 18 1 2t 3.27 9 8 33.91 Nb 517 -1l % 5.02 Plan 354, lot 14, pt .. 11% 1.76 Part 28 described in Reg. deed No. 7283, pt Whf17 12° 7 3.45 ONTIO, me ee al oe oe " 42.20 Ensterly 21%4 acres 5.08 Pt 8 hf EB bf as described i » deed 4412 ..28 18.37 29,78 18. 39,08 28.69 RA 9.12 2.75 248 4 14 89. 9.70 1/10 91,80 2.1 4a 221 2a $3.94 $31.05 350 9.50 BR £e SSeBsS BBRBBRSEE BE pmwwmunmwe nm Bed &. BESRBeess 8 a 3 FS be s eee 8 & Rss 8 ro & 3 BS xe Sk 8 BB: ed 3 BSSS8 -S8e aa S BBs 3.50. 6.25 8.50 13:20 Plan 545 Plan 545 Plan 545... Plan 545, W hf Plan 545, W hf Plan 545, W bf Plan 545, E hf Plan 545... Plan 545, N hf VILLAGE OF PORT McNICOLL Plan 529 BERREERE BEERE 1.26 (125 BEEREEEEE SRRBEER® tp a Re PREERER ft pss pa pa oe BRSRRRERERRERE Obtain an Interest in a : Successful Business DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED Heap orrice: TORONTO 26 nino st. We are offering at $100 per share 8% Cumulative Preferred Stock (carrying a 25% Common Stock bonus) of a company which is one of the largest manufacturers of confectionery, chocolate products snd ee oe 2 Candcs oe rapi o iness, both in Canada and abroad, is - indicated by the fact that sales © in 1920 were 14 times greater than those in the year 1914. Write for our circular fully describ- ing this investment. BRUCE'S FLOWERING BULBS For Wint Flowering in the House A and Spring Flowering in the Garden Reaulalc colgs and fragrance EASILY GROWN Dos 108 $035 $2.00 250 Hyacinths, Roman, 3 colors . Hyacinths, Dutch, 4 colors Narcissus, Paper White . . . Scilla Siberica, Blue... . . Snowdrops, single, White . . Tulips, single, 4 colors . Tulips, double 4 colors . Tulips, Parrot, mixed . |; 'Tulips, Darwin, mixed. . at gobi ca iret FREE--Send for our 32 page illustrated catalogue of Bulbs, Plants, Seeds and Poultry Supplies, etc, NOW READY, RRRREREBR JOHN A. BRUCE & COMPANY, LIMITED Lot Con. Ac. Arrea: Total | Lot 4.42 10.15 | 442 4.42 4.42 4.3! | 4.42 6.32 | 4.42 6.32 4.42 2.59 = 1.25 6.32 | 4 i 12.55 | 37 2.82) 66 8.69 1.25 . 2.21 3.50 5.71 | : 282) 70 8:15 1.25 eI Lot Totul : 282) 73 3:15 1:28 Total| 66 15.30) d i 282) 74 315 1.25 $14.06} 74 11.10) 214 1.67 1.25 , 2.82) 75 B15 1.26 14.06 79 18.17} 215 187 4.25 | a4 2160 1.25 13.05| 97 15.80) 216 1.87 1.25 90 «© «5.03 «1.28 18.05 | 102 9.85| 217 1.67 1.25 82| 150 3.65 1.25 7.48 | 110 x 5.85! 218 187 1.25 2.82) 151 3.65 1.28 11.30! 116 06 17.31| 210 1.57 1.25 2.82) 191 5.08 1,25 740 | 123 20.05) 2200 1.57) 1.26) 2.82] 215 1.88 1.28 7.40) 124 45 5.70) 221 1.57 1.25 2.82 Plea 555 15.82 | 125 45 5.70) 222 157 1,25 2.82) 32 5.03 1.25 7.48 | 126 Ab 5.70) 228° 187) 1252.82] 41 = 5021.25 7,49 | 183 08 17.81| 224 1.57 1.25 2.82) 58. 5.03 1.25 13.7 130 445 1.25 5.70] 2481.57) 1.28 2.82] 92 5.08 1.25 '18.57 9147 445 1.25 5.70| 250 1.87 1,25 2.82) 97, 5.03 1.25 13.57 | 148 4M 1.25 5.70| 251 1.57 1.25 2.82) 11m "~ 3.55 1.25 7.88 | 149 446 1155.70) 282018712528) 1 3.55 1.25 7.08 | 150 445 1.25 5.70| 258 1.67 1.25 2.82) 190 3.95 = (1.25 7.08} 151 445 125 ~ 5.70| 254 8=61:57 «1250 -2.82/ 120 © 8.25 1.05 162 4460012500 (5.70| 255 = 1.87) 1.25 © 3.82| 1218.25 1.85 5.87! 153 445 125 5.70| 256 1.871.258 = -2'82| 1228.25 1.25 184. 12.85 1.25 14.10| 257 1571.25 2.82) 123 8.25 1.25 587/155 = 12.86 1.25) :14.10/ 2581.57.25 = -2.82| 175 5031.28 158 446° 128 = -§.70| 250 = «1:87 1.28 /82/ 182 2.90 1.25 24.07 | 187 445° 1.25 = 5.70] 2601.57 1.95 «2.82| 198 = 5081.25 158 445 01.25 © 5.70] 2611.57 1.25 2.82) 263 = 5.081.285 18.00 | 169 445% 125 5.70) 2621.87 1:25) -2'82| 2875.03. «1.95 29.73/168 16.06 91.25) 17.81] 2081.87) :1:25 = 2'82 Plan 565° 20.12| 172 445 125 = 5.70) 266 1.671.250 2.82| 4105.51.25 176 445 125 = (5.70| 205 1.87) 1.25) 2.82] att = 8.181.25 12.22 |177 445 1.25 5.70| 266 1,57, 1.25 2.82) 448 4.60 1.25 12,22 | 178 445° 125 = (5.70/ 270-187-1250 2.82) 449 «= 4.60 1.28 15.81| 179 445001250 © (5.70) 2711.57 1.25) 2:82] 5.16 © 2.02 1.25 11.45 | 180 445° 1250 5.70) 2721.57 1.25 2.82] 517 2.021.285 11.45}.181 445 21.25 © 5.70] 273, (1:57 1252.82 Plan 560 15.81 274° «1871.95 282) 26 5401.25, 16.37} 1 25 «1871.25 2.82! 27 B40 1.25" 12.22] 2 276-187) «(1.25 = 9.82] 28 6401.25 12.22) 3 277 «1871.25 2.82] 29 = 8401.28 9.06 | 150 278 157 1,25 2.82) 30 5.40 1.25 9.06 | 151 Ng7o «1.87 «1.25 2.88] 56 8691.28 101 280 00«157 1.250 -2.82] 57 = 8.60 1.25 11.17) 192 281 «1.57 1.25 2.82! 58 = 8.69 1.28 11:17| 198 282° 187 1.25 2 598.69 1.25 11:37 | 194 2830187) 1.25 2.82] 60 «= 8691.28 11.17/ 195 2840 1.87. 1.25 2.82]} 90 = 5.08.25 19.20 | 225 2850 «187 «1.2500 -2.82) 97 8.11.25 15.27 | 287 2860187) «1.250 -2.82) 98 8.111.285 15.27| 238 287 157° «1.25 = -2.82| 100 = 5.08 1.25 15.27 | 205 288/157) 1.25 2.82] 108 = 2.70" 1.28 16.72 | 296 157° 1.25 0 -2.82/-107 7.65 1.25 18.46 187 1.250282] 117 4.101.285 13.46 | 785 k 4 187) 1.250282] 118 = 4:01.25 48 9.78| 205 «1.87 1.25) = 2.82] 185 2.70 1.25 60 7.05} 206 157 1.25 = 2.82] 157 * 1.56 1.25 60 7.05| 207° 157 125 «= -2.82/ 200 «128 1.25 60 7.05| 208 = 157 1.25 = -2.82| 210 1.28) 1.28 7.05] 200 157 «1.95 «= 2.82] 2224.10 1.28 "B87 10.85| 303 = 1.57 1.25 2.82) 224 «4.901.285 . 7.82| 806 157 125 2.82| 297 5.55 1.28 782| 805 1.57 1.25 2.82 228 5.55 1.28 -10.70| 306 = 1.57 1.25 2.82] 2205.55' 1.25 10.70) 307 1.87 1,252.82) 2825.27.25 1 308 «1:87-1:25 2.82] 288 = B27 1.25 309 «1.87 1.2500 2.82] 284 B27) 1.25 3101.87) 1.25282] 286 = 5281.25 A 157 1.25 (2.82) 2375.28 1.25 B 1,57 - 125 2.82) 288 1671.25" o 157 125 2:82) 241 \ 8.85 1.28 D 187 1.25 ° 282} 42 N35 125 Plan 558 23. 3.35125 $1865 1.05480] 244 2871.25 3560 1:25. 4901 5. 125 85 8.81.5 48] 246, 1.25 ' ssse Besbesss & SRESSSSSSRRSRR & R8Ress BBB 65 65 65 65 4 4 04 Reseeresabeebe SAAAULYOOANDOARRARRARAAIADR GQYTRAAA SADHDSAHRARERAAARE HSH ROWS RR DRE HOE & HAMILTON + Established 1880 = = ONTARIO 228 Arrears Costs Total Lot Arrears Costa 2.87 1,25 3,62) 234 5.10 1.25 2.37 1,25 3,62) 238 5.03 1.25 2.87 1.25 8.62) 241 5,00 1,25 2.37 1.25 3,62] 242 5.00 1.25 2.37 1,25 3.62) 244 5.00 1.25 2.37 1,25 3.62) 262 8.55 1.25 2.387 1,25 3.62| 263 3.55 1.25 2.37 1.25 3.62| 304 7.06 1,25 2.37 1.25 8.62| 406 2.17 1.25 2.87 1.25 3.62) 407 217 1.25 2.37 1.25 8.62) 426 2.17 1.25 1.60 1.25 2.85) 427 2.17 1.25 1,60 1.25 2,85! 476 7.08 1.25 1,60 1.25 2.85, 566 5.15 1,25 1,60 1.25 2.85) 567 5.15 1.25 460 1.25 2.85) 610 4.90 1.25 1.78 1,25 3.03) 611 5.03 1.25 1.78 1,25 3.03) 614 4.90 1.25 3.00 1,25 4.25) 620 544 1.25 3.00 1.25 4.25 6.77 1,78 1.25 3,03] 624 7.08 2.84 1.25 4.09) 625 311 1.78 1.25 303) 626 Bul 1,78 1.25 8.08) 627 8.1 3.00 1,25 4.25 628 3.11 1.78 1.25 3.03; 629 3.11 785 1,25 8.90) 630 8.1 2.40 1.25 3.65) 631 8.11 2.40 1.25 3,65) 632 3.11 2.40 1.25 8.65} 683 3.11 5.038 1,25 6.28} 634 3.11 4.10 1.25 5.85) 641 7.08 4.10 1,25 5.35) 643 5.84 4.10 1,25 5.35) 644 3.33 4.10 1,25\ 6.35} 683 3.25 6.03 1.25 7.28| 684 8.25 6.03 1.25 7.28| 685 8.25 3.69 1,25 4.94) 710 7.03 3.75 1,25 5.00} 735 4.79 4.10 1.25 5.35) 736 4.79 1.25 4.03 1.25 5.28) 737 4.79 1.25 4.25 1.25 6.00) 738 4.79 1.25 3.32 1.25 4.57) 754 6.15 1.25 3.32 1.25 4.57) 755 5.15 1.25 3.32 1,25 4.57 | 758 7.08 1.25 5.86 1.25 7.01) 765 5.08 1.25 5.86 1.25 7.01) 767 5.47 1.25 5.86 1,25 7.01 | 780 2.28 1.25 5.86 1,25 7.01) 781 448 1.25 5.03 1,25 6.28| 821 4.96 1.25 1,56 1.25 2.81) 822 4.96 1.25 = 1.56 1.25 2.81| 824 7.08 1.25 5.52 1,25 6.77) 870 5.15 1.25 3.68 B 4.93) 871 5.15 1.25 5.85 25 7.10| 874 5.15 1.25 5.85 1.25 7.10) 875 5.15 1.25 4.50 1.25 5.75) 883 2.90 1.25 3.41 1.25 4.66) 891 7.08 1.25 3.41 1.25 4.66} 896 ~ 7.08 1.25 2.17 1.25 3.42} 900 7.03 1,25 2.17 1,25 3.42) 904 7.08 1.25 3.00 1.25 4.25| 914 247 1.25 1,78 1,25 8.08 | 915 247 1.25 5.85 1,25 7.10) 916 5.15 1.25 5.85 1.25 7.10} 928 1.56. 1.25 2.48 1,25 8.73) 942 7.08 1,25 1.22 1.25 2.47) 094 4.65 1.25 1.22 1.25 2.47) 995 4.65 1,25 2.00 1.25 4.15} 999. 5.03 1.25 2.60 1,25 3.85 | 1005 4.79 1.25 2.60 1.25 8.85 | 1010 5.44 1.25 8.58 1.25 4.78 | 1022 4.79 = 1.25 8.58 1.25 4,78 | 1024 5.00 1.25 Plan 579 = 1025 5.00 1.25 4.48 1,25 6.73 | 1026 5.00 1.25 40 1,25 5.78 | 1027 558- 1.25 182 1.25 2 4.79 1.25 1.32 1,25 7.08 (1.25 5.25 (1.25 4:79 (1.95 , 525 1.25 Plan 580 7.08 = (1.25 B08 1.25 5.10 1.25 5.03 1,25 HS 1 18| Pom! 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