Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1920, p. 9

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CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 57th Year \WeC. WALLS, Manager A. MacLAREN, Editor BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1920. Single Copies 5 cents "$1.50' ber 'Yoar (in advance) SECTION 2 PAGES 9 TO 16 No. 39 NEW SUBSCRIPTION RATE Present and prospective subscribers are reminded that the new_subscription rate of $2.00 per year will be charged after Oct. 1st. Up till that time new subscrip- tions, renewals and arrears rate. FAVORS THE FAIR | Over Ten Thousand Grounds on Tuesday -- Many Fine Exhibits Shown. (Continued from page 1) The Horses That the motor car is over-ahadowing the horse in the affections of the young farmer of toduy wus plainly in evidence by the meugre showing of horses in many of the clases. Those on exhibition, however, were wellitted aud of excellent quality. Judge Baker of Wentworth County was ably sssiste AL litle and C. M. Hickling in judging the heavy draught, agricultural and génersl purpose elusses on Tucsduy Thore were-but two heavy teams ex: bibited. only two two-year-olds, 3 yeurlings ene brood © aud 4 mares or geldings on line in the heavy draught classes, * In the agricultural classes there were 3 uttached to vehicles, three two- . one yearling, two foals snd two brood mares. In general purpose horses there were | three spans attuched, one yearling, one foal, two brood mares and no entry for two-year-olds. An exveptionally fine team of heavy draugh's owned by Regun of Orillia weigh ed almost 3500 pounds The Races One of the most exciting races ever staged on the Exhibition track. was the 2.40 on Tuesday afternoon. It was full by in the JURY will be accepted at the $1.50 -- Assizes---Jury of "'pep" from start to finish, the first . , ' three finishing in the final heat with less Te jury which tried Frederick Gilbert than toree yards between them." The re- St the Assizes yesterdsy on a charge of killing Robert Ironsides at the Ragged Ra 'pids power plant on Mur. 5 failed to reach 1121.40 sgreement after deliberating nearly: 2212 twelve hours ond were disminsed. It is 33.3 3. sid that the vote stood 7 to 5, but whether 444.4 te majority were for or against: acquittal could not be ascertained. As a result of this disagreement, 111 / jail uotil he can Bave a new trial at the 29 x Spring Assizes, which means that he will sults were:-- 2.40 Class W. Hughes, Cookstown . Jas, Shields, Glenhuron . H. Leadlay, Cookstown 0. Irwin, Rosemont == Best time (14 mile heats)--1.1 3-Year Olds U.F.O,, Leadlay, Cookstown Wattie Pointer, Irwin, New Lowell Carrie Nation. B. D. O'Neill, Barrie 3.8 3. have put in over a year's imprisonment Bluck Gent, Hughes. Cookstown .. xx before the caso is settled. x Jumped fence in 3rd heat and didn't) Mr. Justice Logie presided, while the finish. counsel were J. W. McCullough of Tor- xx Didn't finish Ist heat and was with-| onto for the Crown and M. B. Tudhope rawn, jof Orilha and J, Walter Curry, K.C., of Farmers' Green Race Toronto for the prisoner. The trial lasted Minnie Hal, Hugh Graham 111 all,day and was beard by a crowded court- Pat Montalvo, 8. Kissick .. .. ., 22 2, room. 2.30 Class Jimmy Fortune, Coughlin, Phelpston 1.11 ed @ calm demeanor and listened closely Larry L., Hughes 2.22 to the evidence, In the witness box, test. Birdy Walsh, Hughes .. 4. 334, ifying on hie own bebalf, his frank and, y answers created a very favorable Running Race baal |e 11, pression, 2) The crime was committed in the early! hours of the morning, Ironsides receiving three rifle bullets in the back as he lay Wattie Pointer, when leading by about five |" his bed in his sleeping quarters, dying lengths, suddenly swerved and jumped the | im the hospital 24 hours later. On the' fence and the eulky was hung up on the| {floor were found three rifle shells the size sviress: but na"tissnage was 'done: for a rifle owned by Ironsides, 'This rifle Hugh Grahamvid the decent thing by | Ustally hung in the washroom but it and |his neighbor, Sam Kissick, in the 3-year- old race. The latter broke a bobble and|fter the shooting. Evidence went 10 show I, when Hughie suw bis trouble he immed. | that Gilbert and another employee left the Jintely pulled up so that repairs might be| Power house at 2.20 after arousing Iron. idea who was to take the next shift. Ac cording to the evidence, Gilbert was the Srigley Smith Free-for-all did not Gill. In the third heat of the 3-year-old class r made and the heat trotted over again, (Continued on Pege 13) SARJEANT & KING ™T Overéoats for Men, Youths and Boys --in Great Variety Den't Fail to See the New Models Suits for Men We have now Suits second to none in style, workmanship and all around value. You get your dollar's worth when you buy our-clothes, for they are the best on the market today. Famous "Progress" Clothes, made to measure. Fit guaranteed SARJEANT & KING" in stock an assortment: of Gilbert goes back to| | DISAGREE _ IN MURDER CASE Fred Gilbert to Have New Tnial at Spring Out All Night. las: man about the plant to learn of the tragedy which he did some four hours af- terward, Practicilly no evidence was ad- duced against Gilbdét; other than the ants mortem statement of Lronsides stating that Gilbert did the shooting. Over the ad- missibility of this dgcument as evidence, there was a lengthy legal argument, His Lordship finally admitting it. For the de- fence, the only witnesses were Gilbert and his wife, both of whom testified that the prisoner was home in bed at the time | the shooting is supposed to have occurred. At 6.15 the evidence was completed and the addresses to the jury began at 8 o°. jelock, the case going to the jury at 9.50, with instructions to report at 11, When that time came they reported that they had not been able to agree upon a verdict, No they were locked up for the night. In the morning nt 9 o'clock, they could see | Throughout the hearing Gilbert preserv- 00 prosjiect of reaching sn agreement, 60 théy were dismissed. His Lordship com- mended the jurymen for holding out for their opinicns. Possibly by the date of the new trial some facts might come out} {that would clear up the whole master. 'Continued on page 3) HE COMES UP SMILING "The P. BL I. or Mademoiselle of Bully Grenay"' is Canada's epic of the Great-War. | Written and played by the men-who took part in the very scenes depicted, the pro- having | duction is convincingly realistic, the box of cartridges were not to be found! been rehearsed in the firing line for an of the uctors. | This play is not an exaggeration of the | | War, but the real life of Johnny Canuck jin France. He bad his good days and his {bad days and through it all he comes up |amiling and triumphant. For those who were so unfortunate ax to miss seeing France in war time, this offers an oppor- tunity to breath "the very atmosphere of the war itself, while those who were there may have the pleasure of living over again the brighter moments, at the Grand Opera Opera House, Tuesday night, Sept. 28, CHAUTAUQUA NEXT YEAR At acmeeting of the Chautauqua guar- antors held last Thursday evening, finanoe chairman, A. J. Sarjeant, presented report showing » surplus of $96,03 on this year's course. The statement presented follows: Receipts from ticketa.....,.....81600.72 Percentuge of Box Office Tickets 217.77 Total $1818.49 Paid Dom. Obat. Co. . $1875.00 Poid War tax .. 218.86 Paid expenses: printing, cartage, light, ete. 128.60 : $1722.46 Balance for distribution ......... $96.03 This balance wilt be used to re-imburse last "yent's guarantors who made\up a considerable deficit. Fifty-one have signed the guarantee for next year's Chautauqua. CHILD STRUCK BY MOTOR About 11.30 this morning, while coming from the West Ward School, the five-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs, W. Arnott, Brock St., Knocked down by an automobile. The child left the curbing in front of the school to cross the roadway, hesitated, and ther turned back directly in front of the tor, the driver of which was s lady. mptness in putting on the brakes slow- ed the car down so quickly that serious injury was averted, the child sustaining nothing more than a bruised knee. School \teachers continually advise child- "}ren on the rules of "'safety first" and par- ents are requested to supplement this in- struction |by, home teaching. |$870 FROM TAG DAY Townspeople and visitors to Barrie Fair on Tuesdhy responded readily to the' "tag. gere"" who were busy throughout the day selling tags on behalf of the Children's Bhelter, and when the total was announo- ed at night the ledies had the great grat- "| ification of knowing that $670 had been realized \for this very worthy charity as 8 result Of their efforts, BRADFORD FAIR DATES Owing to Thanksgiving having been set 18, the Bradtord Fair dates have fo Batirday, Oct. 16, and - 18, eat a aoa averuge of twenty-seven months by each | el a pena UNION BANK Barrie Scholarship Matriculation, Solo 8i Health record excellent. IN COMPETITION | Menuel Jennett and Lillian Stranaghan Win Sweep-) stakes in Baby Show. Greai interest was taken in the Bett Baby Competition at the Fair on Tuesd: afternoon. Always a popular feature since | its inauguration three or four years ago. | the baby show proved that it had lost little {of ite attractiveness, and although the number of bubies entered in the "various jnwes was not 40 great as last year, the | friendly rivalry of fond mothers was just as) pronounced as in former years, Dr. Geo, Pirie, one of the foremost prac: | titioners on the ataff of the Bick Children's | Hospital, Toronto, was the judge. He was| ably assisted by Dr. A. T. Little, of Barrie, and Dr. Clinton, of the Provincial Health Dept, Toronto, who happened to be in'town on his regular tour of inspection; was an) interested visitor, Dr, Pirie wax delighted | with the babies shown, stating that for per-| fect phyaique and development it would be) difficult to find children to excel those | shown in these competitions. Some of them were perfect specimens which would win prizes in any competition anywhere. Most appreciated assistance was rendered nurees, among whom were Mrs, F. W. Otton and s number of former graduates besides four of the regular staff of the Boys Under 6 Months 1. Francis Elwood Ney, son of Mr, and Mre. Lorne Ney, Minesing. 2, Perey James Pemberton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Pemberton, Shanty Bay. 3. Philip Robert Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Armstrong, Minesing. Girls, | to 6 Months 1. Beatrice Scanlon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scanlon, Mulcaster St. 2. Ida Mary Ethel Bowman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Bowman, Barrie. 3, Heather Johnston, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. W. Johnston, 14 Eccles St., Bar- rie, Boys, Over 6 and Under 12 Months 1, Manuel Lloyd Jennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Jennett, Ivy. when unforeseen afise--such as s¥ckness or acci- dent. Ovenden College RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Re-opens Sept. 22nd, 1920, for boarders; Sopt. 23rd, 1920, for day pupils. inging, Music, Art, emphasized, Outdoor games' and sports. For Prospectus apply to Principals. BETTER BABIES 3. pes asi son of Mr. and Mrs, by competent ataff of nurses and ex- |, en Sickness Comes UNDS in the Bank are a strength and a comfort to you circumstanc $1.00 deposited every week for 10 years, with Interest at 3% com- pounded semi-annually, OF CANADA Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes, A. Leslie, Manager Branches also at Cookstown, Thornton Ontario Conversational Frenoh Limited numbers, Jos. Trask, Allandale, Girls, Over 6 and Under 12 Months 1. Patricia Lawrence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence, Barrie. 2. Ilene Ruth Reynolds, daughter of Mr, \and Mrs. 8. Reynolds, Big Bay Point. 8. Decis Cavelle Theakston, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Theakston, 31 John S., Bar- rie. Boys, Over 12 and Under 18 Months 1. Stanley Conron, son of Mr. and Mra. Geo. Conron, Allandale. 2. Howard Penny, son of Mr. and Mrv, Wm, Penny, 57 William St., Allandale, 3. Kenneth Norman McAuley, son of Mr. and Mrs, N. B, Meauley, Ori Girls, Over 12 and Under 18 Months 1. Lilian Isabelle Stranaghan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Stranaghan, Dalston. 2, Annie Rachael B, McQuarrie, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McQuarrie, Bar- rie. 3, Lillian Edna Ruth Storey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R, Storey, 180 Tiffin St., Allandale. Sweepstakes for Boyt--Manuel Lloyd Jen- nett, Ivy. Sweepstakes for Girl+--Lillian Stranaghan, Dalston. What is Your Net Income? Do you rely on. authentic data when making an in- | vestment? Do you analyze the security, the company, the indy atry? What class of security do you favor? Our Monthly Review "The Income Builder" will help you solve man: investment problems. It is wise to follow a well- defined, systematic method in building up an inceme. Our "Lavestment 'Barom- eters" show the trend of | the factors infiuencing market conditions. Ana- ical discussion of securi- tee Timely information 'and suggestions. Ask for Regular Monthly Copy Address Dept. B Isabelle 2. Erie Lawrence Rowell, son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Rowell, Minesing. GAS RAN 'Telephone No. 78 GAS WATER HEATERS GAS FUEL IS CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER, BOTH FOR COOKING AND FOR HEATING WATER : THE BARRIE GAS CO. LTD- Office and Showroom: Wells Block, Owen Street. J. W. McCutcheon, Manager Mumbers Toroato Stock Exchange 985 Bay Street, Toronto GES AND

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