1 Pagé Four FARMS Pt Ene, % mile to school and church, 4) -28¢, 30¢ and 36¢ miles to G.T.R. shipping point. Prise % Home' Journal Embroidery Boo $0000, Terms $2000 caih, balance at f Home Book of Fashions. 54%. FOO ORR : : 100 acres, 90 scres under cultivation, oil choice clay loam, 'The best land in|_ Newmarket dairymen have discontin | township. Bams 30x70 and~40x60, etone |Sunday delivery," ; 3 ; wall and stables, Implement shed, hog} Newmarket discontinued daylight saving pen, henery. Frame house, seven rooms, |lsst Saturday at midnight, good cellar; never failing spring on| Thos. Healy, of Atberley, died in 'Orillia farm, also good well, Property ia | Hospital on Aug. 26 as the result of a lefck situated 1% mike from car line and yil-| from = horsé. lage of 200 populstion. Price §15,000.| Two Collingwood hotels have been com: Terms, $5000 cash, balance can be ar-|Pelled to close their dining rooms owing ranged. to lack of help. . 110 acres, 14 miles from town of Aur-|_ Thieves stole two pieces of cloth worth ore, Ont. All unter cultivation, choice | $800 from the tailor shop of J. P, Wells, | elay and clay loam, Barn 55x60, hog|an Orillia returned soldier. pen for 90 hogs. Litter carrier. Stablop| Mr._and Mrs. J. M. Barnhardt, of Mit- ma the for 35 cuttle, House brick, furnace, fire- |chell Square. are on a trip to Vancouver, or place, water in house, Also frame house | Victoria, B.C., and Portland, Ore. Visit for hired man. Orchard 132 tress. The; The estate of the late G.'B. Ryan, from above farm is producing and shipping Guelph (a former Barrie merchant) who $3000 of cream annually, besides other) died in June, is valued at $181,757.20. ' Products such ax fat hogs, cattle, ete. On| Falling from his horse one day Inst week, good road aystem und only 1% miles to|Jos. Pulford of Newton Robinson suvtoin- what : car line. Price and terms on_npplication. ed an injury whereby his arm was hraken. Mode! 120 acres on shore Lake Simeoe, 100/ Renfrew Town Council has decided to sere under cultivation, barn | 46x56, | hout with electricity the new fire hall, Co. a cement wall and stables, hog pen,*driving '\:hich will contain fine living apartments | shed, garage. -- House, cement, thirteen for the chief, fooms, water in house. Flowing well at/ 4 M. Gurley, of , Meaford, won the barn, Electric lights in house and 'barn, | Willye-Overiand prize for the agent selling close to car line, Easy terms can be ar-| the largest number of cars in the district Faliged iosibces,Sadaece Price $15,000. | north of Toronto, 181 acres, 124 miles from Newmarket, | 'Thornbury curried a bylaw to raise have low. AGENCY HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS | | 100 seres, 'sandy Jo ' € ; ation." Barn 45x60- stone at pe 'The patterns that are recognized as the best ./ BSIn, Fran bows, "Pes io er| ge © COUNTY AND jy ™ mene mes 206, Women.who are tions in variety, MILLINERY the Millinery Dept. and select our vast array of Hats just you would desire without waiting for changes to be made. ls made by the New York Hat re here in profusion and you our.word that the prices are All colors and styles among them--too numerous to mention. $4.00 to $15.00 each , planning their Fall purchases need not hesitate to ke their selection now for our showing is even better than past seasons. Every shelf and counter is simply overflowing with the sort of merchandise you want and_always expect us to offer, there- fore you can plan your Fall needs with the confidence that, as in past, this store's showing will fully equal your highest expecta- in quantity, in quality and price. + OF FINE, GEORGETTE CREPE These are ew goods and come in a big Tange of colers, ' . Biy 'at once and get » bargain READY-TO-WEAR A large and varied stock to choose from--larger than any other in Barrie. Every garment selected in the open market regardless of whu the manufacturer is. Style, qual- ity and value take precedent over name with us. We invite you to see what is new. No obligation to uy. MAIN FLOOR ANNEX ba Yonge Street, choice land and the very |$6500 to. re-establish a musieipal electne . ----------cx« , ve best buildings, beautiful grounds, orchard| tight plant. Only six votes were recorded |{ LOVELY EMBROIDERED . STORE NOTES if -------\__ NEW GEORGETTE CREPE and fruit of all kinds House and garden |ogainet the bylaw. LINENS FROM MADEIRA ATTRACTIVE VEILS IN The 1920 Wed GET YOUR DRESS Goons WAISTS AT $9.00 for je, man ane aor fees, oro | Apple trees around Beeton are so heav. * ISLANDS VARIOUS EFFECTS AND 'd a Hol : AND SUITINGS HERE Bi a" val stock and implements can be pur ily laden that in many cases, unless si . nesday Half Holi- i ese are, splendid " value, with early fall postemion. Price and stantially propned,*threy will probably break |} Perfectly aide dered and al ___ Tybee d yy be'di i Quatipay plone than usual lovely styles with either silk terms on application, down under the heavy load. pure linen quality at speci Flowing veilff used as 0 trim- lay will be discon- 'ason or wool embroidered trim: 110 acres of choice clay land on shore |" "The first sod ior the new plant of the| | prices. ming on your hat will add to | tinued after Sept English and French made ; of Lake Couchiching, six miles north of jtmnerinl Wire & Steel Co., to replace the Tray Cloths, 18x27 at $5.00 | the sppesrance of your dress. . Bt Broadeloths in all the best | 'ting. Round or square neck. ce pee nt poe a < Derare one destroyed by fire, was turned in Col- vay ines: S823 An extensive collection of the 15th. colors at ....$5, $6, $7 yd. Calees white, -- at Jani jarnx 31x70 and 25x40 and 25x60, d 4 -Reeve Wil i redominsti lis and de- 'aod, navy and grey, arr et, Og Heli sree || een ss wa [gee | Some excellent |towal sens tom | Se Salad sees BBO to $8.0 values in dishes in Ete oo! 0 TAU to SUB yds, of cattle, litter carrier, driving shed. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Milligan, 3rd con. of || Serviettes, 12 inches nquare large frame house, ten rooms, with fine | agisia, while away spend: sits cvs $1.50 each Bs 7 the day at cellar, The sbove farm ia tho best in the itake Simcoe, hed their home and nearly the Basement. | N#¥, and Brown Wool Tri. Heavy Kimonas for fall and winter......$5.25 to $6.50 cotine, 54 inches wide, township 'no sandy land on the farm. The | ait its contents destroyed by fire on Aug.|| Round and Oval Centres ... Lay Dept. (Black will arrive later). Serge Dresses in good styles oe oe sritah a, ® $004, Just 29. 'The fire intiméfion they hed of | o"--+ 39c, Bbc and $1.2 Sée. P our next Price .. een $25.08 to $48.00 i hit fon tt eee ae their low wat when they arrived ome | Lugeheon Set of one 24-inch OSTRICH TRIMMINGS week's advertise: | S**itl, Yale > Sik and | See our showing of Fall and d y mm. . un " en-inc! a y vi . Sane Boscaa Tor ne ene = Petr (ei ige Als Hike nip the tod 6 sizinch dylie to | for Hats, at epeial prices in | ment for list of pee scoala eee ay Winter Suits, Coats, etc. * sk "5a rillis Police Court on readay ere aoe i! a . . \ 0 nen chek et eee UeatN der [intendent of Parks for stealing money from |{ fUatch----» beautiful git Lis Mitoery Pert Fair week specials Bee the new Coatings Everything in ready-to-wear \ 30 teres choice elsy loam, 180 under |iithers at Couchiching Beach Park. Po. verses apparel here. Cubtivetion, balance pasture and bush. lice Magistrate Clark allowed the boy to $13. 'e ri nen tee ul" lef oo ee he thane ter, 'Howey | "racy sty oer ent, of all the motor cars built are sold to farmers. The eiorers: 'Rood basement, cistern and well. clon of motor trucks slord the means to sie: house for! hited iman, + his: farm fol 12: cvoney' 'not. wuly (a, eanaporciog ftim siusted one mile from two shipping sta: [rd ys "otc ngspeporting, farm . Fik ei ee yee ett 800° population, Prices, but in cutting down the farmer's |The litle gitle are believed to have waded High school. public school and churches | "iC" =f out beyond their depth. No one heard nt. Price $21,000. Terma half [VSM Oxy nd en. Unait oe t help. The bodies were re lance can be arranged, ang, |tertuined three hundredlgand fifty children | covered in about three quarters of an hour. ae ee oa ett Lake Couchiching, |between six and twelve years of age to en| Evidence at the inquest into the death (erat ta Fea peillia. sixty eres under | awting ut Leith. 'The little ones had "the |of Wm. Butters, the Collingwood man cron, Lalanee pasture and bush, buildings |i; 46 of their liven" while the eliem Nei killed by a motor in Kitchener, showed suns ad ae oniste. Ean ee the satisfaction of doing something for the|that he did not use ordinary care in look fee Kocae "How OB Ok pss joures | develociment of good citizens. ing about before attempting to cross the pills finish: eee spi 2% stor-|""In Ontario in 1801 there were 484 or-/busy street, In his address the coroner eve interior Gish in oak. furnace, te. | ganized townshion, 135 villages, 80 towns, (anid: "Signs placed at every street corner bids teh Milt rh Nable ove ean be 11) cities, and 38 counties, making 8 total | would do much to impress the need of eau. bs ei le Hage esti ith {Of 758 919 there were 553 town-|tion upon pedestrians. in the same manner G8 aeree Gh. Good bande cue [thips, 150 villages, 130 towns, 23 tities /sa the "Safety First" policy adopted by Good locke timbers Will all tne te; | and 88 countieé. miking a total of 902 or-|the railroads." Everyone should took for $6500 for cick buyer STM. COP | ennized municipalities. besides 10 districts | their left before leaving the curb and to For all gartoulae apnly 88 thet have oo organisations similar to the |the right on arriving at the centre of the ig county councils. | street: , Re SWITZER, The death of Mra. Hugh R Tudhope of | York Pioneers and Historical Society are Exclusive Agent, Newm Orillia occurred suddenly in Toronto on|holding a public meeting at their park at rrrmreerersimmmmmcemes (Rept. 1. She hod underzone a serious|Sharon on Sept. 11. at which Premier R operation ten days previously, and was|Drury, Hon, R. H. Grant and Senator CONSULTING ENGINEERS [or orecing favornbly until Tuesday when | Blain will speak. It ix expected that this | fay THE EA JANES ON TL |entic pneumonia set in. Berths Vietoria, | will be the largest gathering ever assembled THE E. A. JAMES CO. LIMITED }|daughter of the late Alexander Begg. wes |ut this Dimoric| meeting place, the site of e E. M. Proctor, B.A.Sc., Manager horn in Perth, Scotland, and eame to Can | the quaigh bld Davidite Temple. which has f 36 TORONTO ST., TORONTO, CAN, ||sda when quite young. She had lived |been restO¥&d to much of ite old-time ap- Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks Sewer. |[estly all her life in Orillia. She is eur- pearance through the efforts of the York age Sywems, Incineratoms, Schools, || iv by her husband ond three children. pioneers, Many interesting relics of York Public Halls, "Housings, Factories, Ar. || \A double drowning fatality occurred at | County's early days are now on exhibition bitrations, Litigation. Mestord lest eck shea two Ultie girls in rae Se a oe of the David- Our Feee:--Usually poi each aged ubout twelve years, lost their owen - money Bars ge peed the |Nhives while bathing in the Georgian Bay,) The Nottawasaga Co-operative Co. with One was Ruth, daughter of Harry Rumley |the heud office in Creemore has recived of Buffalo, visiting wich her grandmother, | incorporation from the Ontario Govern. Mrs, Thomas Rumley ; the other was Violet, | ment. The provisional directors are John Minard's Liniment for Dandruff daughter of Freeman House of Mesford. | Martin, Thomas Carns Young, Francis Er- nest Webster, William Clifford Metheral, Roofin Shingles Robert Andrew Giffen, James Joseph Dowl- ing, Harold Clifford Handy and Angus McArthur. The objects and purposes of the new company ws set out are: (a) To {grade and sell farm live wtock, cereals, hoy, vegetables, apples, dairy products, eggs, jseed grain, grass seed, clover secd and other products of the farm; and (b) To Duy, sell and deal in feeds for live stock. seeds, fert ra, farm machinery and other farm supplies and to purchase or lease, own and operate machinery for the clean. ing of grass, clover and cereal seeds, The capital is $5000, divided into two hundred shares of twenty-five dollars each. Shelburne Free Pteas--Justice Rose re- cently fixed 11 a.m. September 27th, at Orangeville, ax the time and place for the hearing of the election trial in connection with the protest against the election of Thos. Kerr Slack as M.P.P. for Dufferin, and from the information now in the hands of the petitioner's solicitors it is lil@ly that Mr. Slack will be unseated. On the examination for discovery the latter admitted that he made a promise on the public platform at his convention that if he were elected he would pay back all those who subscribed to the campaign fund. He further admitted that over $500 had been paid back either to the clubs or the individuals who_made the subscription, He further admitted he had paid over thirty ecrutineers as part of his election expenses, and it is thought that this information slone will be sufficient to unseat him, The outeome will be watched with interest by the Dufferin electors, EDGAR The Congregational Church is holding its anniversary services on Sunday 'next, September 12, There will be services at 11 am. and 7 pm. The Rev. R, B. Nelles of Toronto will preach at both ser- viees. Mr. Nelles has alresdy established & reputation for himself in the community both as a'lecturer and preacher. It is hoped 'that all the le of the commun- ity will avail themselves of 'the tunity of hearing Mr. Nelles next duntay, 'The music and singing will be contributed fby the Rugby choir. There will be a apec- ial collection. --On the following Monday evening there 'will be an entertainment in the church when Rev. Mr. Nelles will lecture, sup- ported by local and otitside talent. Charles Cocklin, John Archibald McArthur, Carload of B.C. Shingles JUST ARRIVED AT SPECIALLY LOW PRICES ALSO CAR OF BRANTFORD ROOFING. 3 1G This is difficult to secure now, so if you need to use roofing don't delay in order- ing at once from THE BALL PLANING MILL Co. Phone 109, 34-36 Minard's Liniment For Burns, Etc. & ARMSTRONG Baaier sie Stare HAWKESTONE | Misses Shirley and Chelsea Fellows of Toronto and Lyn Fellows of Orangeville were home for their holidays. Misa Elsie Priddle is taking in Toronto | exhibition. . Mrs, Priddle and Mrs. Wm. MoMillan | 'pent a few days in Toronto. | Mins Grace Clark of Lefroy end Harold | Clark of Toronto were home ou 'olidayn, | Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Revie are in Toronto for a few days and will visit the exhibi- tion Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lazier of Denoit are visiting Mra. Pugsley. Miss Hazel McLeod of Toron:o visited friends here before going to Orillin, \ Dr. and Mrs. Brown and family, Mr. ond Mrs, Goode end family left on Monday for their home in 'Teronto Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cameron and family of Orillia pets the week snd wy Rey Gostin of Toronto and Chiyto Cae lin visited their parenta during holiday time. Minard's Liniment Reveves Neuralgia | VG si hes _JFRNL BLAZERS SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS 4 BARRIE SINCE § 1670 fi | Oeslers in Granite and Marble Monuments I and Tablets. Only best material used and first-class workmen employed, Brass Tab- leta 'a specialty. Prices always right. S30 273F3COUGHS Jowirum, Prop. R.G.Manuel, gr. BUGGY RUBBER TIRES H. H. BURNS, late of Barrie Carriage Co., has-taken over the rubber-tire department and can be depended upon to give prompt and satisfactory service in putting on or repairing rubber tires. Wheels also repaired. Shop--194 Blake St. (near East Ward School) Phone 247) - - - - - ~ PO, Box 543 eh Pi Mase 'OREMOST in popularity among Canadian-made Motor Cars the McLaughlin Master-Six has blazed the trail to, greater motoring satisfaction. \A sr i an a McLaughlin Leadership is due t6-a strict adherance- to, correct engineering: principles and ta @ determination to build for Canadians a car complete and efficient In every detail. "When Better, Automobiles' are Built, McLaughlin, Will Build Them" ° SPECIAL PURCHASE OF OVER 300 YOS