Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1920, p. 12

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+ * WILL TAKE A wer BOARDER in pri- x Property for Sale Ep entre TWO LOTS, 60 feet frontage each, on Willam St., Allendale, for sale. Apply to Mra, J. A. McNeil, 10431, Allan- dale. B4tfe FIVE-ROOMED COTTAGE FOR SALE-- Sophia St., west of park, large lot, stable; euy terms. Apply W. P. Soules, 30 Ross St. 36-37p ee = FOR SALE--House, shop and feed stables, 19-21 Collier St. Apply W. A. Reid, 26 Cedar Ave. Hamilton, or Creswicke & Bell, solicitors, Barrie, " -- __32tfe ee FOR SALE. -Half solid brick double house close to Queen's Park. Nicely decorated snd with all conveniences. $300 cash handles. Apply Box ""K" Examiner. 36p NINE-ROOMED HOUSE in Churchill, 2 milee from Lefroy, barn. driving shed, orchard, xome «mall fruit, about 64 ac.. good water. J. H. Melrose. Churchill. SEVEN-ROOMED BRICK FOR SALE conveniences, gurage, all in good repaity Large lt, $2200 for quick sale, Don't mise this, Burton Ave. Geo. Wikon, 3 Owen St 36.86 Lost and Found 4 te FOUND--Auto tire on Bayfield Bt. Ap- ply 49 Sophia St. * 36p pi ah coe T--Thursdey, Aug. 26, in one of Bar- en stores, five negatives 24x42. Find- er kindly leave at Crossland's drug stdre. -------- WATCH LOST--Lady's gold-filled watch lost on Saturday, Aug: poe Bell Bros., Bt> t Bt. Market Sq. Finder pleuse Rave st this office. | 36p LOST--BLACK-~#0X FUR neckpiece, be> tween Hillsdale and Barrie, on the Peo- etanguishene Road. Finder rewarded on leaving at the Huxtable Garage. -- 36c a 3 | WATCH FOUND in the village of Mine-| sing. The owner can recover it by prov- ing property and paying expenses by ap- plying to Fred Foyston, Minesing, 35-37p | PRR foe Bade sel einai FOUND--In the pocket of car 66008, a/ koduk, Owner may have same by prov- ing ownership and paying for advt. Ap- ply at 115 Collier St., phone 487. 36p | eee LOST--Three ewes und three lambs, from Jot 23, con. 9, Essa. Any person hav- ing information of same communicate with Wesley Martin, Ivy P.O., Ivy-| Farms for Sale Thornton phone. 3itfo FARM FOR SALE 110 acres improved;|TIRE LOST--Between Turton's Garage or might lense. Pasy terms. Apply to Grove St. (on Bayfield), on Wed- J. E. Watson, 92 Penetang St. S8p 4 30x3% Goodyear diamond RM. 50 Acres, first-clast land, Mill Re. Vespra, one mile from Barrie; small | house," water, barn 36x60, Terms | to suit buyer. R. Duly, Cundles. 35-40p | FARM FOR SALE--West 190 ncree of south half. and the south half of the north half of lot 4. con, 1, Flos. Apply tw Creswieke & Bell. barrister, ete... Barrie, Ont, 33-38 FARM FOR SALE~85% worea, lot 12, con. 4. Tp. of Oro, 1) miles from Edgur. Frame houre, bank b: soil clay Inam, spring creek. For particulars apply to Win. Jamieson, Shanty Buy R. R. No 1. 35-40¢ d tire, on rim. Finder plesse leave! rank Livingston. LOST between Queen's Park and St. Vin- cent's Park, on Friday, Aug. 20, wheel and sprocket (wheel about 8 inches in diameter). Finder please return to J.! E. Emms at Barrie Post Office. 30c STRAYED-- Onto the premises of under- | signed, lot 3, con. 9, Vesprs, on or| about July Ist, three Leicester ewes and | two Inmbs, Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. George Kaupp, Minesing, Ont, 34-36p Wanted WANTED--Someone to cut down clothing for children, 190 Bayfield St. 36-36¢ | For Sale FORD "TOURING CAR for sale. Apply at Examiner offic. 36-37 } WANTBD--Two or three furnished rooma suitable for light housekeeping. Young married couple, no children. Apply to * 3 HIGH "SCHOOI, BOOKS FOR SALE. Box 636. Bc | dishes filled for winter. A fine amort- _shosp. Avply 67 Collier St. 0-36» | aren an housekeeper or /ment at Powell & Hook's, the Taylor GOob SECONDHAND COOK STOVE for|" any position of trust by a capable wo- | uurseries, phone 15 or O50w. __seles Anis! J.J. Neolandy' store, _36p | jan. Refarentes non sreaurel ae Improvements for which funds have been RANGE POR HALE cou or road pel {provided by the County Council are now water faut, nearly new, Avply at this' ROOM TED--Two warm furnished | be i Children's SI office Satfe Jaa tate he Allbadlec: fort room nace cae the: Chilren's Shelter, the : ' Aeviy'"Mee Stone, 107 Malt item beng » new rool SIX HIVES ot Hits Be ioe sale 30 le 3540p} R. Powell, sou of John Powell. has mov. Rane ° THI TO RENT by Oct To apariment el from Dunnville to Waterford, near mE | + or five ronihe in first-elass house Humilton, where he has been promoted to TWO cuore HANA bs | suituhle for light housekeeping; must an important position witlt the Bell Tele. aw al » ull conveniences" and be within 2 hone Co. ible distance of station: am will? a iin bevel i we Reticle rent if suited, Box --Men's overalls at $1.69, $2.50, $3.10 baie ler, Apply: George Smith, | _1S4. Barrie, ar phone 736, 36), per puir; coats to match, These are on ho Mary S © FARMS WANTED Sho you wish tw volt sole at Hunter's, Barrie, Boe FOR SAL Th plate and | oven; Cleveland bieyele, almost new. | Apnly 36-40p For good con iy 28 Bradford! 8) 36-36p AM ENGINE for sale, Climax , box, circular saw outfit, Ap- | Miller, Anaun. 36-37p | no, "Dominion, asonable. A eutti phy Chas sur farm? We can give you an etic: | nt und economical service that will | help you 10 seedre the buyer who can If your ism stock 6 Adelaide Ss. E., Toronto. B6e Help Wanted Bitfe'| Singer sewing machine, drop. | ------------_______--_______. frcit sealers cheap; lawn mower! HOUSEMAID WANTED--- Apply at Devlin! scythe. Apply 118 Sophiu St Bc | _& Murchison's Dry Goods Store. WHEAT FOR SALE A quantity of pure STORES AND OFFICES. FEMALE HELP Dawn's Gold WG. Kennelly eSrlt Chaff, Apply to RR. No. 2, Allandale, | 36-37p WIN BUICK CAR FOR SAL cls nechonient condition, Bar: » far amek le, Can be seen att iin St. Allandale. 26 36p } FURNITURE FOR SALE (mahogany, in goad condition) drooing table with chair ) to match. chiffonier: also Large brass hredtst Apply mornings at 147 To St 36-36 ronte 18 FORD TOUR NG CAR for sale, with new tot shiek ahsorbers. five good tires, tole; in good running order, For de: monstration apoly te Wm. C. Gates, 54 Fasa St. Allendale, Phone 851. 36p | Ave. Toronto. 35-37e RFQUIRED--$75,00 to $100.00 per i earned by you during sparo time by submitting samples of Persona! Greeting Cards to people whom you} meet. Tremendous demand this year. Write for terms and samples free, Carle ton (F) Publishing Co., 328 Spadina | Miscellaneous FURS REMODELLED AND. REPAIRED. Miw M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie, Ont 2itfe CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old suit aud overcoat cau be made to look like new by Harry Twise, Roas Block, Dunlop St. CAR FOR SALF. Chevrolet 1919, in firs- class running order. tires practicglly new. Must sell. $750 or best offer. \Demon- 'stration hetween Snturday afternoon and Monday night, 137 Fasa Road. Atlan. dale. 36-36¢ 1919 FORT. BUNABOUT for sale, good | - s# new, Ford starter, Hassler shock ab- sotbors. tire carrier. speedometer, five new tires. car been used very little. can be bought chran for quick sale. Anply Jas. Paterson, Huxtable's Garage. 36-7p CRAB APPIFS- 'Those delicious crab ap- les thut .alwiys please are now ready. Send in your order or see me at the mar- Ket. Order carly before they get too ripe. Price 50c basket. C, T, Thomo enn, telenhore 5801, 36p Live Stock for Sale CATTLE---Two head of young cattle and a , caw for sale. L, J, Allen, 8 Cumberland Allandale, Phone 528. B4tfe DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS-- Two yearling bulls; the' dam of one full sis- ter to Aylett, st prize cow st Toronto + Fxhibition 1919, E. V. Wilson, Shan- ty Bay. 36tfe Property To Let ROOMS TO LET, furnished or nafurnished. Apply Examiner office. 36-87p ROOMS AND BOARD--By day or week. Apply 59 Mary St. Phone 305, --34tfo TO! LET--Rooms for high school girls, - Apply 28 Donald 8t., near High ebool 85-36p ROOMS TO LET--Unfurnished, close to 'Allandale, all conveniences. "Apply to Fxaminer offite. 2 BB. 40p| 44-hour week is conceded. STONE & WELLINGTON -- Cnnada's greatest nurveries. Fruit and ornamental trees. including large and small fruits, ornamental and shade treea, avergreens, flowering shrubs, vines, roses, peren- nisls. Represented by C. T. Armstrong, Allandale R.R. No. 1. 33-38p BARRIE TIME TABLE (In effect June 27, 1920) To Toronto--Southbound No 46--Duily, North Bay to Toronto. Ly.Barrie 5.15 a.m. Arr.Toronto 7.80 a.m. No. 42--Dnily except-Sunday, Gravenhurst to Toronto, Ly. Barrie 8.40 a.m. Arr, Tor. 11.35 a, No. 4 (The Nationsli--Daily, Ng Bay to Toronto : Ly. Barrie 12,38 noon Art. Toronto 3 p.m. tion to Toronto. Lv.Barrie 1.50 p.m. Arr.Toronto 4.15 p.m. No. 58--Daily except Sunday, Muskoka Wharf to Toronto. Ly.Barrie 2.30 p.m, Arr.Toronto 4.45 p.m. (Cancelled after Sept. 6.) No. 44--Daily except Sunday, North Bay to 'Toronto. Ly. Barrie 5.10 p.m. Arr. Toronto 8 p.m. No, 48--Daily, Scotia Junction to Toronto. Lv. Barrie 9.15 p.m. Arr, Tor, 11.25 p.m. (Cancelled sfter Bept. 6. MORE PAY FOR RAILWAYMEN Freight handlers and clerks in the employ of the G.T.R. will receive the Chicago award 'with ita retrosctive features. Can- adian railways have adjusted their ditfer- ences with akilled workmen, who are to get 850 an-hour minimum, while unskilled men get an incresse of 10 to 13c an hour. The 'About 44,000 men are affect two rooms to HOUSE TO LET on Boys Bt... rough-cast; modern conveniences, all newly pap- |. For further particulars apply at 36p aaa 86p}. Daily except Sunday, Scotia Junc- | LOCAL NEWS ROO RIOR OR Boost Barrie's Fair, Flower show next Tuesday. Next Monday will be Labor Day. --Men's blue or black worsted suits for $20.08, worth $43.00, at' Hunter's, Barrie. Town Council meets on Tuesday even- the first mecting since last of June. Anniversary services of Egbert Metho- dist Church will be held on Sunday, Sept. 12. Special value this week in men's tweed rubber raincoats at Hunter's Clothing store, Barrie, 6c | Barrie Collegiate Institute re-opens next | Tuesday and there promises to be s record | attendance. Frank Egan, » brother of the late Dean Egan, of Barrie, died in Toronto on Sun. day morning. | E. H. Bamford has moved his music | studio to 126 Dunlop St., over Moodie & Jory's store. Phone 563J. --Saturday trea:, cocoanut rolls, 52¢ 4) Ib. st Ed, Bryson's, Specially made ond priced for this week-end. 36.37¢ | There is a great value in having the farm named, and having the name located where _ it is plainly visible to the travelling public. | apenenesenscer™ \ = Motor cars are encrosebing so rapidly | on the business of the blacksmiths thut it is predicted there will be nothing left for them to shoo in a few years but hens. --Miss Violet Toylor, A.T.C.M., tescher of piano and theory, will re-open clases this term. Apply to 76 Muple Avenue or P.O. Box 375. | --Miss Dorothy J. Sarjeant, A.T.C.M., wishes to announce thut she will receive | pupils for instruction in pianoforte. For terms apply by mail or phone, --Now is the time tw have your fern --A big box of soda biscuits 26¢; Com for Soap 10c; 1-lb. can salmon 25¢; good black Ceylon tea 56e Ib,; tomatoes 18¢ per el biseurs 25¢ Ib.; Arrowrout bir tb,, at Hinds Bros, 360 D. G. Markle of Edmonton, who on 4 trip to the Eust, received the following telegrum from a friend in Lumont, Alber- ta-""Wheat cutting in full swing, bumper crop, everybody happy." | The postponed missionary meeting an- nouneed for Thursday, Sept. 2, will be held Tuesday, Sept. 7, in Collier St. Meth- odist Sunday School room. Council committee opened but one tender | on for the supply for the prevent year. It is likely that tenders will be called ugain. | eq caitle have gone through to Toronto. They | W. plies we have not been able to secure all the school text books--but we are procur- | ing them as quickly as possible. All other | school supplies in stock at Keenan's Book | Store. Opera House, Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 6 and 7. Well, boys! Here he is! again. Who? Why, Larry Semon, in "The| Fly Cop," and Marguerite Clark in "Widow | by Proxy." Admimion: Adults 27e, chil- dren 160. --Hinds Bros. have always led in bring- ing down high price. This time they have been able to reduce the price of sugar to $21 per hundred pounds. A limited quan tity at this price, 10-Ib. suck $2.35, 20-Ib. | ick $4.60. « 6c Many former pupils df the West Ward | School, now living in other places, would | be particularly interested in this week's Examiner, Extra copies of this inwe may | be secured 'at this office or from the re- gular vendors, An apple tree on the farm, of Fred Wice, con. 11, Innisfil, which was shorn of all its blossom by the hail storm which swept thet farm on July 18, is now bearing beau- | tifel blossoms. This is certainly a novelty at this late season. Dean: Moyna, formerly of St. Mary's Church, Barrie, and now of St. Mary's Church, Toronto, has been seriously ill 'with double pneumonia, and little im- provement has been shown in his condi- | tion during the last few days. --Barrie Collegiate opens' next Tuesday. 'Get your supplies at Keenan's Book Store. Big stock of foolseap pads on hand at 5c, 0c, 150, and 2c. Our 15¢ pad (40 DIED SUDDENLY James McCraken, whose home is.on the Town Line, west of Barrie, died very sud- denly yesterday. While building an ost stack at Frank Rowe's he fell over and instantly expired. I sheets) and our 25e pad (70 sheets) are "the best value in town, Keenan's Book Store. ' | Last Friday, Inane Spring, Sr., "of Innis- fil, met with = very serious loss when his Rey, Byers buildings und most of his seuson's crop During the past week many carloads of | cently purchased from the Wesley Estate. are shipments from Western Canada, house for some time, bus taken! D.' into the house of Elvin Bleakney, 100 Peel | where there is suid to be « big surplus. Geo. | Simon's place, and Mr. Simon and fWnily |St., and completely ransacked it from top Cameron shipped two loads on Saturday. | ure going to Toronto for the winter. to bottom. Beyond helping themselves to --Owing to difficulty in obtaining sup- oF", |some catables wpparently they took no- Ladies' Plain Black Brown Cotton Hose, sizes 8% to 10. Special value 50¢ and Ladies' Fine Lisle Hose, mercerized, mus- ¢,4r¢ offering tard color and plain white, sizes 814 to 10. Good vale $1.00. Special on reinforced. Boys' and Girls' Black Hose, fine ribbed, good quality, sizes 842 to 10. Big val- ue 50c. Saturday and Monday only 35¢ Do not miss this line at the little price as they are scarce. Boys' and Girls' Heavy Black Cotton Rib- bed Hose, sizes 7 to 10. Special price .. this line at this ity. Men's Gauntlet One-finger Mitts with caff. This line is good value at $1.25. Special price ..... aise We have other lines 50c, $1, $1.50, $2.50 Men's Grey Cotton Gloves. Special ... and t4. fect tence eran ee 15¢c, 2 for 25¢ big value at 75c. Men's Grey and Brown Gloves with rib- Special price .. bed cutis. Special maownve ene BOE 6 vuswac « (OE Here is a big bargain for Saturday and Tuesday only. -- Taylor's Infant's De- 1s ; light, regular 15c, for ...... 10c each Easy priced Not more than 6 cakes to any one per- son. big value... Store closed Monday, Sept. 6, Lebor Day. : With every dollar purchase we give a5c coupon. See the nice goods at small prices. Barrie About two o'clock last Saturday morn- and wife from India are expected. {were d-troyed by fire. The threshing. ing fire broke out in Jos. Simpson's stable The great scarcity of coal wax made machine was at Mr. Spring's place when at Shanty Bay and totally destroyed it, apparent lust Friday, when the County |the fire occurred. 'The los is heavy with (ogether with three loads of hay, some ly small insurance. cuts, two fur coats, robes, cutter, sleigh and other contents. There is a small in-| surance to apply on the loss, The cause of the fire is unknown, Mr. and Mrs, Thos, McKenzie have mov- to their new home on Mury St. re- . N. Roebuck, who has occupigdethis; Last Saturday night some persons broke thing. When they departed they left the) electric lights burning. The people of the' house were out of town at the time. | Changes in the G.T.R, time table effect. live from now to next Monday include the | cancellation of five of the summer trains, as follows: 49, arriving here at 2.15 a.m,! daily; 57, arriving here at 1248 noon, ond 48, arriving Saturday at 9.48 p.m, all from Toronto, 'The southbound trains arriving here at 2.30 p.m. and at 9.15 p.| m, will be cancelled after Sept. 6. Automobile owners received an unwel- come surprise on Saturday when they learned the price of gasoline had been ad-| vaneed five cents per gallon, bringing it up to 50 cents, The increase in the cost of crude oil and the shortage of the refined ; article is the reason given by the refiners for the advance in price. At the various service stations it was stated that if the! demand continues at the present rate u further advance in prices may be expected in the near future. DON'T READ THIS O ye carefree and light- hearted ones. This is on- ly for the serious, the lad- ies with the cares of a household upon their shoulders, who have to provide against your nine months of appetite. Now, it's just about vinegar and spices. 'The Hub" has for you the highest quality of XXX Govt. Standard, White Wine, Cider, English Malt and Heinz Rex Amber Vine- gar. The latter is manu- -factured from Demarara sugar and was praised by many of our customers last year. With the good vinegar "The Hub" can supply you with ground and whole pure spices of highest quality. Avoid cheap priced vine- gar and spices. Get yours at "The Hub" and be sure of satisfaction. Phone 18 for delivery. McDONALD FINED $250 Allan McDonald, whose illicit still oper- ations were reported in last week's Exam- iner, was arrested by P. C. Rayner, and Jon Aug. 27 was fined $250 and conta (j total of $262.88) by Magistrate Raden- hurst. Yesterday the fine was paid and he was given his freedom, First student--"'Say, Bill, what is a ee TT cas I thought ond student-- "I thought everyone knew that. A wisick is an indgoorous fribble jinzed upon the anorex of the pro- Thursday, September 2, 1920. Silk Hosiery weight thread silk hosiery. The tops and soles of this exceptional Hosiery are well Colors white, navy blue, brown, grey, sky blue, ~ pink, green, mauve, white. Men's Lisle Sox mercury made, very fine qual- Colors black, brown, taupe, putty, sizes 10, 10% This is Men's Black Cashmere Sox, sizes 9% to These lines are very fine quality. Men's Heavy Wool Sox. PLE TRADE "THE HUB" Tea and Coffee House T. N. HOBLEY | cudwhelper. Get a copy of Barrie -Fair Prize List "from Secretary R. J. Fletcher. The dates are Sept, 20, 21 and 22. fanum dix or' kitchen species of brutum |i Plain Silk Hosiery is one of the trifles on which the perfections of the cos- tume depends. The fas- tidious woman will make sure that hers is not only in perfect taste but of superior quality. At $1.99 $2.50 Hose, fine medium- black, black and Do not miss small price. ves esss 75, $1.00, $1.50 These lines are . 50c, 65c, 75c, 90c, $1.00 BORN CARR--On Tuesday, Aug. 24, 1920. to Mr. and Mrs, Edward Carr, a son (Bur- ton Brown). CHAPPELL--On Sunday. Aug. 29, 1920, to Mr. and Mr. Ralph Chappell, Mine- sing, a daughter. CUNLIFFE--At Women's College Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday, Aug. 23, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs, W. Cunliffe (nee Lillian T. Brunton), a daughter (Mary Isobel). FIRTH--In the R, V. Hospital, Thursday, Sept. 2, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred ~ Firth, @ daughter. DIED McCRACKEN--Suddenly, in Vespra, Sept. 1, 1920, James MeCraken, aged 68 years, NUNES--In St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamil- ton, on Aug. 24, 1920, Pennington R. Nunes, Iate of Barrie, in his 58th year. PAYNE--At the home of Chas. Robertson, Kempenfeldt, Aug. 30. 1920, the infant dauehter of Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Payne, Toronto, aged 1 day. SAMPSON--At the R. V. Hospital. Barrie, Aug. 23, 1920, Mrs. Lawson Sampeon, McDonald St., Barrie, aged 29 ye IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my sincere friend, Andrew R. Grabam, who departed this li Aug. 26, 1919. One precious to our hearts is gone, A voice we loved is still, A place is vacant in our home 'That never can be filled. Forget him, no, we never will; We loved him here, we love him still; Nor love him leas because he is gone From earth to his Eternal Home. --A Friend. Problet ---------------- BURTON AVE. METHODIST CHURCH Labor Sunday will be remembered next Sunday evening in Burton Ave. Methodist Church, The subject will be "The Work- shop at Nasareth,"" ie CHRIST CHURCH, VESPRA unday, Sept. 5.--2 p.m., Sund School; 2 p.m, Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. Sunday, Sept. 12.--Temperance Sunday. Sunday, Sept. 16. --Hervest "Thankogiv Sunday, Sept. 26.--Closing Services. E. 0. Gallagher, Student in charge. 'The fall fairs are the next attraction, and in.a few weeks will be in full swing. ~Y Greatl Ope Cos (Gc Truster finance « os to the was for are to by and var total up are to be undertak nearly di Tnspret terested "magnifi in schoo! Nottawas duilt at that hax comparis with $80 is really ditions. collegiate would ru what the new schi rome feo gestions son and had beer the addi rihtly what wil has mea be felt building the outls Reeve of the C cation, | Intions He hope all child ies of Mr. § ford § apprecia est he | would b the chil mouldin, citizens, Princi hit quot school 1 long ma music the tows In in 'amount and ataf conseien stafix, 1 eee qeoeen

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