Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1920, p. 10

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| la t Page Ten THE BARRIE EXAMINER ; Thursday, September 2, 1920. C. BROWN PHONE C. BR FOR Laengem a BAKERS' BR HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD D A FULL LINE, OF ples, CAKES AND PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Elizabeth 'and Small Streets Are Well Supplied at-- SCOTT'S | ~BOOKSTORE Jas. Arnold FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT Real Estate and Money to Loan A number of Valuable Farms snd Town Properties for Sale -on the most reasonable terms. Masonic Temple Building, Barrle 6.6. Smith & Co, UNDERTAKER OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Morgue and Chapel IN CONNECTION BARRIE, ONT. - - Phone 82 KEEP YOUR GRAIN INSURED ainst Fire and Lightning hy A Short Date Policy DON'T COST MUCH AND KEEPS YOU . SAFE A. F. A. MALCOMSON (DYEING AND CLEANING Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at W- Firth's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? All kinds of Repairing done. We know how. W. FIRTH Phone 229 . Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. The Barrie Planing Mill' Corner Sophia and Mury Streets Manufacturers of, Sush, Doors, Frames, | Mooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, | ry 'mm atock n lurge assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B.C, Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning Kiln Drying a Specialty. promptly Consult us with your building, | THOS. ROGERS Phone: Office 163 Residence 353 | - Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada + Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. D.J.REBUR {able to conduct his own dl Dressing done | yment.of 30 PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND BARRIE, BRANCH, || BENTON OF THE Serial Publication rights "You may carve it on hia tombstone, You may cut it on his card That 8 young man married is » young man marred > The Provost emitied © nois laugh + snorting es," he remarked, with the jeering familiarity of old wequaintance, "and I must ssy you're a nice blooming old Gam- aliel to uct as mentor to anybody, Char ley, cepecially if you expect him to em- ality and philosophy. Ob, you're some Father-confeasor, all right, what? Besides, he ain't young, That is, unless you call thirty-nine, unsophisticated youth. "Bout time he wax making the break. There's no fun in getting married when you're old, all same Pope's 'January and May.' He huppened to. mension it was his birthday to u bunch of us down town when he came in lust month, I remember him saying it nth, beesuse 1 and Berk: Port «truck him for the on the strength of at. We rushed hun into the Alberta bar right away and | "How about the way he used to hanil it ou' shout woncoms and bucks getting | married in your Fore, ton?" interrupted | Musgruve. grisning. "Look at Beck stall.' he would 'Look at Corbett Jand lots of othereS® "Big families--always broke gout their miserable livew in rotten little line detachmen's--ean never afford to send their poor wives sway for | ghange anywhere they don't live they jJuAt exist, from one year's end to another | Thut's all there's to it! D'you think I'd Het auyself in for a juurgatory like that?" anil so an, You've heurd him, Hop. too te of times, what?" Hopgood held un his hands appestingly "Don't sunt, Colonel! he sad. VT wen! Tm not holding any partie "n pretty wall Ish ga ular brief for hin. ain't our funeral." to arene with at's beet hits target of how bibble! it Tr wax wore Musgmive. All fh vid tinheliet resma often came home. unny chap! he resumed musingly, think he is just about the mst in cresting und complex churacter T've ever come eros, He's very much of a man, but at the same time--he's ax simple as w kid in some things. Beggar reuds 4 lot und-he's ae rum in his tustes in that ax he i in everything else, Fond of all. thin old-fashioned atuff, 'The heighth of his imagination in humor he finds in Balzac's and Rabelais' yarns. or Boccaccio' 'De- cameron," snd his ideal of patho in George Fliot's or Dickens's tales. What- you do with a man like that?" ever can "Oh. what's the use of talking?' broke out Hopgood teatily : "A fool there wus, and he made hin pray- or he quoted, with a low, bitter laugh. "And by gum! it's me that knows it." The doctor silently eyed bim in cynical abstraction awhile after this outburst, then his grim mouth relaxed into a faint sym- pathetic grin, and he held out his band, "aye! 'Even as you and 1,' he finished softly. "Shake! , . . Ix that y you chucked up your commission in India? . . . T and Ben always thought +o," he continued, as the Provost tiodded wearily to this query. "None of our bus- iness to get making inquisitions, tho . Well! this and news has been 4 shock to our nervous systems, Kind of breaks up ux 'Three Musketeers," eh? . ... Looks very much ax if we're going fw lose our D'Artagnan. The Gi chum of your bachelor days is, xomehfW, never the same sgain to you after he gets mar- ried. "S'pore an all-wise Providence has ordained things #0 for some unfathomable reason, Think we need a little drink to console us." And he got up with a dreary sighing n, und, unlocking a small mahogany juor cellaret. produced a splendid, silver cut-glass '*Tantalus,"" "What's yodrs, Hop," he - Brandy, of 'Scotch'? ite inquired. Leaving those two well-meaning. if cyn: ical, worthies to console each other with the bitter philosophy which retrospection of past irremedial misfortunes. hus caused many better, and worse, men than them to revert to, let us return to the detach- ment at Cherry Creck. where at this par- tioular sfoment the object of their com- miseration ix leaning back in his favorite chair, with his -head resting in ite custom- ary position against the Jeopard-skin om, Tired out by a long and uneventful four days' patrol, Ellis lit «pipe and gazed wearily out through the open door into the gathering dusk. Gradually, his mind, still obsesed with the vague memories of brands of missing cattle and horses and the usual round of more or less petty' com- plaints, atrayed back to the Trainors' es- tablishment. He found himself wondering how Mary was, and what had caused her to be so | Ory; Phone 142 District Manager strangely silent and abstracted during that Inst homeward ride together from Lone brace your self-constituted creed of mor-| L while he coparter | > WHEAT PARTICIPATION "CERTIFICATES © Bring your certificates to this Bank and we will collect for you the initial CENTS PER BUSHEL authorized by the Wheat Board. sx THE CANADIAN BANK | OF COMMERCE - $15,000,000 $15,000,000 H. M. Lay, Manager. ROYAL MOUNTED | A Tale of the R.N.W.M.P. by Sergt. Ralph S. Kendall secured by The Examiner ||| through special arrangement with owners of copyright. ---------- Butte. At supper time, too, he mused, she had been in the seme mood ' . . had hardly spoken to him at all? Could it be that--* And, not unmixed with an unfamiliar, slightly self-conscious feeling of shame, came the sudden thought that she might have grown to regard his attentions in» more serious light than mere frank coin rie. And, if that was so--wel sure must be thinking him » proper "la ve." Not much of the "Young about him, he reflected bitter: it certainly didn't seem very gentlemanly behavior on his part, or the Tight thing. exactly, to run around after a gitl--like he undoubtedly hud, to cer- tuin extent--with Mury, and then keep her "hanging on the fence" indefinitely. us it were, like that. Surely the Trainors must be wondering not little, too. How the deuce was it that he had never thought of his conduct in that light before? She sould jbut "turn him down" like she had the 's:--some of whose very palpable dis. Jeomfiture be hd been a casual and not altogether disinterested witness on more than one occasion, And then, on the other hand, was he justified in asking any woman to shure the ut that he had #0 often bit erly inveighed iguinst ue being utterly insufficient, un: suitable and contrary to ail his ideals of conjugal happiness? His somewhut gloomy reflections were suddenly diaurbed by the sounds of an approaching rider, who presently drew uj vutside the open door. Dh, Surgint!"" came the gruff hurk of yu're buck, ch? Bin dawn for much obliged. is culled out * rancher. «winging dawn from Come on dropped the lints and slonchedd meowith a nucket of letters in his hand 'Nothin daw an' nobody around for whilr yu" was away." he remarke | onring into a chuir and lighting his pipe Gosh, but it's 4 warm night for this time o" year The Sergeant rewched for.> ami began leisurely to open up his mail, Moa! of it hore the regimental stamp of L. Division Returned e: reports. with caustic, blue- pencilled marginal comments in the 0.C." coligraphy, requesting certain omitted pa teulars therein, Cireulura resnveeting xtolen stock, descriptions of persons "wanted" for various crimes, draatic orders emanating primarily from Headquarters at Regina, re- garding new innovations to be observed in certain phases of detachment, duty, "ete., the monthly "'Genora! Orders." and so on, addressed in 4 clerk's hand and bearing an English stump und the London postmark, attracted his attention, Whoever could be writing him from the Old Country? he wandered. The only letters he ever re- ceived from there were mostly from Major Carlton, and this wasn't his handwriting. With a vague fecli turned it over in his hi a moment, then opened a closed envelope and a letter which bore the heading of » London legal firm. Mo- chanically he smoothed this latter commun. ication out and began to read the epoch- making documerit that was destined later to create for him-a new world and to trans form his desert into » paradise, Dear Sir,-- We are charged with the melancholy duty of breaking to you the news of the death of your old friend, Major Gilbert Carlton, on the 20th ult. Our late respec'ed client, although possessing all the outward appeatances of being a hale. ro- bust old soldier, had for many years suffe ed from what 'pbyricians term an "sortie aneurism," the: origin of which was prob- ably the result. of the privations and ex. posure endured by him in the various campaigns that he had gone through. The final bureting of this "'aneuriam" was the cauxe of his sudden death, Suffering from such an ailment, it is Rheumatism Now is the time . to get rid of it! . Nature is pulling for you-- The warm weather's here-- This is your chance-- grasp it--take Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Get it out of your system the For sale by all Toronto and Hamilton . Local Agents for Barrie-- Cr Drug Store. Allandale--A, E. Patterson's Drug Store therefore not surprising that ho spparently | realized of late that his end might come upon him unexpectedly st any moment ef his advanced age. This presentment he recently confided to us, during one of his last business visits. 'The enclosed letter he left in our care, charging us--in case of his decease--to forward it immediately to you. For many years he frequently spoke of you to us with great regard Ind feeling; referring to, you always as "The boy, Ellis," or "His boy." in tones which mov. ed us not 0 little, evineing as he did, a kindly love and esteem for you. Why? Froof is positive when founded upon facts piss experience, BEECHAM"S PILLS have been used for 60 years by people all over the globe. seventy-five years of age, and, as you are 'gg TheLargestSaleof ILL Any Medicine in of course aware, 5 bachelor all his life. the World. posscesing only distant relatives. Although | gid everywhere in Canada. Ex bens, 28e., Ses not by any means 8 recluse, and enjoying | life to its full in hia old-fashioned, cheery way at his estate--Biddlecombe Hall, in Devonshire, surrounded by many of his old soldier frienda--he wae not an extravagunt {'S' 4 man and the revenues of the said estate (Pick out from Pon ane an have been steadily accumulating for many first," When notions adopt this policy, it years. This magnificent property. with all "\"™auied 'politied economy; hee. iediv. It is revenues thereof hud been lef to bim under Par - udeF iduals adopt it, it is called thrift. ghe will of his cousin, the Tate Lord Baring, /ximply the principle of the square deal, ; or trying to get the things we are entitled to, and no more. We enclose a copy of the textament, by which you will see that (with the exception | : of the estate, which. re a stipulated clause In Upper New York one day last summer in Lord Baring's will. hus reverted at the the writer paused on his way to watch death of the last incumbent to the Morley some workers who were building a big fac- Institute, to be ured se 2 santorium for FY. Nearby was a time-battered old | {uberculowi patients, ond a few. bequeata (gentleman seated in a big luxurious car, | to old xervants! he has bequeathed to you "A alto seemed to be watching the job. \ sensible thing to do is, first, to find out fhings you think 'you can get, then But presently a somewhat large envelope, f yuneasiners, he} aigsolutey for ntained jthe great bulk of his money. We hold at your disposal a sum (discounting probate dues) "approximately nearly ninety thous j and pounds. 'We beg to congratulate you on the sc- |quisition of ° this considerable fortune. Thinking" that you might desire to relin: quish your present occupation nt once, and not knowing how you are financially sit 'uated, we enclose a credit for five hundred pounds, for which please sign the secom: | panying receipt. Kindly communicate with [ue at your earliest convenience. | We are. dear air, yours truly. FATON AND SMITH. | Dazedty Ellis glanced through the attach- 'ed copy of the will and reread the letter through. Gallegher. who bad been intently |watching bis face throughout. vaguely aware from the Sergeant's unconcealed ag. itation that some tiding of an unusual |eharscter had been received, inquired cas ually . | Why. what's up, Sargint? ain't bin agettin' bad news?" | "ie tegarded hz interlocutor absently a moment or two, and then bis preoccupied | gaze flickered awuy again through the | open door into the darkness of the night. "It's both good and bad, Barney," he answered slowly. "Tl tell yu'--tater |. Choking buck many conflicting emotions, he now picked up the previously mentioned closed Iptter which, he perceived, was ud dressed "to him in bis old. friends hand- |writing, With « feeling ulmost of awed reverence, be broke the heuvy wax seal, stamped with the Major's own signet ring and drawing out th began to read communication thet was to remain in- jiehbly in his memory forever | My Deur Lud write thir th reevive from me mind, and a pos S tes, lafe is very uncertain at all times, unl expecially su an the fellow like me. T have ge an inn" are now, A man eon though ce hardshij Ltake up my pen to list letier you will ever while 1 am atill of clear Kebir, my b hove worked, bled. etary atfered whose a bit in my: time vie has heen troubling meg and To euntot mistake ite meaning. * warned me that it may amy thanks for grunting wish in sending me that photogrash 'of yourself in' your Mounte Police uniform." T look at it often, Fe though 'externally it depicts one whom T believe to be a soldier, and a mun in word, deed, und appearavee, in it T seem lta see ugain the face of w boy that T once loved, becuuse--he had his mother's dear) dear eyes Yes, Ellis,"my Ind! . . . Now that T jknow my end ix not far off, T frel that Teaynot die peaceably without telling you Iwhat hus heen to me a sacred secret ince T was in my thirties. LEARN TO DO WITHOUT If you find yourself unuble to live within your income, there are just two remedies; either you 'must inereuxe your Income, or reduce your standard of livin, tion ix so simple that child should grasp it, but it much for a lot of grown-ups, | Marshall in the Thrift Magazine. could examine the budgets of most of the people who are howling #0 lustily about the high cost of li of making both ends meet, you would find that the tap-root of their troubles in that 'they-are buying too many things that the coull get slong without" The plain truth is that the standard of living thet has been adopted by the vast majority of Americans is entirely too high for sound economics. The maaes of our people insist upon hav- ing » great deal more in the way of expen- ve Tuxuries that can be supplied by any possible adjustment of the forces of produc- tion. It is simply not physically possible for everybody to have the choicest cute of 'stenk and out-of-seaxon fruits and vege- tables, Neither can there be a piano in ev home, or costly fure and daces for every |woman, There are not enough of these jthings to go sround and that is all there |in to it, ' Nor is the remedy to be found by the 'ensy process of raising everyone's wages. That would no: make diamonds more plen- tiful, add to the number of mninks or foxes, or increase the percentage of porterhouse steak in a fat steer, Raising wages merely adds to production cost, and at the same time feeds the pasion for over-buying. The reel remedy bo'h for individual and for the nation, is diminished consumption of need- Irss thing». This will divert Inbor to the production of necessities, with a consequent reduction of cost, und st the xame time, provide q margin of income over expendi- 'tures, 5 Of course, these are.all very fundament: economics, but it will do ux no good merely to know it: we must apply it. Failure to apply this doctrine is the cause of most {of the economic discontent that hurts. Peo- ple have got into their hesds that they are entitled to more of the world's goods than they are able to earn, The man who is living beyond his income, is not "playing the game. as our English friends put it. No one has a right to more than he can pay for, and the fellow who tries to get it. ia usually due for some hard bumps. The Hope yu" 6 He turned out to be the contractor who was putting up the building. and he gave 'us some information as to deta:ls of the steel construction that was going on before jus. Then he invited me to ride down to the city with him, "It must be s great pleasure to be able to ride about at will in av ed. "Yer, but I got ready to enjoy it by serving my time behind » wheelbarrow," Ther» you have the whole philosophy in a nutshell, It is better to begin with a wheel- barrow and end with a car, than to start with « car and end with a wheelbarrow. "IMPRESSIONIST" ART | i tin on piece."" 'They look, and seeing only on ex- punse of bare canvas, they ask: "What does that represent ? | "That representa the passage of the | dren of Israel through the Ded Sea." | jut where is the sea?" ~ Tt har been driven back." nd where are the Children of Israel y have crossed over." nd the Egyptiahy?™ \ "They will be here directly. That's the 'sort of painting T like--aimple, suggestive snd unpretentio | i Got a 260. Box VETERINARY OUNN & BROTHER Veterinary Surgeons Cattle Diseases aud Surgery a Specials Phones 244; AND GRANITE WORKS Markers Tablets Corner Posts Canadian, Scotch and Amer- ican Granite Monuments. All kinds of Cemetery Work Strict attention given to Inscription Cutting. All work neatly and artist, ically done. J. F. MURPHY Veteran - Proprietor Office and Works: 78 Bayfield St. Phone 734 FRESH GOVERNMENT FISH 15c. per Ib. Also Fish Dinners BARRIE FISH SHOP Opp. Bryson's Store Phone 887 icle like this.' I anid, and he answer- | Offic "|W. 4. Boya, K.C., M.P, Phone ot Graduate of Trinit _| Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie) musio MYRTLE V. RICE Organist and Choirleader of Collier Street Meth. Church TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN, SINGING Pupils prepared for Toronto "Conservatory of Music" Exami ms STUDIO--KING BLOCK PHONE 675 HERBERT. L. BAMFORD, AT Mi Organist and Choirmaster St. Andrew's Church Tuition in Piano. Organ, Theory and Singing Pupils prepared for examinations of Toronto Conservatory of Music, eto. Studio--113 Collier St--Phone 135 MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L. Piano and Vocal Lessons In vocal work special attention is give to Voice Production. Pupils prepared far A.T.C.M. degree in both piano and=yooal; also elementary exams. of Toronto Cotser vatory of music or University exams. Studio: King Block. Phone 424, MUSIC LESSONS PIANO AND VOICE MISS NETTIE COLPITTS For fine ae em apply to 100 Peel 81. Phone 888 LEGAL Bares, Sooo fer vbnae rat Genel uranic iin a 08: Hines Bock, No, 8 Dunlop sire Barrister, Satin ee eu Moon w onotse i mel aaa Ba Branch office, Elmvalee Goren)" D. 0, Murebisop PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Buildis Toronto, Ont. C. W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plaxton, DONALD Ross, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, Masonic Temple Building, Barrie Money to loun, CRESWICKE & BELL - BARRISTERS icitors for the Supreme C cature of Ontario, Proctor, Notaries, Gow. cers, etc, ™ > Offices: in Rose Block 'Bernt? W. A. J. Bell, K.C. ---- MEDICAL OR. H. T. ARNALL nd Residence Corner of lizubeth Streets, opposite Cent Methodist Church." Telephone on" a eB, €. G. TURNBULL raduate of MeGill Unive pilose and Residence, eorner Eligubech and Eandford Sts.. Barrie , Office houra ete O am. 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 108 W. A. LEWIS, M.D., CM, SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY especially 56 Collier St., Barrie. DR. VICTOR A. HART Trinity University, te Eainburgh and aie ; Y--Diseuses of St Mice: Corner Bayfield and Worsley. Bt Office open uniil 8 p.m. daily, L. J. SIMPSON, M.B, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and residence, Colk Clapperton &t., Bartie, Phone agent OR. FRED A, ROSS Late Surgeon Specialist with Imperial Army, 434 yours, General Surgery und Obstetrice Office: 15 Owen 8t., Phone 710, P." 0. Box 1076, DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor, St. W., Toronto, will be at ity po Se pan Gnd Saturday. 70, Conmultstion houre Item tof Goreng by appointment. Barri Toronto Phone North 286° 8M eh J. A. KEARNS MAN AND Bi PHELPSTON, ONT. Office hours: 12-2 and 7.9 pm. ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON. WELCH & CAMPB, Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874. 69 Yonge St., Toronte H. J. Welch, CA. G. D, Campbe! TB levi. GA W. 8, Hulbig, Production Engincer Mannger Cost and Efficiency Department RAILWAY SYSTEM THE DOUBLE TRACK. ROUTE between TORONTO MONTREAL DETROIT and CHICAGO Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains. . . Unexcelled dining car service Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C, EB Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto.

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