Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1920, p. 9

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CIRCULATION THIS WEEK - 4000COPIES | +435 WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED ARRIE SATURDAY MORNING J. A, MacLAREN, Editor W. C. WALLS, Manager 57th Year CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1920. "_-Single Copies & cents $1.50 Per Year (in advance) SECTION 2 PAGES 9 TO 16 | important thing of all. Are they going BARRIE PHONE USERS.OPPOSE important hing of ll Are ther ving BELL CO.'S RATE INCREASES when subscriber could learn the location of a fire from Central, but today they re- The monthly rates proposed for these | [fuse to let you know. This is but one of | the many amell features where the service Citizens' Meeting Passes Res-| nas . | ow olution after Hearing Com. /"*™ "" Iediv. 2-Party Rural, today fulls down, and people resent 1; a tas Tagg this" any's Representatives. Line Line Line, pany PI i . $3.30 $2.75 $2,00| 8: W- Moore called for » revolution, He (Continued from page 1) | Residence $2.50 $2.00 $2.00 "id not think business men could support : the .compuny's application. If a private The total puy roll at Barrie today is' This will mean an "increase of from $4800 per month, the rutes of Wages paid | $27.50 at present, to $42.00 per year for 4, ioe for it, & busines phone, and from $22.60 tol ye pi, as ade terse shat ir. Reburn asked if automatic phones 1920 ; re 7 Leaked here has | Were %0 be installed shortly, and Mr. Gar- Tie l, juring | past is years U wd diner said there was nothing definite, but Gis [SSR Sere Hee ee ier have made | {ust Toronto and other large centres woul 7Bhe | order fo meet that demand we have made | cot this improvement first, and it would Te | large adiitions to our fyatem, which unde* 'be some years before Barrie would have present conditions have involved abnormal thy "eutomatie phone being compared ax follows 1917 Wire chief. per hour Instrument man, per hour Forman, per hour 2 2Be Linemus, per hour . 2he 'The employees living in Barrie total 58, company wants more capitul they hava, made up of 35 operuting stuff, 4 commer- | cial 19 phint staff. Barrie ix to. be included for uniform rates in group 5, along with the following places: Belleville, Brockville, Lindsay, | Orillia, Osbuwa, Owen Sound, Sudbury, Three Rivers, Welland and Woodstock. These towns are all in the group having from 900 te 2000 stations, Burrie having 1037. expense. Our 1920 programme calls for an | expenditure of over $10,000,000.00 of new | capital, und to meet the incressing demand | for service we must continue to spend large amounts annually during the next few year. 'THF continued development of fel- | ephone jervice depends on adequate re-| venue." R. J. Guthrie asked what revenue there was from the Barrie office, but Mr. Bruce said there was no way of determining that definitely, the collections being mude on a form and sent to head office, Barrie D. Quinlan, T. Beecroft and several others spoke briefly and the resolution ax given above carried unanimously. THEY DON'T AFFECT US The proposed measured rates for business telephones apply only to Toronto, Mon- treal, Hamilton, Ottawa and Quebec. The uctive discussion in the puper of those cit- ies may have created the impression that such a charge is intended to apply to business telephones here. This is not the is heud office for.an area including 19 cen- | °M# The charges proposed for this local- E. POWELL | tral and 6 toll offices, and extending from "9 *¢ sll on the rate basis as heretofore, Meaford on the weat to Thornhill on the | a & H. HOOK uth WHOLESALE GROCERY J. H. Bennett pointed out that the com FIRM OPENS HERE 'puny hus paid 8° on invested capital for! W. Graham & Co., 9 wholesale grocery 30 years, and has a reserve of $20,000,000, firm. have opened an office in the Ross He said: "Your company bas charged Block and have now several travellers on Being opened for busi- ness in the Taylor nurs- eries, solicit a share of your patronage. We 3 onough to pay shareholders 8 per cent. div-|the road. Mr. Graham. who has had an specialize in Wedding $ idends and still produce this huge reserve extensive retail and wholesale business ex- Boquets and Funeral and claim to have been puting annual rérience, will be located in Berrie, and will . 'The firm tokens, surpluses into extensions. Now you want move his family here shortly. "ns. us to give you more money to build up! Will cover territory from Owen Sound on Satisfaction guaranteed Our local bydro electric the west down to Orangeville and ae far bled salaries and wages. north ax North Bay. They will handle not increasing, but rather butchers', bakers', grocers' and --confee- Why cannot the Bell do toners' supplies, the «ime? Why ant borrow for extensions | --------- the ame as any other business must do? | --Men's tweed suits for $24,98, worth Mr. Bruce has suid nothing about the most 834.00, ut Hunter's, Burrie, 362 bieger reserve light plant and they are reducing, rates Send us a trial order Phones 15 and 650w j a Coats Coats Coats | A Fine Collection at Sarjeant & King's RACK AFTER RACK IN OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPART- MENT IS FULL OF THE BEAUTIFUL NEW FALL COATS-- COATS YOU WILL WANT TO WEAR WHEN THE TANG OF AUTUMN IS IN THE AIR, AND COATSYOUWILL BE PROUD TO WEAR BECAUSE OF THE DISTINCTION IN STYLE AND THE DISTINCTION WHICH YOU EASILY CAN RECOGNIZE IN NORTHWAY'S AND ROTH'S GARMENTS. WE WOULD BE VERY PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUR LARGE RANGE, YOUR INSPECTION IS REQUESTED Never before have we shown such a variety of Coats in new lines of fashion, such handsome: materials as Duvetynes, Silvertones, Tinseltones, Velours, etc., and such d representation of the latest shades as we are showing this Fall. Coats and Wraps are here in abundance, particularly featuring the popular straight-line models and wrappy types. The prices are from $25.00 to $75.00. SEE OUR SHOW svINDOWS THE SUITS MILLINERY DEPARTMENT The new lines of fashion are shown RE-OPENS THIS WEEK to particular advantage in the ad- Preparations have been going on for vance autumn modes. There are the last two weeks to place before é r you at once a fine showing of beau- scores of new little details, the most tifully trimmed Hats--New York and important' being the- longer jacket Paris styles, reproduced at about one sand novel fur or embroidery trim- third of the price by our milliners, ming effects. There are also many 'are ready now. Your inspection is new shades and tones that you will invited. admire. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR $37.50 TO $90.00 FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT Dressmaking Dept. Re-opens Sept. 7th. Sarjeant & King Limited Apprentices and Dressmakers Wanted MRS. HUNT PASSES AWAY, AGED 94 Nonegenarian Citizen Receiv- ed Medal from Field Com- forts Society for War Work The death of Mra, James Hunt at her home on Owen St,, on Friday Inst, re- moses a remarkable woman from the life Jof Simcoe County. She was in her 94th year, und her long life was one of useful- nes and ectivity, up to about three months ago when she was taken ill, since when 'he hud been confined to her bed. The late Mrs, Hunt, whose maiden name was' Surah Adams, was the daughter of theTute Wm, Adams, ond was born in Cookstown, Co, Londonderry, Ireland, from where she came to Canada with her mo:her and the rest of the family in 1844, settling on concession 6, Innisfil, not for jfrom Bradford. The voyage was msde in one of the old sailing vessels, six wecks be- ing required for the ocean journey and 'several duys for the wagon trip from Muddy York (Toronto) over the corduroy road to 'Bradford. where » brother who had been in Canada Yeveral years, met them. In 1863 she married James Hunt, at Thorn- ton, the late Rev. Thos. Wightman, an itineant Presbyterian mister, oticatog, | ORILLIA TW! Ts do him to to-day, knows he in view, $1400 Barrie Re-opens Sept. 22nd, 1920, for boarders; Sept. Scholarabip Matriculation, Solo Singing, Music, emphasized. Health record excellent. For Prospectus apply to 5 Barrie, they lived on their farm lot 2, con. 8, Innisfil. Her husband, who was a most successful farmer, died in Barrie in 1008, [in his 72nd year. Both Mr, and Mrs. Hunt were lifelong members of St. Jude's Anglican Church, Thornton, until they eame to Barrie, Mr. ) Hunt being Chureh Warden for over 40 | years. Longevity seems to have been a j family characteristic, Mrs. Hunt's mother [almost reaching the century mark before | went out and played second base and did it | | her death, and u sister living nearly 905 good style. Unfortunately, in the last jyeam. The late Mrs. Hunt was woman | inning bo stepped off second base thinking | jf xerling wirtuce und was a most estimable | Breen had the ball buf all the time Row | lady. Kindly and charitable in disposition. | was holding it in bis hand. 'That ended | we was an indefutigable war worker, and the game for Barrie us there were two oul | despite her age. had a proud record for| gt the time. comforts vor the soidese eadsl: | pacrie should have won the game hands m aver $0 year of "R€) sown, Gill bad the enemy eating out of bia hand but 'Tommy Burton had a eplit finger and waa unable to hold down the This work she contiaued until abe fell and | other end of the works as well as usual, and | jbroke her arm. she was houored by the | 1 several third strikes go by. Orillia put | Field Comforts Brae's, Capt. (Miss) P'um- serons four in the first by means of two | jmer sending her » meial for merctorisis passed balls, two errors and a batted hit, j work for the sociny, Up to within a few Barrie bad already scored two on Andy's momenta of 'her passing she retained a eae ee ee arene and. Rene! her fucultien, ane wan able to read without |Fie) LROES UM AERET Oe ile her glases until» few days previous to made their fifth run in the third. After pesdaths two were gone, Thomas made the only The funeral took place from her Ite] i3" ow Giihés single to right, be atole a. residence, 87 Owen St. on Mendny. the| ook thind on a paseed ball, and-then Rev. A. R. Beverley taking the service at| Cont: (ook think on = passed bel) and' then the hougs ced ut the grave in Thienton | or tying it in the seventh. Burton singled | Anglican" -ernetery. where interment war| Ov. seond and reached third om two past Manager Moffatt the Victim of | squires, Was 5-4. | Thomas, | Holeson, When Manager Moffatt lined up bin' Pethick, toam ut Orillia yesterday the squad num: Liteter, furnishing led by few. jahe was still kuising ocks, and altogether sent aver 280 pairs for the boys in khaki. made The lear. al ld fend bala Cooper ited to aor, Gil an were us follows: A. W. Fletehor and Geo. | 124. Moran walked and stole second, Breen Coles, of Barrie; Alox, Stewart, Jas. 7*5| attempted to catch Tommy off third and Sproule, J. R. Grey and Jus. A. Jamieson. | cow to left field, and then Pethick chuck. of Thornton. A large number of people éd the bull over the 'catcher's head and| ee ine eae 4 by one dnughter, {12 fore was 5-4. Gil struck out 18 and | ' i He '|Breen 11, Lally made a nice catch off Mrs. C. R. Martin, who looked after ber! pou in the first inning, the only ball hit | motber intl the end, and one grandion,| 1%, Stata one" dunionted Lal Ro¥t. Paton Hunt, of Toronto, formerly | 14, in the fifth when he nailed Moffat of fhe Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Her only | atin fhe SEB son, Dr. Geo. Hunt, of New Lowell, died + in 1908. Seore by innings The death of Mrs, Hunt recalls the fact that she was one of the trio of nonegenar- inna who came out to cast their ballots in the elections of last October, wben for the first time in the history of Ontario the women were accorded the franchise, 'The other two, who have since passad awny, were Mra. Goudy, Bradford &t., and Mrs MeNiven, Elizabeth &t. ~ How ie Poca * yoou ercccoomop CHARGE DISMISSED On Friday J. J. Neelands was tried on|Moran, 1b . the charge that he "did make o still or part of said apparatus suitable for the manufacture of spirits." The still in ques- tion was the one which caused Milion Mc. Cullough to Iand in the county jail. Mr. Neelands admitted that he hed made a boiler and an open galvanized pail on the order of McCullough last July but bad no trouble convincing the magistrate that he was entirely innocent of any knowledge of the purpose for' which the articles were to be used, so the cose against him was dis- mised, W. A. Boys, K.C., speared on behalf of the defendant, Franklin Browley, charged with sssist- ing in distilling, was fined $200 and coste, Jt appears that when he called at McCul- Jough's one day he helped the latter fill a large can with water, Ax this proved to be part of the still he in so doing com- mitted s technical offence which made him liable to a minimum fine of $200. socHoonep coor come moon aecoonsce mde tooo 6 PikL WATER --Men's tweed suits for $21.98, worth $29.50, at Hunter's, Barrie. 360 10 years, with interest at 3 unded. semi amount te $605.72, UNION BANK OF CANADA Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes, A. Leslie, Manager Branches also at Cookstown, Thornton Ovenden College RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Ontario Outdoor games and sports. | Moftart, 2... eae until 16 yeam: ago, when they came to | WIN RETURN GAME. onus t Ross, 2b Hidden Ball Trick.--Score | Deroy bered eight and then stopped, hence he| Breen, p. . GAS RANGES AND GAS WATER HEATERS GAS FUEL IS CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER, BOTH FOR COOKING AND FOR HEATING THE BARRIE GAS CO. LTD. Office and Showroom: Wells Block, Owen Street. Telephone No. 78 J. W. McCutcheon, Manager wisest thing you can for your boy is to téach save. Open a savings account for him in this Bank and let him prepare to meet his college expenses. 'The account will steadily grow, when be "definite object fe saving with w deposited every weck fer 2rd, 1920, for day pupils. , Art, Conversations! French Limited numbers. Principals. 23 4 3 18 4 4 AB. R. H. P.O. A. E, 3 00 4 0 2 3 10 1 00 2 10 0021 3 91 010 2 0 Mf ....8 2 1 0 0 0 Ib......3 0 0 5 0 0 Lt 3 00 00 1 r, 2 0 00 00 20014 0 4 56 12 6 4 At Barrie Fair, we'll meet you there, How's TheTrend § * of Business ? . What do the changing 4 tendencies of Bank lear ings, exports, imports,' eae ices, oot mean to you? 3 Why do high money rates 7 aflect bond yiclist" What; factora 'weigh in for judgment as to real values "The Income. Builder" shows by means of "In- vestment Barometers" th current condition of busi- ness, A dependable, un- col review, based on real values weighed by actual conditions. It will help you to select securities, avoid pitfalls, obtain a fe iacomms return; to or change investments masto a in addition to income; to handle your money by sound, scientific methods. Write NOW and « copy will be sent you ., Adérees Dept. B (RAHAR SANSONE () Members Toroato Stock Exchange 85 Bay Street, Toronto

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