Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1920, p. 6

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ae 'Thursday, July. 22, 1920 sm mute Hi\Thensent © BAMFORD, rer i | i Organi and Cholmater rew's Church , ' and Singing SATURDAY MARKET Tuition in 'Piano. Organ, Everyone seemed interested in the fruit Ta ee ea ae sen market on Saturday, raspberries aring Btudio--113 Collier St.--Phone 135 for the first of the season at 25 and 30 cents » box and $2.00 a pail, Black our- MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. rants also were in great demand at 25 Piano and Vocal Lessons cents a quart. 'There was an exceptionally large offering of them compared with' the last couple 'of years. Red. currants did not claim as much attention. 20 cents s box was their price, Green peas again were in demand at 40 cents a quart, Beans new und tender were 10-15 cents a quart. Potatoes were very scarce. New ones were quoted at $1.00 per peck. Not many ready for market yet. Butter was higher than for some weeks. As high ss 60. cents-w PHONE C. BROWN | 250 FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH Beko AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES AND PASTRY . Bakery and Saleshop: Cor, Elizabeth and Small Streets fe ipensieennnentiennaenaaent YOUR READING | ~ NEEDS Are Well Supplied at-- | MAKE your banker yout financial set catia be wil be shape your so warranted ingiying you ample crédit to operate your farm efficiently. Our is to assist you in every «way THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE matter? | Did e "T'm--I'm afraid I've lost 'm trying to get back . T've not been in PIANO_AND_ VOICE NETTIE, COLPITTS I aid. Eggx were shipped out in consider- Miss, PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 ' the prin | ble . {Golding diplome) RESERVE FUND é - $15,000,000 Tipe ang been to a a Cun, eee bone ae 100 , jouer intra mon aa eg see Mrs, Goddard, at the.Bow View ranch, and her husband told me of a trail which he said would be shorter than the pne Lai He want to ride back' with and cucumbers were plentiful and sold reasonably, Butter, per pound . Eggs, per dozen . Chicken, dressed, per Ib. . Potatoes, new, per peck . Potatoes, old, Onions, gree! Rhubarb, per bunch . | Beets, basket .. Beets, per bunch . Carrots, per bunch Green feu. por quart... humor se ines. age plants, per bunch . All right,"" he suid gaily, "You'll | Green Peas, per quart this s pretty rough roadhouse. I'm | Gooseberries, per quart afrhid, though. It's the Mounted Police | Raspberries, per box. BARRIE BRANCH, H. M. Lay, Manager. LEGAL 5-400 ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of ills, guardianship and sdministration, SCOTT'S BOOKSTORE BENTON OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED A Tale of the R.N.W.M.P. by Sergt. Ralph S. Kendall Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner through special arrangement with owners of copyright. QW ent, 'm the Ser tach AUT da what we Ceo on |B, CUTann, pee NE | Must be--otherwise whence had he obtained | i | the knowledge that had led to the undoing 'f°,.0° "Tiy Please, "and make yourself (sf Cream, quart 2... of so many? And, us this disturbing por ger Louis! winner aitecwurta an¢ Maple Syrup, quart ae atin eee Credence, the Ton minutes or-e0 luver he returned from | He Pee seeda of mutual distrust and apprebension the stuble to find his guest sitting on the) 078" ©" NEARBY MARKETS BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 18 Owen St. (in the premises for merly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch office, Eimvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C,, MP, D. C, Murchison PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building. Toronto, Ont. C, W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plaxtos. Jas.Arnold | FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT Real Estate and Money to Loan A number of Valuable Farms and (Continued from last week! Town Projerties for Sale on the most reasonable terms. Masonic Temple Building, Ellin, duly tried on the formal charge that bad been laid against him, was hon- orubly acquitted of all blame, und return ed to duty, Later receiving the grant for his well-earned reward---balf of which he, Barrio ware sown broadcast amongst them which. music stool in the inner room awaiting | needless to say, was greatly beneficial to him, Exclamations of surprised mutual | ---- tien the uttmost difficulty, prevailed upon ,the rest of the luw-ubiding community. | recognition eseuped them an they saw each (July 14, 1920) Musgrave to accept--be,obtained ten days' If this altered state of affa}rs was highly | other for the first time in the light. Allisson--Wheut $2.00, oats $1.20, hay DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. wm . ee and, dragging ibe eee He ford pgesentd to Foe bg eng oe ie ee the same ktaged face set ' 1:82, Hiner 12-450, eggs 43c. potatoes BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO. 3 6 ADVA all-ubsorbing practice {for that period, the jeer. it even mot 10 the 'As-|the tall, athletic, majestically proportioned $5.00 per bug. , : 6 6. Smith & Co, two Meparted 'away uj to the Kananaskis | sociation, and the Sergeant was the recip: |figure of the girl who bad spoken to bun | Bradford--Oute $1.00-1.10, potutoes $2 Masonic = Bailding, Barrie Pi ' Hee eeersesiahing trip. The doctor in- |ient of many tributes of eateem and grat-!and admired Johnny. his horse, one day per bag. butter A7c. exgy 4B - Established 1869 sisted on paying all expenses in connection 'tude from that sterling body for the good the previous summer, ux he whs waiting| Orillia--Oats $1.30-1.35, buckwhest $1. CRESWICKE & BELL Reduce E with this outing ,and presented his com- | work he bad done. outside Sabbano station while she, for her |55-1.75, chickens 35-40c, butter 48-52c. BARRISTERS Better UNDERTAK RS panion with a magnificent English green part, saw the stern, bronzed, scarred face egge 48-50c, potatoes $3.00-3.50 per bug. |... al ae , 'heart fly rod, which Ellis had often eyed and uniformed figure of the rider with hay $20.00-25.00. Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judi- Elinuit OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Hongingly PART 11 whom she had conversed, and for which | ature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Con- Secure (TER en, pomening in x. great degree | Tape she had, incidentally. been no xev-| BaeES OF FALL PAINS veyancers, ete. Money to loan. F Teach Morgue and Chapel |the same morose, taciturn characteristics CHAPTER XVI lerely censured by her aunt | xmas sect, 160s Offices: in Ross Block, Barrie, ' Fine IN CONNECTION \they derived a certain grim pleasure in |.., 'aeesoak ws} Now that he was xt leisure to observe Bare" soem ose Sept BOO A W. A. J. Bell, K.C, Becur Veuch other's company sod, loving and| | Wa* ® stranger, anc' ye tate BA 38, her closely he remarked her small. auperb- Berea pt. 7 poe « BARRIE, ONT. - - Phone 82 understanding the sport as only good fish- Sites = «Wy curred herd, stirmaunted with ite thick | Boavertor i \ : fermen ean, it ix neediest to say that they | The ae, eS col ba care maser of silky, hining, naturally curly, peel | a OO Insure had extraordinarily heavy catches und, in| 1? AR be , glmoat blue-black hair, und her fuce-- Bradford . HT. cetaaaantiesinieritaaipbeenbeaeaa@liiy cir alent, undembnmraiive way, enjoyed ,(neoure WHEE: «few faint Kees had begun 'hich, though pleasing, healthy and hap: | Brcebridge .- Sept. 23 and 24) OR. H. T. ARNALL Be Serene huwale to twinkle. Ab, here was a light at last Bae, alge ber called. beautiful nt | Burk's Falla Sept, 30-Oct. 1| Office and Residence Corner of Toronte Pack all your Auto Worries (hme mute i i, however, md # Welcome wight it was to the tired frye ight. since the cleft chin Sa on Collwater Sent. 23 and 24| and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Central ina land ft aan with feeling of deep regret rl leadiye un equally tired, fat, old rey datermivied, ond the mouth, 'with its, hums Fling wot Sat, M4 we 12 Methodist Church. Telephone 167. " " aia ie cruel evan, and returned ROrse. as. Stopping & rise in the trail, she orous upward curl st the cornem of the | Cooksowa et. 5 and 6) TRAVELERS" POLICY rie incre tthe routine of their respec, Uebel the visible signs of a habitation. ji4. too large and strong. Her brow Sept. 27 to 20) DR. E. G. TURNBULL ' IT, COVERS ee tien, owing fervently to come again ing in the distance + cheery, rou low, and whi. with thick, Beit: B000t 1) Graduate of McGill University [PERSONAL LIABILITY--Injury to 'the following season. The Indian summer ome on. Sam, she coaxed eheert'y. eyebrows that matched th Sept. 28 and 29 Office and Residence, corncr Elizabeth and igor: "Aoi the talons, ee indian SUMIDPT ith slightly impatient tug at the reins Pee yt i wus, her shrek Sopt. 22 to 25 |Bradford Sts., Barrie . Office boura 9 to that most beautiful and reliuble period oe, Sobts 2 te 28 | Be . Sept, 30-Oct. aa 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 8 p.msPhone 105 per * and ke h e. We'll he Y --Injury to theo! ~ your in the Canadian West--grad- | n° QUICRERING Ber) pens: eH 800M eves which attracted bh nibst Uh, [PROPERTY DAMAGEMInyury 10 the of the Sou ne eae the Thy Be there now, old boy. and youll RC * re of the per darkest hazel ee: niet Sept, 28 to 30 {l, COLLISION--1 und from then onward the ee ete, cociiy one Raed jumbled over (Mt sleening tusily under their tong. Lathes, Septs 2 & 24 W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. el in ane of our weuther grew stead ax the oe " ga ey. GUID ete \ext Apa ani Ke the pt, 15 to 17) yA Mae gra FIME nef reel lr pe ru aca tws aulh Suey af sth ell 16 12 Z| SURGERY AND GvNBoOLOGY auto trips "earestter'", Write or phone. | Gradually the stock depradations in the Sersings: un onic "ie eith pin toetively ee , the coustunt lively an changeful Or "eal Bape: 17 | Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrie, . | ant's district. grew more and more ie i Actively Aiiy of their owner's irrepressible emotions. Owen Souns Sept | 1 A. F. A. MALCOMSON etn eee ere errally conned aN Ieee ae eee Reiehiee & short Grecian nove, erie tee'h. and Parry, Sound Sept. 15 und 10 DR. VICTOR A. HART capital THE INSURANCE MAN, BARRIE | ttogeshel, for, by thir time, men who had with every nearing Hike ter and. brighter a pnb seemnlexion that hesvoke Pe corn Sait, 20 te BS Graduate of, Trinity, University, Toronto, ; wualty. i - ---- itherto heen inelined 10 step aside from +3 s ': bs love of a fresh wir life completed the al- Shelburne Sept. and 22) oO linbur; and Glasgow. 7 : lente inci 10 ste, ee fram Budeniy she pulled un ahert for 'together chewing peramality of thir inj Toroatn (Can, Nats! «ANE 28 to Sept. 11 Specialty--Disessen of Stomsch. eninn Bee etna. puereileie: YOnEur ULE Aeilacs here cemee cane va, ber ermene Brmette | --------_ | Office: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Su. ' nee DYEING AND stung them to the quick with 8) ystonished ears the unmistakable sounds Emad ettived ines: well worn: Kbekl THE PRESENT 18) TRYING ES Se up chil ee ee ee Rea BE (Ne eee ee ee eae eee ceriey divided vidingakir und] wpain. white linen TIME FOR NEWSPAPERS firs CLEANING | :isvck ty ight ae well ae dy "and of nf a piano, A fresh gust of wind carried hier, wich a rel alk acurf Toowely Knot" Addremding a meeting of the represents: L, J. SIMPSON, M.B. but to Bee Line canning Wehiy Which) fut: ala facene Gasine, 'Rook Abe: anudowy nind her aplencid columnie throa:. sien of Westera Ontario dailies at Kitchen. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON y- Creal Your Clothing will be | 'tssting share it ts supesor knowledze of |, 1 building beeame visible amid. 5 Soeur small for a women Of lor, last werk, John M. Imrie, manager of |Office and residence. Collier St., corner of the san : g waye that are dark on the range, seemed ee ence pe rie es Ret generoum buill-were eveesrd in high: 'ihe Canadian Daily Newspapers' Ames: |Clapperton 8tj"Barrie_ Phone 276, Popu properly cleaned inside and | to anticipate and Serene every crooked 'Game distinct and real. Dropping the [ttle ae iar a ned ernen, jione. predicted there will be number of a URED Gans 1 where | outside at W: Firth's. The | "30. Niuat'iumbtounded thei more than Porn tan the gel stepped som my 9 cosegicls Stetson hat titgd rakiahly on Rewspaners forced out eugh whieh they | (Formerly of \Dra. Ross d& Ross, Barrie) i call linings and inside of your | anything rite. was the strange apparition er handy: with senced eaution. © ee het cee hunk gee halt. nonchelsnt- "must pars, but he declared those that | Late Surgeon Specialist with the i Heal clothing are as important as | ° 3,3brasl bes the bottom of Ged wer fearful of encountering the Qhatem: 7 stinging + quirt in one Of her HGR weather the storm will be better ent) more Imperial Army, 4% years, 0 > spiratio th Ba SCRE GE hive i al There wee See jiayenek, they Ft Strands of brbed.wire fence, Meet. ,Saunlleie. she freventen ere adn re firmly svtablished ie result of the trying General, Surgery aad Soaetrng especially. i Prine e outside. n avi lected. who had been burnt out in' tha with no mich obstacle, she drew:'n pand delightful: pi ed. Plain. an' |exnerience they will be foreed to undergo. ice: en St., Barrie 1 i y J window, ahaeut eaFer" almost course, though her drow was. its)" "The dominant factors which will con-| Phone 710. P.O, Box 1075. c last bad prairie fire, and whose husband 16 arate Ae ai ee ake va,the pee wine absently humming © Smeneity oniy served "to enhance the s 'The Bridal Chorus' from "Lohen- | Su hve 3 pth penitentiary a short time before ax an which aie the Invite praniat hed, [TUnAe outlines af her abnormally tall, incorrigible horse thief. Had not Ben'on wi ; sien lelassical, magnificent figure. Nc with masterly improvisa'ions, just drawn |" wal, Well." said the Sergeant gone into her stable and, single-handed, ty close ell, well," said the Sergeant, tribute to the testing time for Canadian dailies he summed up a quotation of the past, present and predicted prices of newsprint. Newsprint which ia today cost- ing $110 ton will jump to $130 ton them done right when you are having them done? All : kinds of Repairing done. bar of DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be st 'Owen Bt, Barrie, every Saturd Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose_and Throst "This sure is w pleasure, Why. T might have aken ou aridenedd ' Wi w , taken out and hitched up that mai | Then she halted, paralyzed for the mo- | png, ' 'eats waa." ; e know how. team to the democrat, getting badly kicked ment with astonishment --all her own mu know rou, ain nly, from your voles, "| sbogt October Irt, -- These prices. when Consultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m ene } in doing so? And, after driving the wo: j gical instincts fully uroused~as a man's! chievous chuckle, dike a hoy whose voice contrasted with $36 a ton for newsprint | by appointment, Burrie Phone No. 2. Hl ton and her family safely out of the fire | teen, rich baritone voice flosted forth on Gp eutia . ; [in 1916, an increase of $261 per_cent.. Toronto Phone North 2328 | aVV. a tone, returned and routed out every abl: the' night air. vinging « wellsemembered :*-°S°he ere. she maid, with emphans, Mite Wo the eet factor which will con: | ------ nm Phone 229 bodied man within ite radius? and then. 'gong, but ox she had never heard it aung!.qpouch dive never had' the mis is; | tribute to the closing of some newspapers. DR. J. A. KEARNS rl * Sj ' . sparing himwel, worked them 'ike gal: 'before, And, though no! of a. particularly |, .ceUe®, Tove never ee oe rey you [ie cleclared there are some men wre tre PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON | tunities Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. slaves, trailing wet hides and flogging "sentimental temperament, she found it im- | Lager Mare eh es * Not lin close touch with the newsprint situation PHELPSTON, ONT. 'Thos Ne until they ed got sowie to. fetes, tothe, beautifal worda [out be the Mounted Policeman J of'ra |who predict that newoprint will sour to) og, OY tages aaa Tees ar be ha 1 aer wit? comms same: Ker Mr. Trnor aking of?» fever Gg and At ont" negt sere) __OMiet Bour: 122 aed 78 pm, Fe | Tru ad come around later with | , 0 '1 Coupled wit is, Mr. Imrie point ea zy part o! h B G 1 * V1! subscription list in her aid, and a look| 2/1 were, teen cathe Bighoet Nit on, the nek horse that time last yont." Ithe mounting cost of labor, which, as al- VETERINARY ; 5 Save é barrie Planing Mull = 'i fie th scene week gonlee| HE heer woul low meal "Sure he amore, grinning Only |r inereged 100 per cea. over the cot SUNS BROTHER f toh : i'h those parsimoniot inclin ut bela m H av e in 1916, and the incre: cost of postal e Gorner Supbis snd Mury Streets ut his own contribution on that ac,| Mother 0 mine, O mother & sine! [game of jem. do,_for Tm very senetive | rates by 700 per osc. in the coming. per _ Veterinary Surgeons vant Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, | easian exceed by fourfold any one of theirs intranced, she stood motionless. Who- |My name's Benton--Sergeant Benton. fod. These are compelling factors which |Cattle Diseases aud Surgery a Specialty Iti Heng. Cg Weta Trot eae eee ey soaront cad not pay iaor- [ever eould this unknown vocalist with the] | Her dark eyes flashed. rrewishlv. and. levery newspaper must face at the present Phones: Day, 244; night 811. holding Tanks; ete. Fee oer fot nembels of the [magnificent voice be, singing "Mother o' drawing off /a gauntlet. she held out, her rime, and Mr. Tmrie declared that unless Capt. J. Dunn, VS., inte of R.AV.C tchools . nine, er in ler- . impulsive eamar H i ini : 1 mnine, O-mother o" mine' in the wilder-|hend with 4 frank, imoulsive eamaraderie | ise' planning and. deep. thinking are re A. H Brother, V3. We carry in stock @ large amortment of Force. And Jim McCloud, too, Had not the Sorgeant, at the imminent risk of his own life. pulled Jim out of that muskee at and erasned his with « warm, strong clasp. "My Good Somariten." he sai "Tm. very glad to know vou introductibre are going. suffice sorted to both individually and collective: ly by newsnanera there will be many dailies go under before the peak is passed. ness? The slow, deep, ineffable pathos of ite last. verse thrilled and touched her strangely; If T were damned of body and soul, Rough wd Dressed Lumber, B.C. Shingles aud Pregfred Roofing, Wood Turning and Kiln DA¥ing » Specialty. Dressing done ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL promptly . aa Willow Mere one night? Jim was "full," ine % Consult us 'with your building, without doubt; othernist sn od had Tow pawn pea vers 'ould make! ae |toy pines 0 Malley Story (0 Maller am BEAUTIFYING FARM HOMES , Chartered Accountants . THOS. ROGERS i oad ee ad che'sume, he well | Mothet o' mine,.O mother o' mine! [ent T'm eomnanion to Mr, Trainor, en Farmer's Sun--The farm family, | be- Laas eee Bt Toroave count Phone: Office 163 Residence 353 Tich 'followed hi horse. Had not the| As the song ended, she roused herself out | sehat you will." jeune of ite comparative remotencis from |S & Oe. Di Comatall, C8 the a Scrgeont packed him across his saddle to|of the dreamy reverie into which she had (To be continued) h e sales a ic a iaitiear a ke e city, W.-8. Hulbig, Prodaouan' 7 Con Sy [ttettearest ranch--worked over him until] fallen and moving forward again. peered | * ------ hes wonderfol opportunities to muak © oN | Maguner Covtsand eles Se Doitaien of pre se cares and and-was all right ---- and4through the window, But the light was] MOUNTING COST OF PRINTING [of beautifying the farmetend 0 that it ------------ tina between her and the singer and she could not see plainly, Retracing her steps, she approached the front entrance and knocked gently on the door. There came a crash of chords, 2 moment's silence, then a firm, Montreal Herald--A despat¢h from Ot- tawa states thut the increased price of newsprint, which went into effect July 1. represents an increase in production costs | for Canadian newspapers of $8,000,000 per annum, while the increased tax in postal rates means another million. may be more attractive to the occupants, Thix will tend to make both young and old more contented, will add materially to fe enjoyment of those who pass by, and incidentally to the selling value of the then afterwards hort Ji thanks with the remark tl saved him that he might have~the ter of getting him where he GRAND TRUNK "aay THE DOUBLE + TRACK ROUTE PROTECT Your Family 8 wanted him' 'Jim McCloud, of all men, Jim, who must be "snitches" in thelr ing' they - Kop, Minard's Liniment In the house eee Se eX cA had been ahend of them all in his' bitter If anyone I Your Busi een et eee new potcemen 204, THE BARRIE MARBLE) vester wiy tie sve of newspaper m ' OUF BUSIMEss | svoweidly, the latter's wort enemy, on the : Being increased in many parta of the coun: uiekca soc range. Only the two o! try, and is not impressed by these figures, ? | Your Future |//it'ucr" Sein Rat] AND GRANITE WORKS [32 sits sor icreuet! woes. an TORONTO is \ b {not snother soul within sight or hearing. ashare Pablets 2 {crewed cost of materials a still farther a Le With Annual Divi All the Sergeant needed sede aad Corner Posts and very considerable sum, MAIL CONTRACT hea fen ith an - fib im - IT a eee just--watch. 4 ¢ SEALED TENDERS, addressed to TR grade dend Policy in the, 'Of what earthly use were all'the many |} Canadian, Scotch and Amer- THOSE SCANTY SKIRTS {SEALED SENDERS, etcueued 1 see asad ab ' opportunities to rustle that showed up: 80 ican Granite Monuments. Renfrew Mercury--Fashion mukers are! tava until noon, on Friday, the 27th of , invitingly at times while such s ruthlessly tery Work }){0 interest themeelves in popularizing dress | 1 ; niMndphgie CHICAGO } I if Sanne ae te aus atetioned iacthe|¢ Al Kinds of Cemetery Work $ leg that stop st the Imes, in order, they ance of Hit) sleeping cars on night trains and Th ' un 1 e district? A man who seemed to possess) Strict attention given to $|say, to consery ----. Such ane a Parlor Cars on principal day roy Te || lene digaie she ing shen "nd|§ Tinecription Cutting. 418 ES eat a, the more cn eine, ft i} papremely. iddifterent to weather cone All work neatly and artist- 'These modistes delight in freak attire, and : I » Unexcelled dining car. service . Fishe: 0) a ti darkness, wag apt to upset all rf they seem to have a following, What Printed 'notices containing further infor.| Full information from any Grand to en theit culelatios toh wheresbouts in _lonily, done wilds woma's dra ni ont quite |maon wo condor of ropa Goo Trunk Ticket "Agegt of C. ot Fi : i f ¥ en \¢ \ Canada's Greatest Life |]}* mott sudden and undedrable fashion? . J. F. MURPHY so a ee eee re ait, [der_raay be obtained at the Post Office reais District. 'Passenger is no ») T - aeranice Od: No--oo' long, ashe was} arguid, it wae kao esty._ nee length ren qwomen tart aro! Utopia, and at Ae ofiee of the Post | Sent, 'Toronto, : Engl Z - | ag not orth fhe hl strech in| veteran - Proprietor {!raying themselves in much freak atie they |Ofiee Inspector, Toronto. 4. E, BILLINGSLEY other | D.J-REBURN Tethargic and careless, at times, about get- Office and Works: simply make themselves ridiculous, Post Office Inspector's Office, Toronto, | Depot-Agent =: :° : Phong 6 touts ' ethargic. t pirical tal 10th July, -1920, one 142 District Manager }]| ting, their, colts and branded. 'Ther 79 Bayfield st. Phone 734 Bracebridge ratepayers will pay 42 mills ------------ on D of taxes: this a ' g0-32¢ Post Office Inspector, suppl

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