Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1920, p. 6

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Page Six. recente err emrerenreny, PHONE C. BROWN 250 ; " FOR THE BEST IN) BAKERS' BREAD | '@. HOME-MADE BREAD. BROWN BREAD 4 SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES AND PASTRY Bakery and Ssleshop: Cor, Elizabeth and Small Streets YOUR READING NEEDS Are Well Supplied at-- SCOTT'S BOOKSTORE FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT Real Estate and Money to Loan A number of Valuable Farms and Town Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie 6.6. Smith & Co, Established 1869 UNDERTAKERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Morgue and Chapel IN CONNECTION BARRIE, ONT. - - Phone 82 Pack all your Auto Worries ina "TRAVELERS" POLICY IT COVERS 1. PERSONAL LIABILITY--Injury to persons I, PROPERTY DAMAGE--Injury to the! "\H" 'other fellow's property MW, COLLISION--Injury 10 your own car many reliable o auto trips "ca White or phone. A. F. A, MALCOMSON THE INSURANCE MAN, BARRIE DYEING AND CLEANING Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at W: Firth's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? All kinds of Repairing done. We know how. * Jas. Arnold | ver against FIRE in one, of our | and enjoy your yet 1 2 Regular saving will soon show a hand- some balance in the itor's account, It may be difficult for you to-come to.the bank always when you want to depdsit. Send in'deposits by mail--they will be as carefully dled~as though you handed them over the counter. Sy TT! THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE, FUND + =~ $15,000,000 O BARRIE BRANCH, H. M, Lay, Manager. - | everybody else's worries ia addition to his own, : } vethen, follaned brie! memorien of hie 'pugilistic career, That scrap on the open street in Butte that night, which had been the thin edge of the wedge of his -sub- sequent entry into professional fighting, when be 'put away "Bull Blatssky" for chasing that girl. The piteous appeal in her frightened, pretty face as she sought his protection, and tbe contemptuous ear- casm of the formidable prize fighter, ing him to 'best it back to th' farm." 'The tingling in his veins, and the exult- ation' that be had felt surging through him as he beheld his opponent weakening, and the yelling plaudits of the crowd as he fought himself out of that last clinch und landed the final punch that ended matters, He bad knocked out men enough since then, dear knows, at one time and anoth- er, and perhaps might do the same for many more, but that hot. proud flush he would never feel again. That fight -in which he had defeated Gus Ahrens at Mad: ison Square Gardens in New York, and received thousand dollar ax bis long end of the purse, The terrible month's spree that followed. And then--the low- down, insidious propositions that various Promoters und managers kept putting up to him from time to time which finally de. SSS BENTON OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED -- | by Sergt. Ralph S. Kendall Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner through special arrangement with owners of copyright. a | (Continued from last week) tor's last words had not been lost on their sir," he continued emphatically. | bearer y what becomes of the large per eof your suclden converts, Most Jof 'em land up ua hopelesr booze artists jin the last stages Of D.T.--or ele go con: | "Aye! 'The Man with the Muckrake,'"" he soliloquized, "That wax just it. Also, t was characteristic of Charley that he should have interpreted the impreasion in such fashion, too." f Tt was Sunday, and the sound of the church belly tolling for evening service, interspersed with the merry vowes of child: ren in their play, fell unheeded on the ears of the mun who. with mind sunk in pletely bughouse. Lord knowseave get all | kinds of 'em in that guardroom at the Post. | Many's the screechin', prayin' struit-jack- ted nuisance U've had to escort up to und done, the only philosophy 4 man can practise 'to make life worth living ot all. is just to peg slong quietly. doing the best he can under {the circumstunces in which he finds himself |pluced duy by di Mounted man, anyway into his eate in addition to his own, As you sud just now, we've both come through a sud passuge. {iis feeling won't , 'genuinely and sincer: ant for time being. but by degre {we'll fall back into our old ways agai |It may be an complacent reasoning, atit's a fact, Now, isn't that Fi parley / The elder a you're pretty y worry un' repent: | ly. "Guess it" he admitted "Don't know whether you're able tec put | y [ull your troubles behind you us edectively uw you intimate, T know I can't lots of There® come T can orget even ifter ull these years, They're with mec | night and day. Remember me telling you ! shat day when we were up at Cecil h Rhodes' tomb, "way back there up in the {determination to leave home. The scorn Matopyins? ful, accusing face of hix stepmother, sd ji timidly, EI at Renton anxiously. alinost "hie father's angry. bowed his head worried countenance, n assent, Jas he (Ellis gazed steadily and defiantly | |hut he could not find words to answer just |hack at the woman whose continual petty then. For there was something in the |spite hud contrived to make hin life ut haggard, deeply-lined face of his old friend | home auubesrable \ |that forbade convenionsl condolence. Both of them were still aliveeund well. | A long silence ensued. and presently [old Mayor Carlton hud mentioned in his 'Mungrave rose to go. lust letter, No-they never spoke of him "The Devil waa nick He wus an outcast from bix family of his The Devil » monk would be:" own accord. Yer, that might be, hut |he quoted, with a wry whimsical amile. [never u ppodigal. 'or a remittunce man, ! guess Tl go on over to the hotel und fe hiv birth and carly breeding {sce "Wilke," ux you call him. He was} Nv, he could never be classed as stich much better this mgrning. Believe he'll|ax they, thank God. Ever since he had pull through without an operation now: Churchill should he able to take him down in three or four. days' ume if he keeps improving like this, By the way! Church Nils making s pretty long stay at the Post, inn't he?" h. I font know," yawned the Ser- geant rape he's not through with [that case nf his yet. It was right at the Jend of the docket. Muybe he'x got mighty good reason for abt hurrying back, te he added ominously. "LT never noticed till the other day he'd W. FIRTH' Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie, He) The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophin and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, Tanks, ete. carry in stock s large assortment of Rough ead Bresed Lumber, B.C, Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying s Specialty, Dressing done promptly. . Consult us with your 'building, THOS. ROGERS Phone: Office 163, Residence 353 PROTECT Your Family - Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- | dend Policy ip the of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co, D.J.REBURN, got the South African ribbon up--what- Jever outfit wax he in?" inquired the doc tor, Search me." said Ellis contemptuously. "The 'Can { Venture.' 'Jum Wallahs.'-- "Sucea Bona's Horse, or ome irrexpon- sible bunch 0' Bashi-Bazouks, T guess, [ve never asked him. 1 think T told hefore, Charley, there's five hundred reward for Wilks. If it comes doll |through, xo much the better for both of us, T'll wee you sure get your fee an' expense in full, entitled to half of it, anyway in consid- eration of the whisper you gave me in the beginning." "Didn't think you fellows were allowed to accept rewards." xnid the doctor. "Well, we're not, ax a rule," Ellis ud- mitted. '""But now an' again they make exceptions when the crime has been com- mitted outside our usual jurisdiction. Take that hold-up of the C.P.R, passenger train nest Ducks in B.C, that' time, by those three chaps--Bill Miner, Shorty' Dunn an' Lewis Colquhoun. Five of our mien" got rewarded for nailing them. Let's see! there wax Wilson, Shoebotham, -- Potera, Stewart 4n' Browning. They got thirteen {hundred ap' fifty apiece for that job, But we never receive it direct. It has to come through the Comminsioner, Generally it's turned 'into the Fine Fund at Headqu ters, an' the sprant is made from there.' "All right." said Musgrave indifferently, ns he opened the door, "If it does come through--why, all well: and good, thou I'm sorry, in s way, for the poor devil, With his hand on the knob, he turned, the ghost' of a emile flitting scrom his strogg intellectual face, "Guess you weren't far out in your re- marks just now,' he said. "Seems the transformation's begun already. Afraid we've come. down to Mother Earth again with a vengeance. Remember Sir Noel Patton's great picture--'The Man with the Muckrake,' Ellis? So long! " the other answered mechi ically without turning his head, And the' door closed softly. : CHAPTER XV © Memory, ope thy niystic door! © dream of youth, return! And let the lights that gleamed of yore Beside this altar burn!» --Gray. 'The subtle irony conveyed-in. the doc- In all fairties you're | fy, jwhat might. unles by their exprem be | shuken the dust of Englund off his feet : jhe had eurned his living honestly with amongst men, He hud done nothing to own to live out as he saw fit; so. come | host. his people should never behold hi« the toil of hin brain and body, ax a man | platiMege thither, iw if to a mhrine, that shame his manhood, and his life was his | '¢ war tered Company's service, before the war | cided him to foranke the ring. Yea, be- gad! the average standard of prize-fight ing morality was rotten to the core. Ho couki vouch for it from personal exper- ence. It was s good job he'd quit it A Tale of the R.N.W.M.P. Hin time before the crooks got him; but, at any rate, he could always look' back to those days with the clear conscience of one who had never "put anything ov er" on the public. Fought on the square {at all times, nd given the best that wae in him for the spectators and thore that had backed him. Whatever they might have suid or thought, it surely was not lugging endurance or ceirage that caused his departure for South Africa And, with that reflection, the memory of his Bret glimpse of that Inter unquiet land came buck to him. ani ogsin he seemed to awe the huge, block, up-flung wall of Tuble Mountain clean-cut against the blue-black, star-studded sky, and the twinkling lighta of Canetown beneuth ite shadow, with the great, yellow. Africas moon above all. as he heheld it (rom the e deck of the Braemer Castle the nizht she made Table Bay Vhit curious old und new-world town Caperown was, with ite civilized and un % Woodstock. where all. the luxurious bungalows were, ly. amidst magnifiront He was end now- that strona, «kilful protagonist to whom Afries owed an much. nd buried in wecordance with hin. [nat wish in a tomb out out of the solid enek fn the summit of the hiebest penk in -he Matovpos. spurapriutely termed "The View of the World."" Tr in bis will thut he look forth Acrom the world he won: The granite of the ancient North-- Great spnees washed with sun Aye--Kipling's immortal lines were a fitting requiem to the memory of the rest dead. Cecil Rhodes wae gone, but-- Living he was the land, and dead, Hie soul shall he her soul! How well he reculled that memorable ie and Musgrave had made together after Then those two yeurs xpent in the Char-| me, and the god-forsaken places he wis tr, per tb. , + 55-580 is. per dozen 44-46 hicken, slresed, per Ib, 25.406 "Potatoes, 18 Ihe, . . 90 Potatoes. jer bag $3,504.00 their bosses' and friends' feuds over the | Passed o strong resolution recommending | stationed in previous to" his transfer. to Johanneshurg-- Unitali, Nhaukoe. Mum, batua Falle, and Tnyonso, up in the Mun, grmbx Mountains, with moxtly only. n ities for company. The bright, enol day |nnd theAong, weet, ights : only a bay, in his teens, hungry, footeore, wards San eine ine star ate ne snd maanevleis, after tramping all the way | there it weno still that otis ee, n Billings, The rough, morose {ace of iy. 'The' glrieuy aunties tie ey et Big Jim Parsons," as he sneeringly ask: | 0s r ed him hin nationality, and Bnally flung with the scent of wattle bloom and mim- ; oxa flower. ax you came out f him a job, an 8 bone to a dor. That ltent in the morning. feeling. full of the worthy's Kittiness to him afterwards, in| joy of lif, healthy end these. unrecking | recognition of bis proven courage andl of" the. morgow'" ned Tonk, tnreoking gtartability. and the unspeakable language | throwing stone at the bakeries choy vent the foreman wan wont to ure ii elUmHy |ad™"oom bal toon Fatt te: attempts to gloss over any generous deed. |'; \ ) h Poor olf Ji Wis bad been the Kind of tre herehee away up) on the legen in i ip that~counts, Too bad that ( i Borne bad killed im like ei ater, ll (Fe be smtiousd) his years of riding, 'The fun 'they had = when they blew into town after the round- METHODIST SALARIES ups. The trivial arguments that #o often| Peterboro, June 28.--At the Bay of id the blind, unques-| Quinte Methodist Conference held in Whit- ended in death, : ene : tioning sincerity with which they espoused |bY, the Laymen's Association unanimously face 'again, whether in life or death ing fast over one another, ame flushes of the wild, free life on the! ronge (hat had followed hin emigration. That evening he arrived at the Circle H-- sheep-grazing infringements and other |that the minimufh salary of ministers be grievances of cattle men, The amell of | sited to $1500.00 per annum. tt has been weorched hide and the bawling of cattle |only $1200.00, . in the corrals on branding days, The| To work out the detaile and to get the ing and, steer, roping at Cheyenne and| movement under way, the following Min Red @utte on' gala occasions, Aye, that |isterial Support Committee was appointed was ie life, Why hudn't ie stuck to|with w lay chairman for each district in it instead of becoming bysturns, prize-|the Conference, The lay chairman will fighter, soldier and, finally, Mounted Po. |co-operate with the ministeria! chairma liceman? getting, in the tet woeation, a Fe Soceents frém each cirouit as he Had previously irked, s taste of | will be appointed, ea neeviouay pn President of Conference, Rev. Qe H. Coon;'Chairman, J. M. Greene, Peterboro; Vice-Chairman, M. K. Denyea, M.P.P., Holloway; Secretary, J. E. Middleton, Pe: terboro: Flying Squadron Committee. F. E. O'Flynn, Belleville, and T. F, Harris. on, Cobourg; District HAY FEVER 5 anee; Picton, R. H, Ireland, PF abeaien | Brighton, A. --sleepless nights, constant g@neezing, streaming eyes, wheezy breathing :-- RAZ-MAH brings relief. Put up in cap- sules, easily swallowed. Sold by reliable druggists for a dollar. Holgate, Bowmanvill Rose, Port Perry; Cannington, Geo. W. Keown, Woodville; Lindsay, F. W. Sut- cliffe, Lindsay; Peterboro, T. Brown, Pe- terboro; Campbellford, A. C. Denike, Havelock; Madoc, W. 8. Gordon, Tweed. A meeting of the above committee with the district lay chairmen has been called Ask our agents or send card for free sample to Templeton's, 142 | King St. W., Toronto. Agents, ell Toronto and Hamilton drug- hoped that every Methodist through- pista. 9 out the entire Conference will rise to the to meet in Belleville on Thursday, July 8, to complete the pjans for the promotion of the work, {There has been an increase of $2,367 for | An active brain must ' 7 , -- Thursday, 'July 8, 1920. :mUsIO HERBERT, L. BAMFORD, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster St, Andrew's Church Tuition in Pino. Organ, Theory and Singing Pupils prepared for examinitions of Toronto Conservatory of Music, ete. Studio--113 Collier 8t,--Phone 135 MAUDE'E, CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Piano and Vocal Lessons In vocal work special attention is given to Voice Production, Pupils py for A.T.C.M.-degtee in both piano and vocal; also elementary exams. of Toronto Conser vatory of music or University exams, Studio: King Bloc! Phone 424. MUSIC LESSONS PIANO AND VOICE BY-- MISS NETTIE COLPITTS (holding diploma) _ For further information apply to 160 Peel 8. Phone 885 LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Bi , Solicitor fe btainil | have pure blood, not Sri Sismcny (2% Cbiining probate ot poisoned with, products | | of indigestion--or liver | and kidney laziness, Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the Ward. Sold ererrwhere in Cansda. La bones, 25c., 50, | A THE MARKETS Hi A A \ SATURDAY MARKET | Summer ix advancing despite the cold we, As strawberries ure going off the market for the season, other thiige are ly coming yon. Gooseberries wore in for the first time on Saiurday und were 20e a quart, 'The good old way of huying fruit by the pail or basket seems almost, to huve gone out of fashion. ax prices "ure tmoted by the xmall mewure now, Cauli Cubbage 4 bunch of var ers, Potatoes wlvanced fe a according to two quotations, and 0, Green peas at 500 a quart wwiekly bought ap. Some in pod Kegs at 44-46¢ w dozen 58e a pound per quurt j Apples, basket ...,.. Strawberries, er box, Team. quart Maple Syrup, quurt Hay. per ton Hogs, ewt $13.50 Young pigs. pair NEARBY MARKETS Allixton-- Wheat $2.00, barley rye $2.10, 3.00. hy hutter 4 $1.80, $21.25, Orillis--Potatoes $3.50 hag. hay $20.25, oate $1.20, peas $2.00.3 10, butter 500, pres 47c, dressed pork $27-$28, chickens 0. Shelburne Butter 41-420, eggs 48-470, peus $2.50-2.90, oats 90c-81.01 rye $1.80, wheat $1.80-1.90, LIGHT RECEIPTS GROWING, IN "ORILLIA Orillia News-Letter---The receipts of the Orillia Water, Lighht and Power Commis- sion for the first six months-of their fiscal 'ar have amounted to $43,173, compared with $35.341 for the same period last year, light und of $5,475 for power. The in. crense in the cost of operation has amount. ed to only $1,600 #0 fur, «0 thet the pow. er plant is in a good position finaneially, The surplus earnings are being invested in the reconstruction of No, 2. transmis. sion line, which was built twenty year ago. $7,500 hys already been expended on this and the\work will go on ull aum. met, The receipts from the Waterworks than for the same period Inst year, 'Thia department im, however, barely paying its ay, Read the Classified Advts, The Oil for all Culinary Purposes APpROL the Sweet Oil from Apricots TonicuT Tomorrow Alright NR Tablets stop sick headaches, pect ge per fe org make. you feel ne. me 1. | U'hone 61, $16.00-18.00 | 6 Phone Main 5874, B,J. Welch, C.A. 'Depot Agent General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete. Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. Money to loan BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Publie, Conveyancers, Ete. Money 1 loan at lowest' rates of interest, Offices 13 Owen St. (in the premises for. merly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C., MP. D. C, Murchison PLAXTON.& PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC, Offices: "707-8 Kent Building. Toronto, Ont. ©. W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plaxton. DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie Money to foun. CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS . Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judl- cuture of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Con- veyancem, etc, Money to loan. Offices: in Ross Block, Barrie, W. A. J. Bell, K.C, MEDICAL OR. H. T. ARNALL Office and Residence Corner of Toronte und Elizabeth Streets, opposite Central Methodist Church. Telephone 167, OR. E. G. TURNBULL , Graduate of McGill University Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Brudford Sis. Barrie . Office hours9 to | 10 4-m.. 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 108 enone 108 W. A. LEWIS, M.D, C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY especially 56 Collier St., Barrie. DR, VICTOR A. HART | Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, also Exlinburgh and Glasgow, Specialty--Diseases of Stomach, fice: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Sts, Office open until 8 p.m, daily. L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and residence, Collier 8t., corner of Clapperton St., Barrie, Phone 275, DR. FRED A. ROSS (Formerly of Drs, Ross é& Roes, Barrie) Late Surgeon Specialist with the General Surgery sd' Oates ener! jurgery ans rics inlly. Office: 15 'Owen 8! Baris Phone 710. P.'0. Box 1078. DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be st 93 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. area of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours 11 am. to & pm and by appointment, Barrie Phone No. 2, Toronto Phone North 2826. - OR. J. A. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PHELPSTON, ONT. Office hours: 12-2 and 7.9 p.m. VETERINA| OUNN & BROTHER Veterinary Surgeons have been $13,031, which ix $1,447 more | Mt!¢,, Diseases aud Surgery a Specialty, Phones: Day, 244; night 811, -- Capt, J. Dunn, V8, late of R.A.V.C. A. H. Brother, V.8, ACOOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants 59 Yonge 8t., Toronte G. D. Campbell, C.4. T. E. Lawless, C.A. oe Hulbig, Production Engineer + Cost and Efficiency Department .| Sleeping cars on night trains and mee a Than Pills For Liver Ils'" Tains, {Better Th '¥ - Unexcelled dining car service . Full information fro: Trunk nm from any Grand Horning, Agent, Toronto. Cars on principal day Ticket Agent or ©, E, District Passenger 4. E. BILLINGSLEY Fp ' call of duty and obligation in tHf con- Local Agent for Barrie--Crossland's Drug) nection for s better-and more equitable Store. Allandale--Patterson's Drug Store, 'support of their brethren. 'Ask for Minard's in eve prope ] Metre will b NO' NOTICE | Trustee Act gerul County of | ed, who die of May, 19: ticulars' of 1 on or befor 1920. after distribute. t those entitle to the cluin notice, and to any. pera whose claim ceived>® Duted June FC aroun Newn Cooks other Dor look r Ren only B Phone -- RE Of the Corpc Notice is war passed I tion of the | day of June ty of Simec be issued by of Orillia to det By-Law tion of the 7 of acquiring Law No. 58 anteed und tion of the celling same smaller den¢ And. that poration of istered in th of Simcoe o: Of the Corpo Notice is was passed t tion of the | day of June ty of Bimeo be issued by of Midland t * der By-Law ation of the' for the exter Electric Ligh land. And thaté Any motic same or aD} within three ication of th thereafter, Dated this 27.29% © a 18 ALL TI Telephone row morn call quick. arrangeme We relieve responsibi takes care the casket phone No. or night, Ww. Phone 431

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