THE BARRIE EXAMINER Opera By the sacred hat pin they s no man, to kiss no man, un to tell. SUNSHINE FIRST SHOW 7.30, SECOND 9.00 P, goes to the widow of the late Private ALSO LILA LEE IN " FIRST SHOW AT 7.15, SECOND AT 9 Friday and Saturday, July 9 and 10 MARGUERITE CLARK IN "GIRLS" You'll have to see this rollicking picture. Under the auspices of local returned soldiers' associations, 50% of the proceeds Monday and Tuesday, July 12 and 13 House wore to see no man, to hear til-- but it wouldn't be fair COMEDY M. ADULTS 27¢, CHILDREN [6c Magrane. A big turn-out is expected. ~ in 3 Reels-- First time shown in Barrie HEART OF YOUTH" P.M, ADULTS 27c, CHILDREN 16 Quite a large number of E: aminer subscriptions are over- due. Prompt venewal will be an evidencu, of appreciation of our efforl= to preluce first-class local paper in all respects, --Linoleum and congoleum| squares al bargain prices. See them at Dougall Bros. att Your Prompt Renewal, Please BUY YOUR SUNDAY JOINT AT WISEMAN i &MCBRIDES =i Every piece of meat we a sell is tempting, and at the price splendid econ- omy. Let us have your Saturday meat order. All odd cuts sold at snap prices on Saturday even- ing. Ys Closed every - Wednesday afternoon Wiseman & McBride Next Huxtable's Garage The People Popular Meat Market "PHONE 106 University of Toronto, Faculty of Muslo Success pupils from -- St Joseph's Convent, Barrie, were: | Hlementary Piane-- Honor stand- | Miss Lillian Haskett, Miss \gnes Quinlan, Miss Victoria} Quinlan. _ Primary Pjano--Pass: Miss Alice Quinlan, Miss Amy Moore, Miss Edith Quinlan, Jun- ior Piano-- Pass Miss Rita Brennan |PENETANG RACES DREW CROWD OF 7000 PEOPLE Many Barrie people were among the big crowd of ubout 7000 people who witnessed the Payette races at Penetang on Dominion Day. The teack was good and a closely con. tested curd of races provided excellent iaport, The results were ax follows :-- Fast Named Race--Purse $250 Helen Patchen (Lawson! 1, 2, 4. 4, Gul» Fant (Payette: 4. 4&5. 5 Sidd (Carrol! 6.0. 6. d. bt (Wright! 2, 3. 2. 2 Mountain Dee Piabekay 31,17 dos. 8 8: 8: 3) 8 Time Free For All--Purse $500, Hazel H, (ones) 3, 8. 2 Lucy L. (Payette) 1, 1.1 Bertha Walsh (Mofiat' 2.2. 3. Frank Bogash (Tough) 4. 4. 4 Cameha (Payette! 5, 5. 0. ' Time 2.17% 2.30 Clase Purse $300 Jimmie Fortune (Mofitt) 1, 1 Maxmillion (Collins) 2. 3. Norma Digest. (Tough) 4 '. at Dean Todd! (Elmburat) 2. 2 Time--2.20% 2.18 Paco--Purme $500, Robert C, (Payette) 1. 1, 1. Helen M. (Sutherland) 2 Clenathan (Elmburst) 3. 3. 3 Time 2.20% Slow Named Race--Pume $150. Ulrich M. (Connor) 3, 3, d. Montal- (Powell) 2, 2. 1. Hal Patchen (Elmhurst) 4. 3, 3. Lena Rivera (Jones) 1, 1. 2. Time--2.30, 2. = ; ee a a a a eee Mink THE DAILY} DA\LY } Straws --- Panamas --- Linens, etc. Mon's Finest "Grade Straw Boaters, (gen- wine Engluh, makes), reg. priced up $6.00, on sale ... 2. 'Men's Finest Grade Toyo Panamas, reg. up) to $5.00, on sale ... We have a coarser grade selling at $1.75, also genuine TOYO Psnama. Men's Italian Chip Hats, 00, Men's Silk Caps, an odd lot, but in all sizes, reg. $1.50 to $2.00, on sale 90¢ Men's Finest Grade Tweed Caps, for sum- on sale $2.00 mer wear, reg. $2.50 to $3.00, te in Straws. at half. ee ne big' bargains, Boys? Rah-Rahs, reg. up to $1.00, for 51 Linen Wash Hats for little tots .... 2! $2.00, sn sale a Sport Felt Hats for Misses and Ladien, reg 1.00 Special prices reg. price was and modelling and repairs. Moth Proof Wayne Ced- ared Wardrobe Bags for sale, $1.35 and $1.65, Midsummer to Special Showing of Fine Qual- ity Toyo Panamas For Ladies, beautiful ilk bands of hats $3.00, $1.75 0c Se . reg. price on sale . on Fur orders left now, also on re PROMOTIONS IN RURAL SCHOOLS S. $. No. Hl, Innisfil IV to Br. IV--C. Harmer, K. Jack, E. Sproule, J. Johnson, E. Neely [Bee ye 8r, II to Jr, TI--B. Wallace, F, Neely, K. pgm W. Hunter (Rec.). oe 1 to T--M. Spring, I. Bre r, I. Neely, i Constable (Rec.), M. Reid 'ec. dt T to Sr. I---H. Webb. M. White, teacher S. 8. No. 7, Innisfil Jr. IV to Sr. IV---Bill Rieve (Hon.), Charlie Lucas, Isabel Lucas (Hon,) Ml to Jr. [V--Rosanns Lucas (Hon.), Doris Canning, Kathleen Sloan, Bessie King, Cecil Sharp, Jack Marquix to Sr. I--Fred Steph Gordon Browning (ree,, ing (ree.!, Ruth Allan. Sr, II to Je. 1-- Roy Taylor, Doreen Stephens (rec.), Mina Constable. Jr. I to Sr. 1I--Willie Brown- ing (ree), Melvin Browning, King. Evelyn Tait (Hon.). S. 8, No, 8, Innisfil (Numes in order of merit Jr. IV to Sr. IV--Clarenee Munro (P), Sr. II to Jr, IV--Murjorie Coutts (H), Eileen King (P), Eva Keast (P), Reba Mayes (R), Jr. Il to Sr, M-- Olive Munro (H, Willie Johnston (P). Sr, IT to Jr, W--Harvey Greensides (Pi Gibbons (P\, George Munro (P), Jack Wonch (R), Edward Sturgess (F). 'Milton Betteridge (F). Jr, I to Sr, I--Kath. een Sharpe (H), Anuie Johnston (F\, Sr Tto Jr. U--Irwin Crawford, Maude Stur gest. Sr, Pr. to Jr. T--Florence Green- sides, Melville Ayerst, Jenny Henry, Willie Greensides, Inez Mayes. Jr. Pt Olive Coutts, Irene Betteridge, |Ayerst, Mina Henry, Jr. Primer ton Wice, Norman Munro, Cliiforil Stur- gems, Bertha Betteridge, Ruymond Easton. Mins N. Sewple, teacher S. S.No. 10, Essa, Angus Sr. Il to Jr. I1|--Eldon Beecroft Edna Coulson (H', Franklin Stanley Grace Canon (H), Clifford Plaxton (P) Jr, II to Sr, H--Rowland Hemmond (H), Harvey Miscempbell (P), Verna Dempater (P), Lillie Smith (P), Edna Latimer (P), Clara Lamb (P), Kenneth Ward (Rec.!, Ethel Coulson (Ree.), Lizsie Coulson (F), Hesba Smith (F) S. S. No. 7, Essa (Ivy) Junior Room--Sr. II to Jr: Row (11, Thelma Jennett, Jack MeClen non, Lorne McClennon, Erma Elliott, Mur- | iel Thompson, Almeda' Elliott (rec.) Ruby Wood, Teacher , Senior Room--Jr, TV to Sr, IV Arthur Fletcher (H', Isla Lyons. MI to Jr,| ve Ross, Loma Jennett, _ Freida | ) «de. HI to Se, I Tomn Lyona, Verald Elliott, Wilhelmina Cleury iree,!, Perey Wilson (rec.!, Vietor Ross (ree... Ruby E. MeCann, Tescher , S. S.No, 6, Essa (Cherry Hill) To § IV.-- Elwood Corbett. To Jr. IV. Aileen Callighen (bonors), | Vora Oxell, Frank Lennox, Whitney Goo.:- win, Yvonne Humilton, Raymond Morris (ree.), Sherlock Barlow (rec.), Annie Pat- ton (absent with measles but recommended on term work To Jr. 11L---Juanita Jamieson (honors), Leone MacDonald (honors), Ruth Mar- riott (honor, Reta Marriott (ree.), Mer- vyn Corbett (absent with measles but re- commended on term work! To Sr. I].---Luella Cochrane, Calvin) Shaw (absent with measles but recom- mended on term work), All recommended were approved by In- spector, Names urrunged in order of merit M. E. Paton, Teacher. S. S. No. 9, Essa, Utopia Names given in order of merit. Recom- mendations made by order of Mr. E, Long- man, LP, Jr. IV to Sr, IV--Honors: Alice Smith, Jean Higginson, Wilburt MeCann mended: Mabel Truax, Sr. III to Jr, IV. Honors: Russell Elphick.! Recommended Olive Miller, Jr. TM to Sr. Il--Honors: Clarence Smich, Pass: Verna McCann, Margaret Denny, Clara Berthelotte, Ellen Elphick. Sr. If to Jr, I1]--Honora: Vivian McCann, John Smith. Pass: Edward Den- ny, Rena Berthelotte, Jr. Il to Sr. TI-- Honors: Beatrice McMaster. Pass: Frank Elphick, Leonard Recher, Sr. I to Jr. 1 Honors: Florence McMaster, Mary Nicol. Hazel Racher, Gladys Denny, Paw: Amy r, Alma' Ross, Lottie Denny, Irene Grits, nt Pte at Pass: Francis Berthelotte, Marion Ross, Vernon Griffin, No change made in primer clases, Suc- cessful candidates please remember to re- turn st re-opening of school with necessary equipment, us no extra holidays will be given for purchase of supplies. L. K, Williams, teacher Cundles School (S. S. No. 1, Vespra) Jr, IV. to Sr. 1V.--Grace Miller (hon- ora), Evelyn Hunter Sr. THI. to Jr. IV.--Jnck Walsh, Katie Armstrong, Frank Shannon, Dorothy Rolfe. Jr. IIT. 'to Sr, II--Olive Hunter, Bai bara Wilson, Donald Bell, Stanley Malkin. Sr. I, to Jr, TI.--Allen Brown (rec. Jr. Il, to Sr. IL--Sundy Wilson, Stewart Bell, Stanley Rolfe. Sr. I, to Jr. II.--Edith McKever (hon- om), Kenneth Miller (honors). Jr. 1. to Sr, 1--Douglas Ferris, Annie Storey (honors), Lori Jr. Primer to Sr. Audrey Walsh. McKever, Primer.--Helen. Bell, F. 0. Hubbert, Teacher. S. S. No, 15, Vespra Sr, II. to Jr. IV.-- Honors-- Florine rpey. .-- Pass-- Velma Care- foot, Elis Orchard. Recommended--Win- nifred Orchard, Helen Kavanagh, Jr. Il, to Sr. 1.--Passe--Ambrose Tor. py Nina McLean. Recommended-- Ben 8 Miss M. Bennett, Teacher. U. 8. S, No. 3, Vespra and Oro a IV to Sr, IV--Irene Debenham (H)}, . Il to Jr. 1V--Freda Nelson. Jr. to. Sr. Il--Vera Baldwin (H), Dorothy 'Irwin, Mervin Nelson, Lloyd Cartmill. Jr, II to Sr. --Rojean Cartmill (H). Sr, I Dorothy | Eddie ! us| M. L. Campbell, teacher MI--Any | Tithe leaves to mourn their loas seven daugh Clover Leaf cups and saucers $3.20 doz. (A, | for 7-02. mente Glass butter dishes with cover, cap jelly tumblers, 5c each, 60c doz. GLASSWARE sugar and creams, reg. $2.09, $1.59 per set reg. 50¢, 39c each special .. Phone 837 to Jr. Il--Jean Baldwin (H!, Mercer Ir- win, 1. E. Brown, Teacher. S. 8, No. Il, Oro Jr, 1V--James Pearssll (Hon,!, Georgina Winnie Barnes, Gordon Moore (Hon.1, Barnes, Sr, T1--Ruasell Graham, Clar- ence Crawford, Walter Barnes, Sr, II-- Laura ford, Margaret McArthur, Jr. U--Helef Ross, Raymond Emms, Basil |Fmms, Victor Bell, Ellen Uncles, I-- Harold Barnes, Sr, Primer--Frank Bell Jr. Primer---Margaret Emms, Margaret Bell, Ray Barnes, Clara Bell, Marie Bar- nes, Bernice Seeds, 8. Collis $..S. No. 6, Oro, Edgar Jr. 4 to Sr. 4--Mary Kissick, Harold Hutchinson, Charles Crittenden," Gordon Shelawell, Mildred Hastings, Dora' Hutchin- son, Stephen Reynolds and Edger Thomp- son (rec.), Ellis. Hutchinson (promoted on term work on account of illness) Teacher. Sr. 3 to Jr. 4.--Brook Sleaser; Sidney Newman and Violet Glover (equal), Rena | Thompson. Sr. 2 to Jr. 3.--Nellie Glover, Ivan Sleswer; Georgina Kisick and Evelyn Sut ton (equal, Donald "McLean, Ella chinson, Bruce Sutton. Beth Slesser, Wi json Brown; Herman' Hayes and Melville Hunter (recommended, having failed in spelling), Wallace Cockburn and Helen Cockburn to take arithmetic with 2nd class. Primary to Jr. 1.--Helen Hoflges, Al- berta Slesiér and Blanche Dicker (equal). Names in order of merit. Scholars not attending regularly during the fall term will be placed in the class from which they were promoted Wm. R. Best Malcolm McLeod After an illness of sbout one month, the death occurred of Malcolm McLeod, at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Satu: day, July 3, He was a commercial tra eler and for the past twenty yeara was a member of Camp Robert Burns, Sons of Scotland, and of St. John's Presbyterian Church, Toronto. His wife predeceased him about five years ago, He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. H. R. Frost and Misses Laura and Katherine. The family are well known in Barrie, having lived here for a number of years. he entern Stites, some twenty years ago. John Hockridge There parsed away on June 30 an old and respected pioneer of Vespra in the person of John Hockridge. Mr. Hockridge was in his 77th year and had lived on the 12th line of Vespra for over 52 years. Deceased had been a sufferer for the past five years and had spent the greater part of this time in bed, On June 24 he took suddenly worse and gradually sank until the end came. Besides his sorrowing widow ters and two sons: Mrs. C, McKenzie, Mrs. W. Barrett, Mrs, W. Gill, Toronto; Mrs. G. McKay, Stratford; Mrs. J. Christopher, Whiteware soup plates, reg. 50c, for 42 Whitewear dinner plates, reg. 40c, for 32¢ Whitewear cups, reg. 40c, for , -32c each at home; fam of Guelph eateem in which deceased pall-bearens were his two his sons-in-law, C. Beeton World--One by seth. brief illness, passed away hin 84th year Toronto township in the yeart ago, lot 19, ed out robust constitution, illness, in politics, ia the last of ten, his sons and three daughters: Chas, H. of Beeton, Jos, |Asaph of Toronto, Mrs. 1918 Overland $1.05, for .. Welland; Mrs, A. Luck, Barri Richard of Phelpsto: The many floral tributes testified to the McKenzie, J. Christopher and A. Luck, Charles Broom 'ay--the good old pioneers of Tecum- Deuth has taken another one in the perwon of Charles Broom, wh Centre Street on Friday morning Isst, in Mr. Broom was born in shortly nftershis marriage to Miss Hannah Devall removed to*Tecumseth township 56 vettling on the north half of con. 6, whera he lived three or four years, thence moving to lot 17, con. |10, then a primeval forest, where he hew- home and by thrift and industry eventually earned as competence, to Berton fourteen years ago, he practically knew | not what it was to be sick until his final | In religion he was a M a staunch Conservutiv 'ears married on Dec. surviving brother of a fomily ungest brother, George, hav- ing died at Norval about three months ago. Besides his widow, he is survived by three | Thos. Dorsey of | 1919 Ford Touring 1918 Ford Coupe | e e { at Barrie Fair Store ! AT ALL TIMES YOU CAN BUY TO ADVANTAGE AT THIS STORE. } BUT FOR JULY 9, 10 AND 12 WE HAVE LISTED THE FOLLOWING SPEC- f IALS THAT NONE NEEDING ANY OF THESE GOODS CAN AFFORD TO ! 1 OVERLOOK: . | CHINA GRANITEWARE AND TINWARE i 8-inch plates, white with gold band, best No. 8 tin boilers, flat and pit copper bot- ; finish, exceptionally good value, reg. toms, reg. $2.95, for .... $2.49 each j 35c, for ..... toe . 29¢ each No. 9 tin boilers, flat tin bottoms, reg. 7-inch plates, white with blue and gold $1.90, for... esses. . $1.59 each band, reg. 40c, for ........ 32c each Galvanized pails, reg. 75c and 85c, for. . ; White vegetable dishes with cover. reg. | tcrttttts v+s+e+s @3e and 69¢ each $1.75, fOr vee. cece cease $1.39 each Bread boards, large size, reg. $1.50, for ais bee oe ea <9 HBSS : $1.19 each IMPERIAL GRANITEWARE || | for iss Ethel, , and Wil: Tecumseth, Thornton, took place was held. The na and four of G. MeKay, | Bedford, --Every one they pass after al home in at year 1837, and ret A ma thodist ; e. He 11 Iast and John of Lefroy, | and Mrs, Jno. | Touring USED CAR DEALER ob Sunday afternoon to the Methodist Cemetery, services ut the house and the grave being conducted by Rev. A. {have an O Cedar Mop. Dougall Bros. Panay te (Thar marae) 18 IT THAT BRINGS A OUSTOMER BACK TO A STORE? We believe they are satisfied customers Are you one of our satis- fied customers ? Telephone 692 or call at Tea .pots, medium size, reg. $1.20, for ' 99c each Potato pots, with cover, he $1.50, for . $1.29 each Conivex kettles, with cover, a, $1.00, . 79¢ each SCOTCH GREY GRANITEWARE Condon kettles, with cover, reg. 65c and 54c and 89c each THE BARRIE FAIR STORE R. D. RUTHERFORD, PROP. ee 82 Dunlop St. und Mrs, Edward Gibson of The funeral, which was largely sttended by many friends and neighbor nousckeeper should Sold by Poloiaalt 2 LS it is because Do You Want to SELL or Buy a Used Car ? LIVINGSTON'S LIST FOR THIS WEEK 1918 Ford 1-ton Truck 1918 Gray-Dort 1918 Baby Grand Chevrolet 1917 Bell Touring 1917 Maxwell Touring 1919 Ford Touring +1918 Ford Touring McLaughlin 4, and a McLaughlin 6, 7-passenger These cars can be bought from $200.00 to $1500.00. ~ Call and see what we have got. FRANK LIVINGSTON 151 Bradford St. y Goods delivered to any part of town, The Bradford Street Grocery 1918 Chevrolet Touring 1916 Ford Truck * Barrie Garage, corner Dunlop and Mulcaster Sts. BARRIE, ONT. PHONE 147