Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1920, p. 12

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Wonderful Specials 'at Patterson's Drug Stere Friday and Saturday 5 only Stewart Phonographs, Reg. $15.00, Sale 11.98 144 Bathing Caps, Reg. 60c, Sale ......... -39C 200 pounds Molasses Kisses, Reg. 40c Ib. Sale 25C 100 pounds Toasted Marshmallow, Reg. 50c, Sale 39Cc 720 cakes Seward's Soap, CHOICE, Reg. 25c. Sale 15c¢ 100 only Riker's Peroxide Vanishing Cream... -25C 500 tubes Toothpaste (best on market) Reg. 35 for 20¢ 125 only Flashlights (best made new stock) 3% OFF 720 Tooth-Brushes. Good value at... sree e DRC DON'T FORGET--BIG CANDY SPECIAL 1000 pounds Liggett's Chocolates, Reg. 80c ........ cece eee eee e ene +». Sale, 2 days only, 59C GET OUR PRICE ON PARIS GREEN Arthur E. Patterson _ DRUGGIST : : : ee ee eee eee NEWS FROM THE RAILWAY WARD | Mrs. S. Simmons and children have gone Toronto. Miss Cobourne has returned to Toronto Mrs. S.J. McMorran is visiting in Tor-/ after being here with her brothers for # ont and Hamilton. | fortnight. There ix quite an epidemic of measles| Mrs. J. Bolton of Toronto is sponding in the Sixth Ward. 4 week with Mr. and Mrs, H. Young, Mises Marjorie Johnson and Lorene | Brock St Lowe ure visiting in Toronto. } Mr. and @{rs. T. Hounsome have gone Mm. C. W. Poucher and daughter Nor te spend two weeks with relatives in ma ure visiting in Niles, Mich. ooksrown, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Wisdom and daugh.) Barrie Bay Lodge, B. of L. F. & E,, will ters are visiting in Walkerville, meet next Sunday st 2,30 p.m. in the Mr. and Mrs. Jnck Steele leave this week | Orange Hall for strip down the St. Lawrence to Mon-| Three motor loads of 8. 8. teachers from treal, the Presbyterian Church attended the con. Mr, and Mrs. M. Brown have returned | Yention in Minesing on Wednenday. from Perth. secompanied by four grand-| Communion service will be held in the children. Presbyterian Church next Sunday morn- & Favorite M y Home Made Sey Candies The "Mary Anne" Package Contains this Ass Cocoatines Cream Brazils ' And other Delicious Centres Suited to Every | Occasion * It may be the table in the home or vacation cottage-- tea on the lawn or in camp--or the picnic hamper, open- ed beneath the shadowed fringe of highway or river-- wherever it is, a box of the Chocolates obtainable at A. E. Taylor's is always adaptable, provides the finishing -touch to any menu, and is suited to every occasion, - Home-made @hoocolate Bare--5e 4 Week-End Specials Cream Almonds = «= - = BBo Ib, Assorted Chocolates - = = = = 660 Ib, Toasted Marshmallows = - = = = 480 Ib. Elizabeth st. to spend a week or two with friends in| ay 4) Butter Creams Walnut Nougatine Maraschino Cherries A. E. TAYLOR Next to Hinds Bros' Grocery ; ron the Quarte BORN a son, nesday. July 77 1920, to Mr. and Mi Ainsley Caldwell of Creighton Mines, daughter. R. A. Stephens, a son. WOOD--BANNERMAN--At ston Ave., Toronto, 772 Palm ford, Isabell Bannerman of (formerly of Lefroy) to Frederick Wood of Lefroy, DIED | BERTRAM--At Clowes, Oro, | year. COOK --In Barrie. June 28, 1920, Robert | sls that he has spared you for cur aukes, Henry Cook, son of Mr. and MM, | Charles St., + 10 days, DARBY. Coo in her 64th year. DAY--In St. Michsel's Hospital, Toronto, | 20d that year by year the fidelity and af- July 2, 1920, Arthur Day, aged 46 yeu Kenzie, aged 80 years, | WOOD--In Stroud, Thursday, July 8, 19: Ann Jane Wood, relict of the lute Noi | Wood, in her 77th year, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. Hockridge and family wish jthank their many friends and neighbors for the kindness "shown in their sail be | reavement 28) | CARD OF THANKS | Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Cook, 18 Charles jwish to thank all' kind' neighbors an friends for their xympathy ahown the during their recent bereavement, 28p |concession of Innisfil. which at that time CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Magrane wishes to thank the clergy | $0 when he married and settled on a 0 Mary's Church, the 'farm of hi own, lot 17 of the same con, nuihtary authorities, the doctors and tefl cenion and township, of the Royal Victoria Hospital, and many were ull born and here the couple lived other friends and neighbors in town { their great kindness and aympathy- inh recent nad hereav By jortment : Cream Walnuts A Fresh Stook of Bulk Chocolates this week, inoluding : Pineapple Fruit Maple Frefich Walnut Butterscotch Carameis Maple Creams Peanut Clusters Cocoanut Clusters Filbert Clusters Nougatines Chocolate Almonds Tit Bits Home-made Ohocolates, including : Neapolitans Bordeaus Orange Fruit and Nut Caramel Many other lines fresh from "The Palace of Sweets.' wervice on Friday even- bookstere | Well-Known Allandale Cou- 'stock Church: are as follows: 11] x the home of their daughter, Mrs, Rich. ¢ Prophet's Message guests, for the most part e were beautifully decorated With flower of ane Mead ta a ceha Rai: | Peto Rie, Caeartend With awe of BRETHOUR--In the R. V. Howpital, Sot|!006 fend, John Thompson of the Si y Innisfil, wee Bg 13s, to Me. | Batt Hfeuar, Rev. W. J. Watt, poster of ihe aind (s: N ed CALDWELL--In the R. V. Hospital, Wed. |Ne# is an older beter Xenia Wet" | they were on thet ncsaxon, "aed cat ees Wednesday, June |ing addres und gifts from their children 30, 1920, by Rev. L. MacLean of Brad: | and grundebildren-- Toronto | June 30, 1020, Mrs, Joseph Bertram, in her 96th . July 5, Mary Re. |huve lvéd so unselfishly for us, We teust fe of H. W. 'Darby, Craighurat, | the Heavenly Futher will, in His tender McKENZIE--At Thornton, July 1, 1920, |*0F" and more of a strength to you even Margaret McKenzie, wife of Matthew Me. Your devotion anit xymiuthy for ux hee 28) ALIS » SSS Sie MR. AND MRS. NESS 50 YEARS WEDDED ple Celebrate Their Golden Jubilee. On Friday evening last, July 2, the gold- en wedding anniversary: of Mr.' and Mra, Alex. Ness, of Easa Rosd, was celebrated rly | McBride, 6 Cumberland St 'latives cr old- time frieuda of the bride and groom, thered around the supper tables at o'clock. The tables, archways and. walle ing the gift, for the unniversary, of life. After a most bountiful wedding Road Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. Was appointed Youst-mas- m_{t€F- Many of those present responded to their names when called upon by. telling in direct, eurnest words of their apprece intion of the couple whose honored guesta all extended sincere congratulstions that fifty yeurn of married life had been for them so full of happiness, Following these {elicitstions Mr. and er- Mrs, Ness were presented with the follow: "To Father and Mother:--bt is with J. | feelings of deepest gratitude to God that |We ussemble here this evening on this, the occasion of your golden wedding. Grate. ful we ore that the Father in Heaven hus red you to one another for these filty rm. to be the comfort and strength to euch other that you have been; grateful ok, /2nd that today we can gather in these |festivition 10 do honor to our parenta whe |merey. spare you to be long with us yet. r=, |fection of your children for you may be |inspired and blessed our lives through all 20; these year, Anu slight token of our fe ah | Vent wither for ull God's blessings to be youre and of the appreciation, in. some vinall way at leant. of your self-sacrificing love for us, we aak you to receive at our ands today these purses of gold." Thin addrew was read by one of their grandsons, Glendon Ness, and the gifts were presented by their little grand. daughter, Helen MeBride, Mr. Nest' futher, the late Wi. Ness, wax one of the earliest settler« of these parts, coming from Alloway, Scotland, in m | 1847. and settling on lot 21 of the ninth to | Was wilderness, One year Inter Alex, Nee was born, and lived on the said farm until Here hie family for 'until 1905 when they moved to their pre« fri sent residence in Allandale, Mra, New P was born in the Tale of Mull, Scotland, |coming to thix country with her parenta when quite young and settling in' King, where she lived for several years, coming later to. Innisfil, Though the clergyman who officiated at their marriage in 1870, Rev, Wm. Wigh:mun, Jof Nivgarw Falls, Mrv. Wm, Robertaon of [fnminél and. Mec, Richart MeRere of Al- Jlandale, there were present also the follow. ing from outside pointe: Mr, and Mra, Thox, New, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Latimer {aut Mr, and Mra. Cameron Latimer, all Jof Toronto: Mr. and Mrv, Bam. Platt' and Mrs. John Bushby of Bradford; Mrs. Noss, wife of the Inte Rev. Win. News of Pare: bore, Nova Seotia, and Mr. and Mrs, Chas, New of North Buy. The many and heuutiful gifts received by the happy couple bore witness to the high esteem in which they are held, Alto. 1 gether, it was x long-to-be-remembered oc. cuxion und scores of neighbors und fellow. citizens-take this opportuni:y of proffering |thoir most sincere congratulations and good wishes for the days to come, ABOUT THE LAST TO REACH HOME Eurl Bogardis, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bogardis, reached home on July 8, after being overseas more than four yeurs, and was very heartily welcomed by his friends. Enlisting with the 76th Bn., he went to England in April, 1916, and soross to France with the 24th Bn. After partici. pating in several important engagements, he was wounded at Regina Trench, in Bep- tember, 1916, receiving a severe shrapnel wound in the shoulder. When he was discharged from the hospital in 1917 he was in the permanently disabled class, but later in the same year managed to get into the R.A.F., remaining with them un- til he came home. After the armistice he was with the atores department at Shoreham-by-sea. During the Inst few months of his service his duties had to do mainly with the shipment of planes to Camp Borden. Associated with him in this work was Beecher Conron, foster son of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Marr, the women who are the fishers, CROWN HILL July 6--Mr. and Mr, Wm. Kenny of Rochester, N.¥., motored over last week and visited Mrs, Kenny's sister, Mrs, W. G. Gough; and brother, John Kenny. Mev. Joho Chappell'has returned after iends in Toronto, Teeats was the guest A successful garden party was held et the home of W. T. Partri 8 short visit with This yearly sale of Vickers sells for less. $1.10, for : Trimmed Millinery up Regular 95c and $1 Children's Socks, 40c, Women's White and Silk W aists up to $11 i] | ( Men's Blue Stripe Ov : And numerous odd li | be. and daughter Erma of Keswick are visit- ing among their relatives here. Miss Ethel Gilchrist of Orillia is viait- ing with her cousin, Mrv. A. Cameron. While playing football with the boys at their club meeting on Friday evening, T. E. Ross hud the misfortune to break one of his legs, He was taken to the R. V. Hospital, where the fracture was set by his brother, Dr, F. A. Ross. His many friends ure glad to hear he ix getting along nicely, The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mra. W, M, Campbell on Tuesday, July 13, Rev. W. J. Watt of Allandale preached in Guthrie Churgh on Sunday in the ab- renee of Rev. N. Campbell, who conducted the annual memorial service at Knox. The annual 8.8, picnic here, held in con- junetion with ndrew's 8,'8., Oro Sta- tion, was a great success. The special attraction was a basoball game between the Guthrie and Central girls' clube. The G. H. H. Club will meet at the home of Mrs. A. G. Muir on Saturday, July 10, DALSTON * Missionary services will be held (D.V.) next week at 8 p.m. in each of the fol- lowing Methodist churches: Edgar, Tues- day, July 18; Crown Hill, Wednesday, July 14; Dalston, Thursday, July 15, and Clowes, Friday, July 16. The pastor will Co-operative selling portant factors in the breedi consumer, but there is no r direct with the packer. on a competitive market. . tion to the shippers. a drover when you can re: your own organization ? The program was not as anticipated, as a number expected to be present failed to appear, A meeting of the Women's Institute and Farmers' Club will be held at the home Sug ia at Toe, ks interesting meet. , at 7 o'clock, ing ing is expected, UNION STOCK YARDS Bleached Tabling, reg. $3.50, for .... Trimmed Millinery up to $12.00 for Chintzes and Cretonnes, values for ........ | Art Sateens, reg. 90c and 95c for .... ] ! i i GUTHRIE | July 6.--Mr, and Mrs, R. M. Connell! CO-OPERATIVE SELLING OF LIVE STOCK It is not possible for the producer to sell direct to the Your own company has pro- vided a means by which you can secure the last dollar By having the,largest volume of trade we nat- urally can create competition on the part of the buyers. This is the condition that means top values and satisfac- Why, continue longer to sell your live-stock to UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE CO. Live Stock Commission Department | AT VICKERS' _ July Clearance Sale summer goods will con- tinue until Wednesday, July 14, at 6 p.m. Each sales offering spells savings. When on your shopping tour, it is well to remember Some items in brief ;--- Women's Combination Underwear, values $1.00 and $1.25, for ......... Women's Vests and Drawers, regular 75c to + 89c » $3.15 Bleached Tabling, reg. $3.00, for ..... $2.50 Bleached Tabling, reg. $2.75, for ... -. $2.35 to $7.50 for .... $3.98 .. $7.58 $2.00 and $2.50 $1.65 +. 75e «+ 79 45c and 50c, for .. 33¢ -00 values for .. Black Silk Ankle Hose, ! ' regular 75c and $1.00, for .........,. 65c | Women's \ hite, Black and Colored' Silk Hose, regular $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75, for $1.99 | Women's House Dresses up to $6.00 for $3.99 Colored Flannelette, reg. 35c and 40c for 29c j 50 for ....., .. $5.00 Georgette Crepe Waists up to $12.50, $6.75 Children's Summer Dresses up to $7.00, $2.69 -. $1.29 Turkish Bath Towels, white and colored, $1.00 or Long Silk Gloves, white, black and tan, reg. ++. $1.50 Two-Button White Lisle Gloves for..." 65¢ eralls for ...... $2.45 Men's Summer Combinations, reg. $2.00, for tee eeeeee es $1.35 Socks, reg. $1.00, 85 Boys' Summer Jerseys, reg. 65c, for .... 50c hes of seasonable mer- chandise at a saving. ' 2 eer ee ee eee THE MORNING SHOWER | starts your day right. You feet refreshed and invigorated and it ;makes all the difference in the |world to man or woman. And when you come home hot and tired--what a relief! Let us put in an up-to-date shower bath for you. It's the best investment for health and strength in the world. |; MOFFATT & PARR Sole Agents for "Hocla" Furnaces Plumbers, Phone B31, Barrie {illustrate the talk on Old and New China | with lantern slides. Everybody welcome. has become one of the im- ing and raising of live stock. 'eason why you cannot deal alize more money through WEST TORONTO we Geo. Vickers ic '

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