Thursday, July 8, 1920 THE BARRIE EXAMINER --Guests for tea? , Serve Lanka Lanka is British grown tea from Ceylon's hill gardens. , The choicest grades are blended, making an exquisite flavor, a tempting aroma, a color that charms. The price is moderate. Look for this package. WM. BRAID & CO. Vancouver, Canada EYRPREROLORORATRORPROREROR a INWOMEN'SREALM #2¢8 LPNPRELRPRELGER LO LE LE LG LY LF SOME RECIPES FOR COOL DRINKS | MRS, DRURY'S RECEPTION drinks are an essential in the sum thet wil there i quite an art én the ception at "Kenilworth vg then -- Some of the more subs |viay uf Last week . whieh include eggs and milk, | ter arlaw. Mr & Barrie. on Tues hors were ry can be made quie cusily and nd athe Mrs. Charles Drury gave a delightful re hondr of her daugh ! Drury. wife of the used for w light funcheon. served | Prenuer of Ont The hostess wore & hud attained such # great age she wax s cracker gf two, oF a piece af cuke, HEIL gow taupe Terene de chene. smurt and uctive till six month sf when Bes ure Liquid fowls and) Mrs. E. C. Drury. who received with her she was atricken with a cuncer in the head nd values 4 the entranee te the dimng room, bemg | which resulted in her death, Mr. ata Mee rinks are particulsrly jie when | £oWved tn chunipagne George'te, over char active workers in. Clowes Ssurprise' company drape infor a chat, ture, and looked extremely well, The |§ Mr. Bertram being a ay WIR 4 profision of penn ief, Soldiers' Comforts and Soldiers Convalescent Hospital. Stroud followed closely by giving to the Navy League, South American Relief, providing clothing for needy children in Cochrane, and sup- porting, » French orphan far the year. Cookstown has a sufficient sum % place a memorial tablet to their heroic dead in the Town Hall, Christmas gifts to Gravenhurst and two, dozen pillows to Davisville Hospital and to the General Hosnital in Toronto were sent by Coulson's Hill branch, Well chosen pictures were pliced in two rural schools y Churchill Institute. Nearly l the branches sent cash con- tributions for fuel to the Children's Shel- ter in Barrie, James' Mills Institute sent 4 aupply of fruit to Toronto. | A new branch was organized at Bond | Head, the birthplece of » number of Can: | ada' distinguished sons. | Mrs. Wm. Todd, President of the Fed- erated Women's Institutes, gave an excel- lent address during the. session The following are the officers for the ensuing year: Presirent, Mrs. R, W. Sloan, Churchill; Vice-Presidents. Mra. Ja | nell, Bradford; Mr W. A. Jamieson, Thornton, and Mrs. W. J. Goodfellow, /|Stroud; Secretary, Mrs. R. Bayes, Lefroy. THE LATE MRS, JOSEPH BERTRAM Mrs. Joseph Bertram, "un oged and re- | apected resident of Oro, passed away at Clowes on Jure 30, aged 95 years and 10 months, Deceased' was born in County Cavan, Ireland. in 1824. and came to this jcountry ut the nge of twenty years, After | her marriage, she and her husband lived | tm Kingston, In 1870 they came to Oro There when Mr, and Mrs. farm tife und came died in 1912. af y had spent 05 yeurs of happy mar ried life togeher, Although Mrs, Bertram 'with their family of eight children they resided til 1903. quently held wervices in WAXTITE Children dance with joy at sight of a full, plum WAXTITE package of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes--they know what crackly, crispy, richness it\contains. Give them heaping bowls--with milk or cream, or fruit and cream--always fresh and tempting in the familiar WAXTITE package, Kellogg's ProducteToastad Corn Flakes--Shr FAgimbled Branare made ts out new frosts Et TORONTO and aiveys wrapped "Wantite = Sold Evepetest 4 inl on the AeeanGAl. tes, Rese lovely summer flow e pattor and waa o « ' rand a Moe rs. Among. the eed were Mra. H Ol eee nee Hue and this x ap important dvem-- 6)" Te cirige.. Mix. Ch Hambly, Mrs. Mm Rertram returned to the they should not be "gulped"" bke water, 1, Brown, Mrs, DC Murchison. Mrs! 'al is ies me ahs bal te but should be mapped very slowly Lf hastily ington Partridge Mn. Fred Marr. Head with her son Joh, where fag ey they haves w very: aNuRONs EA "Alex. Brown. Mel. A.W. Purine) aie eee cr children. viz jee * Mr. Cather: Cameron rm. ish. | ) Py c! Then' there the lighter drinks like a ae bes cate ee hae My fi Me Be "Barn rate bite ils Va | punuile, grape juice, urangentle. ete. Ji, Mew, 'Themas Smith, Mra. Fred Cold Sus. Dagon. Conrad ehae mchenan his friend below stairs und when the time with the pending Deminion referendum up-|tons and a half. It measures fifteen feet r rranged ao attactvely 8 oli, "Mme, MM Shanueys Ales Canine wr gbameam. Col and Mra. Purtridge of [1 departure came, subdued but happy, on importation was discussed, in height, is nine inches thick and has» piers thet it uw a delight to serve ir." dwar Morton," Men. Rutherford, Clowes. The funeral took place on Sut-|"¢ ¢Xplained, "She says it's all right, ant' In this connection the proposal of the | eiveunierence vf thirty-four feet at the rim, ee ike ni to pre Mée Andrew Carson," Mes. Wn. Freek. | uray" 10 Crayghunt Cemetery and |! can go. Dominion Government that "the list of|To hang it nowadays would require the sseably th ray Mr, ET. Read (Siule Ste. Maries. Mrs. conuctel hy Rev W. 8 Teen at Pa | The Ponular Outfit voters, us finally revised and completed | most up-to-date mechunicul apparatus, and mate lemunae. Fur ithe ce A Si TL Cenmeicke, Min W. A. Roem Letom. The hecees were Seren Aeon: | A mew vtrmw bat, auch as 'adorn 'che orice ib She Provincial election in the] how it was hung hundreds of years ago ie should liege be ect totind an the te tes Gaus M Sire Menhennit. Mrs. John Ems. JN. Willing, Alex, MeKay, {bots heads in auinmer, or ao the proud Province of Ontario, 'held in. the month |a mystery: which hus cover eee nee Feimeewtors 1 in a. good lan 'to: keen Mn cher. Mra. M. Fife. |Charles Church and R. Beardaall, [owners averred, and s fishing rod acemed of Ocober, 1919, abail be used without re. - oe the eae we vackay Mr Coldwel Sirs Juckxou, Mrs. Long: ° |the popular outfit for the two weeks' trip, Vision. He ae approaching referendum Heenan cf hema cvateked! aiun Mrs, Stephens, Mrs, Billinesley. Mie . [One chubby young man with head shaved Ws consider ice Aad tablespoon of Jeon eyruy acd As Rc Mee Ener Brats Mie Laoies: Bowtie tu [23 the sae "cuntiet fashion, when anked A Ferolution wan unanimously Posed to jsvith the woda or plain wa "AL Howie, Mra. Felt Stem, Hurgrave, Mra, A ladies' howling club has been organiz: | hut 'hie mucin th tained, 'replied place the Alliance on record gs absolutely r . wet erg gehen ea mea a Ries Mon Wy Hn oll Oia wit the low fig: | arene bo onsen ce the 'lace "on record hauls Every 10 ai & a slice of nn wrange Cann Walgars'. Min. Walter Saeeant, Present, Mew A. P Carter: Viee Prot] "Excitement bunt bounds when the without revision, for the taking, of the Packet of Lenin Syruy ite, George Vickers, Mew, Robert Sorott, "ent. Mre. Norman Cooke; Secretary, Mass !hour hail urrived for the private car, sup- vote his, if done, would disfranchise aia Toco gure strand lene sue: 4 cum Mee. Albert Sorjeant, Mew. A. Staple: Marian Harvie: Treauce, Sia Fath Rup: | pied bythe cy, 06. ete cad Tae, toobaacde af mete Pate, dsranchie WILSON'S water: 8 cups sugar, Boil the water and ota, Mme HJ. Twinn, fell: Commuter of Mangement, Sire, Jehb | auley Nte. With whoop and. shoutings the province, including » lurge numter of sugar together for ten minutes slowly. Add Mra Wo OR. King, and Mes, A. Millar. The first gaiue waa! and? wild w ang of urms and legs, one returned soldiers, whoxe names do not ap: j Jemon juice and Jet simmer for five min Nursing Sister McKay of Played on Domi son Duy jhundred healthy boys surged on, carrying pear on the voters' liste for 1919. It wus utes. Then pour into » scalded hot bottle. V nr Mine Lac get Glave Ardueh, wove CARA [their beloved leader in their midst, toward hut ihe Serene on provide Seal and keep in « coo) place. < Margaret Brow Mus Ada Smith, "THE WARD" the freedom which will be theim for two 3% up-to-date voters' list, 60 that every sor TiEey get iil Pinch Clara Kn ie Vile Marr, IN CAMP AT ALLANDALE | jrrecinux weeks." pst st cree 38 the Pee! at On: we SO WEn Fes TAN One pint ginger le; 14g pints water; Mis Funny King, Mie Alice Quinlan, Mint' ver on the nouth shore of Remventeh ario entitled to vote shal le to ex $ 3 pera cup tae Plus « lori lene, Crtewicke, Mine Longman, Mre George Bay. just down from Allandale. one hun | WILL VOTERS' LISTS BE REVISED Press hie or her opinion upon this import- STICKY 11 ¥ CATCHER Of ier in a gli bowl or pitcher. Mix nue aegatel by Mi reat dred boys from Toronto are in camp en FOR REFERENDUM? ant insue, . together the lemon juice, sugar und w "rehool for nartee ae che tht Joying the time of their young lives. They] At» meeting of the mana, 0 e ' tera your over chee. Hnaiettely. 80K shoal for nue at the Toronto ate the Hoge fom the Sevedat woareie | yg yt tte of he manag commute A S3-ton Bel before werving pour ginger ule over ail) Genre! Hoapital Mr i' Levi Mine trete af Toronto, oye who have never Alhunce, held st Toronty, the question of The bell in the great bell tower at Pekin ean fe Pty all Drug if A few sprays of crushed mint will add Mus Bi nk ee Mabel Partridge and known the joys of and the |the voters' lists to be used in connection! wns cast in 1415, and weighs fifty-three gists, Grocers and General Stores, Aiveio ga: Tavedicer thts: anak Mis Brownlee, two week's outing th ne will be " ear Julep SOUTH SIMCOE WOMEN'S INSTITUTES IORE Temembered. ae a bright spot in their Make a large pot of hot teu; 1 teasponn IN ANNUAL CONVENTION ye The ae 5 peli ee, ! of tea to 1 cup of boiling water; allow it The annual convention of the Women's ad, ANKIOUN: Perspiring. jy a veins : : tion ing, one hundred «mall boye of the Cen. FS qc hiker unt ar" uae ea fg! eel Seer owe sti nS . ah cup lemon juice. Pour over the hot ing reports were "given by the diferent Sue afore ther niadieal examiner Yester -- iver t stamd unul the sugar is dit-/branch greretaries, 'Thornton contributed /yia) irrnaan and pawed out of the rou | rive |the are mount during the year tout [2 Te he stair youll jin the| -- side charitable perpoxes, giving generously | 4 eke marked "O.Kiv" or en Ask for Minard's and take no other tn the Armenian Relief, South American aa ahmceetie ane OR. Cae to prevent to the luly xnperintendent the jbit of pastehoard whieh dashed hope to the ground for the time being at lenst Por the anell hey with head not in pro: er condition must not mix with one hun dred other boys in tents for two werka. | = = No moral of the gailliness of cleanliness Oi] Cook Stoves sould have cen elven home wily --_--_-------- force than to «tand on the sidewalk with = J kit-bag in hand and see the other fellows : . zo off without one. rr Camp Opened on Monday Wz "Camp opened lust night in the Central Neighborhood summer place near Allan- dale, and the firet contingent of one bun- ¢ % dred boys' were taken up for two weeks' jouting under the direction of Mr. Allison. The next camp will be for girl snd x0 on throughout the mummer, 'The neceesity : \ for an outing away from the city and in fresh country surroundings has become Tre EASIFIRST ay Renerally recognized by all workers among ' the congested districts.. Only in propor- isfer} ' 5 ' tion tothe, generadty ol the 'mow ton A DAINTY, petsiying and economical Here is a Good Recipe tunate is this possible, dish-- when Properly cooked! Use -- ine ree" es ee Tei at BO the recipe given here--just a wee hit of skill --Try It! For Eve: Pu se began at 3, but yesterday noon found many --and EASIFIRST. Your Codfish Cro- 1 cup boiled codaeh . ry ing po: il ben Poseaibips oe payee Pag quettes will be light and delicious indeed, 2 cups mashed potatoes --for boiling, roasting, frying, grilling, toast- {fr A number, indeed, anticipating patern Why? Because in deep frying EASL : cu tees whe aauce ing and baki ng the "New Perfection Oil Cook hy funy tashiee Sette ne eee FIRST may be brought toan intense heat Se et mas Store paid ven" are the best helps for the ed up st 27 Ein St, yesterday to- find thet without burning. This means that foods 1 tablespoon chopped parsley cook. . it iri id be di them, ied in i i 4 a a ; @ --[Burron'eteh to gceaon overenthutann fried im it havea quickly-formed, protect: sired the coda, add. pottom, is Nor Feifection Qil Cook Stove ives you sould' not tint be lenbently' ecpeideeeds net ing crust which prevents the fat from soak- pepper and parley: san add ibe cool kitchen-comfort in summer, and cooking only in the cuses where the mother refused ing in. The interior cooking is don Gad coe, thea preke doeeng aa satisfaction the year round. No annoyance \ Jo allow her boy to leave were the young: heat alone, as it should bee Me PY and cag, the ain in erumbs, and from smoke or odor--no ashes, litter or dirt. ° ters sent home. alone, as it should be. Hy ce eeep katie a! TRET. It burns cheap, easy-to-get coal oil. Eyes Shone and Danced The EASIFIRST left over may be used Pd cent Bence Level tablespoom F v9 "These boys, ranging in ages from seven again. It will not carry any flavor. : iil, 56 tocar een Snr, Fe aM Blue New Perfottion" chimney te fourien, are fromthe publi hol . sity BB) FT eup hot mille, J6 teanpoou salt ry rop o| in 'ul heat. of the Ward, and are for the most part . , s New Perfocd Brass Burpee ie as fons last 8 cm 4 of Jewish or Italian extraction, Handsome Beers bachegs of EASIFIRST bears shes Government bates of efficient. Every part of t! Yew Perfection Inds in nearly every case, their beautiful eporoval. Your grocer will supply you. Sold im cartons and tins. 'Stoye ia well-made and well finished. The "Long Blue dark eyes fone and tieeced with Caper a . 7. , mnDIY 3 f "Made in Canada" is no high exchange rate to Chimney" with. the ment as they waited in the long line of Tite today fer a copy o, in the cost, u buy a "New Perfeo- rolid boy, and clutched some precious Gun ecige Booklet. thon" you get the beet stove aehe Lest price, Popa tart bundle to them. "Some were traveling ns Proved Reeipe Bookle stead: light, while others were burdened down Sold by good. dealers everrnere. ak for a demon inion ube nipped [wi sltesecte Tapers cet GUNNS LIMITED \ ' flame, "Are you carrying all your luggage on } New Perfection booklet. you?' the young doctor jokingly amked 8 WEST TORONTO i: 'small boy whose chest seemed too far in Made in Canada to be found, 'The little fellow nodded sol. i emnly, for bis surplus clothing was all on him, | "A small chap of probably eight, wear- ing a warm woollen cap, clutched a leather bag and refused to put it down through- f out the entire waiting process, He om. | ' lowed repeatedly with nervousness, » an | OME OFFICE AND) FACTORY. when hin examination came it proved that SARNIA « ONTARIO be had grounds for uneasiness. The doe- tor couldn't put O.K. on his card, With aI : the big eyes blinking, the small boy sought