Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1920, p. 8

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Page Eight Re tek Ee te FOR SALE--Five lots, $900 cosh, L. Howe, Box 129, Lewiston, N. ¥. 25-30p Pmt sted inh ied Moet BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE, 53 Burton Ave, Apply to Mrs. W. H. Toole, Allan- dale. 27tfo BIX-ROOMED SOLID BRICK HOUSE, conveniences, lot 50x200 ft. Price $2000. Apply 42 Blake St. 28-29p GOOD BUILDING LOT FOR BALE--8.£. quarter of William and Holgate Sts. Apply to Robt. Jack, 50 John 8t., phone 220. 28-28p BIX-ROOMED COTTAGE for sale, with 'good stables, garage sad henhouse, two acres of land plapted with small fruit and vegetables, good well and cistern. Apply Mra. S. J. Steer, corner Cook and Napier Sts. 23.28p, CENTRALLY LOCATED Property at the 8. E. corner of McDonald and Clapper- ton Sts., having 108 and 98 ft. frontages, consisting of three houses and two lots. ' Sold en bloc only, Apply 21 McDonald St., Barrie 25-31p 4 FINE PROPERTY FOR SALE--60 Rom St., lot 75 ft. frontage, 215 ft. deep. | House. 9 rooms, every convenience, { ideal location, 'overlooking Queen's Park. Burgain. Apply Simmons & Co | or Mm..G. B. Simmons, owner. 23-280 eee HOUSE. FOR SALE--214 Blake St., sev- en rooms, parlor, dining-room. kitchen s and shed, with three bedrooms, two clothes closets ind hall, cement cellar, verandah, lawn and garden, good cem ent stable and chicken pen. town water and good cistern. Everything in in first- | t | class shane, Apply to Mrs. J. D. Smith, Ce 19tfe ---- Farms for Sale Le Help Wanted. > SALESLADY WANTED-- Powell & Co. DINING-ROOM GIRL wanted. Apply to Barrie Inn. 28-28p [ANTED-- EXPERIENCED TIN! WAl Apply Examiner office, 24-290 EXPERIENCED PLUMBER WANTED-- Apply Examiner office. 24-200 MAID WANTED--Good wages. Mrs. A. Bryson, 40 Bradford St. 26-280 ee GOOD HOUSEMAID wanted at once.-- Apply to Miss O'Connor, Simcoe Hall, Allandale. 28-28¢. SMART YOUNG GIRL! wanted: to assist with light housework during holidays. Apply to Mrs. Wismer, 74 Muleaster St. 28-28¢ terre OFFICE HELP WANTED--Girl with some knowledge of shorthand and type-writ- ing 'referred. Apply by letter in own handwriting and state wages. "'Adver. tiser,"" care of Pxaminer. 28-28) WANTED--Morried man under 40 years. to take charge of chickens, pigs and cows, in the country, Must be reliable and experienced, State age and exper- ience. Apply to Box 20, Packet Office. Orillia 28-280 Se For Sale cupbpard. kitchen Apply to 117 28-28p le, almost new, ly 113 Collier 28-28¢ FOR SALF--Kitchen table, also door screen. Dunlop St "MODEI."' BICYCLE for In perfect conditior St., or Box 374, ars TELEPHONE POLES--I have ten to sell. $1.50 each, Chas. Bowyer. R, R, No 2. Barrie, Lot 15, Con, 7, Vespra, 28p FOR SALE--Centre 52 acres of Int 16, con 11, Innisfil. Apply to Margaret Quantz, . Craigvale, R.R.1 20-32p | DRIVING HORSE, buggy and harnes for | sale. Horse fearless and good driv | Apply S. V. Jones, Oro Station. 28-28¢ FARM FOR SALE, 100. yeres clear land, bank barn, good brick house | FOR SALF--Lakefield canoe in Al con- dition, with rarpet. safety cushions and Con, 6, Fass. $10,000. Apply to VW paddles, Apply 113 Collier St. or Box fred) McMaster. Utopia 28.280 374, Barrie 28-2Re \ |" FOR SALE --East bull lot 9, con, 11, Ves MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE. twin-cylinder Pra, containing 100 seres. Persons wish: -- Fxcelsior, with new Indivn xidcenr at \ ing to purchase same will. address Mra, tached. Apply Stanley Copeland, Chur- Pod, MeDonald, Little Current, Ont." _ehill,_phone_Lefrny 28-209 26efe FARM FOR SALE -Good 100-aere farm two miles from Barrie, brick house, bank FARM FOR SALE, Tr. of Flos, 11% miles from Elmvale, tnek house, bunk barn, soil elay loum all under cuitvation, For ferher jar teulararsly to Mrs. T. BL Fitzgerald, Owen St. Barre 28 2%p BY TENDER East half of 1 the 11th con. of Vespra contuining 100 neres more or lexs; soil black Jeans, no clearance, but well wood. ed. Subyeet to a reserve tad, Terms of male, down at time of sale and halanee to suit 1 Address Dr, P. MeDonald, | urrent, Ont, 27-30¢ FARM FOR SALF--Lor number one in the teenth Concession Th. of County of Simcoe, containing roe. of which (0 acres are under cultivation, the balanee being well. wat ered pasture land There is a good frame barn on thee Lands. For further partic ulars apply to Clarence Srigley Alea dale or to Alexander Cowan, So- licitor, Borie Wtfe FOR SAL condition ; stables 100 gers, all clear. in good good house, barns, sone vod grain oor stock farm Creek crossing farm clove to barns. make | ing good watering place for stock all year 10 «in meadow, 13 - acres seeded with sweet clov Purchaser xy enter after the hurvest to do. soed ing and fall work. Would consider good 5O-nere farm, belance in mortguee.. For particulers sre A, Boo'h, proprietor, 1 Granville St. Allendale, or W. J. Cow an. lot 20, 12th kine, Tnnisfil, Allandale. 24.20) ---- Live Stock for Sale SHORTHORN BULL for sale, 4 | A.W. McArthur, Oro* Station GOOD MILCH COW for sale. Apply L. J Allen. 8 Cumberlend St., Allandale, 24tfo FRESH CALVED COW. sale good mill ako young Yorkshire pi Jones, Oro Station. LARGE FNGLISH BULL DOG, 20 mos., brindle, very obedient ynd_ kind, very fond of children. house-broken; reason Beldwin 8, 28-29¢ ---- Miscellaneous CAR FOR HIRE day or night George Wiseman, phone 867J. 23.28 WASHING--A woman will do washing at her home. (Address at this office. 28 FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED. Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie, Ont. - 2Mtfe AN EXPERIENCED NURSE would care dor w child at "her home, Address at _ 'this office. 28-28 MRS. WILLIAMS' BOARDING HOUSE. Room and board, also table bourd. Mary St., phone 305. 2 Taste ST abe SA LEANING AND PRESSING--Your old suit and overcoat can be made to look Tike néw by Harry Twiss, Ross Block, Dunlop St. s for eelling, am buying another dog. 59 | MeCORMICK MOWER, in gond order, 5: foot 2 general purpose horses, good ingle or double: 1 team wagon For Belle 28-28¢ ¢" Rxamine "3829p | IR SALE--XX shingles at $5, and X- shingles at Anply to Felward 9, Flos; Elmvale P.O 97-32p Bell, lor 19, con bher-tired go also fer sled reasonable, App Minett's Point FOR SALE 6 new hay and stock racks k cowhined, apruce sill) 16 ft. long for} Will be al the Lennox Pienie, Ju 40 in, bolster, 6 new opine water /21, with his "Puneh and Judy | troughs. 10 ft long. Phone 13 ring 3.{show for the entertainment of the TL. Webb, blacksmith, Cookstown, fehildren, and the "merry 2629} sound' will alse be an adie FRAMF OF BUILDING FOR SALE-- 40) 4!lraction of the midway, 28-28 x16 ft, with 10 ff, posts, suitable for} Dr, Randall Richardson, erad- drive shed or stock pen. Material all in| uate of the Royal College of Den-! + good shape, Sell cheap for cash. Frank | jal Surgeons, Toronto, wishes to Green. Craigyale R.R, 1. lot 17, con} announce that he has opened a U1, Innisfil. "Phone 7 orl. 2727P) dental office in Barrie, over the SELLING OUT--J. MeCandlew is closing| Bank of Torotin. on {out his business and selling everything |Owen St, He will be associated | in connection with the trade at s redue-|with his father, Dr, W. Riehard- | tion, stich as light and heavy harness. | son, 28-29 | trunks, suit cases, club bags, and ad) Nyx) Wednesday Kerr Lodge, 4 |. idlery hardware, ete. 9828} and AM. will celebrate its Jubilee, the lodge having receiv: For Rent md its eharter on July 1& fifty --------__----_----~ |vears ago. A basket pienie will (ROOMS TO RENT in Allandale lip held in St, Vineent's Park and Rhooe_67%: 44e ihe members and their families {7 ROOMED BRICK MOUSE TO Ri | All modern conveniences. Apply N | Charlotte St |ROOMS TO LET. unfurnished. suitable for light housekeeping. Apply to 73 Tiffin St., Allandale 28-20p |TO RENT--Rooms occupied by Kindergar- ten and Primary in King Block, also storage ov premises, 25tfe J | FOUR OR FIVE FURNISHED ROOMS to Tet in pleasant locality overlooking the bay, suitable for light housekeeping, 23 Theresa St 2727p Wanted HOUSE WANTED to rent by first-class tenant, 7 or 8 rooms, modétn_conveni ences, central locality.' Apply Box "L" Barrie Examiner 28-28p EMBLOYMENT WANTED by middle-aged in institutional work, ete.; man can carpentry repairs, (own tools). Apply Examiner Office. 28-2 FIRST-CLASS HOUSE with modern con: veniences wanted, 7 to'9 rooms, situated in good locality, State all particulars and price. Apply Box "R" Examiner Office. 28-28p Lost'and Found be. LOST--Gent's dark brown overcoat, tween Utopia and Ivy, on Sunday, June 27. Finder will be rewarded on return- ing to Craig's Tailor Shop, Barrie. 28p LOST--On June 29, between 37 McDon- ald St. and the morgue, a gold brooch, amethyst setting, valued os a keepsake. Finder please leave at 37 McDonald St, 28.28p 'BUILD YOUR OWN PHONOGRAPH-- 'We supply mechanical equipment, -mo- tors and tone arms. Standard Phono- graph Supply Co., 154 Markland 8t., Hamilton, Ont. = 26-28 oo W. S. MARTIN, Photographer, views of homes and groups taken in any size or style, any time, anywhere. Phone 131J. + Studio apposite Public Library, Mulops: ter St. 27-28ptfe BLACK CLUB BAG LOST between Robert Black's and 12th con., Innisfil sideroad. Finder please notify Robert Black, Craig- val 28.289 STRA' fror e pasture of the und signed, about June 9, one roan heifer, with dark red head and shoulders. about a year and a half old. C. M. Srigley, R.R. No. 2, Allandale, phone 3 ring 3, Barrie. 28-28p HANTLER BROS., STROUD, have in cea E Dominion tires 30x3%," 31x, in: Ser tubes, Polarine cil, machine oil! B.. inte. Williams boota, a stock of Ee, Pe ectien, best Amarionn coal of, 4 Roses flour, Lipton's tea, aleo oes Top Buggy, gdod order. 29p STRAYED onto lot 29, con. 2, Oro, about 'May 1, 26 sheep. Owner may have the same by proving property and paying damages and expenses. If not claimed before July 20, 1920, they will be sold| to pay expenses. P, G, Robbins, Shan- ty Bay, 'R. R. 2. 28-30p" mun and wife (Protestants), gags perry "LOCAL NEWS 7 edb bvcewecens jome smut in the wheat is re- ported. ys --Ice cream bricks 30c at Ed. Bryson's. 28-28 Up to date Mr. Shanacy has re- ceived over $3500 in luxury taxes. --The Luxury Tax is made easy for you at Ed. Bryson's. Recent rains agd cooler weath- er have been very beneficial to the crops, --The man who wishes to marry will find- it easy with "Mary Anne." --Wall paper! wall paper! New and elegant designs. See them at Dougall Bros. 2itt --Good goods at réasonable prices. You get both of these at Ed. Bryson's. 28-28 J. D. Rogers has sold to Mrs, Henry, Bradford St.. a house on Gwen St. now occupied by 8, G Underhill sk those who have met "Mary Anne" where you can meet "Mary Anne," 'and if Mary Anné ig not too delightful for words. --W. Ness, of Receroft's Bank, has taken over the agency for the Dominion Fire Insurance Co formerly conducted by the late H, Ball. 28-1fe In arddition to the boxing pout at the Lennox Pienic, July 24. there will be all sorts of sports and amusements, for both oll and young, QR-2He Owing to the rain vesterda: Andrew's Sunday School pi nad to he postponed, Tt will « held in St. Vineent's Park to- riday! afternoon on stocks Neilson's Williarl's package choeo- also Bryson's Aristocrats. person will be deli to hear Donald MeGregor, ada's famous contralto sing Jackson's Point, Wednesday, July 21, atuhe annual Lennox Pienie," As the prospects for soft cual supply next winter are very poor, morrow | --Eil. I and Carter Bros., florists, have de- ided to ge out of busin as soon as they can dispose of the stock new on hand A special train will run to Mid- land on Monaay for the Orange celebration, ing Warrie at & am. and running via the short line Regular i" will be char, Returning. the train f}will leave Midland at 5 p.m. Clark, the famens ventriloqui =|are planning for a jolly time to- gether 1. G. Robertson, Grand Master, A. G. Bricker, District Deputy | Vietor Vanatter, R and W. son ow Midland, Tuesday night. when the G.M. made his official visit to | Midland Lodge and a reception \was given to T. A. Sharpe, Grand Warden. Officers were installed \by the Waubaushene installation team. . A year ago The Examiner re- ported Geo. McDonald selling a beef hide f 6.80. Yesterday he sold a hide of about the same weight for $6.05. Hides are not the only thing that has dropped, he remarked. Last year the fleece of {2 sheep brought him 81, while cight pounds mdre 'col of this year's crop yielded nim only $22. ola Sh ro -------- in TWO WAGONS, A HORSE and harness for sale cheap, separate or the whole lot, Carter Bros. 28-280 > e----_------ MRS, G, DAVIS, corsetiere for the Spir- ella Corset for Barrie west of Toronto St. and Allendale, solicits orders from all old customers and a Sarge number of new clients, Address, 97 Cumber- land St., Allandale. 28-28¢ . Automobiles FORD RUNABOUT for sole. Box "1" Examiner Office. 28-28 ee FOR SALE--Five-passenger Ford Touring car, good tires, for $375 for quick sale. Apply A. J. Tuck. 28-28p FORD TOURING, wi ter, for sale. Hassler shock absorbers, good 4 for quick sale. Ralph Urry, eben 8-280 et FORD TOURING CAR, 1016--Overhauled, new engine, new tires, newly upholetered, first. class 'running order, 1920 license. Apply Ches, Kelly, Bryson's Garage. 28p OVERLAND eighty-three for _Sale--New top, new élip covers, 5 good tires, motor thoroughly overhauled. Apply" Gray- Dort Garage, Bayfield St. 28-28 ere CHEVROLET Touring for sale, in best shanical condition. Don't overlook this one, if interested, .For demonstra- tion phone 431, or call at 34 Mary St. Mr: Palmer. * 28-28p pink, navy, sk Ladies' Coleredt light color: Underskirts, and short sleeves, i H ' i 1 ! i J | aes THORNTON July 7.--Mr. and Sim. Geo, Henry, Mr. jand Mir, Herman Thompson, Mr, and Mrs | Jas. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs, A, Juboston jund Harenurt Bisckstock epent Dommon Day at Penetang Mr. and Mrs, N. N, Brimstin of Toronto, Bert Cunninghum, M.P., of the Soo, and Mrs. F.C. Cunningham and baby of Sux katoon spent a few days recently with Mrs. R, E. Coulter, Mr. Gillespie of Brudford and Mr, McKee of Toronto: xpent pap' of lust week at the home of John Patton. Mra, Sam, Muiels' baby is seriously ill, A large crowd fronr here attended. the U.F.O, picnic at Killarney Beach on July 1. Mrs, duck Carroll and baby of Jhorn- bury ure visiting her father, J. T. Corbett, who ut the time of writing is not enjoying very good health, Hubert B. McKenzie spent last week at Elgin House, Muskoka. Mrs. R. C. Cunningham ix not improv. ing as fast as her many friends would wish. Nurse Purtridge of Barrie ia still in at- | tendance, Mr. und Mrs. Jas, A. Patterson. spent over Sunday with Mrs. Jane Stewart of Aurora. / | R. D. Bannerman, Bert Dutcher of Elm. vale and Mr, and Mrs, A, L, Johnston are spending part of this week with friends in Toronto. Wm. Morris, Mr. Glenwood and Mieses Eva and Ida Stone, of Toronto, spent Sun- day with Mr, snd Mrs, A. W. Morris. Miss Georgie, Donnelly left last Monday for her new home in the West. Prior to \her departure the young people of the | Methodist church held a _ miseellancous \Saturday. 'The evening was spent in mu- sic, after which a dainty lunch wax served. Miss Donnelly will be greatly missed in the | League, Sunday School and church, She was always present and willing to do her share in everything. Her host of Thorn- ton friends wish her much happiness in her new home, On July 1, oldest residents of Thornton, in the per. son of Mrs, Matthew McKenzie, in her 80th year, Mrs. McKensie -was born in Whit- church and came to Innisfil about sixty years digo, living first on the 6th conces- sion, then on the Sth concession and the last fifteen yeurs in the village. Deceased was a devout christian and woman of 8 very true sympathetic disposition, al ways ready to lend a hand to help anyone at any time. She was a consistent mem- ber of the Methodist Church and was al- ways found (when able) in her pew an the Sabbath, The funeral wax held from her Inte residence on Sunday to the Union Cemetery. Rev. F. J. Dunlop of King | conducted the service, assisted by Rev. Mr. 'Adams. Mr. Dunlop' spoke very highly of the deceased as n true christian mother. and also urged all mothers to see to it that fa family altar was erected in their homes. Among the many beautiful wreaths was fone from the Methodist Sunday School. Those left to mourn are: Mrs. Garnett of London, Mrs. Warner of London, Ad- dison of Thornton, Miss Annie and the aged father at home, to whom mich sympathy is extended. The pall- bearers were Hubert McKenzie and Edger Garnett. erandsons, A. Dutcher, James Stewart, Horschell Campbell ani Frank Dutcher, nephews. Thore from a distance who attended the funeral were: Edger Gar- "x Crepe Rompers and Dresses, color: Copen, easy priced . , ++ $1.75, $1.80, $2.00 Children's Newest Style Gingham Dresses, fit or ages art sateen, easy priced $4.25 Women's While Cotten Gowns, hice fine cot. fon, lace and embroidery trimmed, long naxy priced $2 and $2.25 ASS NN WHERE MOST bn | ae ee a ee ee ee jshower at the home of J, W.- Henry on; death claimed one of the | H 'Togs That Make the Kiddies + Look Cuter Than Ever And these adorable little suits and frocks for vacation wear are every bit as cool and comfy as they look. Let the kiddies make mud pies if they want to. It's lots of fun, and if they do get their clothes messed up a bit it won't hurt, for these summer wearables are all made of pretty fabrics that launder'exceedingly well. The Juvenile Display of Styles in all sizes are noted < for the moderateness of their prices. Children's Fine Fit ages newest styles, Men's Ladies' Plain si ts' Mercerized Lisle Full cloned -- Hase, ntustard re sizes 83, 9, 94, 10. 'This ne ix great value al 75¢. Fri- and Saturday special, .690 Do net this line at the small price, cole mins a Mrs. Charlotte Lumley Another of the' esteemed pioneers of Minesing died on June 30, in the person of Mrs. Churlotte Lumley, whose death ocourred at the home of her daughter, Mra, E. J. Dibben, Bayfield St. Mrs. Luniley. whose maiden name was Char- lotte Bennett, was born at Claremont, Ont.. eighty years ago. After their mar- riage Mr. and Mrs, Lumley continued to reside at Claremont for a few years. Re- moving to Minesing 45 years ago they took up land on con, 11, the farm then being practically all bush. ' Five years later Mr. Lumley died and his widow with her xon and two daughters carried on the farm, Ten years ago the son and one daughter dicd within a few months of each other. Since that time Mrs. Lumley hed mad her home with Mr. and Mrs. Dibben who moved to Burrie in March of Inst yea Thittren years ago Mrs. Lumley suffered a slight stroke of paralysis and for the lust seven or eight years her illness was | almost continuous, She is survived by one daughter, one sister, Mrs, W. C. Little, Bradford St.. snd one brother, Chas, Ben nett, of Strasburg. Sask... Edenvale. A faithful member of the Meth odist church, the funeral services on Fri day were token by Rev. J. A. Minesing. 'The body was laid to rest in that village, H. Kerfoot, I. Downey, Al- fred Foyston, John McKinley, Robt, Cun- ningham and Wesley Orchard acting ax | pall-bearers. Death of Mrs, John Hunt The death occurred in the Western Hos- pital, Toronto, of Mrs, John Hunt of Mim- ico, aged 36 years, Mrs. Hunt was well- known in Barrie, her maiden name Lwing Florence Irving, and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Irving. Mra. had been ill for some tims, pneu- causing her death. She leaves a nd and five small children to. mourn their loss; also three sisters: Mrs. John Forrest of Naseby, Sask.; Mrs, Fred Shan. non, John St. West, Barrie; Miss Margaret , Toronto; and one brother, R. W. of Buffalo. I Irving The funeral was held on Monday, July| 5. to Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. VETERAN DIES IN HOSPITAL The death of Pte, George Magrane, M. M.. occurred in the R. V. Hospital on Sunday last. and he was buried with full military honors on Wednesday afternoon, when the Ivy Band gave their services gratuitously. A fuller reference to Pte, Macrane's career and funeral will be given next week, ------------------------------------ nett, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Stewart and Mr. and Mrs, Mitchell, Aurora; Mr. and Mrs A. Dutcher and Mrs, and Mrs, Wm. Thorpe, Bradford; Rev and Mrs. Dunlop, King; and a number from Barrie, Next Monday is "The Glorious Twelfth." --_++----_ --The Luxury Tax is made easy for. you at Ed. Bryson's. ery trimmed, fil ages 2, 4 and 6. Childven'sWhite Colton Drawers, lace t fil ages 2 to 42 years. Men's Black Rallbrigan Shirts and Drawers, sizes 34 to 44. rey Stripe Luster Coats sizes 36, 40, 42, 44, Special price . sizes 84, 9, le | formerly of | Leece of | Cotton Night-gowns, embroid- Speeinl mined Special price. .600 Special price ..... $1.00 Black and Plain Brown Hose, 94 and 10. Special price. .600 | Zeilhr--Shields A very quiet wedding was jsolemnized on, Wednesday even- jing, June 30, at the residence of the Rev. J. D. Morrow, when Alice | Hattie, youngest daughter of Mrs. Mary Shields, of Toronto, became the bride of Gordon, son of Mr. jand Mrs. A. Zeihr of Barrie. Af: ter a reception held at the home of the bride's mother. 74 St, Clar- jens Ave., the happy young couple left for their home on Lansdowne Ave. oo |PROPERTIES FOR SALE | sus A FEW OF THE MANY | BARGAINS WE HAVE IN FARMS | AND TOWN PROPERTIES Eight-roomed brick house, oak floors, all conveniences. This _is a good one. Central. .$4500 Nine-roomed rougheast house, central, in good repair, Worth $1500. Sale price Six-roomed cottage, waler, good location... .$1050 Double house, all conveniences, central 3700 Nine-roomed brick house, Brad- ford St. .. |Eight-roomed brick house. oak } floors, fireplace, verandah front and back, balcony, good garden. This is a lovely homo overlooking the Park ...$4600 Eight-roomed brick house, conveniences, henhouse, garden, central. 'good A snap $3500 FARMS {00 acres in Innisfil, good build- ings, good land. This is a bar- gain as the owner is too ald to work. Don't miss it..,.$7500 200-acre farm, Essa. ...$17,500 100-acre farm, Essa... ..$8,500 200-acre farm, Vespra. . .$15,500 100-acre farm, fi 100-acre farm, 100-acre farm, 100-acre farm, Essa.....$8,000 200-acre farm, Sunnidale $6,500 200-acre farm,' Innisfil. $22,900 j100-acre farm, Vespra ..$10,000 100-Acre farm, Oro .....$10,300 }150-acre farm, Innisfil. .$15,600 50-acre farm, Essa .,.... 100 5i-acre farm, Vespra, a bargain, just 4 mile out of town' $2600 125-acre fatm, Oro. This is ia bargain and must be sold as the owner is too old to work it. See this one, it's a money maker.--Act quickly, delays aro dangerous .. 7000 For full list and particulars see PARTRIDGE & GILROY Office, Five Points, Barrie Box 101 Office' Phone 8617" Residence Phone 884. f Prt ttt Miss Laur friends in Tc Miss Mary ion Day in Dr. Frank practice in \ Miss Tani ing relatives Misses Dor of Bracebrid; town. Mrs. Moer Mra, Jno. f to is visifin Owen Street. Miss Ma 1 Sask.,.is spen ber home in Mr. and family visite: Ville last wee! Mr. and M Miss Garden in town ada: Miss Reta is visiting he Mrs. J.-E. Su Miss Aleta to Alliston to with her gra: Mrs, John spent last we Robertson, W Miss M: returned hor three weeks i Miss C. F spending vac ents. Capt. a Mr. and M Cobourg are 7 and Mrs, D Miss 8. Me spent last w guest of Mrs, Mr. and M Toronto visit son for a few Mr. and Mr of Alliston vi son. Brock Mr. and M son of Toron and Mrs, FE. F Mr. and M Sehrieber 'Thursday afte here, Miss Marjo turned to he after visiting Hart H, P. Ringh i Hollen Haug twa weeks' v, Ontario. Mrs M. OD with Mi D. MacLaren F, . Ellie 'Herald motor last Saturday ed on The Exi Mr. and Mr a few days a' Markdale las some fine tro Mrs. E. G. May Livings! for a trip do as far as the Mrs. T. F. sold her res to GW. At Ow All ther

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