CIRCULATION _ THIS WEEK - $800 COPIES. J. A. MacLAREN, Editor W. C. WALLS, Manag . ---- 57th Year WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED THE: BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING _ BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JULY,1, 1920. ENJOYED AERIAL FLIGHTS | A PRESENTATION Acronautixm has been the most popular! Rev, E. T, and Mrs. Douglss, who come NORTH SIMCOE PICNI week, From the field north of the R. V. Methodist parsonage, were remem| Hospital the Colley Aerial Service hax been | their 'congregation Riving citizens their first thrillers in the | tanguishene. Air, over fifty people having taken s trip | peared in last week's Herald:-- in the big Curtis plene which has been To Rev. E. T. und Mrs, Douglas: making flights slmost every day. Nov. oe bus often been said that "time flica'" | oRVeniently, only the Founger people, 'bur sist MINH' | wud tonight ia another aoession serving 10 who could remember when electricity. wan tCcontuate the teak or nae gerving te Maknown for any practical purposey' hove |Sir yearn have Gone shter yous eed ba ihe thridins raperience af 'm "Hin in the old hiorie town and Row you ane -- ie pe pene ef teed exhib. Sbout to enter on a new field of Isbor. See Tarte nal emaae ub; |Lt ix with intermingled feelings of joy and ed by|Besch on Tuesday to the annnual before leaving Pene-| picnic for North Simcoe. It in eat bert, M.P., who had been expected, not be present, but Premier Drury ed and delivered w s:rong address in the most daring and sensational ied uestion. which he presented rt dness--joy on this silv y of | 2 og: ee. & maOe eharscter. such ux looping-the-loop. nose: | #440! walding day and Hives sunlvecsary ons sutisfzetory manner, He also gave a com- diving. tail <pirning, immelmann turns. > é prehensive review of the chief achieve tte, Sand the verdet. baw bees that the ;MFlure--that we have met, but we could: experience is a most exhilarating und plea- 0" allow the opportunity to pass without | O° Murdoch, MPP. od JB. lexpresing to you our appreciation of th win Calley, who piloted moat of the '€00d work done, and extending to you fel. 800: M.P.P., also addressed the gat jussengers. left yesterday for his home in iitations on the happy occasion, and while' pi eaneD GUILTY TO PERJURY hope :o make that' expression yet we! 8 of the |ton, pleaded guilty to perjury 'snd w Sail hopes to. miake arrangemenys WC, cannot hop a site gf commensurate with our feelings, it Barrie about the time of Commensurate, with, our feelings, Toronto, come the fall faking up Ate des coodwill existing. Silver fron ite value | teneed by Juige Vance to ong month in jal Pasied "expres friendship, and we trust that as) and fined and costs, Roseberg gave he made a trip to Orillia and back on Fri fale evidence GV some clave netestne you journey hand in hund along the path oy oe. 2. ere. ead ope tha way of life the remenshrance of friendships trip there in 18 minutes and back in 18 formed here will be as the flower whose y nuiwutes, They arrived here in the early |{fagrance and atoma delight our declining | before Judge Vance. evening, and Mr. Jory saya it would be rare | A rou go we wish vou gndapeed Ji 7 hurd to describe che beauty of the scene} "4 trust that you both will be spared | of Toronto, p for yeurs tg come und that frequent oppor: tence, claiming thut the man was day with G Wood & Grain Co. ve, Jobu Flynn, vw they returned, with the twinkling lights tye? siteent giving, 4 fal tunities will "pescnt themsclvee enabling 0 of nna feng anus pecan. you to return to our midst and renew the His Honor took this into consideration | y Thos. 'tiendships formed. Midland and back, and on Tuc Roger made a trip ove: the scenes of hin hoyhood days sround New Lowell. congregation, Esther Harper, president of out the seriousness of perjury. | Ladies' Aid. Pearl Ego, secretary of Lad- Mis« Clutton and Mr. Torrie of th ve y RF, Garvett, Mrs. H. E. Jory. the staff. A special meeting of the Board employes of wh horoughi ry. the staff, pecial ray Ped ne cog ues. roughly en Jory, Thos, Rogers, Mrs. H. J. Ev-/wne held on Monday night to consider "Possibly the firet letter ever sent by 9. Mrs, F, C Grasely, Mrs, (Dr.1 Orok. filling the vacancies, but definite action | aerial service frog: Barrie was one from Mite. W. . Mev. C. B Lawrence. 'ne ta appointments cannot be taken until Mr. 'Vickers to A, Weatherwax, a fellow ,W- J. Harris, Mrs, 1. Campbell, Mra. B. itis seen what re-arrangemont. is wv i 'Harley, Mis Manon H. ere! it 'ilia, who ived the a hy aaa pan een eee na here, |Phyllis Campbell, Mrs, C. V. Jory, Miss between Central and: Weet Ward cola Brown, Jus, Shanahan, Misx M.\meuntime » committee is looking in | Lawlor, Ralph Robbins, Russell Whitaker. question of appointments and will Leonard Bell, Ho E, Jory. Mise Ina Pat ut a special meeting. Harry Shannon, G. B, MeLean, P. McIntyre, Miss Wilma Kennedy, Wesley W. Crawford, Mise Ethel Wallwin Miss Beatrice Wood. To The Examiner and Advance courtesy was extended by Mr, Colley, Miss Fllis representing The Examiner and Mise Ham Ln The Advance igen To Mr. Colley, and alo to Mr. Landri gun, who bad to leuve during the week to fill other engagements, the greatest praise is due for the careful. msnner in which > a they handled all the flights, not a sus. florace, Barnhurdt, Thos picion of trouble occurring during any of Edith Ellis the flights nor on the lanilings, which | were -all most gracefully performed. i Among those who took flights during! A German field gun, captured by th= the week were: H. J, Evans, G. 8. Me- 4th Buttalion and awarded to Barrie, ar. Conkey. V. R. Finley, Mra. Ula Hook. rived last week Bernard Barto, Rusell Hardy, T, Mum , has not yet been decided Sarjeant & King Can Supply Your Summer Needs U.F.0. MANAGER APPOINTE In another column will be ascent ening announcement Sf the U.F.O. erative store. Preparatory organ Ludlow, Mixx arrived this week to assume the du Germits Gun is Here munuger. Mr. Conliffe has had departmental stores Vinnipeg, HOT WEATHER GARMENTS ARE NOW CLAIMING FIRST PLACE, AND WE OFFER THIS WEEK: BATHING SUITS--Men's and Boys', in Navy Blue, Navy and White, Grey and Red, with skirt and in two pieces, all sizes, at ...... z Although the weather was none too fav- sport in Barrie since the celebration last to Burrie this week to occupy the Central |orable, a big crowd turned out at Wasaga The following address ap-| that fully 2,500 people were in attendance and nrotor cars were so numerous that 'space could hardly be found to place them Dick Baker of Collingwood acted as chairman during the speaking. R. H. Hal- | ments of his Furmer-Labor Government. Jobn- | Town Treasurer r ering. |0U0, which is $14,000 morr than received Yesterday, Jacob Roseberg, of Beaver- 8 year ago, in the case of the Ontario Roseberg's solicitors, J.T. Muleahy pf Orillia and T. H. Lennox ded for suspension of sen- {when pronouncing the nominal sentence | Signed on behulf of the ladies of the of ons month, at the same time pointing THREE TEACHERS RESIGN tgil School and Miss Meston of Burton | + Ave. School have resigned their places on | jarshall, Miss sary owing to the change of boundaries for the Ioesl store hax been in charge of | Mase "Abiees anal: Mr. Ralls, und W. 8, Conlitfe of Cornwall | He saw active per. Where it will be placed | vice, going overerax with the 28th Bn. of UF.O. 'imuted 88 gen- heard in a state of heclth necessitating an operation. been a record one in the real estate busi e Cen. neces- In the to the report | D he op. co-op. ization ties of twelve years' experience in genersl stores and{Sr. II. Sydney Money, Cecil Harris, Clar- d-! Lewis of Barrie, Dr. Kirkputrick of Gr- which | iflia, Dr, Hurper of Alliston; Secy7Treas., he dealt mainly with the superannuation 'the Clerk shows the past year to have Jin the Tenth (10h) Concession of the |"A Freud" thia week. Single Copies & cents $1.50 Por Year (in SIMCOE CO. MEDICAL ASSOCN. The annual meeting of the Simeoe Coun- ty Medical Association was held at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Tuesday, with Dr. McKay of Collingwood presiding, and » vary good representation from all 'parte tY the county, An address was given by Dr, Geo. Strathy of Toronto and papers © various subjects ware read by county wen. Phe tariff of feos was not discussed. Officers were elected ax follows: Pres., Dr, Royd, Coldwater; Vice-Presidents, Dr. | |Dr. H. T. Arnall, Barrie. TOWN TAXES WELL PAID On the first instalment of taxes. the 'ed slightly over $58, on the same payment in 1B19. As about $50,000 wun contriluted to the treasury in the April payment, only about one- third of the taxes remains to be taken care of at the final payment in September-- an excellent showing. MANY PROPERTY TRANSFERS Annually the Town Clerk secures from |the Registry Office a transcript of the real estute transfers registered during the pre- ceding year. The statement just furnished ness, properties to the number of 452 hav. ing chunged hunda EXECUTOR'S SALE The north half of lot Number Two (2) Township of West Gwillimbury will be old by public auction st the Queen's Hotel. | Bradford, Ont., on the 10th day of July, 1920, st 2.30 p.m est grain farme in the Township of West Gwillimbury. For further particulars ap- =" ® Chocolates of Quality Saturday, July 10--Carload fresh cows aa with exlves at aide. Grand 'Trunk Yarde SA. GEE Having Be ee Hh Baie Yel) ABA GIFT 'Taylor's Chocolates --¢ months' credit. W. E. Stoddart, auc. ulwaya reflectsa fecling of pleas- sioner ure back to the giver. In their S d : rich coatings, wide variety of atur ay Report of Pine Grove School S.S. No. 13, centres and' deliciousness of . Vespre flavoring, they bespeak discrim- S ] Jr, IV to Sr. IV. Clarence Ford. Sr. OT ination, em 40¢ to 83.00 a pecia to Jr. TV, Alex, Flemming, Jr, ITI to Sr. box, Il: Junie Money (honors): Mildred Ford, Sr. I to Jr, Ii Maude Ford. Jr. I to Assorted Hand-made IF YOU are going away for the Creams week-end a box of Taylor's Fin- est Chocolates will add to your 'pleasure, or make you doubly ence Cole. xt claw to Jr. I: Rita Haver. son (honors), Hannah Harris (honors), Regularly sold Rhoda J. Mizen, teacher exularly sold at welcome. We have them in si 700 a Ib je pack or this purpose. Armenian Fund Bore ROR Etnies Durpone $10.00 wax received at this offies from Sev ere Te as Speolal for Saturday only-- - Ganong's Patterson's THE WEATHER Maple Buds 44 89 = in 4 and 4-lb. boxes. " om = : C.1D. 50 74 - Homemade Candles oo] Vanilla, Bordeaux and Caramel. \ 64 840.13 . 04 "wasn! py A. Es TAYLOR'S cits wet Sr MIDHURST Next Hinds Bros.' Grocery dined tree, hee een Comte ta es Confectioners to Those who Discriminate with friends in Bradford. Mins Lillian Whan, school teacher, \has gone to her home in Lefroy to spend 'the summer vacation. Russell Handy is to have an operation for appendicitix this week in the R. V. H., Barrie. Thos, Spence, who has been ill for some time, ix not much improved in health. Union Methodist Services services will be held in HANDY--In the R. V. Hospital, on June LADIES' BATHING SUITS, in Lustre, at .... seseeese 75e, $1.25 and $2.00 $5.50 And Knitted Suits with skirt, all sizes, at ............ $1.75 CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' GINGHAM AND FANCY DRESSES, "in sizes 6 to 14, the best assortment ever shown. They are fast sellers at popular prices, $1.15, $1.50, $2.00, $3.50, $3.75;°$4.00 CHILDREN'S HOSE at 50c--We offer in Black and White fine Cot- ton Hose, all sizes, special this week ............e eee ee 50c LADIES' WHITE COTTON HOSE, extra value, 35¢, 40c and 50c "FINAL CLEARANCE OF TRIMMED HATS--We shall close out at three prices the balance of stock of@up-to-date Hats. Make an early choice at ...........2++.+++.+ $3.75, $4.75 and $9.95 20 DOZEN LADIES' FINE VESTS, exceptional bargain at . 50c WEAR BIAS CORSETS--This excellent Corset is: becoming more popular every week. It is made to fit and the greatest comfort is assured to every purchaser. They are made with front or back lacing, and we strongly recommend them and guarantee the price in every case will save you from 50c to $2.00. The best sellers are at .... USE BUTTERICK PATTERNS FOR HIGHEST SATISFACTION ++ $2.00, $3.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Sarjeant & King, Limited The nice showers of rain have improved the strawberries, Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Boyce spent Sun- day with friends in Hillsdale. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Russell Handy on. the arrival of 1s baby girl on Bunday. in the R. V. Hospital, Barrie. Mr, and Mre. J. E. Wallwin motored to Penetang Inst week snd spent the day witK friends. Mrs. Archie Monteith is able to be out again after her illness. School Report for 8.8. No. 6, Vespra 8r. III to Jr. IV: Zella Simpson (hon.), Hunter Rumell (rec. spelling), Morley Schandlen (rec, spelling), Duncan Gavin (rec. apelling). Jr, TIT to Sr. III; Annie Story (hon.), Edith Hermon (hon.), Flor- ente Handy (passed), Walter Craig (rec. spelling). Sr. TI to Jr. TI: Jennie Simp. ron, (passed), Percy Frankcom (passed), Eddie Schundien (passed). EDENVALE~ June 28.--Mre. James Maw is spending some time with her sisters in the United States. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Graham of Tor- 'onto spent the week-end with the former's | parents here. Misa Etta Atkinson of Nobleton is vis- iting with her aunt, Mr. John Maw. Wedding bells are ringing loudly here. A. McNabb spent the week-end in Tor- onto, where his wife has been ill, I am fad to report that ahe ia again doing nice- Tn future the local U.F.O. Club will their regulsr monthly meeting "on the first Tuesday of every month, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Rupert, Mrs, John Maw and sons Will and Fred spent the week-end with relations it Bolton. Mr. and Mrs..Graham and son Wilbert and Mr. ond Mrs. Waller of Toronto spent 8 few days with Mr. and Mrs, H. Giffen. Report of §.S. No. 10 (W) Vespra Jr, IV to Sr. IV--Pass: Ross Richard- Earl Richardson, 'Sr, I to Jr. II--Reo- mended am. Jr. H to Sr, --Pose | Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe During July, 28, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs, Russell Handy, | Collier St. Methodist church every Sunday Midhurst, 9 daughter, MOONEY--At the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, May 80, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mooney, Lancer, Saak., s son (stillborn) McNAMARA-- On Sunday, June 27, at Manistiquo, Michigan, « daughter to' Mr. and Mrs. F. W. McNamara (nee Winni- fred Allan), SMITH--In the R. V. Hospital, on Tues- day, June 29, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, » a daughter. SMITH--In the R. V. Hospital, on Tuss- day, June 29, 1920, to Mr. and Mra, R. 8. Smith, Barrie, a daughter. SCOTT--In the R. V. Hospital, on Satur- day, June 26, 1920, ta Mr. and Mr. Jas, W. Scott, a son. CARD OF THANKS Mra, James Lennox of Thornton wishes to thank her neighbors and friends for their kind sympathy in her recent bereave- ment, 270 morning st 11 o'clock, and in Central Methodist church at 7 o'clock every Sun- day evening. Free Seats. Good music at every service. Tourists and strangers made welcome. Rev. E. T. Douglas, the new pastor of Central Methodist Church, in charge. of both churches during July. IN MEMORIAM Jn loving. memory of Mra. Jos, Richard. son, who died on Thursday, July , 1919, at Painswick, aged 59 years, 9 months. Alas, she bas gone, her spirit has fled, +] Her'epirit, ow slumber "along with the ad, Her Saviour has called her, to Him she has gone. Be ye also ready to follow her soon. --Family. ---------------------- Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Se RE BY-LAW NO, 1361 Notice is hereby given that a By-Law was passed by the Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Simoos on the 18th day of June, 1920, authorizing the Coun. ty of Simcoe to guarantee debentures to be issued by the Corporation of the Town of Orillia to the amount of $70,795.71 un- der By-Law No. 781 of the said Corpora- tion of the Town' of Orillia for the purpose of acquiring debentures issued under By- Law No. 588 of the Town of Orillia gusr- anteed under By-law 1148 of the Corpora- tion of the County of Simcoe and oan- celling eame and issuing debentures of smaller denominations. * And that the said By-Law of the Cor- poration of the County. of Simcoe was re- ed inthe Registry Office of the County |! ister in Feriey e County of Simode on day of June, 1920, Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months from the first pub- :|lication of this notice and cannot be made Shere: -127-20e Clerk' of 'the County -of Simcoe, after. Dated this ih te of June, 1920, RE BY-LAW NO. 1356 Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notice is hereby gi was passed by the Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Simcoe on the 17th day of June, 1920, authorising the Coun- ty of Bimcoe to gusrantee debentures to be issued by the Corporation of the Town of Midland to the amount of $30,000, un- der By-Law No. 987 of the said Corpor- ation of the Town of Midland, to provide for the extension and improvement of. the Betas Light system of the Town of Mid- land. And that the said By-Law of the Cor poration of the County of Bimcoe was re in the 'istry Office of the Gounty of Simcoe on the 80th day of June, 1920. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months from the first pub- ication of this notiee and cannot be made thereafter, Dated this 80th day of June, 1920. R, J, FLETOHER, 27-20 Clerk of the County of Siméve, ven that a By-Law'