ULY CLEARANCE SALE Begins on Tuesday, July 6th A yearly disposal Sale of Seasonable Goods at Savings which will a tion to the necessity of keeping this store always "New" urges the ppeal to all the thrifty, attentive considera- clearance of all Seasonable Merchandise. This Sale will afford a rare opportunity to supply all your summer needs at substantial savings. Note the date Tuesday, July the 6th, at 9 a.m. Suggestive of the values and savings are the items found below : FASHIONABLE BUNGALOW AND HOUSE DRESSES Reduced to the lowest possible price A number of pretty models comprise the assortment ade up of F colored Ginghams and Percales, in stripes, checks and plain pink and blue. Sizes 34 to 42, regular value 84.50, 85.00, 86.00. July Clearance Sale Price--$3 99 a ne ene ecenemvemom aed | CHILDREN'S DAINTY SUMMER AT A SACRIFICE There are 40 of them prettily and Crepes, in plaids, chi signs, all high-class materials for children of from Worth from $3.35 up to 87,00. To be sold at--$?2 §9 Be early for these 4 to 14 years meee: A BARGAIN IN STRIPE FLANNELETTE If you can anticipate a need for standard quality in Canadian-made Flannelette in pretty stripes, pinks, blues and fawns, this is your opportunity to make a spendid investment. The cloth, is 31 and 33 inches wide, soft velvet finish and good wearing. It is our old 35¢ cloth, this year's value at 40c. i Price for this sale at yard --29C a - i CHARMING SILK WAISTS " AT NOTABLE CLEARING PRICES _ These are of fine grade silk materials in plain white, maize, flesh and rose, also faney coloredsstripes, ed at from 86.00 up to $41.50, all July Clearance Sale--$5, 00 regularly 0} sizes represented. | ' | (nimincaciaciimeiaiiaes GEORGETTE WAISTS AT CLEARAWAY PRICES 50 only handsome Georgette Waists, made up in-sixteen different styles, in maize, champagne, flesh, rose, ecru and tan, regular values up to 812.50. July Clearance Sale--$6,75, PRICED FOR THIS CLEARANCE SALE Every Towel in this store-is reduced in price for a quick clearance, each offering cannot be replaced for the prices we are quoting: Brown Terry Bath~Towels, hemmed, 40x21, neg. a 50, 28 Brown Stripe Turkish Towels, hemmed, 41x20, reg. Se for . Brown Stripe Turkish Towels, hemmed, 42x20, reg. ret i eee ek ee eee ed Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, hemmed, 36x19, reg. 65c, OF sian ese piste wed eived seibieca'eeieaeineseadicees Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, hemmed, colored border, reg. 81.! 20, FOP: isc ccicceedenswmnewepen: $1.65 PLEASE NOTE . ~ Sale prices for cash only. Goods on sale for clearance cannot be had'on approval. Store opens every day at 8.30, closes at 6 p.m. except Saturday, when it closes at 10 p.m. -- ey en ans = mel, LT om MILLINERY OF UNUSUAL CHARM REDUCED TO $3.98 AND $7.58 Any model you select will be of great value tp the woman who wishes tc make a fashionable appearance at as low a cost us possible, The values are 87, $8, $9, $10 to B14. July Clearance Sale Price--$3 98 and $7.58 17 only prettily trimmed Children's Summer Hats. worth up to 84.50. On Sale at $1.08 none nce 'mn CHINTZES AND CRETONNES FOR THE HOME BEAUTIFUL SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THE JULY SALE Lovely shadow effecis in British-made Chintz covering and Drapery in a number of exclusive designs and colorings. Regular 82.00 and 82.50 Sale Price $1.65 Pretty Chintz Coverings in rose, delf blue, green and Wood shades. Regular 95e, 98 and 81. .8ale 750 Beautiful Art Sateens in first quality cloths, highly mercerized finish for cusbions, drapes, lamp j shades, ete, Regular 900 and 95e. Sale 780 a A Le cay LINEN TABLINGS AT SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED PRICES 70 and 72-inch Tabling in very pretty floral designs, splendid wearing quality, extra worth $3 le $3.15 72-inch Tabling in highly finished cloth, pretty designs, Regular 83.00. On sale $2. 72-inch Bleached Tabling, good weight, excellent finish floral designs, regular $2.75. On Bale $2.35 nnn. a | HOSE FOR ALL THE FAMILY AT REDUCED PRICES Children's pretty little Sox, in white, delf blue, white with colored tops, in sizes 4 to.8. Worth regularly 40, 45 and 50c. July Clearance Sale--83o Women's White Maco and White and Black Silk Ankle Hose, 'balance of 1917 stock, sizes 84, 9, 94 and 10, exceptional value at $1.00 and 75¢. For July Clearance Sale at 650 Women's Pure Silk Stockings, Black Cat, Crown and Holeproof makes in White, Black, Grey, Brown, 'Tun, Sand, Beaver, and Navy, sizes 8} lo 10 wilh a few size 103. Regular 82.25, 82.50 and $3.00. Just for the sale--$1.69 Note--No Luxury Tax on These Women's Silk Hosiery with lisle top, heel and toe, 1917 stock, in grey, black, pink and white, sizes 84 to 10. Pair $1.25 And Other Offerings in odds of which we have but a few sizes, at really bargain values. a INVESTIGATION !! INVESTIGATION ! INVESTIGATION !!! The newspapers are full of it. -- i | You hear of this, that, and the other thing being investigated, but has anybody ever heard of the results? . - THAT'S A QUESTION we leave for you to answer... But as a matter of fact, investigation is a splendid thing. We wish you would do some investigating yourself. Find out why this store is always such a busy one, find out why it is to your own advantage to do your shop- ping here. Investigate and you will readily see the Teasons why so many intelligent people will advise you to shop at Vickers'. EO. VICKERS \ POPULAR NUMBERS IN CROMPTON CORSETS PRICED FOR CLEARANCE Styles 1269, 545, 419, 505 and 1504 in sizes 19 and 20 only, These lines are sold everywhere at from $2.25 lo $5.00, For July Smt --98C See them early LADIES' VESTS VESTS 'A CLEARANCE OF EXCEPTIONAL INTEREST Women's Porous Knit Summer Vests, first quality, pure bleached, full sizes, square neck, no sleeves, crochet trimmed; also some very fine bleached Balbriggan with and without sleeves, and some odds in finer qualities with short sleeves; also Women's Knit Cotton Drawers, both styles, with neat crochet and lace Wimming. The regular price for these gar- ments is from 75¢ to $1.10, i July Clearance--§3C Oe ee eee eee eevee: Se ee ener cmeenenemecnd ~ WOMEN'S COMBINATION | UNDERWEAR --. SPECIALLY PRICED Full size elastic rib knil pure bleached Combinations, improved style, neatly trimmed, short sleeves and kneo length, square neck. Worth $1.00 and 84, 25, sizes 36, 38 and 40. ~ July Clearance Sale--§gc MEN This store leads, it's the Bell Cow in the Field of Values. You may not care to Save money while you spend, but if you do this is your store---- for-instance-- STANDARD MAKE BLUE AND WHITE STRIP; OVERALLS AND SMOCKS Cut free and full sized, well made and good wearing cloths, they give you good service, and that's not all--You save money in buying them. . Sizes 36 to 42, each 2.45 MEN'S SUMMER COMBINATIONS Porous Knit Maco Summer Combinations, short sleeves, ankle length, lockstitch finish, cut free, sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40. Regular price 82.00, MEN' BLACK CASHMERE SOCKS REDUCED Made of fine selected yarns, fine gauge, reinforced Heel and toe, Sizes 94, 10, 104 and 14, Regular price $1.00. July Clearance Sale g5c ree ee rencenepecenoenencencenee 7 >" BOYS' SUMMER COTTON JERSEYS AT COST Fine gauge cotton Jerseys, with or without sleeves. white, khaki and navy, red and white neck, sizes 6 to 14 years. Regular 650, July Clearance Sale 59C and continuing for 7 days emcee | are ae iia encinatamatin