Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jul 1920, p. 11

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WE. NEED Mayor of London received five hundred] +1, jocalitiee and in countries that have or tomor- members of the convention at the Man-| secured legislation against the liquor traf- r man will .. tion House. and British hospitality was lfc the strict enforcement of sack lee immediate t Cuticura | warm "beyond expression. foinediniely beoatues the parnoust lave e funeral. ; |The meetings were all largely attended |before the temperance forces, As. mem. worries and , The Bour for Lanka--Lanka from "Baile grows in Cayats in tis! wn lon's gardens, i co Blended from the finest grades, Lanka has a flavor that is unsur- passed. Serve Lanka at Tiffin Time. a HPAP AP LEAP LE WAP NE Be Ry Re Reg g y. AER IN WOMEN'S REALM vars AFLP LE LP LE LG VIP AE Ge ROE LE Ree ECHOES FROM WORLD'S WOMEN'S | The Bishop of Croydon preach - CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION | perance sernios in Westar, "Shbos ta CONVENTION conngetion with the convention, and the This convention was held in the Cen-|conyebtion sermon was preached by the tral Hall, Westminster, London, England, | Bishop of London in St. Paul's Cathedral, and was uttended by representatives from | Throughout the British Isles nearly two twenty-five countries including twenty | thourxand services were held. on Conver. delegates from Canada, It was the first |tion Sunday. international convention since the war| Many receptions were tendered this del- and waa full of enthusiasm, egation and fraternal greetings were rr- ceived from many countries, The Lord and ably presided over by the president, the Countess of Carlisle. brotherhood exemplified in 'the Magna Charta of mankind and in the golded rule of Christ,"' Scientific Temperance Instruetion in Schools "In the belief that the triumph of these mighty principler depends largely upon the inculoation of Total Abstinence, wo urge those who are like-minded to enrol themselves as total ubstainers and with us work for scientific temperance instruction in all schools, und through a systematic attractive campaign among the young, give greater publicity to the scientific fuct that alcohol is a poison." World-Wide Extinction of the Liquor Traffic "World democracy, world peace, world purity and world patriotism demand world- wide extinction of the liquor traffic. We call upon the peoples of ull faiths and of all organizations in the world's family of ations to clasp hands and to co-operate with the World's Women's Christian Tem. perance Union, and to help bring to full fruition its hope and its dauntless service of thirty-five years on behalf of a sober world. Science declaree against alcohol. Heal'h conservation and business prosper. ity demand total abstinence and the out- lawing of the liquor trafic. Together we will agitate. educate, organize and legis- late, until the exalted vision of the found- er of the World's Women's Christian Tem- perance Union,, Frances E, Willard, is realized; until the Gospel of the Goldeo Rule of Christ is worked out iv the eus- toms of society and in the laws of every land." State Purchase "We declare unalteruble opposition to eny scheme for the state purchase or own- ersbhip in any form of the traffic in in- toxicating drink." Law Enforcement bers of the Women's Christian Temper: ance Union, we pledge our supreme effort Vigor! You're Proud of the vigor of your children, and Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes are full of the vigor- , making richness of white corn, plus the famous flavor. Select the' 'waxtite" package guaranteed by my signature-- HU loge, ur 8 ige i ing~cfeomy Many W.C.T.U_ missionaries were pre-|to aid in the education of the public on ~ Our sent from foreign fields and » high note of |this question, and in the election of offic-| = ae ; cre os confidence for world-wide prohibition in|ials committed to the atrict enforcement whok mayer, to aid in keeping the fruit|point and boil until 'the fruit ix cooked. A Plant's Food ip day the tatuieoway eee trnuh eeaatie whole and to make it easy to handle, (a) Soft fruita require from ten to fif-| A flowering plant abstracts from the CIN Many eminent Indies snd gentlemen Citizenship Preparation of Fruit {een sslautes, where ugar is used. | When soil 200 times ite own weight in water took part in the convention, Sir Gilbert] «Th, . J, Select when it ix at its best--thor.|M0 sugar is used we add fifteen minutes | during its life , addition of millions of women vot: ita best--thor. . | minut life Leb oucyg Murray speaking upon the League of Nu-|or, in Great Britain, Cahnda; the Waited oughly sound, ripe, but firm and free from fae fo the required length of time with Ask for Minard's and take no other | _,The following world's officers were elect-| pit Amd magy other countries to the |PrOE a to sige and quality for sake | .,,(b) Hard fruite with sugar require from led: Pres., Rosalind, Countess of Carlisle, Englund: Vice-Pres., Miss Anna Gordon, United States; Hon. Secretaries; Mins Shick, England, and Mrs. N. B. Johnston, Canada; @reas., Mrs. McDowell, United tocleanse the pores, If signs of redness, 'Toughness or eruptions are present, cr dan: druff on scalp, touch gently with Cuticura Ointment before bathing or shampooing, For every purpose of the toilet, bath and 'nursery Cuticura Soap and Ointment are ideal. "Absolutely nothing better. Preamble the members of the World's Wo- exceedingly at the recent extraordinary nien's Christin Temperance Union, as-| sembled in our tenth convention, rejoice | clectorates make us realise our imperative duty. to prepare women for the privilege of christian citizenship, We urge women e to initiate and support laws that will pro-|#00® 4s possible after picking, 'especially tect women and children in the home and| 'Bere no sugar is used. d to promote the election to 4. Clean fruit and Prepare as for table use, of uniformity 3. Can the day it is picked, and ax inl Morality "We reaffirm the single standard of mor- als as the only standard. The example of each man's life should be safe and bene- ficient for every other one to follow. We call upon governments to give adequate protection to women and gizls in industry, from the boiler, using a sterile knife or spoon handle for packing. | 8. Fil with boiling water, insert knife jto let out sir and fill again to top with water running over jar. 9. Put on sterilized rubber, cover, and thirty minutes to one hour plus twenty minutes without sugar. 12, Uncover boiler ut end of time for sterilizing or boiling, allow steam to escape and seal jars tightly immediately upon re- moving from boiler, Invert until cool, ; 5 ates. wo! bo i i pesutity, your | | Resolutions Adopted Bee Geen EC hn Pesca ent |, 1B Blandh-dnvame of Tapa trate, cutter 7h ree tight again, wash Bathe with | | After considerable discussion, the fol-\equality and the extinction of the liquor| % Coid dip, A soa |eOld diy, duck thee ee Cuticura Soap | | Irwing basic resolutions were adopted by | traffic. 7, Fick produeta quickly into jars, which [°° dm ng etn wet | ine oe 3 have just been removed one at the time| Note--In sugurless canning. the utmort care must be observed, and every rule strictly followed.--Jeanette Bubb, Instruct- or Household Science, Macdonald College. 2500 Visible Stars The men who are star wise in the navel r/ WHEN USING WiLSON'S READ: DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY, AND FOLLOW THEM vietories over the beverage alcohol trade, 'lly . shave PaaS ibeet | peter rue Mah ah et me te he mukorn fn won cd es "ena ne a eb rd 5 » Mont 'i ive boys A | is y rm (Py 1 ~ ond to seocatg weomaresl. | Prince of Pesce, our heartfelt tribute. of give to ee ind gir! tbe] pemteetion of rack' in boiler und cover with water of vise show frow billion to a billion and. ; rakees | praise. In the love of God and-hum Li 'prope: ' the same temperature as jars, keeping the|a hulf existing stars, But only about) "Far more effective than Stic! idee lways Peace jars separated, 2600 can be seen even on the cleareat,|\ Catchers. Clean tohandle. Sold by "We believe the permanence of christian 11, Cover boiler, bring to the boil frostiest night by the naked eye. ji crywhere, civilization demands *that the influence of women should be universally used against militarism and in favor of peace and ar- bitration."" The League of Nations "Our organitution bas always worked and proyed for peace, We endorse the League of Nutions ass means for safe guarding the peace of the world and just international relationships, and woukd re- spectfully urge the necessity of utmost vig- ilsnce to ensure that the mandatory or- ders for prohibition of intoxicating liquors shall include beers and wines as well 9s spirits." CANNING FRUITS WITHOUT SUGAR Much of the Small Fruit Crop may be Conserved by this Method Due to the scarcity and high price of sugar, the possibility of much of the com- Take a Supply of Borden's \ . ing crop of small fruits going to waste is - . e ie Tri tly i ed. There is a method of _ ow Your Camping Trip oo ae ee ed Se "a -- Ry eat infor able on the abject, - HERE'S nothing that makes camp cook- Mis soe Balt, boreeheappet Aco : ef e ing so really delicious as a plentiful hold fence at Macsiooald College, to pie ' Ly ed 1S Cul SJ a] pare a short paper. Has Babb especi: supply of good, fresh milk, emphasizes the caution that in sugarless canning the utmost care must be observed The. EASIFIRST zay and every rule strictly followed, otherwise loss of fruit and wasted effort may reeult. j WR rege and oy = age! fa 4 Everything you cook or bake will be THIS RECIPE are ever prevans in the ait, cnsing in more delicious if you use EASIFIRST. WILL DELIGHT You : c tact -- fe. 7s = therefore, ee It is the ideal shortening--always of the 3 cups flour. Ky stroy these forms of fe present in the A 5 i rT te ST. CHARLES BRAND @. fruit ood in the containers 'and' prevent same high quality. Economical to buy. Pian parrsbiond em Sag APORATED MILK * their further entrance into the containers, Economical to use--12 ounces go as far i rh eo EV. by scaling and aterlsing oF boiling. This 8s 16 of butter or lard--and, further, the --_ tapitspene hogar *, A te is what is termed canning. > uy fe with the cream left in There aro many good reasoos why EASIFIRST left after frying anything SUAS; sk acd Ck canned goods spoil. Some of these are: can be used for something else without der togethicn add aren PO Becauce of imperfect jars; use of old or ; HASIFIRST, add awit 'ill. to --pure, rich, country milk with the cream poor rubbers; use of stale products; be- carrying over food flavors, make soft dough. Moderately hot left in is j hat you want on the camp- ing too slow; filling too many jars at oven. Por a delightfal mei rion, left in is just what y: once; inaccuracy in time of boiling; fail- 'These things bein, EASIFIRST press into top of each bireuio ing trip. ure to test jars after steriliting, and care. . gs 80 small piece of sugar loaf which has 4 i : « Tea storage, t 'a will save you money every week of the been dipped into orange juice, or F . 1¢ equipment necessary for canning ia om s mi e Wherever you use brah mall, Borden's a {stam Wa bolle, "or large rela ey cers ate tha Asst: carton fsPiues nde en mee Ra ilk wi ase. with an airtight cover; fitted rack for EAS) - taual, Evaporated Milk will surely please tatoo olay 'od ir od sven ; Grocers all over Canada will supply you. Rory ecg oe nile; "etraine; Your grocer will supply you, Sold in cartons and tins, or joan "cheeweloth for wating irl lanching and eold-dipping, boiling water, A copy of Gunns Proved Recipe Booklet will be ] Don't ask for milk -- say "BORDEN'S" aad clean towels, all of which should be mere 'sladly oant on request. 7 To prepare the jars, test them first for ey ee leakage by filling them with water, fitting U I I THE BORDEN COMPANY, LIMITED on rubber, sealing tightly and' taverting GUNNS LIMITED on a dry table, \ If no moisture is seen on the table the jar is safe, Bterilize the ' jars and covers by i iler, cover with cold w a

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