Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jul 1920, p. 8

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Y Property for Sale FOR SALE--Five lots, $300 cash. -L. Howe, Box 120, Lewiston, N. Y. 25-30p 8-ROOMED HOUSE for-sale, with barn and 2% acres land. Apply at this of- fies. 20tfe BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE, 53 Burton 'Ave. Apply to Mrs. W. H. Toole, Allan- dale. 2itfe ------ 6-ROOM BRICK-CLAD HOUSE, with four lots, west end. aminer Office. i GROOMED BRICK HOUSE on Francis | Se., electric light and conveniences, Ap- i ply at Examiner Office, $3,000. 17tfe -- 7 ROOMED BRICK CLAD. HOUSE, west end, electric light and conveniences, $2,600.00. Apply Examiner Office. 16tfe Oe STORE AND DWELLING, central loca- tion. conveniences, Will sell for $2500 if taken at once, C. G, Strange, Mul- caster Bt. 27-27p Help Wanted SALESL/ ANTED-- Powell & Co. RgeuRce) Ta W 'Apply Examiner office, _ AN ac en eta ee EXPERIENCED PLUMBER WANTED-- Apply Examiner office. '24-20 MAID WANTED--Good wages. Mrs. A. Bryson, 40 Bradford St. 26-28¢ GIRL FOR GROCERY STORE wanted-- Good wages to girl not afraid to. work. ply to 134 Dunlop St. from 6 to. 8 o'clock evenings. 19ife WANTED-- Salealadies with experience, whose ability and character need no comment, Apply with references, stat- ing experience, present employment, eft. to Box 368, Barrie. 2p WOMAN WANTED to do washing and ironing in her own home, for-amall fam- ily. We will deliver and call for par- celx, Mrs, Berlis. Kempenfeldt St., near East ward School. 27-2 DOUBLE HOUSE, Bradford St.. solid brick with solid concrete wall between, absolutely sound proof; furnace and con- -veniences; will sell separately. $3,500 each, Apply Examiner office. YOUNG WOMAN WANTED to attend to flowers in greenhouse during the sum- "mer. Apply Richard J, Homewood, "Glen Ormond," Blake St. No previous experience necessary. 27-27p BIX-ROOMED COTTAGE for sale, with H good stables, garage and henhouse, two eres of land planted with small fruit and vegetables, good well and cistern. Apply Mra. S.J. Steer, corner Cook aud Napier Sta. _ 23-28p. -- CENTRALLY LOCATED Property at the 8. E. corner of McDonald and Clapper ton Sts., having 108 and 98 ft. frontages, consisting of three houses and two lots * Sold en bloc only. Apply 21 McDonald 8t., Berrie. 26-31p FINE PROPERTY FOR SALE--80 Ross St., lot 75 ft. frontage, 215 ft. deep. House, 9 rooms, every convenience, | ideal location, overlooking Queen's Park. Bargain. Apply Simmons & Co. or Mrs. G. B. Simmons, owner, 23-28¢ ee HOUSE FOR SALE--214 Bluke St.. sev- en rooms. parlor, dining-room. kitchen and shed. with three bedrooms. two clothes closets and hall, cement cellar, verandah, lawn and garden, good ecem: ent stable and chicken pen, town water and good cistern. Everything is in first: claw shape, Apply to Mrs, J. D. Smith, Ceylon, 191fe Farms for Sale FOR SALE--Centre 52 acres of lot 16, con. 1, Inni fil, Anply to Margaret Quuntz, Craigvale, R.R.1 20-32p FOR SALE Fast half lot 9, con, 11, Ves 100 acres. Persons wish- ame will address Mrs, For Sale GOOD TOP BUGGY for sale, Apply Comp ton Robson, Shanty Bay R.R.1, 24-27p MASSEY-HARRIS MOWER in good order for sule. Apply Box 695, Barrie. 27p |FOR SALE--Sideboard, dining-room chairs | and sofa. Enquire at rear door. 39 Col lier St. 27-27p {FORD TOURING, with starter, for sale. Good tires. Snap for quick esle, Ralph Urry, phone 453, 27-27p FOR SALE--Boston Bull Dog, one year old, eligible to register. G. H. Stunden, 56 Main St., Allandale. 27-27p | FORD TOURING CAR, 1916--Overhauled, q s, newly upholstered, 1920 license. rage. 27p X shingles at and X shingles at | i$ $1.85 per square, Apply to Edward | Bell, lor 19, 9, Flos; Elmvale P.O. | 27. FOR SALE--Collapmible rubber-tired baby | 0 collapsible rubber-tired go- ad.ustable winter sled; also oul stove, reasonable. Apply to McNeil, Minett's Point. 27tfe SALE--6 Tigy huy ond stock racks | bined, spruc® sills 16 ft. long for 40 in. bolster. 6 new pine water | ronghs. 10 ft. long. Phone 13 ring 3, T. L. Webb, 'blacksmith, Cookstown. | 26-20p | Little Current, Ont 2arfe FARM. 50 ACR! Road, Veepra, one mile from Barrie; small hewe, w harn 36x60, eleven. seres fall wheat: spring seeding com- | oleted. Will sell with or without crop. Terms to suit huyer. R. Daly, Cun. dex 21-26p FOR SALE BY TENDER--East bull of Tat Noo ® ry the With con. of Vespra. containing 10 acres more or less; soil black low, no clearance. but well wood- ed, Sulyect to reserve bid, . Terms of «ale, 507% down ot time of sale and balance 19 suit purchaser, Address Dr. P. J. MeDoweld, Little Current. Ont. 27-30e FARM FOR SALE--Lot number one in the Fourteenth Concession of the Tp. of Innisfil, County of Simcoe, containing 240 res. of which 60 acres' are under cultivation. the balance being well wat- ered pasture lind, There is » ood frame barn on these lands. For further partic. ular apniy to Clarence Srigley first-class land, Mill) FRAME OF BUILDING FOR SALE--- 40/°? 16 ft. with 10 ft. posts, suitable for | | drive shed or stock pen, Material all in good chape. Sell cheap for cash. Frank | Green, Croigvale RR. 1, lot 17, con. | 11, Innisfil. Phone 7 rl 27-27» | SELLING OUT--J. McCandless is cloning | | out his business and aelling everything | in connection with the trade at a rede: | tion, such a light and heavy harness, | | trunks, suit cases, club bags, and pad | _dltvy hardware. ete. 28,28 | | For Rent ROOMS TO RENT in Allandale. . Phone 528. TO RENT--Rooms occupied by Kindergar ten and Primary in King Block, also) storage on premises. te |POUR OR FIVE FURNISHED ROOMS to let in a pleasant locality overloqking the dale P.0,, or to Alexander Cowan, So} bay, suitable for light housekeeping, 23 lieitor. Barrie 1Stfe) Theres St 27-27p FOR SALE 100 acres Mt clear. in good 1 condition; rood house, barns, stone Miscellaneous stables. Good grain or stock farm. | Creek crowing farm close to barns. m ing good watering plier for stock yeu 10 neres in meadow, 13. acres seeded with aweet clover. -- Purchaser may enter ufter the harvest to do seed- ing and fall work, Would consider good 50-nere farm, balance in mortgare, For particulurs see A, Bpo'h, proprictor, 11 Granville St. Allandale, or W. J. Cow. an, lot 20, 12th line, Innisfil, Allyndale. : 24-20p Live Stock for Sale GOOD MILCH COW for sule. Apply L. J. Allen, 8 Cumberlund St., Allandale. 24tfe PIGS FOR SALE, 2 months old. Apply Harry Ottaway, North Peel St., Barrie. 24.27 HORS, FOR SALE--Suitable for driver for or gentleman; alto one Mikado carriage, will seut two adults and two i children, ae good os new; alto set of Owner John 27-279 single harness in good order. has no further use for these. Claxton, phone 424, ' Lost and Found FOUND--Black Club Bug. Apply Jail residence, Barrie. 27-27¢ DIAMOND RING -LOST along Collier or _ Poyntz Sts, Reward st Carter Bros.. Dunlop St, 4 27-270 SUM OF MONEY LOST in Barrie, on Dun- lop St., Saturday morning. Finder pleace Touve at this office. Reward, -- 27p PURSE FOUND--On Elizabeth St., near 'MoNagbb's grocery, on Saturday 'night, June 26, one purse. Apply this office. 27-27p STRAYED--One heifer, on June 1, onto southeast quarter lot' 5, con. 14, 'Innis- fil. Owner may" have same by paying expenses. 26-27p @LUB BAG LOST, in Barrie, June 26, black, containing = book, magazines and letters addressed to own ward on leaving at W. ©. Hunter's. 27p ------_--_--_--_------ 'The Home Lunch Restaurant (Formerly the New York Cafe) is now ready to serve regular meal Breakfast. .7.80 till 9.00 Dinner...141.30 till 1.30 "Supper... .5.30 till 7.30 Tunches' served between hours. Re. [connection with her recent bereavement. ee CAR FOR HIRE day or night Wiseman, phone 8673. FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED. cond M. McArthur, King Block. Barrie, nt. 27th MRS WILLIAMS' BOARDING HOUSE-- Room and bourd, also table board, 59 Mary St., phone 305. 27-28p CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old suit and overcoat cun be made to look like new by Hurry Twiss, Row Block, Dunlop St. ' BUILD YOUR OWN PHONOGRAPH-- We supply mechanical equipment, mo- tore and tone. arms, Standard Phono- graph Supply Co., 154 Markland St., Hamilton, Ont, 26-289 W. 8. MARTIN, Photograph views of homea and groups taken in"\my size or style, any time, anywhere. Phone 131J. binge opposite Public Library, Muless- ter St 27-28ptfe 'OR! you want cement work of any kind done by the day or contract, we have one of the best ce- ment-mixere there is, and forms of all' kinds, Phone or write C. W. Gentle- Belle Ewart, Ont. 27-270 NOTICE--Persons under 18 yearn of age driving. autos without chatffeur's license or for hire, if license is not obtained at once will be prosecuted, Chauffetir License Exami chased the restaurant business of Charlie Chew at 17 Dunlop St., Barrie, I solicit the patronage of the public, Any ac- counts against the Inte proprietor should be presented for payment at ence, as T will not be responsible for same after July 8, 1920.--ING HON. 27p . . CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Martha A. Patterson, Stroud, wish- jes to thank her neighbors and other friends for the kindness and sympathy sl BALL GAME TODAY A baseball game is scheduled for today' in Agricultural Park between a Grand Trunk team in| Of Pearls. from Toronto and the Y.M.C.A. team of Allandale. Manager Mo- Millin expects to put up a stfong| team against" the. railroaders, from Toronto. The game starts at { p.m. srerereee ; LOCAL NEWS HEROROROR BORO BE S0IOL Read the Classified Advts. | Cundles U.F.O, Club is holding a picnic on Friday. --Pictures framed to order at Dougall Bros. 24t Albert, Webb is building a house on Maple Ave. near Dalton St. 7 x St. Andrew's Sunday School picnic will be held in St. Vincent's Park next Wednesday. --"Mary Anne" is so delighted with her reception in Barrie that she has decided to stay. "Mary Anne" wishes to make the acquaintance of every Batrie citizen, both young and old. Mr. Justice Logie will preside at the Fall Assizes for Simcoe County. opening on Sept. 2v. A large cement culvert is be- ing constructed on con. 6, Ves- pra, opposite Geo. McDonald's. Buchanan Rollit accompanied) Rev. Mr. Beverley and family far as Montreal. He will spend the summer with relatives. W. J. Piggott has sold his handsome residence in Ross St, to Mr. Seagram of Orillia who gets possession a month hence Vespra Council received word last week thal a special grant of} 8500 had heen passed for Colon: | ization Roads in that township. | Jas. Marlin wax in Colling- wood this week presiding at the Entrance Examinations, while F B, Fry of Collingwood presided here. In the opening game of the Twilight Baseball League, the Maple Leafs won from Allandale LAL by B to 2. was a good gal Nelson Lay. who hax been faking the naval training course at Esquimalt, BG. is spending vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Lay. The July meeting of the WLC TU. will be held at the home of Mrs. N, B, Johnston, Elizabeth St. 30 on Monday afiernoon next al 3 New members will be cordially welcomed. Many sent ropies of last week's! ami to Ba: Ol Boys or} Old Girls, We ha fow capies| left, Don'l yan know sume} former Barrivite whe would like Jas. Purvis, who thirty Jan a hardware bus ness in Tarrie, anid who has since] been engaged in the same busi hess in Sudbury, has retired aw- ing to ill-health, | --The Comedy Club of Shanty Bay are presenting three short comodies on Thursday, July 8, al 4.00 pam. shacp, in' the Public! Park al Shanty Bay, Admission r, children 150 years} | age carrie, 19.00 per ewt, fob The altle market holds good on good muality cattle, with poorer grades and cows selling cheaper, --Wall paper! wall paper! New and elegant designs. See them at Dougall Bros. 24tt Al a price said to be in the neighborhood of $26,000, Justice Lennox has purchased from D. W. Saunders the residence at 213 Poplar Plains road, The lol is 100 hy 160 feet,--Toronto Globe. Rey. Wm, Mair of the Peter- boro District has heen appointed to succeed Rev, A. A. Jonner at Hawkestone and Rev. B. Berry will supply af Warminster until the latter appointment is filled. It the absence of Rev. A. R. Beverley, Rev. Canon Reiner will have charge of the services in Trinity Church for the first two was Sundays of July, and Rev. T. J.) Dew of Ivy will officiate the next two Sundays. Examination results show that the lads at Inglenook Park Boys' Home are making good progress at school, several taking honors. So far thirty boys have passed through the Home and all, with 'one exception, are making good. Several have been placed on farms this summer, Al present there are eighteen boys at Ingle- nook Park, Carruthers--Coutts A very pretty wedding look place at the home of Mr. D. M. Coutts, Thornton, on June 16, when his sister, Miss Daisy M., youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Coutts, Mid- hurst, was united in marriage to Mr. Isaac J. Carruthers, of Stay- ner. The bride entered the draw- ing toom to the strains of the wedding march played by the groom's sister, Miss Mae Car- ruthers, Collingwood, and was given away by her brother. She looked charming in a' blue geor- gette dress with hat to match and wore the groom's gift, a string After the ceremony was performed by Rev. L. McLean of Bradford, the bride led the way to the dining room where a sump- tuous wedding dinner was served. "Rhe happy. couple, amid show- ers of confetti and good wishes, left on the evening train for Stratford and Toronto, the bride travelling in a smart suit of navy tricotine, black maline hat and marabout oape. On their return they will reside near Stayner. FOR EVERY WALK IN LIFE Blue, these are big value You should see this line. Ladies' Vacation Boots, in to 6, easy priced ...... to 2, easy priced Children's Vacation Boots, Taylor's Borax Powder, spe y WHE. RE BOR LIOR RRR MOM ER EEK % PERSONAL % F7 EOTOI ROR OE RR IORI 0K Barret Partridge leaves next week for Sintaiuta, Sask. Mrs, Scobie of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Calderwood. Hal Creswicke is home from the Royal Military College, King- ston, Mra. A. M. Hunter and son, Charlie, left on Saturday night for Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. C, R. Kendall are holidaying with the former's parents in Ayr. Mixx Carrie Greenwood leaves on Saturday for an extended visit in Vancouver. Chas, Bartliff, 'Toronto, was a guest a!' Thos, Doran's, Bradford St.. last week. Miss Myrtle Hill of 'Toronto was with her parents, in Sanford St.. for the week-end. Miss Brock of Toronto was with Mrs, J, A. MacLaren for a couple of days this week. Mrs, H. A, Berlis of Toronto arrived at her summer home in Kempenfeldt St. last week. Men's Fine Wool Pullover Sweaters, just the swea- ter for cool evenings, boating and auto driving, nice assortment of colors, Brown, Tan, Dark Grey, Light Grey, Cardinal, Red, Fawn, Saxe Misses' Vacation Boots, in White and Tan, sizes 11 Black, sizes 5 to 10, special price . Blue Bird Toilet Paper, worth today 15c, special MOS HERE IS A BIG BARGAIN FOR YOU IN LADIES' BOOTS, SHOES AND PUMPS Made bythe McPherson Shoe Company and others. There are not all sizes in some lots,-but t sizes. Ladies' White Canvas Boots, sizes 214 to 64; Ladies' Dongola Common Sense Boots, sizes 4 Button and Blucher Cut Boots, Oxford Button Shoes and_ Pumps, sizes 24, 3, 342, 4,543 these boots are big value $5.00--All one table, clearing price .....+-+++ $2.25 It will be a long time before you will buy boots of this quality at this small price Stout Men's ....... $1.89 Light Men's ...... $1.50 Including nails for attaching $6, special price $3.89 White and Tan, sizes 3 ota $1.40 and $1.50 ais ae i878 ceeeee GLIS colors, White, Tan and -\. $1.00 cial price 10c¢, 3 for 25c¢ 10c roll c, Friday and . 3 for 25c Thursday is Dominion Day. Store will be closed all day, but will be open Wednesday till 6 p.m. With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon. See the nice goods at little prices. mn. T PEOPLE taken a position with the Water and Light Commission, Mrs, Lockie has returned to her home Mrs. Robt. Bell, St. Vincent St. Rev R, and Mrs. Beverley and children left this week for Lake St. Joseph, Que., where they will spend vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Black of Elmvale, and Miss Jessie Lower of Barrie spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Black, Stroud. Mrs. J. H. Mooney from! Lan- cer, Sask., who has been visiting her brother, F. W. Peacock, Stroud, is spending a few weeks visiting with her brother, Rev. P. M. Peacock, Bracebridge, and on the Muskoka lakes, meeting of the Edmonton Life Underwriters association was held on Saturday. June Sth. A large representation from the different companies operating in the province was present, Mr. F. C, Wallscwho has been man- ager of the North Ameri@an Life for a number of years, was a very popular choice for the presiden- Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamilton Te-\ tial chair. He is an exceptional- turned on Monday from Montreal where they spent several days. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Madge an two children of Chapleau spent last week at Wm. Hill's, Sanford St. Mrs. Howard Bradford and two children of Quincy, Ill, left to- day after a month's visit at her home here. W. Harold Hunter successfully passed his third year examina- tion at the Royal College of Den- tal Surgeons, Mrs, Jos, Davis has returned | after spending a week with her; daughter, Mrs, Frank Thompson,; of Penetang. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Martin of Kenora are spending a few, weeks at the home of Mrs. Alex. ly successful life underwriter and with his enthusiasm and bus- iness integrity assures a great success for the association swork in the coming year. The new officers will assume office fol- lowing the Dominion convention to be held August 17 to 20 at Ottawa, Hanman--lifton A very pretty wedding took place on June 17 at 2 p.m. in Deveaux Chapel, Niagara Falb, N.Y... when Miss. Louisa M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. D, Clifion, of Barrie, became the bride of Mr. Earl L. Hanman, of {hat city. Rev. Mr. Burrams per- formed the ceremony. The Graham, 123 Worsley St. Walter Dodson "id family havo *|moved to Preston where he has | bride looked very attractive in a smart tailored suit of navy blue tricolette with a becoming hat ta match, and carried a boquet gf t here are some lines with all at PHILLIPS' MILITARY SOLES AND HEELS (ENGLISH) Six times more durable than leather, smooth tread, good grip, prevent slipping, keep the feet dry in wet weather in Zephyr after spending a few weeks with her daughter, Thursday, July 1, 4920 to 8; Ladies' Fine Dongola FOR GOLF, COUNTRY AND TOWN WEAR Bridp roses. Mr. and Mrs, Ed, son Smith were the attendants, and the bride was given away by her mother, After a luncheon, served at the Country Club, the happy couple left fur a trip to the Adirondacks, Read the adleta, --tLEvery - nousekeeper should have an O Cedar Mop. Sold by Dougall Bros, 2tef --"Mary -- Anne" known in every home. MINESING STATION June 28,--Strawberry picking is the or- der of the day in this vicinity. The memehave come back once more to Jcommence the bridge on the 8th conces |sion, which they left unfinished last fall. H. Johnston had his byrn raising last should bo Edmonton Journal--The annual| *®ck, everything going fire, School has closed for the summer boli- days, much to the children's joy. Tho teacher, Miss M. Bennett, has returned to her home in Elmvale, J. Peacock of Barrie is visi here, Miss M. Johnston of Toronto visited at her home here recently. Miss E. Carson of Toronto visited st Mrs, Ed. McLean's last week. 6 friends _ CHOCOLATES AT "THE HUB" Just a word about Choco- lates. Notwithstanding the luxury and manufacturer's tax of 12 per cent. we have an exceedingly nice line to offer you at seventy cents a pound. The tax on Biscuits has been cancelled. We have for you 'constantly good fresh stock, , dainty and appetizing. --Try- them"=~

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