: THE BARRIE EXAMINER .-- and from 81.50 to 82. and. this) nourte A pretty wedding look place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh, 'Yoronto, when their eldest daugh- | ter, Estella Lorine, was married Sherbourne Street Church, To- rantu, was the scene of a pretty twliight wedding, Thursday even- ing, June 17, when Dora ni- Read the Classified Adlets. NS re ty DR. FRED A. ROSS 2 Page Four qT , \} ronto, Winnipeg and so on have > base { gained go many thousands of in . ; »~ TT HAVE-YOU A MORTGAGE ON YOUR. |/isita crea sven penca.is1) pereeere ii 7 a matter of fact, it is a thing to A Mal a § J PROPERTY -- EITHER FARM OR HOME? })2),Secniy pesrejied. It means i Og aad primarily that too many people . . aré drawn from the land, attract id ~ If so, we will cover it for a cost-ofonly 1%, so that od by the "Great White Way," - i \i i e picture shows, and the sup- in event of your death before mortgages pal a off, thi povition, larevig' a fallees, thal é 9 property wiil be left clear of debt to your family. the city job is better than the reat earin j e 3) . en Ss Enquire of W. M. Roebuck, Superintendent of the country job. As a matter of fact, i ' Co hone 559, We _ || itis our cities, and not the coun- ' Metepolas ue insurance aan: Pp . try, that are productive of paup- : _§ e « will be pleased to call and explain. erism. 'The average cily worker a uits A * eventually dies without any indi- Strictly confidential. 25-28c || cations of accumulated wealth, or else actually in debt, a thing very ard in ang cariculttent couneaRe PRICES ON ALL, SUITS REDUCED ity." ! \ S 'Those who atlended the chil- These are Suits that have been good: sellers. at their regular prices. The size - , dren's concert in the Armouries range has become broken and is the reason of the reduced prices. For Men are C 0 M M E N T 0 F T H E W E E K jinel Frday night were delightful. two- and three-button semi and conservative models with regular pockets. The - y rised wi e races ; : I itor: thet ahocasewrmce nie materials in these Suits are fine Tweeds:and! Worsteds, For the young men we X which the choruses were given by n eT v ¥ F a = the little folk. Such excellent have the belted model, the waistline, the two-button double-breasted, and the two- ow Last week the Wyoming Enter-, latter price is being readily ac-|reyulla show what a little train- button "tt ' ind some pate prise gave up the struxgle for|cepted by readers as a logical| ing will do and give a sugers'ion s fg oan fitting sack.. Some models have slash pockets and : an pe existence, which makes cight|outcome of the trend of thetimes.|for singing in the schools that kets, but all are made from good materials and' are lined throughout with good r papers in lambton county forced | A religious paper of one of the|th> Board of Elucatiaa and Sep ings. They are made in a factory where ehly first-class ciothing is made. Shades a out of business in the last five|strong Protestant sects has re-|arate School Boni! can easi --_N i years cently notified the Chureh that if/ have carried ait and at ssnall ax- to be chosen from--Navy Blue, Greys, and' Browns. y. lit is not prepared to starid behind} pense. This mathe svould nel, r It was rather rubbing it in for;and finance the paper, it will|o* course, compa'? w th the very ; 7 i F istli the Weatherman, after souking! have to give up the struggle.|thorough' and. rather expensive Nay Blue Serge, very fine twill, made in the waistline, the celebration with two days of/Another Protestant Church con-|system used in the 'Toronto 2-button form-fitting or 3-button conservative sack. E rain, to send on Wednesday per-jfesses that it loses $20,000 alschools, yet it would afford a Were priced at $38.00, ........ Sale Price $34.75 feot. weather such as caused the|year on its publications, in spite|large amount of pleasure to tho ' a j fi Ss poet to exclaim, "What so rarey re #2 subscription price for the | pupils, develop in them a greal- Young Men's Dark Tweed Suits, made in the belted tl asa day in June!" . |Church paper. The cost of print-|er love for niusic and incidentally model, with patch pockets, sizes 34 an only. |ing is becomjng @ serious matter,/improve their musical knowledge W d ne so Pockets, sizes 34 and ras g Oshawa Board of Education is) 1 acim a gubseription | M4 make them better able to ap- RTE BZ2-I0s: aise sie v0 sereeees Sale: Price $17. Ss asking the Town Council to pro-; ! annogncing a subscription! preciate good music. I is to be , 2-viece: Sui 0 vide $225,000 for a new sixteen- | Price of $2.00, the Pembroke Ob-|hoped that the very laudable Young Men 3 Dark Grey Homespun 2-piece Suits, made . room public school, and if is es. Server says "The Observer has/affort made by the Barrie Com- in the waistline model or the Norfolk model, sizes 35 P timated that 810.000 will be re-/" apology fo offer for the an-| munity Association for the de- to 39. Were $35.00. .......... Sale Price $30.00 ir quired to put the grounds in| Nouncement which appears on) velopment of community singing, os "a 2 , . , shape. 'he tenders proved: the front page of this issue that! among adults as well as children, Young Men's Brown Tweed Suits, made in 2-button fi . r ie somes} of 8 jar to fiernlih Te alte Goo Lhe amas Gnas ee teceive the hearty support form-fitting style, 2-piece only, sizes 36 to.40. Were d be v the Board who though! the sare to ed. if deserves. = : : sohoo! could be built for $160,000 pevaeat. sonst long the only other F Ie Gar binchoaee $35,008 cares are ++.++.+ Prices $28.00 and $30.00 : alternative left to us would be Lo} Recently the bill-board com- 1 . asicaty A . More riguh enforcement of AtTange to go oul of business. @| pany. whieh has a namber f[Q Young Men's Waistline or Belted Model 3-piece Suits, | \ streot traffic segulations is need. Cae. Siliel we have no inten stands in Barrie complained to some have slash pockets, some patch pockets, trous- \ s 3 i, ait ay be Hien of following, and one which| the Town Couneil that it' was ithe $35 < Ce eet Oe heer ua pee know: tbasneupls of Pembroke lover assessed, 'The company ae with cuft. : x ere $35.00, ae Sale Price $29.75 town council had "considerable o ae a to Tilow Pritts wiioh owns fhe boards stra a Young Men's Waistline Suits, made from the highest ! . disoukrion romartingcentoreenient (iit c en advanced since, goodly sum of money annually . 4 ; : | {ihe hylaw regulating autome.|(9i5: while néwaprint prices|and runiribules practically noth. grade of Worsted Cloth and trimmed with the best ; affie. It was agreed that tone have advanced from 3 cents) ing to the town, not even having of linings, sizes 36 to 40. Were sold at $40.00. ... the stalutory requirements re. Wer pend to 8 cents with @ pros a resident employee, An increased (eee seeeee.. Sale Price $34.75 garding speed limik must be ved Gect of further" inerease in a' assessment for them might well : : ap) lis and (twae \eulrabls manth or two to 44 ents This be considered by the Council, y only odd Suits left over from last season and the oe Min tocasadl Jents that (8 but ane item and all others are, Concerning this form of adver- . ro Jou avril we iets URL rrapuctionitely. uenmased, News. tiitiee Tes Pearls tie. te season before. ........ Sale Prices $15.00 to $25.00 -- There was a <uggestion that aling Paber prices have not kept pace aus artist, has indulged in some al right les heemarked out for With advancing costs. and the very plain speaking fo the Amer- pedestrians and alse that a trate? now proposed may not be! ican Federation of Arts, He de- e e The policeman be placed at street in- clares that) the billhoards are Eset tersect s daring the rush hours . ruining the landscape in' the Si on Sature unl drivers get Commenting upon the continu. United States; moreover. the ts, usod to the regulations, "This lat= rl very marked movem at oun | federation iteelt ehowed ils con- mod ter wan apron tn He, Neu eter eontie ec eeiene casa a ( part The Farmo i says: With vensus for the United States, the! hillbuard advertising on the pub- paper, ink and other mechanical Toronto Saturday Night observes: lie highways, 'This is a nuisance 5 -- charges mounting and wages We, and in facet the entire world, whieh is just as prevalent in Can-!| [PRREARRREAM A PA protiy nie picture hat and veil tip down the Saguenay. '*he ing repeatedly advanced. the have cause for alarm over the ada as the United States, and it oomateh, | . ride wore a suil of amethyst of cheap printing seems to be cityward movement which has is hich time that someone af the WEDDINGS a The beautiful gifts which the|baroneite satin, white fox fur and rapidly passing, Many country heen going on steadily ever gains authovity in art whieh Mr, Pen- bride received show the high es-|hat, On their return they will weeklies have raised. ih ub- "ing grouni. Wea = /nell possesses valled a halt to the figargaramar gor my mmm (CCR! in which she is held, reside on Glendale avenue, 'To- seription rates fram $1 to #1.50,)pand our chests desperation MERLE ronto, mnt that (Continued on Page 13) Trent--Lelgh jawley--Plaxton to Mr, Harold Trent, 'Toronto.! fred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs 'The hride was atti in while) Chas, W. Plaxton, Toronto, and 'georgette and satin with veil of |formerly of Barrie, became the ' ride of Mr. John Stewart Haw- soms. 'The tulle and orange blo bridesmaid, Miss Mildred Leigh,|ley, son of the late Mr. and Mrs.| phone sige: > O*e ban ve 1075. wore pink georgette with hal to|John Hawley, Toronto. Rev. De. 7 oa : match, and the groomsman was |(corge Williams performed the Mr.J3. Lamkin. Rev. R. B. Cochray, Ceremony. The bride, who was| @=-- . d. The happy couple left|siven by hor father, was attired in an oxquisite frock of white georgette over charfeuse, and Pattenden--Service wore a bridal veil caught witn a solemnized at the home of carried a boquet of bridal roses cad ae gh || FRIENDS LE and Mrs, Thos. Patlenden, Min sing, on Wednesday, June 10,|English myrtle for good luek. The basis of hospitality is Good Food. Our meats when - their daughter, Bertha | Miss Tola Plaxton, a sister, was Katharine, became the bride of; bridesmaid, and wore a frock uf Mr. Earl A. Service of Stayner.|orchid taffeta with French flow- ; The bride looked charming inlers and picture hat, and cacriea|{ fOrm the basis of the best meals you or your friends ever enjoyed. Our prices are quite rea- offic for Buffalo and Cleveland. Z a gown of pearl grey georgette,|a shower of sunset roses. Mes, carrying a bouquet of carnations; Douglas McKnight, a sister of the with maiden-hair fern, Miss Ed-|groom, acted as matron of honor, na, sister of the bride, acted asjand was gowned in a frock of YA: a= jy --s i bridesmaid, while Mr. George|pale green taffeta with a bnauti- i Serviee of Stayner allended the|ful hat of the same shade ana{} Somable and you can be groom. Afler the ceremony,/carried Ophelia roses. Littie|} @8Sured of painstaking, which was performed hy the Rev./Miss Mary McKnight made al} polite service. 4 J. A. Lecce of Minesing, a dainty}sweet flower girl in a frock of luncheon was served. gold, and carriad a basket of Mr. and Mrs, Servier left for/roses. Mr, Stanley Williamson a short honeymoon, the bride) was groomsman. Dr. Jack (um. travelling in a navy blue serge Mr. Douglas McKnight, suit with bat fo match. On their Plaxton, and Mr. WE close on Wednesday at noon. | return "they will reside in) Frank Plaxton were stirs, R. H. HEPPLESTON ' ' HE Groom's perplexing problem of what to give the Bride is Winteore party rove to the residenve of] Late Supply Butcher to \ \ quickly and satisfactorily solved by the selection of a Brunswick. Mullen--Sproule Mr. and Mrs. Plaxton, Howard! | 39 999 ras Y ai A pretty June wedding took] street, where a reception we held, D 'anadian troops. With a Brunswick in their home the Bridal Couple have at their instant command all thé world's music--played exactly as it should ~ be played. 7 Because of ifs Tone superiority, its ability to play correctly every make of record, and the unrivalled beauty of its cabinet work, the Bruns- on \ wick is an ideal wedding gift. Lefroy. Rev. Mr. Shapler. 0 d Methodist Church officiat_ The Brunswick's exclusive method of reproduction includes the won- ad te' Laide ae, otiace net? derful all-record, all-needle Ultona and the Round All-Wood Horn. fewer 18 le paren we ; 7 Made in Canada and a Brunswick product entirely-- Sweetheart and Ophelia roses, : oe one of the few Canadian-made phonographs which are wilh orange blossoms in ber hair. \ built wholly by one factory organization. er only attendant was her sis- ' ; LET YOUR EARS BE THE JUDGE ler, Miss Laura, in a frilly frock | No increase in the price of Brunswick Phonographs and Records. } of white organdy and carrying a ' J. G. KEENAN, Barrie bouquet of yellow Columbia roses, = | "The Musical Mdse. Sales Co., sole Canadian Distributors, 819 Yonge St., Toronto. SR mec et tn rt Rett elles ant roach doa | place at the home of the bride's}The rooms were artistically dec- mother, Mrs. W. J. Sproule, |orated with Killarney roses, bridal Stroud, when. ber second eldest/wreath, pink peonies and palms, daughter, Violet Irene, was united} Mr. and Mrs. Hawley left for a in marriage to Mr, Thomas Jones Mullen, son of Mr, John Mullen, Opp. Wellington Hotel. Phone 815. a ------------------ SS) GIVE THE RETURNED SOLDIER A CHANCE T. H. Burton i Late Sergt. 20th Batt. , ; 31 years' Service in France a 'a WORK GUARANTEED ON ALL KINDS " OF ELECTRICAL CONTRACTS a House wiring a Specialty at reasonable prices. = NO JOB TOO BIG Bi St. Box 431 The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Robt. Mullon, late of the 116th Battalion. After the buffet Iuncheon the happy couple left on the evening train for To~ ronto, Niagara Falls and other 30 points, the bride travelling in a navy blue suit of tricotine, with