Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jun 1920, p. 13

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ri ar "Its Pasteurized, Healthful double, 5 and 10c each--also bulk and bricks. Topping" The Neilson's Ice Cream you get at The West End Confectionery Store -- Homeogenized, -- in cones, single and At the request of many of our customers, we are now serving at our store-- NEILSON'S ICE CREAM ICE CREAM FA SODAS NCY SUNDAES, PIE AND ICE CREAM SATURDAY SPECIAL - Mexican Kisses are one of the most de- lightful of new confections. 360° Special for Saturday only. . bb. TRY THE SAVOY HOMEMADE CANDY "Like Sister used to make' Chocolate Vanilla Creams Chocolate Bordeaux Chocolate Fruit and Nut Caramels They're the 'Candy Goods A FEW OTHER Chocolate Burnt Almonds Whipped Cream Maraschino Cherries POPULAR LINES = Strawberry Fruit Centres Pineapple Fruit Centres Chocolate Dates and Ginger and 30 other fines to choose from THAT "ODD-SIZE" DOLLAR BOX A package that will commend itself to you as an attractive-size box, suitable at all times, Special per boxe.. .... .. .. 90¢ A.E. TAYLOR'S Next Hinds B THE SPOTLESSLY CLEAN SWEET SHOP ros.' Grocery Confectioners to Those who Discriminate i" (Continued from Page 4) to m r A number of Barrieiles who | patronized the aerial service this ie? é week declare it.one of the most » exhilarating oxperiences _ they ly. have had. Af a dollar a minute, however, flying is hardly likely to 5. become a popular pastime. in, 4 "A five dollar reward discover- ' ed the persons guilty of taking s the tulips from the post office : ' grounds and they had to settle, st them each $5. As we sus- cc pected, the theft was a thought- fess ons, two young fellows w: g@ with their girls afler FOR SALE BY TENDER Lots Numbers Thirty and Thirty- one onthe north side of Blake Street and Lot, Number Fifteen on the south side ef Colling- wood Street, In. the Town of Barrje, containing one aore of land, more or less. This property is beautifully situated overlooking Kempenfeldt Bay and has upon it a comfort- able brick dwelling house, a good . garden and orchard. Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the pur- chase of same up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, the 3rd day of July, A.D. 1920. The highest or any tender not nepessarily accept- ell. { For further particulars apply ALEXANDER COWAN, Solicitor for Executors of mes Pue Estate. 25-260 COMMENT OF THE WEEK the SE and getting them flowers from (he handiest place. The beauti- It represénis more than money and work.-- Uxbridge Journal. To anyone acquainted with publishing conditions today it is not surprising that the Ssmmittee appointed to report upon the ad- visability of issuing a memorial volume covering Simcoe's part in the war has found the proposi- | lion too big a one to undertake. While no figures as to cost were given in the report, it is under. stood. that the estimate was over $20,000. ' Engravings alone would cost at least $10,000 and when, in addition to the cost of stock and printing, thé great labor of gathering and compiling the ma- terial for such a work is taken into consideration it can be seen that the cost might easily exceed the above mentioned estimate by fifty 'per cent. But even if the cost were provided for it would be an extremely difficult matter to-make the record complete and if this could not be done it were much better not to attempt this form of memorial. ° --"Mary Ann" is the "candy goods. _ a --Linoleum © and. congoleum squares at bargain prices, them at Dougall Bros.' --Mary Ann" will delight you: Harry Vine of Hamilton was in town for a few days. Mrs. L. L. Vair spent a few .| days in Toronto last week. Misses Evelyn and Reta Bure ridge of Toronto are visiting in town. Rev. Father Kirby of 'Toronto is the new curate of St. Mary's Parish. Miss M. K. McNeil was a week- end guest of her mother, 37 To- ronto St. ; Mrs. Alex. Kennedy is visiting friends in Aurora and Temper- ancevill Miss V. Milligan of Tottenham r sister, Mrs, Mrs. Kenyon Lount of Toron- to is visiting her mother, Mrs, Marr, Dunlop St. Keeble Breekon of Orillia was with his father, J. Frank Breckon, over the holidays. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Powell and family of Port Arthur were in town for the holidays. Mrs. L. H. Allon of Eagle Bend, Minnesota, is in town renewing old acquaintance here. C. J. Allison are spending their vacation with friends in Fort William. Wm. Gaie of Toronto, a former amployee of G. G. Smith & Go., was here for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Moore leave at the end of this week on a motor trip to the Adirondack Mts. Mrs, David Williams of To- ronto was the guest of Mrs. and Miss Drury. Toronto Street. Miss Robinson of Maple is vis- iting al the home of her nephew, Mark Robinson, 'Thompson St. Mrs. W. B. Aiken of 'Toronto spent the holiday at the home of Mrs. Sewrey, McDonald St. Mr. und Mrs. F. M. Smith of Toronto are occupying -- their summer residence in Shirley St. Mixs Young and Miss Fox of Collingwood were the guests of Mrs. E. J. Armson over the holi- day. a7 M Seeret Servic Barrie relative Stephens, of the U. 8. Taronto, visited over the week- Evans and family of holiday guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. F. A, Malcom. Mrs. H. J. Partridge and mother, Mra. Perry, of Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs. Park- house Mrs. QO. B. Door of Mankato, Minnosota, is visiling wilh her brother, R. Lightfoot, for a few Mr 'Chorpe of the Union Bank, Winnipeg. aud formerly of the local branch, is visiting friends See} - 2ttt| Worsley 8 in town, Rev. A. J. Fallis and family leave next week for a month's holiday al their collage, Lake Scugor. . Mr, and Mrs, Duncan Curtis of Vimmins were in town. this week attending the Spearin-Curtis wedding. Miss Keagey of the B. C. I. staff sailed last week for England and will spend three monfhs in the Old Land. | Mrs, Hunter and daughter, Miss Dorothy, of Welland, were with Mrs. Robt. Bell, St. Vincent St., for the holiday. Dr. and Mrs, W. Galbraith and little son, Arksey, motored from Ottawa and visiled with Mrs. T. Sewrey last week. Rev. Father James, accompani- ed by his mother and sister, Miss Annie James, motored up from Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. A. S. Red of Toronto, has been the guest of Mrs. H. H. Otton and other Barrie friends during the past week. Mrs. M. Cuthbert and daughter of Winnipeg spent a week's hol- idays with Mr. and Mrs, John Cuthbert, Elizabeth St. " Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Fisher and daughter of Kincardine motored over to spend celebration days with his brother, 8. J. Fisher. Mrs. Quinn of Vespra_ an- nounces the engagement of her daughter, Loretta Jordan, to Robert J. Currie of Toronto, the marriage to take place shortly. Mrs. Fred Carson, Sixth Line, Vespra, left on Monday for Sas- katchewan to visit her father, Mr. Harrison, and other relatives. Mrs. L. H. Allen and daughter, Margaret, of Eagle Bend, Minne- sota, were former Barrieites who came a long way for toe celebra- tion. Mr. and Mrs, Chapman of Buffalo, N.Y., are spending their holidays with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Zeihr, Don- ald. St. Victor Brett of con. 7, Vespra, had an operation, Monday morn- ing, for appendicitis and is mak- ing good progress in the R. V. Hospital. Telford Sharpe, of Brantford, was here for the celebration. He is now one of the leading mem- hers of L. F. Addison's 38th Regt. Dufferin Rifles band. Mr, and-Mrs. Frank Robertson, gagement of their only daughter, | Ethel M., to Mr: Arthur E. Dyer, 'only son' of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dyer, Holly, the marriage to take Place quietly in June. Mr. and Mrs. M, Stacey, Miss Mina Stacey, Kd. Stacey and Karl Bell of Creemore were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rhinehart on Sunday. Rev. A.M. Partridge and wife from Ung..Park, who have been holidaying at W.E. Partridge's, left on Wednesday fast for the Northern country again. Dr, Alfred Shanacy of Wilkes- barre, Pa., motored over last week {o visit his father, M. Shanacy, and to shake hands with old friends at the re-union. Mrs. B. D. O'Neill and daugh- ter, Miss Gladys, leave on Sun- day night for Vancouver, where Mrs. O'Neill's mother, Mra, Sids- worth, has been seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie of Midland were visitors at the cel- ebration. Mrs. Ritchie was the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. C. Walls, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dodson of Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Burgess and son und Miss Belle Hilton of Lansing, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mrs, Anderton, Victoria St. Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Orok re- turned from England last week. Dr, Orok, who was on the Gan- adian Pensions Board, was de- tained in Ottawa, but will join Mrs. Orok shortly. Miss Evelyn Thompson of To- ronto spent the week-end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 'tT Sewrey, McDonald St., and sang two beautiful contralto solos in St. Andrew's Chureh Rev. Andrew Walker of Acme, Alta., who has been affending the General Assembly of the Presby- terian Church in Ottawa, visited his brother, S. C. Walker, gn his way home last week. Among the list of the graduat- ing class at the Royal Military College, Kingston, is Corpl. R. V. Porritt, son of R. Porritt. Cadet Porrilt won the Governor- General's bronze medal. Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Orrock of Thornton announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Gladys, to Mr, William N. Livingston of Minesing, son of Mrs. N. Living- ston. Rarrie. The marriage to; fake place quietly in June. Mrs, Robt. MeMurchie of Pres- cou, Arizona, with her eldest daughter, Ethel, of State Univer-j| sity, California, will spend halan of summer chiefly with her parents, Mr. and Mra. D. W. Faxtman, 35 McDonald St. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parker and daughter of Nokomis, Sayk., came) to town for the Old Boys' Re-union and were the guests of Mr. and) Mrs, WJ. Shannon, Mrs. Parker was formerly Miss Jackson, a, graduate of the R. V. Hospital. {| Mr. and Mes. A. H. Goodall left. this week for a visit in Omaha, Neb. and will be away threo} weeks. Mr. Goodall now | among the "old-timers" in the service of (he G.T.R., having join. ed the old Northwestern Ry. in| May, 1883. | Snoressful First Year students announce the en- . 4 at Toronto University Adele Robertson (2nd class honors in Science), Ruby Park- house (3rd class honors in Household Economies), Donald MacLar (3rd class honors in Arts), Ezra Parkhouse (pass in manual training at the Technical School). H. E. Baker of Elm- vale has taken his degree in Medicine. 'The 1919-20 session of the Normal Schools of Ontario hav- ing/closed on Thursday, June 17, the) following B.C.I, ex-students returned to their respective homes during the week-end; Byne Ball, Myra Reid, Retta Brown, Muriel Nelson, Golding 'Thompson, Edna Fraser and Walter Thompson from the Pet- erborough Normal School; Lillian Bell, Reta MeKever, Alma Rich- ardson, Gladys Hickling, Charlie Bell, William: Orchard and An- drew Walker from the North Bay Normal School, and Strange from the Hamilton Nor- mal School. Mrs. N. B. Johnston returned to town on Saturday much bene- fited hy her sea voyage. Mrs. Johnston attended the Interna- tional Convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union in London, Eng. Mrs. Johnston was elected one of the two Honorary Dawson--Green A very quiet wedding 'took place on June 22, al Bloor:St. Presbyterian Chureh, Toronto, when Dorothy Green, late of Cannington, now of Barrie, was ynited™ in the holy bonds of matrimony to Ernest Dawson, of Cannington, the Rev. Geo. Pres- ton officiating. The bride wore q dainty frock of blue georgette with fischu of lace. Her hat was a pictured leghorn with blue georgette, and she wore the groom's gift, a pearl and ame- thyst pendant. Spearin--Ourtle A quiet church wedding was solemnized in St. Mary's Chureh, on Tuesday morning, June 22, at seven o'clock, in which the con- ting parties were Miss Minnie . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis, Owen St., and Mr, Geo. Spearin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Spearin, Mulcaster St. Very Rev. Dean O'Malley celebrated the nuptial mass. The bride and groom were supported by Miss Clara Spearin and Mr. Chas. Mac- Donnell. The bride was smartly gowned in a travelling suit of dark navy blue tricolette, maline hat with silk crown trimmod with flowers. She carried pink roses. Her bridesmaid wore navy taffeta and a Leghorn hat. Among the many wedding gifts was a cabinet of silver from the groom and a reading lamp from the staff of Geo, Vickers' store with which the bride was connected for sev- eral years. Mr. and Mrs, Spearin will reside in Hamilton. ° Horne--Suchanan 'Trinity Church was the scene of a quiet wedding on Wednes- day, June 23, when Jennie Flor- ence, daughter of Mrs. Robt. Bu- chanan, 87 Wellington St., was married to James Horne of Bar- vie, son of Wm. Horne of Hamil-|*- ton and formerly of Barrie. The Rev. A. A. Beverley performed tha ceremony, only immediate relat- ives of the contracting | parties being present. 'The bride, who was unattended, was gowned in white georgette, and the church had been prettily decorated for the oecasion by the staff of the Sunday School, of which the the) pride has been a teacher for sev- eral years. Many handsome pre- sants marked the good wishes of relatives and friends. Immediately after the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Horne left to spend ir honeymoon in Muskoka, the bride travelling in a tailored cos- tume of blue with hat to match, On their refurn they will reside in Barrie. Rev. A. B. Caldwell Appointed to Wyebridge The vacancy in the parish of Wyebridge, rendered vacant by the resignation of Rev. W. F. Wrixon, has been filled by the appointment of Rev. A. B. Cald- include | well. who arrived last week. Mrs. 'aldwell and her two children are expected in the course of a few days. The newly appointed clergyman is a native of this County, hav- ing been born near Crown Hill. He received his earlier education in the schools of that neighbor- hood before attending the Col- legiate in Barrie, and later Mo- Gill University in Montreal. He was stationed at Hemmingford, Quebec, for five years, but has now been transferred to the On- tario Diocese, and Wyebridge has been fortunate enough to secure him. As Mrs. Caldwell is a former Collingwood. girl, they both already haye a lot of friends in this County.-- Midland Free Press. Nd MISS L. E. WiLLERS Agent for the Spirella Corset Company for Barrie east of and including both sides Victoria | of Toronto St., solicits orders from all old customers and ss many mew ones a ible. PAdarens--6 Charlotte 8t., Barrie, Ont. HOUSES FOR SALE Cement brick house on Duffer_ in St., 3 bedrooms, clothes closet, i lour, living Secretaries, She addressed a|S¢Wing room. parlour, gathering in Dr. Jowett's Chureh, |'20™ jiehen, pantey, good. well, Westminster, T.ondon; also alin. of GER. Price $2100 conference on Moral Education, | @stance of G.1.R.. at which there were speakers| Brick house on Blake St., with from many countries. Mrs.jtwo lots, orchard, nice Johnston visited Scotland, ad- dressing meetings in connection with local option campaigns there and other gatherings in England. THE WEATHER lawn, small garden. Price .... $3000 Eight-roomed brick 'house on Berczy St., 24 acres of land, barn, water outside. Price.....$8000 For catalogue and particulars apply to we M. D.*Cubitt-Nichols, Barrie 20: Bo HOUSE TO RENT Bose we oe oe Frame house on Brock 8t. WF sa sere _| Price ........ $12.00 per month APPLY TO --Pictures framed to order at Dougall Bros, 24tf) M. D. Cubitt-Nichols, Barrie 'The undersigned has received instructions from JAMES BRENNAN, ANGUS to sell by public auction at LOT 32, OON. 5, ESSA TUESDAY, JULY 6 the following: HORSES--Gray horse, 4 years old, heavy; black horse, 7 years old, heavy; black horse, old, heavy; driving horse, 6 years old; colt, 1 year old, heavy. CATTLE--Jersey cow, 8 years old, due: red cow, 6 years old, due, black cow, 6 years old, dues black cow, 5 years old, calf at foot; black cow, 5 years old, due December 6; black heifer, 1 year old, due; red heifer, 2 yoars old, due, SHEEP--11 Shropshires, ram, 8 lamba. PIGS-- 13 store pigs, sow, due August 7. FOWL--300 chickens, 80 hena, 12 ducks, 12 geese. IMPLEMENTS-- Binder, Mo- Cormick; cultivator, Massey_ Harris; double-furrow Cockshutt. plow; wuble-furrow Massey-- Harris low; single plow, Frost & Woddy potato digger, Hoover; fanningamill; spray pump and barrel; root pulper; feed boiler; cream separator; disc "harr Massey-Narris; disc drill, Frost & Wood\set light sleighs; hay fork, sling® and ropes, and other articles too numerous to men- tion. TERMS--Eight months' credit, four per cent..off for cash on alk sums of 810 and over. Sale-at 4. W. A. MOCONKEY, Auct. ES TWOHOUSE SPECIALS One detached house, 3 bed- 8 yeas brood rooms, bath and light. Five minutes' walk from Post Office, Brick house, four rooms down. stairs, 3 bedrooms, all con¥an- iences. Few minutes' walk rom the station. Price...... 82.608 APPLY TO W. 0. PARTRIDGE BY AEROPLANE F TO PARIS. , A distinctly novel attraction haw been provided in the Ck of windows af Charing :Cross' aa which has bee mich udq mired by the crowds who 'luve ga ered to make {nspection,, 'The fi Isdows usually devot:d to the ex! ition of things Cazudjan is beng pied by an excellent mode! aero- (rome of the Aircraft Trinsport 4 sd ravel, Limited, at Hendin, toget: er ith sotantifically accuute mod.isi Pf various types of aeroplanes aud' irships, | Such a display in a railway and shipping office may seem rather ua- Moual at first sight, but Is really am sign of the times, also marking much! enterprise on the part of the Domin~ jon Express Company of Caneday Realising the importance of main faining & really "Express" service, Af its name is still to be justified. the: inion Express Company, the r Express Company in Canada, arrangements to act aa Pas-- r and Parcels Agents for the reraft Transport and 'Travel Lit ited oa their London-Paris dally air service, Tt {s thus poseibl> for either pas ensers or Parcels to be booked for: poaverasce y Aeroplane to or. fromr lon and Paris through any of the: Dominion Express Company's offices: fa Europe, and these, in addition to Londen are to be found in important' cities such as Liverpool, Glaszow, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol and |_ The advantages of this arrange ment are many, fo- the Dominion iExpress, holding as {t does the ex- flusive right of shipping Express Warcels over the entire C.P.R. sys-- fem, as agents for the Aeroplane an easure that an Express package scheduled to catch Pitted ship actually reached its dest'nation 'in Canada in the shortest possible wpace of time. As time is moncy 'sowadays, more than ever it was. it {s easy to realise what an Important adjunct an Air Service is to an Ex- Press Company. 'The tUme-table shows that only 2% 'hours ts. occupied on the journey to or from London and Parte ureent letters are carried at 2 shillings and- ce per ounce over t letter rate. indies eas which includes a car to convey t' > . on is Ce pany's officials at Charlee Coosa ae every reason to believe that a lar'? Proportion of Cangdign visitors '> Europe this year will take advante °> of the eane with bible to book visit tothe office. "In ich it is Dow pr = for a real fly! = ent through th: '~ Read the Glassified) Want Ads.

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