as Page Twelve Property for Sale ~ FOR SALE--Five lots,$300 cash. L. Howe, Box 120, Lewston, N. Y. 25-30p 8ROOMED HOUSE' for sale, with bara and 2% sores land. Apply at this of- fice. 20tfe HOUSES FOR SALE--Double briok, Poel St. Bath and electric light. Apply 36 Mary Bt, ~ 26. ¢-ROOM BRICK-CLAD OUEE, wit tour to god: ~ $2,500.00. Apj tai Olen, 16¢fe @ROOMED BRICK HOUSE on Francis Bt., olectric light and conveniences. Ap- ply at Examiner Office. $3,000, 17tfo 7 ROOMED BRICK CLAD HOUSE, west ead, electric light and conveniences, Et $2,600.00. Apply Examiner Office. 16tfe |. A BNAP for quick sale, as owner is len ing town--Lot 50x130 on Toronto St., near the park. Price $550. Apply 42 Blake St., phone 586, 24-259 DOUBLE HOUSE, Bradford 8t.. solid brick with solid concrete wall between, absolutely sound proof; furnsce and con- veniences; will sell separately, $3.500 each, Apply Examiner office. 16tfe SIX-ROOMBD COTTAGE for sale, with good stables, garage ani use, two seree. of land planted with anvall~fruit and vegetables, good well and cistern. Apply Mrs. 8. J. Steer, corner Cook and Napier Sta. 23-28p. Wanted Pe 2 2 m7 en on AO. Hint aa Ne Smee landale. 26-269 (ean SO gee ma nah land, yoo fd cation, Price 0 consideration. to M.D, Cubitt-Nichols, Barrie, APARTMENT WANTED' to 'rent--Young couple want three-roomed apartment, small house or cottage, must have mod- ern conveniences. Would rent furnished. Apply Box 287, Barrie. 26-26p INFORMATION wanted of Mis Maude Maunder, aged 22 years. Last heard of in Barrie. Cume from Johannesburg, South Afrioa, last December, going to Muskoks. Brother seeking information. Write J. C, Miller, 35 Ann 8t., Toronto, or notify this office WANTED by refined middle-aged man (Protestant) work for part of all day. Aceustomed to grocery store. Would take care of offices, bank, garden, etc. good with horses, bandy with carpenter tools and would 'qualify to handle: car. References or bonds, Apply to Exam. iner office. 25-25 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED TIRSMITH WANTED-- Apply "Examiner office. * 24290 EXPERIENCED PLUMBER WANTED-- Apply Examiner office. 24-200 CENRALLY LOCATED Property at the 8. E. corner of McDonald and Clapper- ton Sts, having 108 and 98 ft. frontages, consisting of three houses and two lots. Bold en bloc only, Apply 21 McDonald Bt., Burrie, 25-31p FINE PROPERTY FOR SALE--60 Ros 8t., lot 75 ft. frontage, 215 ft. deep. House, 9 rooms, every convenience, ideal location, overlooking Queen's Pak. Bargain. Apply Simmons & Co. or Mra. G. B. Simmons, owner, 23-28¢ HOUSE FOR SALF--214 Blake St.. sev. en rooms, parlor. dining-room, kitchen and shed, with three bedrooms, two clothes closets and hall verandah, laws and garden, good cem ent strble and chicken pen. town water aad goodcistern. Everything is in first- clas shape. Ceyton. Sask PROPERTY FOR SALE North east part of s.w. gr. lot 21. con § Vespra, about 5 acres, Thia fueea on the north side of Sunnidale Rd., has some pine trees on it, is just outside the town 191fe limits and cominands a view of the bay. Is n good building site Five Acres, being fot No, 5, north side Donald St.. Barrio, within 5 minutes' walk of Collegiate Institute; suitable for resivlentin] pursoses and market garden. Spring creek running the full length of , east side Bradford St., one quarier sero, Summer cottage at Big Bay Point. partly furnished, with lenschold of elegant lot on water front. Apply C. W. Plaxton, 707-8 Kent Build- ing. Toronto, Phone Main 5890. 21.260 Farms for Sale FOR SALE- Centre 52 acres of lot 16. con, 11, Innisfil. Apply to Margaret Quante, Craigvale, R.R.1, 20-82p FOR SALE~ Faust half lot 9, con. 11, Ves pra, containing 100 acres. Persons wish- ing to purchuse' same will address Mrs, P. J. McDonald, Little Current, Ont. 26tfe FARM, 50 ACRES. fint-clae land, Mill Road. Vospra, one mile from Barrie; mall house, water, barn 36x60, eleven acres fall wheat: spring seeding com- pleted, Will sell with or wihout crop, Terms '0 suit buyer. R. Daly, Cun- dies, 21-26p FARM FOR SALE--Lot in the Fourteeath Coneewtion "of 'the Tp. of Innisfil, County of Simcoe, containing 240 ucres. of which 60 eres are under cultivetion, the balance being well wat- ered pasture land, There is s good frame barn on these lands, For further partic- ulars apply to Clarence Srigley. Allza dale P.O., or to Alexander Cowan. So- cement eller. | Apply to Mes. J. D. Smith, | Barrie, | MAID WANTED--Good wages. Bryson, 40 Bradford St. GIRLS WANTED--Apply on Saturday morning at Allandale Restaurant, 26¢ ---- GENERAL OR YOUNG GIRL to do light housework, Apply Mra. T. H, Reddit, 103 Blake St. 26-260 [GIRL FOR GROCERY STORE wanted-- Good wages to girl not afraid to work. Apply to 134 Dunlop St. from 6 to 8 o'clock evenings. 19tfe GANIST WANTED for Allandale Pree byterian Church. aulury $140; applica. tions to be sent 10 T. Perrce, Sersion Clerk, Sanford St 2Btfe | QUALIFIED TEACHER wanted for 8. 8. | 17, Innisfil, duties to commence Sept, 1. Apply. stating qualifications and salary. to H. BE. Hughos, Craigvale. 24-280 WAITRESSES WANTED for July and August, $35 per month with room and hoard: also Inundress ($75), and a wo- man for general cleaning. Peninawlar Park Hotel, Big Bay Point, Lake Sim- cor. 25-26p ---------- es | For Sale | GOOD TOP BUG ton Robson, ShantyBay R.R-1 'Y¥-for sale, Apply Comp- 2427p LUMBER FOR SALE--7000 feet second growin pine, inch and scantling, T. D Boulee, Stroud telephone, 24-28 Seed ation FORD RUNABOUT for sale, 1913 motel, | needing slight repairs, Would make | good truck. Apply 85 Mary St. 26p |FOR SALE--White sewing machine, drop- ; head; good us new. Apply Mrs. Wil- | liams, Box 956, Barrie, Phone 391. 26p |FOR SALE Treasure combinstion range. | eval or wood and gas, Good aa new. | $65.00. Apply 16 Collier St, or phone 27: 26-26c ; |COAL AND WOOD RANGE for nale-- | With bot water reservoir and high warm. ing closet. Neirly new. Apply at 16 | Small St jFOR SALE--Two-ested aurrey with top, | Buckwheat leather trimmed, almost a# good at new. | Manitoba Flour Joreph Quinlan, R. R. 1, Barrie, phone Family Flour ' 26-26p Potatoes, bag of 90 Ibe. Butter sccanvencsaaes | 397 ring 4. ;FOR SALE--6 new hay and stock racks Eggs, per doz. | combined, spruce sill 16 ft | 40 in, bolster, 6 new pine troughe, 10 ft_ long. T. L. Webb, blacksmith, Cookstown. j SELLING OUT--J. McCandless is closing in connection with the trade at a reduc- tion, sucb as light snd heavy harness, trunks, nuit cases. club bags. and' and: dlery hardware. ete. 23.28 licitor, Barrie itfe FOR SALE. 100 acres, all clear, in good For Rent condition; good house, barns, stone stables. Good grain or stock farm. Greek crowing farm close f barns, mnk: ing goo! watering place for atock all year. 10 acres in mesdow, 13° scres seeded with sweet clover. | Purchaser may enter xfer the harvest to do seed- ing and fall work. Would consider good 50-acre farm, balance in mortgage. For particulars see A, Booth, proprietor. 1L Granville St., Allandale, or W. J. Cow. an, lot 20, 12th line, Innisfil, Allandale. 24-299 Live Stock for Sale GOOD MILCH COW for sale. Apply L. J. Allen, 8 Cumberland St., Allandale, 24tfe COW FOR SALE--4-year-old. with calf 5 weeks olil. Apply 218° Bayfield St. 24tfe PIGS FOR SALE, 2 months old. Apply Harry Ottaway, North Peel St., Barrie. 24-27p DRIVING. MARE for aale; also rigs and harness, Mrs. J. F. Lawson, Blake Street... 26-26p FRESH MILCH COW. FOR SALE Apply to Garfield Wingrove, Phone 600 ring 12, Barrie P.O. DRIVING MARE for sale. 8 yre, old, weighs between 1100 and 1200 Ibs, An: ply to} James Byrne, con. 6, Vespra, 26p Eggs for Hatching nc pee ee MINORCA EGGS for hatching, from choice Tnying Black Minoress, $1.50 per setting. Phone 359." = 20tfe BGGS FOR HATCHING--Do hens pay? 'Yes, if you bave the kind that lay." Mi sn! of 88 Rhode Island Reda predueed Poin December 15th to March 15th 138 | DOG LOST--In Barrie, June 2, black and ROOMS TO RENT in Allandale. Phone 528. venieneege Apply R. H. Webb, Burrie. FLATS TO RENT--Furnished and unfur- nished. Box 545 Barrie P.O. TO RENT--Rooms occupied by Kindergar- ten und Primary in King Block, also storage on premises, 25tfe Lost and Found & PURSE FOUND--On Agricultural grounds on June 22, purse with sum of money. Write Box 535, Barrie, " 26-26p STRAYED--One heifer, on June 1, onto southeast quarter lot'§, con. 14, Innis- fil. "Owner may have 'same by' paying expenses. brown collie dog, 1 year old, Finder please notify Mrs, Brennan, Midhurst P.O. Reward.» 26-26 Miscellaneous CAR FOR HIRE day or night George Wiseman, phone 867J, 28-28; FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRI Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie, Ont. 20-25p CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old suit and overcoat can be made to look like new by Harry 'Twias, Ross Block, Dunlop 8t. BUILD YOUR OWN PHONOGRAPH-- We supply mechanical equipment, mo- tors and tone arms. Standard Phono- dosen, average price 750, total $101.25. Get the kind of hens that lay in winter 'and make money. Settings $1.50 and $2.50 to pen. W. C. Hunter, Box 475, Barrie. Mtfo Read the adlets. graph Supply Co., 164 Markland St., Hamilton, Ont. 26-28p W. 8. MARTIN, Photographer, views of homes and groups taken in any size or style, any time, anywhere. Phone 131J. 17 Eugenia St. Studie opposite Public Library, Mutcaster Bt, 21-26p "lof the Provincial Highway from Oats 3 No. 2 Fall Wheat (Gov't Pris Barley 19-19ptfe | F long for | Chickens . waver | Hay wei Phone 13 ring 3.|Beef Hides, green - Beef Hides. cured 26-29 | Calf skint Horse Hides . " ai {Ripe vesiwies oss cout his business and selling everything { Wes)" unwashed at 11 am. snd 7 p.m. Apply |E. T. Douglas, the new pastor of Central 24tfe | Methodiet Church, will preach at 11 a.m. in Collier St. Church, and st 7 p.m. in FLAT TO LET at once, over store, con-|Central Methodist Church; thin schedule to continue during July. EE 21-26p| Because thert is some nonsense may be useful to you. man has handled a certain of goods for over forty years he should know all there is to learn about them, or we would be apt to call him a proper word to add here but fail- ed. Now, as evidence of our ex- pert knowledge of Tea, the suc- 26-27p|Cess we have altained. with our seventy and lines, also the excellent satisfac- tion given by our sixty and sixty- five cent ones are very gratifying. Our customers are both pleased and constant. If you have not|HURST--On Saturday, June 19, 1120, at tried these, we shall be pleased to give you a sample at Opposite Bell Telephone Office --------------------- pA ' THE BARRIE EXAMINER t LOCAL NEWS. Lt --Where is "Mary Ann?" New time table on the G. T. B. next Sunday. Something you want to sell quickly? " Let The Examiner Classified Ad. column help you Closing exercises and a picnic are being' held tomorrow after_ noon al the East Ward School. As yet Wm. Irwin, Big Bay Point, has had no trace of hia horse and buggy, stolen from 'Tollendal two weeks ago. The Japanese day fireworks were a new feature in Barrie, and the display after the tatoo was on a par with the best seen here. The first instalment of taxes is due tomorrow (June 25). Jack Brummell, son of Mrs, Brummell, Owen Street, happen- ed with an unfortunate accident. last Saturday. 'The boy let a dry cell battery fall on the sidewalk causing it. to explode, blowing off the inside of hia lef{ hand and necessitating the amputation of the small finger, Mr. MacPherson has been ap- pointed engineer for the portion Holland River to Severn and will probably have an office in Barrie, Beyond some patching it is not likely thal much work will be done this year, H. J. Cook of Parry Sou motored to Painswick to visit re- latives for the week-end. From Otter Lake to Rossean he found the going pretty hard, but from] Bracebridge down the roads were} good Iinion services will be held in Collier St. and Central Methodist churches during July and August. Rev. E. T. Douglas, the new pastor of Central Methodist ehureh, will take the services, commencing July 4, at 41 Collier St, and at 7 p.m. tral Methodist. m, in n Cen-| Maple Mrs. W. EB. Partridge. Ave. received word that uncle, Philip Richards, of To. ronto, had died Tuesday of this| week, having taken a stroke two days previous. He was well known in Barrie, Crown Hill ang Minesing. He was a brother of! the lale Mrs. Henry Parkhouse. ---Have you made the aequaint. ance of "Mary Ann 'The Aurora Horticultural Soc- iety had arranged to visit J. He! Reoneti's garden yesterday to see his fine collection of peonies, but the rains had battered down {he om so much that the visit had! te he called aff BARRIE MARKETS THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES Pem ....... ye Collier St. Methodist Church Sunday, June 27, 1920, Rev. R. J. Fallis, the pastor, will preach Sunday, July 4--Union Services--Rev. PLEASE DON'T READ THIS in it. We hope there is also a little of the common kind that Now, ifa . We looked to find the in the dictionary seventy-five cent "THE HUB" TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE T. N. HOBLEY CONSULTING ENGINEERS THE E. A. JAMES CO., LIMITED £. M. Proctor, 8.A.Sc., Manager 36 TORONTO ST., TORONTO, CAN. ORMISTON- -In STEELE-- DALES--In the R. V. Hospital, June 19, | DRAPER--At Hillsdale, June 15, 1920, ELLIOTT--In the R. V. Hospital, Barris MUSHETTE--In Allandale. on June 17," PATTERSON--At Stroud, June 18, 20 | SHEPARD--In Barrie, June 17, wish to thank their friends and neighbors for kindness ard sympathy in their recent | bereavement, When One Owns a Wash Skirt it is Possible to Always Be Decked Out In White _ Fashionable women everywhere have accepted the Wash Skirt as just the thing for informal summer occasions, the tennis court and the links. These snow-white, unusually chic originations have just the right air of charm and youthfulness about them. . Choice of several Easy priced sscsesas.os sevsteis $1 different styles is offered here. , $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $6.00. There's something so intensely satisfy- ing about White Voile and Lawn Blouses. Perhaps that is the reason they have re- tained their vogue for such a lengthy per- iod in Blousedom. They are surprisingly simple, yet one feels instinctively that they will glorify the plainest sort of suit or separate skirt. Easy priced, $2.00, $2.25, $2.75, $3.75, $3.00, $6.00, $6.50, $6.75, $7.50, $8.00. Undermuslin and Night Gowns - You should see our line of Ladies' Cotton Night- gowns. These are old Easy priced prices and extra quality. ¥ $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.25 Ladies' Combinations, fine nainsook, lace and rib- bon trimmed. Easy priced ... $2.50 and $3.00 Children's Cotton Nightgowns, nice fine quality. Easy priced ..... +++. $1.50 and $2.00 Children's Petticoats, nice fine cotton, face trim- med, fit ages 2, 4 and 6 years. Easy priced .. 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 Ladies' Long White Lisle Gloves, extra fine quality, +++ 60c worth $1.00, special price Se " BUY PHILLIPS' MILITARY SOLES AND HEELS Smooth tread, more durable than leather. Smooth tread, good grip, prevent slipping. Stout men's, $1.85 set Keep feet dry in wet weather Light men's, $1.50 set (including nails and screws) A WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRADE BORN --In the R. V. Hospital, Mon- day, June 21, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hoover. a daughter. f LAWRENCE--On Friday, June 18, 1920, | to Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Lawrence, Jobn'| St. West. a daughter: | Allendale, on Thursday, to Mr. and Mrs, Victor fon. ! a the Mountain Hospital, | Hamilton. June 3, 1920, a daughter to| Mr. end Mrs. Sutherland Steele. SMITH--On Tuesday, June 22, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Worsley; St., a son. i MARRIED | iM BELL---MARR--At 62 Ashburnham Rd.,! Toronto, June 22. 1920, by Rev. J. J, Cochrane, Mildred Norine, daughter of Mrs, Harry Marr, Bu illinm | Bell, son of Mra.' Dai DIED 1920, Gordon Russell, son of Mri. Jean Dales, Barrie, aged 9 years, | Joseph Draper, aged 86 years. t June 23, 1920, Joseph Elliott, in his 84th year. i the residence of her daughter, Mrs. T. Hendervon, 540 Dupont St.,Toroato, Catharine Dolan, widow of the late Sam: | uel Hurst of Barrie place at Barrie, Monde 1920, Marion Alice, daughter of Mr.| and Mrs, D. Mushette, aged 10 months. ' 17 days, Olene Hunter Patterson, daughter of Mrs, Patterson and the late Walter Pat-' terson, in her 19th year. . { 1920, | Charles Ambrose Shepard, in his 73rd! year. CARD OF THANKS 1 Mr. and Mm. D. Musbette, Allandale, | CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Dales and family wish to thank their friends snd neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement. IN MEMORIAM Tn loving memory of John Wm. Wright, Allandale, who died June 27, 1916, We who loved you asdly mis you, Ax it dawns nother year. In the lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near, Friends may think we have, forgotten you, When at times they see us smile, But they little know the sorrow Which that smile hides all the while. --Wife and Daughters. | Phone 71 ___INAMEMORIAM In loving memory of Sarah Doane, who wan released from suffering and answered the eall to higher service, June 26, 1919, --Trinity W. A. WA THORNTON --Annual strawberry festival of the Townline Chureh, Wednesday, June 30. \ cettieateaiemimememeeae saree) DR. FRED A. ROSS P. 0. Box 1075. The House of Quality can supply your every want in WALLPAPER, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, FLOOR WAX, GLASS, ETC. = We aim to give you service that is usually looked for in city stores. Johnston & Warren : Just where the bus turns ee eee A nur patroniz work de) exhilaral have hav however, become t "A fiv ed the | the tuli ing wifh ee FOR Lots Nur one ot Street on thi wood Barrie land, This sitnated Bay and able brie garden a Sealed by the 1 chase of noon of July, AT any tendé ed. For ft to Solicit James Pi