Page Eight W. U % * NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS 4 Sree oiok deen ok Fogof ok okonobog ok ddotok MIDHURST June 23.--Miswes M. and L. MacMillan of Penetung are the guests of Mr. and Mrs J.B. Wallw yy, who hae been visiting has returned to her home in Mrs. John Cochrane of Toronto ing the summer months at A. for some time, ic much improved in beal'b Strawberry-picking ix the order of the day here, Mrs, J. W. Hughes of Toronto is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Jas, Frankeom. 'The glorious rain was much welcomed ulter the love sry spell. Everything is ooking nice "and green and prospects are | Detter. ~The farmers around bere are busy doing youd work at present Mrs, A. Mills and Miss Mary have re- turned home after spending a few days with friends in Lovering ; Mrs, Everett Coutts is visiting friends in Bradford. R. Schandlen's mill has closed down for 'thin senson, having cut all his stock. Some of the Midburet people attended the celebration in Barrie, but were sorry the weather was unfavorable. HOLLY June 21.--Mr, and Mrs, H, M. Lougheed and Mr. and Mre. C, T. Campbell motored to King on Sunday Miss Verna Thompson of Toronto is vis- iting Miss Carmets Srigley. Mise Reta M. Campbell and Elmer Dyer of Toronto are visiting at their respective Bomes for » few days. Tam rorry to report that Capt. Reynolds is in a serious condition T. Todd of Toronto «pent Sunday in this vicinity. Miss Ayerst of Toronto has been visiting her sunt, Mrs. Redfern Mrs. Bloxham attended the funeral of her nephew, Percy Hutchinson, Toronto, last week, ~The Ladies' Aid of Holly Methodist Church will bold their annual Garden Party 'and Strawberry Festival on the church Inwn on Weduesday afternoon and even: ing, June 30, Tea served from 5 to 8 pm. Ivy in attendance. Admission, adults 50 cents, children 25 cents, Ask for Minard's CREDIT SALE of Household Effects, Black- smith and Carpenter Tools 'The undersigned has received instructions rom MRS. S. BURTON, IVY to sell by public 'suction at Ivy on MONDAY, JUNE 28 THE FOLLOWING Set light eleighs, nearly new; light we gon, nearly new; top buggy, open. buggy, Fight wagon, '2 oil rugs, w ind take no other elbarrow, 3. water barrels, veledge, quantity grain bugs. 3 ice tongs. ice box, 25-gal oil can, crowbar, 2 table bucksgw. horse blanket, quantity and doubletree material, eugur kettle, gruin bin, crosscut saw, wa £on jack, building jack. 2 snow shovels, quantity chicken wire, quantity lumber end wood, set counter scales, 240 Iba; New Century washing 'machine, new; 4 adders, potato fork, ice cutter, 2 pitch 3 spaces, 2 manure forks, 2 seoop 'shovels, 2 chicken coops, hens, 3 hand caw, rip saw, set clamps, spoke shave, 'spoke rimmer, small vice, 3 sete tap and dies, all sizes; number of raspa, bolt cut- 2 drawing knives, number chisels, dif- {rent sizes, number bluckemith hammers, blacksmith tongs, wrenches, saw acts, jack planes, 'different sizes; tunnelling plane, 'aquares; different sizes; brace und bits, car. enter rules, screw drivers, blacksmith compass, quantity of screws, wood screws, files, carriage bolts, drill punches, 2 sets new buggy rims, |New Empress range, cook stove, wondshester, 4 rocking chairs, © bedstends, 2 mattresses, 4 washstands, 3 * nets bed springs, 2 bureaus, medicine cab- inet, 2 wardrebes, 2 clocks, 2 high chairs, pictures, 2 sewing machines, |, number of stands, 3 emall tables, 4 feather ticks, curtain stretcher, carpet and cmats, Bell organ, 4 tables, 'meat chopper, gas lamp, 2 copper boilers, kitchen chai, flour bin, 3. cane chairs, 2 lounges, 3 arm chairs, vereen door, fall leaf table, 2 giass cup- boards, screen cupboard, 2 tubs, smooth- ing irons, bake board 'and pins, lamps, clothes horse, wringer, quanti of stove Pipes, mirrors, tub stand, ash sifter, hand i |. vinegar jug, curtains and poles, wire cutter, hat rack, oil cans of peng ee sizes, 'a toilet sets, 'linoleum, el- ectric battery; large serving tray, quantity % inch rope, secretary and bookcase com- bined, sign board, dishes, cooling utensils, crockery, graniteware, pails, fruit sealers, ilting 'frames, wall' brackets, showcase, quantity of books, 2 store counters, iron. ing board, commode, large /quantity of Knives and forks, garden tools and many 'other articles too numerous to mention. Remaining stock of store goods will be sold also. 'TERMS--Hens, store goods and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that 'mount 4 months' oredit will be given to parties furnishing joint notes: 5 zgper cent. off for cash, : Bale at 1 p.m. Hi. Speers, clerk, Buggy Rubber Tires~ PUT ON PROMPTLY AND GUARANTEED 36 BAYFIELD ST., BARRIE TELEPHONE 453 ; THE BARRIE EXAMINER STROUD (From another correspondent) Miss Mary Warnica of Barrie is holiday- ing with Miss Jean Wice, Rev, Mr. Lovering of Queensville con- ducted services in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening, Mr. Shupter preaching in Queenaville, Mr. and Mrs, Wim. Wilson and grand- daughter, of Pittaburg, are the guests of Mrs. Wm. Young. Mrs. Albert Hunt of Toronto is visiting Mrs, A. Purvis. Mr. und Mrs, Wilson Latimer and Stan- ley Latimer of Toronto are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Latimer. Congratulations to Mr. Arthur Green and Miss G. McKinley, who were quietly married in Toronto on' June 12 Very quietly, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ellen Sproule, the wedding of Violet Irene and Mr. Thomas Jones Mullen of Belle Ewart took place on Wed. nesday, June 16, at 3.30 o'clock, amidst clusters of chuste Tris blooms, nodding peonies and trailing bridal wreath, The bride, who was given sway by her bro- ther, was charmingly attired in a gown of ivory crepe de chene and carried a boquet of old-fashioned flowers, The cere- mony was performed by Rev, Mr. Shap- ter of Stroud, only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties being present. Afters dainty supper the happy couple left on the evening train for Niagara. The RRY LEFROY June 22.--Miss Edith MeCullough, To- ronto, is home for a few days, Miss Helen Ross of Barrie was the guest of Miss Edith Allan over the week-end, Milne Smith gave an address in the in- terests of the Upper Canada Bible Society in the Methodist Church last Tuesday, June | bride's travelling suit was of navy gabar 15. Officers elected for the year 1920 are:| dine with white pic:ure hat. Pres, C. P. McLennan; Vice-Pres., Frank -- 7 Whan; Secy.Treas,, J.' G. Allan; Board, eal J. Whan, C. Thompson, C. Grose. Frank Beatty was up from the city over 'Miss Florida Adams is home from Tor- onto for the summer holidays. Anniversary services will be held in the Sunday, ol "4 iliary conference held in Ivy on the 16th and spent pleasant and profitable day. UTOPIA June 23.--A large number of the Indies {the W. A. attended the Women's Aux- Mr. and Mrs. D. Vasey and family of robes, set single harness, , Presbyterian Church on Sunday. June 27, | Midland visited friends here recently at 11am, and 7 p.m, Rev. G. Cumming; John Jennett and bis mother spent the af Cooksiowa will presch and the Baker | week-end with A. Jennett of Mount Clem- 'family, summering at i ill }ens, Mich. (lead The eae ne ne Bwart, will 0, "Bunce and Mrs, C. Bunce of Cold. Mrs. Long is in Toronto for a few weeks, | water visited their aunt, Mrs. T. Lee, last Mre, Powers and son, of New York, are| Weck. at N. Grose's, Mr, Grote, who haa been jin the city on account of ill health, ia able {to be home again, |" Rev. Mr. Lovering of Queenaville had charge of the service in the Methodist Chureh on Sunday morning, On account of the Presbyterien anniversary on June \27, and of Gilford on July 4, there will |be no service held in that church until {July 11, On June 24 Rev. Mr. Patterson f lof Toronto will give o lecture on "The Tale of Two Cities." (From another "correspondent Knock and Lefroy broke even in the 'baseball gume at Killarney on Saturday Jevening laat. | Earle Davis, folfmerly of Lefroy, now in the printing office in Richmond Hill, was | caller on friends here Sunday last Nowh Grose, Christopher Grose and Mrs. 'R. J. Canning of Belle Ewart attended the funeral of their cousin, Mra. Robert Burns, at Victoria Harbor during the past week | James C. Barry hax been confined to the house for the past few weeks with lumbugo, | A. Kirkpatrick reports business _ much improved since the noon closing on Thure- days was adopted. Mins Margaret Kelly of Toronto and Mrs, J. Barry and Mr. and Mrs, Harrison are visiting with Mrs. W. 8, Barry. ; Mg. and Mrs. C. Powers with their little 'won, 'Charlie, of New York, are gueste of Nosh Grose. Congratulations to J, Hampton Black- more on his part in the Community Choral Concert in Barrie recently. 2 The Town Fatheru did the wise thing in asphalting East Fasa St. There are sev- eral other streets in town requiring the same treatment. | Mr. and Mrw, D. Crawford were at bome and Mrs. W, Miller spent Sunday with Egbert friends, A large number of Ivy citizens attended the demonstration in bonor of Simeoe's Demobilized Soldiers and Old Boys' and Old Girls' Reunion held in Barrie on Mon- day and Tuesday. CROWN HILL June 28.--A strawberry festival under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church will be held at the home of Wellington Partridge on Wednesday, June 30. After the strawberries and cream an excellent program will be given when the band from Burrie, Rev. George and Mra, Knighton and other talent are expected to furnish music and readings. Hon. E. C. Drury will be chairman. Tea served from 6 to 8. Admission, adulte 50 cents, children 25 cents, IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL OF LATE G. B. RYAN The funeral of the late G. B. Ryan (former Barrie merchant) in Guelph on Monday afternoon of last week was 4 most impressive one, very large number of former friends and business asaociates be- ing present 10 pay their last respects to x man whom they honored in life and mourned in death. He had been one of Guelph's outstanding citizens for 35 years and had done much towards the phenom. enal growth that Guelph hag had in that time. Rich und poor alike paid tribute to his worth. The services at his late rea- idence, London Road, were conducted by Rev. W. F. Gacts, of Woodstock, snd Rev. W. H. Crewes, of Windsor, both of whom were former pastors of Norfolk St. Methodist Church, of which the deceased wax a most influential member. The same two ministers also conducted the servicen to a number of city folk over the week-end. Mra ©. Kirkpatrick and daughter of To. |1p, 'he fare: oisteen inmate friends of onto apent over Sunday with * Lefroy ihe deceued acted ax honorary, pal-bear friends, June 21 and 22 will long be remembered iby nearly all in ths end of Innisfil for the good time spent at Barrie's big celebra- tion--and also for the splendid rains that came to refresh the thirsty earth. | IvY June 21M. Smith, representative of ithe Upper Canada Bible Society, occupied the pulpit of the Anglican Church on Sun- 'day evening and gave o very instructive | address on the work of the Bible Society in other Inds. He based his remarks on Acts 26:16. He said all could not go to the foreign field but all could give prayers and money to send someone there and also could be living witnesses for, Christ right ut home. The officers for Ivy branch of the work are: Pres, Rev. T. J, Dew; Secy., H. Arnold, | A. carlosd motored from Hamilton on Sunday and spent the day with their friends, Mr. and Mra, Reid, | Mr. and Mrs. R. J Hanna and family [of Toronto spent the week-end wb friends here. | The fourth annual conference of the Wo- men's' Auxiliary of the South Simcoe Dean- jery was held in Ivy on June 16. About |two hundred delegates representing the var- I. McIntosh, R, L, Torrance, J. W. Lyon, J. M. Lyon, J. M. Taylor, C. L Dunbsr, Dr RB, Howitt, John Crowe, C. W. Kelley, Jobn Davidson, G, W. Walker, Ald, Simp: son, T. J, Hannigan, S, Carter, Dr. Sa- vage, and W. H. Jones, The pall-bearers were: W. S. Middlebro, M.P., Owen Sound; Lyman A. Henderson, Toronto; sons-in-law of the deceased; Harold and Norman Ryan, sons; J. C. Ryan, Toron- to, & brother, und G. Powell, Hamilton, MINISTER HAS AUTOIST FINED For breaking through a funeral pro- cession, a practice forbidden by the Mo- tor Vehicle Act, Arnid Nurmi, 8 commer. cial truck driver, was fined $5.00 and costs in Sudbury police court, and was also read a stern lecture by Magistrate Brodie, 'The information was laid by Rev. Wm. McDonald, formerly of Lanark, and the contention was that accused saw the fun- eral procession 100 yards awa: cortege turned off Regent St. no effort to stop but cut through m cession, Accused claimed that he did not see the procestion in time and that on sc- count of the sandy road it was difficult for bim to stop his car and get it started again. This was held as*no excuse by the court, es the Act provides that a mo- tor driver must stop his car until a fun- eral has passed, that he cannot out through and, whenever possible, he must take s side street, Another charge has been pre- ferred against Nurmi, that of operating 8 commercial vehicle without a professional driver's certificate. This case was enlar; to allow the Crown Attorney to obtain an interpretation of the Act from the De- partment of Public Highways, Toronto, ysermort, A ution choir consisting of mem- |bers of the three churehes of the North Essa parish under the able leaderbip of 'Rev. 'T. J. Dew, the rector, rendered ac- ceptable music.' At 12 o'clock luncheon was served in the basement of the Orange Holl. The afternoon session. was opened by the W. A., devotions conducted by the Keep Minard's Liniment in the house Children's Sandals and Slippers at special low prices the many bargains heels, regular to s: $8.50 aos cas at to $3.95 ...... Women's Lakeside Boots, BQIGOD. orien ave aiery Women's Extra Quality Chocolate and Black Ki Women's White Canvas Oxfords Women's Boots in Black Kid, mostly sm The whole of the balance of our large stock of fine quality Summer Footwear will be offered to the public at extraordinary reductions to effect a speedy clearance. The following are a few quotations of we have to offer. Come, look them over. You will then realize your opportunity is « . here to save money. BOS cacsai ay andl iiss TAYLOR'S | SUMMER SHOE SALE Commences Wednesday, June the 30th - For 10 Days Only All styles of Tennis and Outing Goods for Children greatly reduced Women's Chocolate and Black Kid Oxfords, sewn soles, low, medium and Louis ..... Sale price, $2.95 pr. id Oxfords, Louis heels, regular to . +. Sale price, $6.45 pr. and Pumps, low, medium and high heels, regular Sale price, $2.65 pr. Women's White Canvas Boots, sewn soles, medium and high heels, regular $5.50 ++. Sale price, $2.95 pr. id rubber soles and high heels, regular $3.95, $1.95 solid rubber soles and heels, The ~ Thompson and will be forwarded to this Mr. and Mrs. Henry Couse and aon, ) Alpine, spent the week-end the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clipsham at Sparrow | Lake. Rev, ©, Cumming, Mrs, D. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Gilroy Reid | motored to Markdale on Wednesday last | to attend rev services conducted by Rev, G. M. Sharpe Mrs. Cocklin of Creemore spent over Sunday with her brother, T. L. Webb, | Mrs.| Robert Finlay of Winnipeg visited | at W, J. Finluy's during the past week. Buf your records at Fisher's; the latest selections to choose from, Misses Edith Robinson, Julia Walsh and Alma Neilly have retumed home from Peterboro where they have been attending | Normal School. | Mrs. Wm. Robinson attended the fun-! eral of her aunt, Mrs. Burns, at Victoria Horbor, on Thursday last, Wm. Hughes har purchased the ruce horse "Birdie Welch" from Lawrence Bros. Leeson McGowan of Toronto spent. the week-end with his parents, Mr. und Mrs. Wm, McGowan, Coleman Bros. held their barn-raising on Saturday. Lote of help wax on bund and everything went fine. D. K. Ross of Toronto visited in town this week, Mrs, Alex. Arnold is confined to her home through illness, Mina Bessie Sutherland of Toronto is spending her vacation with her brothers, Hector and W. J. Sutherland, Mins Jessie MoClin of Toronto spent over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mre Wm. McClain. The Cookstown Bpworth League visited the Newton Robinson League on Wednes- day evening. Robt. Campbell and his ister, Mra. resentative of the Barrie Examiner in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. Nows items for Cookstown and adjacent country may be handed'or phoned $0 Mr. paper. Phone No. 39 finds him. Sub- through him, scriptions, either new or renewals may be forwardad Milton Marling is visiting in Barrie this week, On Monday night when Mr, and Mrs. Lautenbach were driving home their buggy was hit by Mr. Lowery's car and damaged considerably. Mra, Lautenbach received a painful injury, having a ehoulder bone broken. Tommy Allan of Creemore spent the week-end in town, Rev. T. R. White of Chapleau has been stationed on the Cookstown circuit of the Methodist Church. He will take charge on July lat. Rev. J. H. More will be sta- tioned at Thornbury. Miss Lois Banting of Toronto is home this week with her mother, Mrs, T. A. C. Banting. J. M. Pugsloy had bis barns raised and moved this week. Mr, Pugaley will have the most up-to-date barns in this part when completed. Mm, FE. Baker visited with friends at Fisher's Corners last week. Lou and Sain Neilly of Gilford and Nurse Neilly of Orillia visited at James Donnell's on Tuesday, Mrs. Gordon of Bolton visited her daugh- ter, Mrs. Lautenbach, last week. Miss Maxwell, principal of the Cooks- town Continuation School, was presented with an ivory wet by the studenta on Sat- urday evening. read: "'Our annual closing of school for midsummer holidays has brought with it the usual feeling of freedom und irrespon- sibility. But this year our joy st parting for a few months with Julius Caessr and Virgil and all our book friends is marred by the fact that we cannot look forward to renewing their acquaintance in the au- tumn with you to help us in our work. During the past three years we have learn- ed to appreciate you in ways which we The following address wus | president, Mrs, Jas, A. Lennox, of Barrie Addresses wore given by Mrs, Yeoman of Toronto, who spoke of the social service work and said that it should be taken up ,in every community. Strangers ahould be jlooked after and made to feel at home-- |get them into the church, give them a warm shake of the hand. Miss Cartwright, Diocesan W. A. President, gave a helpful and inspiring address which was enjoyed by all present. The following officers were elected for the next year: Pres., Mrs. R, J. Murphy, Mansfield; Vice-Pres., Mrs. *W. A. Jamieson, Thornton; .Treas., Mrs. R. W. Sloan, Churchill. Intercession and benediction by Rev. G. L. Gray. Sup- per was served, It was one of the largest and most successful conferences in the W. A. of S. 8. Deanery. Thornton school No. 9 played a game of baseball with Ivy school, the visiting team being the winners. Miss Johnson of Toronte spent Sat- urday ith her brother Jsck here, H. A. GROSE, Auctioneer. 'A union service will be held on July 11 in the Orange Hall, 'The choirs of both churches will amist in the music, TRIMMING AND UPHOLSTERING We trim and upholster furniture, re-cover auto tops, make slip covers to order. Get our prices on the above lines. J. BELESKEY Telephone 350J Residence Phone 425J Clapperton St. (back of Simcoe Hotel), Barrie Miss Gross. Little 'Ednangvas delightfully cannot adequately express in words, In our Literary Society, our sports, our #0- cial interests, yours has been the leading spirit, the never-failing source of advic In our studies you have ever been a Wil ing help and 9 source of inspiration with- out which our efforts would have had smi chances of success. We do aincerely re- gret the fact that you will not be here to aid us in our future work, but we ss- sure you that the influence of your sweet and helpful personality shall remain with us long after our school days have passod into the walls of memory, and that our sincere wish for your success and happiness goes with you into whatever sphere of ao- tivity the future may lead. fe ask you to accept this altogether insdequate token of our affection and esteem as a tangible remembrance of the pleasant days we have spent together at C.C.S, Signed on behalf of the pupils of C.C. Bethesda Notes is ing presencd Mrs. Scott Sharpe is returning from a ber of Tvoey. tall 'ern visit im the West the latter end of this Walker, left last week for a visit with friends in western Cai Mrs. Joseph Donnell and son, Rureell, of Toronto, and her son, Dr. Will Donnell, of Idaho, U.8.A., visited at Jos. Donnell's on Sunday, Misses Mabel and Gladys Chantler spent the week-end at Creemore. H. T. Rankin ia dealing extensively in harnees. Your requirements in this line en be filed at money-saving. prow. Wm. Hughes' horse won first money in the named race at Elmvale races on Thureday of last week. Ed, Graham of Toronto spent over Sun- day at his home here. Mrs, Job Nevills visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. Fildey, at Beeton last week, Little Edna Moore gave a farewell party to her Sunday School classmates on Mon- day evening. Her teacher, Miss Gertie Cooper was present; also her day teacher, Otto Arnold of Toronto visited at his | week. home here this week, leather insoles, regular Pre +++... Sale price, $1.55 pr. all sizes, regular $6.45. Sale price, $2.95 pr. Misses' Boots in Black and Chocolate, high top, newest shape, regular $4.45, $2.95 Men's White Sports Boots and Oxfords, solid sole and heel, regular $3.95, $2.45 Men's Brown Sports Boots, extra heavy soles, regular $3.75. Sale price, $2.15 pr. Large quantities too numerous to mention of Children's, Youths', Boys' and Men's Footwear of all descriptions specially priced for this occasion. Orchard Besch, it a few di the latter's ster, Mre. Robert ilney Cyrus Smith motored to the city Inst 'Saturday. Mrs, Smith, who was spending & few days with Toronto friends, returned bier ims E. Robinson, who was attendi 'Normal at Peterboro, returned home = Saturday, Stanley und Roy Nicholas of Toronto 'spent over Sunday with Robt, > and other friends in Bethesda, Mrs. Greensides, who bas been ill for some time, I wm' sorry to report, is not improving. Coleman Bros. had a very successful barn raising lest Saturday. 'The captains were A. Kidd and Reeve Coleman, the former's side winning the race, JULY 5 SUMMER SESSION OPENS at the Barrie Business College A school devoted to progress. Individusl instruction in all com- mercial subjects Prepare now for good position. Dictaphone 'Adding Machine Moderate rates, H. A. Henry, Prin. Buy Meat Wisely © AND YOU WON'T FIND IT HIGH PRICED Limit your meat purchases to one good store-- Read- man's--- is good advico. When we come to know you and just what you prefer in Meats, we can serve you most economically. Let us have your Sat- urday order and you will be convinced we can save you money. We Close at Wednesda: EADMAN THE BUTCHER 'Telephone 473 Elleabeth $t, (Near Mary 8) Mr, and Mrs, Elliott, who are camping! ¢-mcemcencancentancancencencancensas ed r mans the 4 plant sake Value life. Mi past ing mune thant endoy valua equip ouz ment the D Oven affore writir ing s tificat ed hey partial jects), Ina Bird, 3 pleted Univer gained class Course Itm the wo work n we toil ity," ar er nee the edi empha: present recogni heen w writer world ment of followec to the ; of the Gymnas hibition veranda Mrs. sports | given to est num Jack Le ~ Prizes gardens, Raikes Boultbee Stewart; M. Stews Art "Ske Porritt; Hoare, F mation (. nis Tou Swimmir Ast prize U. F. A larg the Unite Store ha and the business P. Ralls | ger. He pany for ed their months.