Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jun 1920, p. 1

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CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 'THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED Xe 16 PAGES . 57th Year J. A. MacLAREN, Editor W. C. WALLS, Manager BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1920. RAISE SALARIES OF THE TEACHER Substantial Advances Given to Both B.C. I. and P.S. Staffs--No More Schedule. In common with other school boards throughout the provines, the Barrie Huard of tion has found in crease the the teachers, A committee of the public school teachers, consist] + of Miss Booth, Miss Ken- ly, Miss Hen) Mr, Marlin and Morrison, waited on the Jyoard at its committee jeeting, Friday night, and presented the Jury schedule of the Simveoe s' Federation which was published in The Examiner some weeks ago, On Monday 'night, at its regular meeting, the Board decided to discontinue the and let each ) stand hy itself. ; Increases of $100 each were granted fo the PS, staff and to those whe have been on the staff over ten years an addi- tional $100 was voted in recog- nition of their long service. The four to receive this extra are Misses Booth, McRobie, Kennedy and Morrison, While $50 extra was given Miss Longman who has been on the local staf nine years, Principals Shear, Morri- son and Marlin were raised to 2000, and Mr. Carson to $1200, he salary) increases provided for im the estimates for the B. C1, teachers were passed The members present we Chairman Maleomson, Trustees Richardson, Stephens, Wisdom, | Goodfellow, Simpson, Milne and MacLaren, Ask Places on Slait Applications for appointment! to the P. 8. staf when vacancies oceur were made by Misses Margaret. White /Craizvale:, Edna Wallace, Hazel Card and Victoria Strange. Miss Hum- phreys, who has been supplying im Miss Morrison's room in t West Ward for a year, asked a place an the permanent staf. Vhis makes a waiting list of over a dozen teachers secking to jin the Barrie public <chools stall. A Monthly Deficit Arthur Henson, caretaker of the South Ward schoo, asked that his salary be increased to $75 per month. He presented a state- ment to show that his present omes 45 cents short per month in meeting his expenses. Referred {o committee. Resignation of Miss Burriss Miss Burriss, in tendering ber resignation, wrote. "I shall al- review with pl { mem-_ ories @y five years' experience with the pupils of the Barrie Collegiate and the friendliness of | the townspeople in gen - MacLaren--Simpson--That Miss Iburriss having resigned her pos- ition on the B.C... staff, the Board accepts the same with re- eret and at the*same time would express its bigh appreciation of her services on the sia fer the last five years. At all times she showed a keen interest in the students, both at work and at play, and the Board wishes for her continued success. 38 Yeary on the Stair Mr. Hay wrote: "Having de- cided to retive from the profes- sion of teaching I beg to resign my position as mathematical master. Thanking you for the confidence so long reposed in me." Milne--Goodfellow-- That the Board accept with regret the resignation of Mr. Andrew Hay, Mathematical Master of the Barrie Collegiate Institute for 38 years. During all his associa- tion with secondary education in Barrie Mr. Hay has demonstrated fine efficiency in his subjects, his work being. attended by expep- tional success. Throughout,*M Hay has enjoyed the very cordial esteem of his students, of his fellow teachers, and of the citi- zens of the whole town. To Mr, Hay the Board would extend very best wishes' for many happy years of the ease which his long, faithful and arduous labors have so fully earned for him, Refused the Request W. A. Torrie, assistant princi- pal of the Central School, applied for a salary increase to $1300. Supporting his application in person, Mr, Torrie said he had been offered this amount else- J School, wrote suggesting that his seheol be made into two rooms, or that the Fourth Class pupils IE. Carson, of the ast Ward| COL. COLQUHOUN 'HAS FINE RECORD he again sent to the Central Barrie Old Boy, Who Replies (School. 'The Salary Increases The Management Committee recommended that the-salaries of the teachers ia the collegiate and publie school of Barrie for the|foction of t to of Welcome at Monday's Celebration. Particul filting is the se- tol, M. A. Colquhoun, [Miss Justice (1 yr j}each principal immediately that school sear beginning Sept. 1./0M.G., DSO, tot ply to the 1120, be as follows: address of welcome to the sold- Sollegiate Institute: iers and old boys at the ceebra_ Ri Glittwana t.on next Monday afternoon, Gol. H. Heath Colquhoun is a Barrie Old Boy W. Graham who always keeps in touch wilh Miss J. Li, Keag the old town, and his career as MideN,.G. Dower a soldier commenced in Barrie Miss 1. M. Pirie 81700| When he joined the a5th Simcoe Miss Henry $1a8y] Foresters. OF special interest to iAliss Gulhirie TS ergo | teaders of The Examiner will he Miss Mary Metailu 1700| {be following sketch taken from "Mr, Ueath also is to get the} i frant of B50 ser Cadet training.| tiem Gol. Colquhoun is. now eon- Central Setjac n Marlin Booth 'over 10 yr Marshall (6 yrs.) .. Miss Loneman (9 yrs.) Miss Tripp «2 yrs.) Miss Livingstone (5 Miss Clutton 17 yrs. Miss Sproule (3 yrs.) Miss Nixon (4 a) aw Miss MeRobie over 10 Miss Marr 2 yrs. West War JE. Morvison . Miss Honry i6 yrs.i oo... $1000)"; Miss Dougall (3 yrs.) Miss Guest (3 yrs.) Miss Morrison (10 Miss Wice (23 mos. Miss Heid 1 yr Miss Sarjeant (2 Burton Ave E. Shear ...... + Miss Mingay (6 ag3 Miss Watson (1 Miss Kennedy (10 yrs, $2000 1 h ui th B th C 1h fv Miss Meston (7 yrs Miss Collins (7 yrs.' Miss Findlay (4 yr., st Ward: J BOCAPROR cceseaiewes s $1200 ly name indicate the length of ser-| ¢ vice on the staff). that it be derstood that the mentioned in the salaries | (h the current school year and the/Y, schedule now in force be at once | ti abolished, and that the Secretary | spatches. born at Mansfield, Ontario, April when a youth Simcoe Foresters; later rising to ried on March {6th, 1893, Miss Mary Ball of Barrie, Three chil- dron were born to them: Margar- et Georgina, March {ith, 1894, died July 28 following; Wyndham John ( Wynn" Arthur Los 1898. associated until the outbreak of ment. a8th Rattalion prior to the Boer War, eventual- y becoming Captain of "A" Com-- pany. the crack company of the | regiment, which office he held w one of the first' to volunteer, (The years stated after each| leaving for Valeartier w' ion, retaining his rank as Cap- The Committee recommended|tain. He was assigned to the 4th "distinctly un-|attalion (the Mad 4th) one of different! which won undying fame. when contracts remain unchanged for|ihey threw back the Germans at small paper published by the Hassey-Harvis Co., with which ected: Malcolm Colquhoun was 3th, 1869, and lived in Barrie It was here that is military career had its incep- on, he joined the 35th Battalion he rank of Lieutenant. He mar- born Sept, (1th, 896 (died on service) and horn June 14th, In April, 1898, he led in rantford, immediately entering he employ of the Mas&ey-Harris 'ompany, with which firm he was} he war in the fall of 1914, as yreman of the machine depart. Lieut, Colquhoun joined the Dufferin Rifles \ hen war was declared. ie was ith the rst draft from the 38th Battal- he first to reach France and Single Copies 5 cents $1.50 Por Year (in advance) A STEP TOWARDS REFORESTATION Co. Council Authorizes Land Purchase--Motion for Uni- form H. E. Power Rates. The purchase of from 800 to 1000 acres of land for reforesta- tion purposes was authorized at the June session of ihe County Council which opened on Monday. James Stewart. wax pre- sent as representative from Vic- foria Harbor to succeed Jerome Duckworth who resigned the reeveship. On the opening day the most_important item was a resolution asking action towards securing uniform Hydro power rates for the different parts of Ontario. Paul Bonville of Victoria Har-} bor asked 825 for damage to horse injured on Gounty Road, lot 9, con. 9, Tay Alex, McKinnon, Angus, noli- fied the Council that the bridge over the Nottawasaga on the Vespra-Sunnidale line is so frail that a traction @ngine cannot be taken over it, a serious thing to the farmers along t part of the river as this is Lhe only route by which threshing outfils can be taken in to them. Harry Stoddart, governor of the county jail, asked a salary in- crease of 8200. From the Clerk of Midland was received a suggestion that the by- law requiring clerks to return copies of the assessment roll be amended that this will not be necessary unless asked for by motion of council. The Council of Lennox and Addington asked co-operation to- wards having counties relieved fram paying for conveyance from jail to provincial institutions, the expense of a Provincial officer plus sixty per cent. Oxford Council sought eo-op- eration fo have the width of Sloigha increased. (A nice topic with the mereury standing at about #0 in the shade), Seeks Damages 'Through alleged lack of diteh- ing on a County Road, at lot 3, con. 1, Matchedash, M. D. Lover- ing suffered damage which he places ut 8200. pres. maintaining communica- on and being mentioned in de- He was promoted to be instructed to secure the con-| Major in France after Ypres, and tracts signed by the different|shortly after to Liout.-Colonel teachers before the schools close| and in June." F The, Committee also recommend- commanding the "Mai capacity a 1% which he ourth™ in that ed that all Fourth Class pupils|received the "Distinguished Ser- belonging to the East Ward sec-|vice Orde: tion of the town be instructed to attend the Central School, be-| Brantford, on furlough, when he received possibly the ovation and approval ever given to a citizen in the « ginning with September, 1920. After a brief discussion, the re- port as presented was adopted. 'The Finance Committee reco: mended the payment of salari reer and rentals to a total of $4554.91 rod and sundry accounts amounting) °4,!0 & Colonetey and placed in $945.63. Tuition fees for B.C.L. G amounting to 8601 were received.| Must Obtain Permission MacLaren -- Simpson -- That|orated by the hereafter no person or persons| be permitted to enter the public|the Order of St. Michael and St. schools or collegiate institute| G during school hours for the pur-|¢d Commandant of Kimmel Camp pose of making addresses or for|at Rhyl, Wales, and upon its dis. any business other than that di-| solution, returned to Canada in man of the Board or the Ch In November, 1918, 'he was dec- * for his leadership, In June, 1916, he returned to greatest demonstration of y's history, Upon his return to England, t.-Col. Colquhoun was promot- eneral of Reserve Brigades at ramshott, Seaford and Sandling. King with the rder of C.M.G. (Companion of eorge). He was later appoint- A. G. Walker, Allandale, on Aprit 20, ran into a deep hole clear across the County Road, near Angus, and it ook four men and a team about two hours to extricate Lhe car, He wants the County to pay the bill, $33.48. New Lowell Women's Institute, desiring to add light to that im- portant centre, asked permission of the Gounty Council to put up a number of oil lamps. letter was read from the wiring inspector as to the con- dition of the wiring in the court, house, which he strongly con- demned, saying if was "almost a miracle that a fire had not occur. red." He suggested that an es- timate be socured immediately upon changes he deems neces- sary. / Protecting the Deer Nolification was received from the Dept. of Game and Fisheries thal the three-year prohibition of deer shooting expires on Nov. 4, 1920, and the opinion of the Council as to renewing it was asked, rectly connected with the regular| August, 1919. On motion of Couns. Dutton work of the school, except upon Continued on Page 9) and Archer, itpwas decided to ask written authority from the chit man of the Management Commit- tee, or upon the direct oral in- structions from either of these lo the principal; and that the Secretary be instructed to notify this rule must be rigidly observ- ed, Trustee. MacLaren said he was impelled to make this motion by the fact that a photographer had been visiting some of the schools ithout, so far as he could learn, any proper authority, and not on- ly taking the pupils out to be photographed, but getting teach- ers to sell the photographs and collect the money from the chil- dren. Other instances had been reported where people had inter- rupted the work of the schools pimout being properly authoriz- ed. Quiet for Candidates Simpson-- Milne-- That it be suggested to Inspector Garvin, Presiding examiner at the De- partmental exams now being held at the B.C.L, that the candidates writing on the celebration days, where and intimated that he was not inclined to take any less. He has been receiving $950. His June 24 and 22, be transferred to the Burton Ave. School, if he deem it advisable. ol prs SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 8 "Ne. 25 the Government to continue the BARRIE'S LIGHT : close season for deer in Simcoe County*for another three years. More Co, Prov. Highway On motion of Couns, Jardine und Shields, the Dept. of High- ways will be asked to make a County Provincial Highway of the county line from the south-west corner of Nottawasaga, north to Singhampton, then easterly to road intersection between cons. 8 and 9, and then into Colling- wood. Want Uniform H. E. Rate 'motion from Couns. Banting and Coombs asked the Legisla- tion Committee to consider ap- pointing a deputation to act in conjunction with --deputations from Alliston, Beeton, Cookstown and Bradford to interview Prem-- ier Drury and the H. E. Power Commission with a view to se- curing a uniform Hydro rate for manufacturers so that all might compete on a fair basis. Coun. Moore approved the mo- tion, He vould not see why To- ronto should have a lower rate than Alliston just because it is nearer the source of supply. Coun. Williams thought the deputation should represent the whole county, While he agreed that a flat rate the only fair method of charging, he did not think it securable at present. He suggested memorializing the Gov- ernment and sending a circular letter to all the other county councils with a view to creating a favorable sentiment for the flat rate. Coun, Banting had no objection to the plan suggested as long as something is done to right the inequalities. While Barrie gets u reduction of 10 per cent, Cooks_ town has its flat rate raised from 42 to 74 cents and its power from 09 to 14, The latter increase means $1000 a year added to the Cookstown miller's costs, While he did not expect that a flat rate could be secured, he thought con- certed action might at least stop the increases, Coun, Coleman agreed with tha suggestion of Coun, Williams rather than sending a deputation, as one deputation would have lit. tle effect. The motion carried, Handed One to Mr. Raney On Tuesday morning Lhe spec- jal committee re Registry Office fees handed out somewhat of a jolt to the Altorney-Goneral when it told him-he had no business interfering by trying to make the County pay a share of the retir- ing allowance which the Regis- trar is paying the late Deputy, Mr. Montgomery, Chairman Moore presented the report which Was as follow: 'That we inte: wed the Hon. Mr. Raney, Attorney-General, re- garding the right of the Regis- trar to pay oul of the fees of the Registry Office a salary to F. M. Montgomery, formerly Deputy- Registrar but not now perform. ing any work in the office, The Attorney-General expressed the opinion that the Registrar should continue to pay Mr, Montgomery a salary out of the receipts of the office. Your committee are of the opinion that even. if Mr. Montgomery had bgen an official of the County, whifh was not the case, he being solely an employee of the Registrar with whose ap- pointment the County had noth- ing to do, it would be unfair to pay him a salary or an annuity out of monies, ninety per cent. of which belong to the County. Your committee feel that as no pro- vision has been made or could be made for the payment of an an- nuity or superannuation allow- ance to any Registry Office official or County official it would be unwise to make any payments in the nature of a superannua- tion and thus open the doors to claims from officials directly or indirectly connected with the County, and we think that this is a matter in which the Attorney- General should not interfere. Your committee would recom- mend that R. J. Sanderson be no- tified that he will be required to pay to this County the fall amount of the County's share of the fees received by him, without any deductions on account of salary to any clerk or official not IS NOW CHEAPEST In Ontario--Power Rate Cut A reduction of ten per cent. in Barrie's lighting rates Bives to this town the cheapest domestio lighting in Ontario, according to a statement handed out the Ontario H. E. Power Commission last week. Barrie Electrio Light Dept. has the further distinction of being the first in the 236 mu- nicipalities associated in the Hy- dro-clectric enterprise to be in a position t wipe off immediately its entire debenture debt. The assets of the Barrie Elec. tric Light Dept make a total of $169,971. 'That includes the value of the distributing station, the balance of indebtedness on the old steam plant, now written off, a large credit account with the Hydro-electrio Power Com- mission of Ontario, and various': smaller items. The total liability is $36,944, To meet this amount there is a surplus of 860,679, which in- cludes Victory bonds to the amount of $33,000. Not only during the seven years under Hydro supervision, but from the inception of muni_ cipal coutro! the Barrie Electric Light Dept. has been operated very successfully. Only in one year was there a deficit ($1065) and the net total of the surpluses earned up to the end of 1919 was $67,772, The original debenture debt was 887,000, of which 852,_ 550 has been paid, with interest up to Dec, 31, 1919, Jeaving out- standing debentures of $34,449, with 15 to 20 years to run. About. 829,000 of the surpluses - has been spent on plant account, and the plant investment now stands on the books at $116,034. Per- mission has been given by the Ontario H. E. Comn, to the Bar- rie Comn. to use the surplus for retiring the outstanding deben- tures. This will be done as soon as arrangements can be made, 'The local plant will then be en- tirely free.of debt and will still have a tidy, surplus on hand. The Barrie system's summar- ized balance sheet is as follows: Assets--Total plant, $116,034; bank and cash balance, $4,193; security investments, $27,000; aceounts receivable, $5,769;. in. ventories, $2,418; other asset. Waterworks loan, $3,165; credit ed with (he Hydro-electrie Power Commission's operating account, 811,391 Total, $169,974. unts payable, $4,- 914.48; other liabilities, $579.94. Total, $36,944.22. Reserves-- Debéntures paid, $52,550.20; depreciation reserve, 819,797.48. Total, 872,347.68. Surplus, including -- Victory bonds of $33,000, $60,679.49, Pawer Rates Cul 86 Although the local Commission has to pay the same rate for its power, the Ontario Commission has given permission for it to re- duce its power rates ta consum- ers from $36 to $30 per H.P. This is the first cut made in the local power rate under Hydro control. A reduction of $2 per lamp for street lighting also is granted. The New Lighting Rates Domestic Lighting--3e per 100 sq. ft. of floor area per month, (Minimum floor area charge for 1000 sq. ft., maximum floor area charge for 3000 sq. ft.). Plus 2¢ per K.W.H. for all consumption up to 3 K.W.H. per month for each 100 sq. ft. of floor area charged. Plus tc per K.W.H. for all additional consumption per month. . Local discount, 10 per cent; additional discount for prompt payment, 10 per cent; minimum net, monthy bill, 75c. Commercial Lighting--4c per K.W.H. for the first 30 hours use per month of connected load. 20 per K.W.H. for the next 70 hours use per month of connected load, 4c per K.W.H. for all-consumption per month over the first 100 hours use of connected load, ' Lo. cal discount, 10 per cent; addi- actually engaged at work in the office. Expects Rush on T.V.C, Chas. Gaudaur, bridge tender at Atherley, asked an increase of salary owing to H.C. of L. and additional. work expected owing to the opening of the Trent Valley Canal waterway. (Continued on Page Four) --Tell EVERYBODY to come and hear your kiddie sing in the Armorios on Friday, June 18. tional discount for prompt pay- ment, 10 per cent; minimum net monthly bill, 75¢. Stoves on Instalment Plan In some municipalities electric stoves and wiring in excess of a certain price are sold on the in- stalment plan, if so desired. Upon the suggestion of the Barrie Commission, the H. E. Commis- sion has consented to permit the adoption of ('his method in the Barrie Dept. 'This should mean increased business for the Dept.

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