$ aN Thursday, June 17, 1920 Wholesome, Nutritious; Economical, >) "mick's Jersey Cream Sodas Sold fresh everywhere. In sealed packages, Factory at LONDON, Canada. ~ Branches at Montreal, Ott il ingetoi Winnipeg. Calgary, Port Arthur St. Pare, ua . ira einen LIRPRORPREREAAG ROLE REL LER ROA? IN WOMEN'S REALM 9AA LELORERO LRP ROME RE RO RE DEATH OF MRS WM. WHITTENDALE | Murphy of Hamilton and two eons, James The Muskoka Herald says:-- "Brace. | and William, of Hamilton There are bridge 'and other Muskoka friends will re-| also left a sister, Mrs, James Lewis, of gret to learn of the death at her residence, ,Barrie. and two brothem. Thomas of 71 Niagara St., Hamilton, Saturday, May /Minesing, and William, of 'Toronto. She 20th, of Mra William T. Whittendule. | Was prgdeceused by her parents and a She had been ailing for a numberof years | brother, Frank, who died. several years and during the past week had not been | #80. quite as well but was up and about the| Interment took place in the Haniilton houwe as usual the day before. Death was cemetery. Mrs, Whittendale wis a wo. due to heart failure. man of aterling qualities, who won many Mrs. Whittendale, formerly Miss Mury {tiends in this town, and her sudden pave. A. Elliott, was born in the County of Fer- | M8 Will be deeply regretted, manugh, Ireland, July 7, 1862, and came! to Canada with 'her parents in 1880, set. | tling im the Township of Vespra, near! Here is the formula for dandelion "wine Barrie. She war married May 17th, 1862. | which is much'used in Pennsylvania where nT. Whittendale und they made it is highly esteemed. - It was furnished by | 'a and Barrie, until a lady of that state who hasamade it for 1900. whe they came to reside at Brace- many years. Tuke four quam of dande. bridge. remaining here until 1917, when lion flowers, four quarta of be water, four pounds of granulsted sugar, one large tablespoonful of yeast, two oranges and | =, Whittendale leaves her husband and 'two lemons, Grate the rind of the oranges five children, three daughters. Mrs, Fred and lemons and sprinkle it over the vee Littlyohn, of Pearson, New Ontario, and delion flower and pour the boiling water Mrs. Ang Littlejohn and Mra. Milton over the mixture of flowers and' orange | onset tidus = rind. Let it stand in a covered reeepticle | for twenty-four hours. then strain and add the juice of the oranges and lemons, the sugar utd the yeast. Let it stand one | week and then strain again and bottle--- | do not cork. Tie cheese cloth over the opening of the bottles let stand for two weeks and en cork tightly DANDELION WINE RECIPE Satisfies the epicurean taste APROL made from Ripe Apricot Kernels The Dominion Alliance is making an ap- eal for $150,000 for the next referendum Oi] Cook Sto ves By] ry Cooking Purpose --for boiling, roasting, frying, grilling, toast- ing and baking the "New Perfection Oil Cook Stove" and "Oven" are the best helps for the' good cook, The New Perfection Oil Cook Stove gives you cool kitchen-comfort in summer, and cooking satisfaction the year round. No annoyance from smoke er odor--no ashes, litter or dirt. It burns cheap, easy-to-get coal oil. The "Long Blue New Perfection'chimney turns every drop of fuel into useful heat. The New Perfection, Brass Burner is as long lasting as it is efficient. Every part of the New Perfection Oil Cook Stove is well-made and well finished. The "Long Blue "'Made in Canada" there is no high exchange rateto. "Chimney" with the figure in the cost, so when you buy a "New Perfec- tion" you get the best stove at the best price. Sold by good dealers everywhere. Ask for a demon- stration of the "Long Blue Chimney" or write for free New Perfection booklet, solid brass burner, that gives the steady intense wpilotipped flame. S) Made in: Canada HOME OFFICE AND FACTORY - SARNIA - = ONTARIO There is as much difference be- W. ©. T. U. CONVENTION 'The thirtieth county 'convention of the 'W. C. 7. U, for the counties of Simece, resolutions, Mrs, Mickle, Gravenhurst; plans of work, Mrs, Arlidge, Meaford; courtesy, Mrs, Hutche- ton, Huntsville. 'The corresponditig secretary, Mrs. Watt, Bracebridge, read a most encouraging re- port from 13 unions with 412 members and. 10 honorary members, raising $1310.- 09 'The county treasurer, Mrs. Gould, Mid- land, gave her report showing a working balance on hand. A thoughtful address was given by the county president on "Public Sentiment." In the evening a concert was given by the famous Huntsville band, under the leadership of Herbert L. Clarke. During the intermission Mrs. McKee told the bandsmen how much their music was ap- precited by' the delegates. She thought the Huntaville people: were fortunate in having such » magnificent musical organ iaation in their town, 'At the Wednesday mofning seesion a let- fet wae read from the provincial president, irs Stevens, written from Wales, telling of some of the work there. Mrs. Watt, Bracebridge, led the citizenship report; all unions reported working for the referes- dum, A discussion followed on the appointment | of school trustees and members of coun cils, the delegates being referred to Willard Hall for further information. The evengelistic report was given by Mrs. Dennis, in which she said, "God has been good to us since lust we met in Mid- land. Future generation will speak of year 191920 as the year of great vietory in temperance reform." All the unions report observing the half hour of prayer at the monthly meetings, special effort and prayers being made a: the time of the re um, She suggested that the delegates take beck to their unions requests for prayer for the coming. refer- endum, the xtrugzle for local option in Scotland and for worldwide prohibition, ese were afterwards brought in in the| form of resolutions by the committe | The press report was very ably presented by Mre. Randleson, Huntsville, and urged use the newspapers more! the newspaper being the | nd it pays to advertise, afternoon, Mrs. McKee Jed the memorial service with loving and | tender thoughts for those departed during the year, us follows Barrie, Miss Jennie King und Mrs. Stro 'oldwater, Mra Lovering; Creemore Mix Dorothy | Ashley: Huntsville, Mrv. 'Besion; Midland, Mra. Albert Black | Mrs, Hutcheson gave the addres of wel- come, in which she state) that they bad never bad the convention before, It tonk some time to their courage up, She hoped the delegates would like the town: they were very proud of it, not only for | scenery. but for its churches, schools and musical organizations Mrs. C. Mickle, Gravenhurst iced the reply of the dele. gates in fow bright, cheery" words Mrs. J. W. White gave a very pointed. cut address on laws regarding. wom db children, entitled "Lest wo forget," laying emphasis on those which require children under 14 yeurs to be off the streets at 9 o'clock (not 10) at night, also the law regarding tobacco, asking the question "why, in the face of the ap. parently stringent laws, 'do we see children on the streets and boys smoking and using tobacco? There ix large increase in juvenile crime from lack of enforcement, What we need is better home life and bet- ter parents." The W.C.T.U. would be/ expected to bring out the vote at the com- ing referendum, The question box at the close of this seasion brought out a number of questions, one regarding moving pic- tures asking if they could not be more tigidly censored, if 1 woman could be ap- pointed in esth town or city to view the films as presented and 'work with the Board of Censors, and the theatres made to close earlier, Mrs. McKee promised to carry this on to the Provincial Convention, Wednesday evening the delegates were tendered a banquet by the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church. Short congrat- ulstory speeches were given by the reai- dent ministers and Salvation Army cap- tain, H. E. Rice and" Col. D, M. Grant. Mrs. Anderson, formerly of British Colum- bia, but now a new worker in Ontario, was the speaker of the evening. Her sub- ject was "Opportunity and Responsibility." Bhe gave largely of her experience in B.C., speaking of the foreigners who were coming the and clewi into Canada st the rate of 606 per day, |! who must be elevated and christianized. She told of being present in the legislature during , the discussions of the McCreary amendment to the O.T.A., and said the tions of some of our representatives were "really funny." 'They watched the gal- leries to see how the women were taking it, and not all those who spoke against the amendment voted against it; they dar- ed not do that and go back to their con- stituents, Again she said our temperance women must take their places in the vot- 'ing ranks. Thursday morning closed the convention. The Travellers' Aid report, which had been held over, was given by Mrs, Watt. There are six workers in the county, The de- partment 'has only been taken up during the year, but it is hoped that in a» short time the county will be well organized and there will be » worker in every town ready and willing to look after girls travelling alone. 'The election of offivers resulted as fol- Hon. 5 Kee, Bay; Advisory Pres., Mrs, Thomson ; Pres., Mrs.' Stacey, Creemore; Vice-Pres., Mi Huviland; "Reo Secy Sunlight ip and sarees ean ier an, artificial light. P Absolute purity with superior cleansing . powere--more seep for your money--you get them in Sunlight. Soap LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO ONT ed'to the Hunteville band for the splendid | i music they had s0 oe oe chestra and the ladies who sang during the (000, sets s new world's record price, {fallen heroes jeratulated the usociation on its. progress Children run for rich, crackly Kell T ales--tonsted poe hep me know how--poured cri rant from AWAXTITE? oe plump with goodness. Made an packed in our big kitchens here in oronto, This signature is your guarantee COUNTY AND DISTRICT | F Fire did $2000 damage to the Lakeview House, Juckson's Point, ou June 4. A Minnesota Holstein cow, rold at $20, The | R previous high record was $18,400. ment to the editorship of The Gananoque | the lake. / Ld heaping dishes of Kellogg's Producte--Toasted Corn Flakes.-'hred Pp cation rae canoes Rew modernised kitchens at TORONTO aad Glways wrapped "Wextite"--Sold Rverywhere RESCUED BY TEN-YEAR-OLD Orillia News-Letter--During a high wind ORMER BARRIE EDITOR GOES TO GANANOQUE J. B. Bryant, formerly proprietor of| one day last week three boys playing on Th fe Advance, has received an appoint-|a raft at the park were blown out into 'Their cries attracted Georgie 'eporter, with which paper he has been| Whitton, the ten-yesr-old son of George for the past several weeks, B. 0. Brit-|Whitton, who went out in a rowboat and Letherby, of Midland, has purchased} '02, the proprietor of The Reporter, is{ rescued them from a perilous situation, the le C Present Islund, between Midland and Hon- ey Harbor. for "many years the summer home of E. Currie. John Petrie, at one time a resident of Collingwood, and for many ars in the drygoods business in Stayner, 'Led at his home in Fort William The Knights of Columbus; in session at wi Bi Bi Port Arthur, decided to meet next year at} torin Harbor, dedicated their new Masonic | built, O'Connor, | Hall on May 28. W. Bro. Harcourt, and many other prom-|Church, has accepted a call to Central inent Masons were present. Peterboro, "and chose L. V., of Lindsay. as State Deputy. Toitenhum will have an old boys' re- union on August 2nd, when a monument being erected in Memorial Park to. the of the war from that village, d ng of Meaford has given notice of 4 motion to exempt from taxes for three years all dwellings erected on var cunt lots, with a view to solving the hous ing shortage to some extent. The annual meeting of the North Simeoe Y.M.CA. was held at Midland, and Mr. Ballantyne, from the national staff, con during the first year of its existence W. A. Pringle, a former Beeton general merchant, who has been residing 'n Toronto for some time, has hought out tne bakery. confectionery. snd grocery bus- ness of Mrs Sparling, of schomberg. Aq a memorial t the twenty-five mem- bers' of ite congregation who did not re- turn from the Great War. Orillia Presby- terian Church will install a new pipe organ ut an approximate cost of $30,000. Some Ottawa experts predict that the duxury tax will be removed before a year. They think the beavy imposts largely @ political move framed to give tax reforin- era lewon and that they will be removed before an election occurs. Mrs. Daniel Green, a native of Tecum- seth, where she was born in 1849, a daugh- ter of the late James Tegart, died at her home in Tecumseth. The husband and one/ son, Ansley, survive, together with one brother and six sisters. Senator Bennett has written The Ori Packet that the lock for lowering vewsel from Lake Couchiching to the Severn River will be ready to open on July 1. Senator Bennett reports that "on all aides one hear of an avalanche of American tour- Louis W Hill, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Great Northern Rail way, and a son of the late Jas. J. Hill, predicts that wheat will be selling at $5 before the 1921 crop is harvested. He blames the scarcity of farm help as the cause. D. C. Cook of Caledon has lost a num- ber of young lambs this spring. He was at a loss as to the cause until he discovered thut a large eagle had esmuped in a piece of woods adjoining his farm. Mr, (sok shot at the bird, but did not manuge to bring him to earth, although his sim was good enough to knock some of the feathers out. Orillia Board of Health is making scrict- er regulations in regard to the quality of milk' supplied by the vendors thern, and all thoee who do not keep their product up to the standard of 3.25 ner cent. butter fat will not get license. About 5000 quarts is the daily consumption, which Mayor Anderson considers oelow the ay- erage. Mr, G. H. Wright, of Penetang, bus been advised that her son, L.-Corp. le || Heber Wright, who was reported' missing ition "at four years ago, was killed in so Sanctuary Wood, June 4, 1916, His grave has been located at 'Hooge Crater, near Ypres, and is marked by # memorial He was a member of the Princess Pate, and was 24 voars old. seasions, to the Iadies of Hunteville who them, © royally entertained 5 Moulders in the Oollingwood shipyards bave been on strike. ished 'sécond' fn the race and according to agreement the farmers in this tram are mating' the expenses of bringing the general secretary of the UFO. to Allis ant will useume the editor's duties: He leaving for an extended trip to the Old] raft going to pieces a few minutes after 'ountry, and during his absence Mr. Bry-| they were taken off it. 'as well known as a reporter in Hamilton, | The route of the Provincial Highway be- rantford and Toronto before coming to|tween Gravenhurst and Orillia, and also arrie, between Orillia and Barrie is a matter Victoria Lodge, A. F. & Av M., Vie-|it is settled upon, the road will not be The Grand Master, R.| Rev. W. B, Smith, of Orillin Methodist Methodist Chureh, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. On the Pantry Shelf of the Woman who Knows No need now to wait on the milkman or to send out for milk when it is re quired for any purpose. Foresighted housewives always have on hand a row of cans in assorted sizes of J ST. CHARLES BRAND Evaporated Milk WITH THE CREAM LEFT IN It is so Wonderfully convenient, so rich and good --to replace fresh milk and cream wherever they are generally used. 2 Order several cans from your fee 40 that you will have it on hand when you need it, THE BORDEN COMPANY LIMITED Montreal receiving considerable discussion, and until.