Thursday, Uune 17, 1920 Women's White Canvas Oxfords, light weight sewn soles, full Louis heels. .. .... .. $4.50 White Canvas Sporting Boots, white soles, low heels, sizes 252 to7 ... We oe eK ae we GLO Same in Oxfords $1.45 Men's White Boots, solid tubber soles, sizes 51% to 11.... 2... $2.75 pr. FOR SALE The desirable Residence on East corner of High and Parks Sts. Solid brick with all modern conveniences. For particulars apply to Mrs, Edith Myers, Box 236, Oshawa, Ont. § WANTED P AINTERS, GLAZIERS, COLOR AND BODY FINISHERS Fisher Body Co. of Canada, Ltd., Walkerville, Ont. CONSULTING ENGINEERS THE E. A. JAMES CO., LIMITED E. M, Proctor, B.A.Sc., Manager 36 TORONTO ST., TORONTO, CAN. Bridges, Pave ts, Waterworks,Bewer- 'age Systems, Incineratom, ls, Public Halla, Housings, Factories, Ar- bitrations, Litigation. Our Feca:--Usually prid out of the money we save our clients -------------------- DR. FRED A." ROSS {Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie) Late Surgeon Specialist with the 'Imperial Army, 4% years, Office: 15 Owen St., Barrie Phone 710, P.O, Box 1075. General Surgery snd Obstetrics especially. Thousands read them ever week--Classified Ads. in The Ex- aminer, _ JAS. W. Holiday and Summer days are calling and fashion is demanding WHITE FOOT- WEAR, and'a response will follow because 'White Footwear is the altogether 'com- fortable, sensible and proper footwear for all occasions. ' White' Canvas Pumps, light weight sewn soles, medium and high heels Youths' White Lakeside Boots, solid rubber soles and heels, -ventilated lea- ther insoles, sizes 2 to 5. ve ee ++ $1.85 pr. Misses' White Athletic Boots, black_soles, sizes 11 to 134% ... $1.15 pr. Barefoot'Sandals in great variety Pee tg ty Td the ushers were Mr. Stanley . Jeant and Mr. Harry Armstrong. WEDDINGS Mrs. Billingsley, mother of the | Raheny pots bs rjeant--Billingsley Trinity Chureh, Barrie, was the scene of a very pretty wed- a Wednesday, June 16. eg Mink Mee BI © the | tion was held at the nome «f the when Miss May Billings! only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Billingsley, was united marriage to Mr. Fred W. Sarjeant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sarjeant Rev. A. R. Beverley officiated, and the service was fully choral. The church was beautifully decorated with peonies, bridal wreath, snap-dragon and iris. 'The bride, who was given away| ham of Cornwall, Mrs. and Miss by her father, looked charming | MeDermid of Toronto, Mr. and in a gown of white satin, with 20) Mrx. Samuel Sarjeant of Orillia, overdrens of georgette embroider. and Mr. William' Lang. Toronto. ed in seed pearls, the cour 'i . rain of satin' lined with pink|, The groom's favors to the georgette, Her beautiful maline veil was caught from a coronet She also wore a diamond lavalier, the gift of the groom. Her shower bou- quet was of Ophelia roses, orchids of orange blossoms. and pansies. the wedding march Horace Heath sang "T' ter. cousin, Miss. Mabel ,Graham, Cornwall,who wore .a gown pink georgette, embroiderd vhi ' hat of pink}@nd white peonies. Rev, P. M. See ee and. carried a oqual Peacock, of Bracebridge, officiat- of pink roses. . The groom was attended by his r. Percy Sarjeant, and brother, SCOTT Motor Truck Cartage MOVING PIANOS, FURNITURE AND CAMPERS' OUTFITS A SPECIALTY Long distance work to,or from Toronto, Hamilton and other points, at moderate charges, OFFICE: ROSS BLOCK, DUNLOP ST., BARRIE ..». Office Phone 86, : Res. Phone 187. 'The bride was.attended by aer|nesday afternoon, June 16, at the White Canvas Oxfords, light sewn soles, 10 w, medium and high heels +» $2.65 Men's White Duck Sport- ing Boots, white sole, low heel, sizes 6 to +1 $2.00 Same in Oxfords $1.50 White Canvas Mary Jane Pumps-- Sizes 2'4 to 614.. $2.00 Sizes 11 to2..... $1.75 Sizes 8 to 101% ., $1.65 Ar- bride, was gowned in a Copen- hagen blue chiffon taifela, and carried American Beauty Toses| Mrs. Sarjeant, the groom's mother, wore a gown of gray erepe de chene, and carried roses. After (he ceremony.' « recep. bride's parents. Later, the bride and groom left by motor amid a shower of confetti, for Toronto, J [enroute for Montroal and Quebec, via the SI, Lawrence river, the bride dressed in a Lailored' suit of French blue gold-tone and hat to match, Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Thomas Tizzard and son of Chicago, Mrs, T, W. Gra- in bridesmaid, soloist and organist were gold lace pins; peart set tie, pins to the ushers, and gold cuff-|, links to the groomsman. Hanoook--Beelby took place at 2.30 o'clock, Wed- of|home of the bride's brother, Ald. of |C. H, Beelby, Péel St., which was in|beautifully decorated with pink ed. On the arm of her brother, the bride entered the drawing room wearing her travelling suit of navy serge, sunset pink blouse and an ostrich cape. Her hat was of black lace with French flowers, and she carried Ophelia roses. After a dainty luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Hancock left on the e | ening train for Regina and west- ern points. On their return, they. will reside in Barrie. The out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs, Hancock, Sr. Thornbury; Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Hpntsville; Mr. Russell Hancock, Holly. --Barrie Kiddies will do thom- selves proud, Friday evening, in the Armories--Grand Community {|} You'll encourage thé children by. 'Pyotr presence, as well as enjoy, 4 'this"excellent, entertainment, sa The marriage of Miss Lillian], i icke played|Florence Beelby, only daughter Mise alin Gooey a? 'Nre.{of Mrs, R. Beelby, to Mr, Roy D. Crown"| Hancock, of Barrie, eldest son of during the signing of the regis-|Mr. 'Thos. Hancock, 'Thornbury, |' Beelby and Master Kenneth, |' Bala, and Mrs, T. Campbell, of i Concert by- your.own children. }) »PERSONAL Mol thet ek LLL | Miss -M, K, Swartz of. Buffalo ig visiting Miss Nan Stephens. .Miss Huggard. of 'Toronto ig visiting friends in town for a few days... 3 Miss Rose Hawkes of Oshawa is, visiting her cousin, Miss Mary | Hawkes. 7 «Miss Molrines, Beaverion,eand Mrs.'DeVine of CoUjingwood are Shests of, Mrs, W,-A. Ross. * Gerald and R. Bergin Clayton, and Mrs. R. W. Patterson of To- ronto are holidaying with their '|parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clayton, Peel St, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and son, Leighton, of Toronto, have returned home after spending a week with Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gill, Clapperton St. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Reburn are spending several weeks at Bell's Lakes, near Markdale, where Mr, Reburn expects to enjoy some good fishing in privately-stocked waters. Mr. and Mrs. John Shepard, Wellington St., announce the en- Bagement of their youngest daughter, Kathleen, to Mr. W. J, Richmond, of 'Toronto, the mar- riage to take place the latter part of this month. Mr. and Mrs. James Fell, Hawkestone, Oni., announce the engagement of their daughter, Clara Helen, to Mr. Archibald Campbell McIntyre, Orillia, Ont., wedding to* take place quietly; this month in Toronto. Olto Gallagher was successful] in his third year university exam- ination, passing with honors in the special Modern -- History Course at University College, To- ronto. He also passed 'with honors at Wycliffe College, To- ronto Andrew Fraser, Ogema, Sask., is spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Swinner- ton on his way back to the West, having come cast to attend the Goneral Assembly of the Presby. };terian Chureh, recently held in Ollawa, Speaking to The Exam- iner, he said that when he left erop conditions were better for the (ime of vear than they had heen for several years. Dr, C. Loshe Fineh, Supt. of the Morgan Heights Tuberculosis Sanitorium al Marquette, Mieh., |was in town this week looking up old friends his father, me 35 years ago Baptist minister, can. that city Phone 122 3 3 lived at Tollendal and he attend- ed Barrie High School, Before taking his present position he practised in Detroit for twenty years, His mother is still hale and hearty and resides in Brace- bridge. Barrie Boy's Success O, Johnston, Edmonton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Johnston, Elizabeth St., has been invited to give a demonstration at the In- ternational Association of Win- dow Trimmers Convention at De- troit this month. This Barrie boy has made a decided success in his profession G. W. V. A. Cafeteria 'The ladies of the G.W.V.A Auxiliary will serve meals at any hour from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, 2ist ane 22nd, in G.W.VA. Club Rooms, Dunlop St. Everybody weleome-- come one and all and enjoy your Junech.and help on the good work. Yoo sold cafeteria style. --No inerease in phonograph prices at Keenan's Music Store-- Prices the as formerly-- no extra fax. 25-25 er ELA Cj il a cl z pally, eS) in WALLPAPER, "PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, FLOOR |" WAX, GLASS, ETC. 'We aim to give you:service Johnston & Warren. Supply. your every want i is usually looked for in stores. : Just where the bus turns WHITE ENAMEL 18 BEST for bathroom fixtures. So easy lto keep spotlexsly clean and ab- solutely sanilary. We carry the | largest and finest stock of white enamel and porcelain bathroom and bed room plumbing fixtures in this section. We also repair sanitary plumbing equipment of all kinds. Inspection invited. MOFFATT & PARR Sole Agents for '"'Hecla" Furnaces Plumbers, Phone 531, Barrie Sixteen live pages this week. -Here's the reason the BRUNSWICK plays ALL records as they should be played. There's only one RIGHT way to do anything--and this is just as true of playing phonograph records as it is of anything else in the world. The Three-in-One Ullona is each make of record. It uses the CORRECT NEEDLE and gives the EXACT WEIGHT re- quired by each make of record. - Nothing to take off--nothing to put on. + The Ultona is COMPLETE, A mere twist of the wrist gives the + precise needle, the correct diaphragm and the exact weight for any type of record, largely depend PURITY and Wei on These points are of supreme importance--because upon them so POWER OF TONE. KEENAN'S MUSIC STORE ¢ THE HOME OF BETTER MUSIO an exclusive Brunswick feature which enables EVERY make of record to be played exactly as it was designed to be played. It describes just.the right ARC on Phonographs - Range in Price from $88 to $750 No Increase In Prices Let our representative call--or pay @ visit to our Store 'OPP. THE P. 0. SQUARE