CIRCULATION THIS WEEK % MacLAREN, Editor W. C, WALLS, Manag "S |COL. COLQUHOUN eee eos nts FINE RECORD Barrie Old Boy, Who Replies to Address of Welcome at Monday's Celebration. | | (Continued from page 1) 57th Year | Colonel Colquhoun has the fol- Hiowing decorations: €.M.G., D: |. and wax mentioned three | times in despatches. | In civil life the Colonel is high. ypular, Ie is well known in| ternal circles, being associat- ed with the Masonie Order, Odd-- fellows, Indpendent Order of resters, Woodmen of the World nights of Malta, and is a char- Let Us Help You Prepare for HOLIDAY QUESTS Mayon- j(,, Just in--Dainly Laneh v member of the Army and| botile . 12... Navy Velerans' Association. By is Baked H sli per | peligion™ne is Ba, tist, being een ee ee + 800! member of Park Church, He is - oiled Ham, sliced, per tb.|:lways popular in sporting cir ecqpmceongsia 8 sees B00/eies. Tle has filled most accep Macaroni Loaf, per Ib, ..... 880) Ably the office of manager of the | Choice Rreakfast Bacon, sliced,| Dufferin Rifles baseball team, per tb cons 60 and 769/40 is well knpwn ax uw crack {rimmed back Bacon, Ih. ! xm . Cole yhoun's two sons at-o served in France. Lieut, "Wynn" (5th Bait. France', was severe- : oo : 480/1y wounded on Sept. 27th, 1913, Valencia Oranges. doz, 60, 70, 800 /and laler made the supreme sac- Davies' Baked Boans, extra large|tifice, dying in England. His ean cone 300/ Temains were b uebt lo. rant - ealvvetana weuneate wd. jar ford and interred with military MeLarenisrnnenated Mawar 46q | Bonors in Greenwood Cemetery painless Jon Dec. 8th, 1918. Arthur Lloyd (igth Batt. On Saturday we will have several) wanes. rose from a private to hundred beautiful fresh eut/ Lieutenant on active service and Peonies, at ..... -. 600 per doz.}wax on duty with the Head- quarters staff at Rhyl He re- turned te Canada with his father in August, 1919. tol, Cofqghaun is now in com- mand of there-organized Duffer- in Rifles Regiment, Brantford, of We have been fortunate in secur. ing the government agency for the sale of Lake Nipigon White- fish and will deliver to any part of the town, Price, dressed, 170 Ib.| which [.. F. Addison has recently i a been appointed bandmaster, eer -- --Wall paper! wall paper! New and elegant designs. See them at Dougall Bros. 24tf ---All phonographs at Keenan's Music Store are sold at the same prices as formerly--no extra tax. THE CHOICE OF ROYALTY = 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED THE BARRIE SATURDAY' MORNING BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JUNE. 17,.1920. U.F.0. LEASES THE. CALDWELL BLOCK With Option' to Purchase -- Getting Ready to Start Store. On June 15, the U.F.O. Go- operative Co, tvok over, under lease, S. Caldwell's block of ares at the corner of Dunlop and Muleaster St. 'The lease in- cludes the premises formerly oc- cupied by 'The Examiner, (which is now being made ready for the U.F.O, store), the Massey-Harris shop and Buchanan's garage, as well as ibe residential quarlers over all three. These stores have roomy basements and are very convenient to the railway for shipping purposes and to the The lease is for five with an option to pur- To a reporter, Mr, Cald- well said the deal was very sat- isfactory. Announcement has not yet been made as to who will manage the {store, but it is said that a man- ager will be sent from 'Toronto. Ovenden College Chronicle The June issue of "The Oven- den Chronicle," a well-edited school periodical of 28 pages, from the presses of The Examin-. er, has just been issued. It is designated as the "Museum Num- ber," Lo commemorate the open- ing of the museum, and contains many interesting articles. Misa Elgood is president and edilor, Miss Ingram is vice-president, and C. Raikes is sub-editor. This magazine is a credit lo its editors and the school it so ably repre- xents. --Make Hurlburt'; Shoe Store your headquarters while in Bar- rig next week. They will be glad to take charge of your wraps and parcels, Have the glad hand ready for the visilors next week. THE CHOICE FOR THE HOME One of the most perfectly constructed gianos made the world over --possessing a richness of tone, united with a delicacy of touch, that has given it a first place in Canada from coast to coast, and through- out Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, South in France and South America. _ A Heintzman & Co. Africa, and today Piano A bringer of home happiness and joy beyond all comparison with its price -- and yet our price is moderate and so that every home can and should own one of terms convenient these instruments. --THE WEDDING GIFT DE LUXE-- Keenan's Music Representative for Barrie and District -- a aaa ' Store Opp. P. O. Square. SECTION 2 PAGES 9 TO 16 CELEBRATION HEADLINERS Everything Shaping Well for , the Two Big Days Next Week. The last touches are being ap- Dlied to the four months' prepar- alions for Barrie's biggest and best demonstration, on the 24st and 22nd inst The sixteon-page program is being distributed by thousands and if is a safe venture that the most exacting critic will find in it almost a surfeit of events of real outstanding merit. One proof of this is found in' the universal report af every vi to the County's eapital, are coming from our town." The executive, long sinew, was fully alive to its responsibilities and the proprietors of hotels and cafes, church organizations, so. cielies apd private individuals have heen urged by the reception committee and executive genaral- ly fo press into service every facility for serving meals to the multitudes Entries for both the variety and decorated automobile parades are filling well, but it would greatly assist the parade committee to have intending entrants report voluntarily. The executive trusts that mer- chants, husiness houses, indus- tries and individuals will prepare and enter floats and decorated Sars, and thus assist them in their efforts, apart altogether from the competition and good advertising. All soldiers' organizations, 1o- cal and throughout, the eoun! are urged to "fall in" at 1.45 p. m., Monday, and parade to the park to hear the Mayor's address of weleome and the response by Col. M. A. Colquhoun, of Brant- ford, oe ah ts Miss Marshall and Miss 0'Con. nor are away to a good start in their ticket-selling contest for the privilege of a flight from /To- nonto to Barrie with the Demon- stration Aviators. To save Lime and Inhor, friends of each xhould telephone their desire for a place in this most fascinating and newest of pastimes to Miss O'Con- nor, phone 641, or Miss Marshall, 328. Baseball enthusiasts will, be given a real treal, The whole of Monday will be devoted to the weeding-oul provess, and the final game for first place will be played Tuesday forenoon. Programs of the boxing tourna- ment have heen given to the pub- lic and the whole rink is heing Fseated, "Apart from the local in- terest, inquiries from outside give assurance of a capacity audience. The impression must not be taken that the enter- tainment furnished by this most manly of amateur sports is sought by men alone. Ladies at- tend these contests in large num- bers, and there will be reserva- tion for them and their escorts, and out of deference to the fair sex smoking will be taboo.. Tho posters and press notices now being circulated of the Hu- man Eagle, Landrigan's, daring feats can leave no doubt as to the thrilling character of the exhibi- tion to be given by the Colley Aerial Service, The public is once more admonished to pay due re- gard to the necessity for clear park space, as pointedly intimat- ed in the official program. There will be four up-to-date bands, and the 48th Highlanders' concert in the Armouries on Monday evening, under the dir- ection of Capt. John Slatter, needs no special recommenda- tion. Soldiers' sports, in which all branches of veteran bodies, from 'submarine crew to the flying corps, are expected to take part will be novel and unique, and the mililary tattoo and pyrotechnics, in the Exhibition Park on Tues- day evening, will combine the most enchanting attraction' of music by massed bands and dazzl- ing illuminations of Hand's fire- works that has ever been featur- ed north of Toronto. The Stampede on West Dun- Hop St., and the dance 'at revoir,' inthe Armouries will joyfully +|ceptional quality and goad range Sir ies 5 cente $1.80 Poe Year (in sdvancs) PROGRAMME WAS MUCH ENJOYED First Concert by the Barrie Community Choral Society on Tuesday. . No, 25 WANTED AT ONCE | Particulars of Housing and Meals Accommodation for the Celebration on June 21-22, The Citizens' Celebration Com. mittee are anxious to get in touch' with 'all churches, societies, or other organized bodies, as well as all householders, whe wilt guar- pices of the Barrie Community Assoviation for the development of community singing, was given|a@ntee to furnish housing and in the Armouries on Tuesday and{™@eals accommodation for the the programme afforded much en.| immense crowd of visitors com- Joyment to the large audience |ing to Barrie for the Demonstra-- present. More finish and finer{tion on June 24 and 22, Ad- shading in choral work have, por-|4resses and particulars of ac- haps, been shown in some prev. ;commodation available should be ious concerts, hut for pbalance,|8ent in AT ONCE to the Secre- volume and quality of tone in'f@ty, W. R. King, Mickle-Dy- all the sections this chorus has|™ent's Office, Ross Block. 24-50 not heen exeelled in Barrie for SSS many years. In the ten choral Ruben there was ample variety o display Pe voires an ech. SPECIAL CONSTABLES WANTED nique of the singers and the skill for June 21 and 22 of the conductor. One of the Apply to Chief King best was the "Gloria" from the Twelfth Mass, although the in- terpretation was somewhat diff- erent from what is usually) heard. "The Song of the Vik- ings," sung with fine epirit and splendid volume of tone, would have been heard to even better advantage had the tempo been; less accelerated. A sweetly mel- odious selection, artistically ren- dered, was "Sweet, and 'Low, 'sung a capella) and for fine harmony and beautiful blending of the parts there war nothing better than the concluding num. her, "My Old Kentucky Home J. H. Blackmore of Lefroy quite captivated the audience with his spirited rendition of "Nita Gi- (ana" and in response to a mast enthusiastic encore sang "Mona" with fine feeling. Mr. Black- more possesses a tenor of ex- HOUSES FOR SALE Cement brick house on Duffer_ in 8t., 3 bedrooms, clothes closet, sewing room, parlour, living room, kitchen, pantry, good well, cement collar, within calling distance of G.T.R.. Price $2100 Brick house on Blake St., with {wo lots, orchard, nice lawn, - small garden. Price .... Fight-roomed brick house gn Rerezy St., 24 acres of land, barn, water outside. Price... .$3000 'For catalogue and particulars " apply to M. D. Cubitt-Nichols, Barrie ee "FARMS FOR SALE . Farms ranging from 25 to 200 acres and from 81000 to $20000. For catalogue and particulars apply to M.D, Cubitt-Nichols, Barrie. _ HOUSE TO RENT Frame house on Brock St. PROG camcceses $12.00 per month APPLY TO . M. D. Cubitt-Nichols, Barrie and sings with very ¢lear anun- 'oiation, "Home, Sweet Home' and the solo in "Inflammatus,"" served to demonstrate the fine qualities of Mrs. Laidman's beautiful soprano. J, 0. Powell gave a pleasing rendition of "Macushia" (with an accompan- iment of male voices). "Come, Sweel Morning" was a very pret- ty number well given by . Misa Jolnson, Mrs. A. E. Patterson, 8. W, Moore and Alex. Knox, the voices pf the quartette being woll balanctd and blending nicely. 'Several violin selections were given by Miss Frances Wood of Toronto who proved herself an antist of decided ability. She al- so played in a tuneful trio with Miss Claxton and Mr, Harmer. Among the best numbers on the Programme was the _ brilliant piano solo, "Second Rhapsody" hma) by Miss Violet Taylor, and another that found much fa- Vor was "Souvenir de Mozart" by the veteran clarinetist,-J. G. Stott, An important contribu- tion to the programme was the work of the orchestra under the djrection of Mr. Harmer, with Miss Claxton as accompanist. Altogether, the concert was a very enjoyable one and reflected eredi{ on those concerned. It is to he hoped that the Community Choral Society may become a permanent organization with in- creasing enthusiasm, membership and usefulness from year Lo year. ------------ i close Barrie's best effort to honour Simeoe's Demobilized Sol- diers and our Old Boys and Old Girls who cannot forget the good old home town, . WHAT WE MEAN ' BY SUPERIOR TRAINING Every member of our staff has had 'actual office experience as well as 'elus-room experience, Consequent- 'ly they are better fitted to prepare syou for the requirements of the smodera office. Barrie Business College The best equipped in Ontario ' Open all Summer H, A. HENRY, Prin, PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING JAS. CASE, 50 HENRY ST. Phone 888J, P. O. Box 865 --Ideal phonographs at Keen- an's Music Store-- $75, 3135, $160, 8165. No extra tax on these. 25-25¢ | 25.30p-tfe GAS RANGES AND GAS WATER HEATERS GAS FUEL IS CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER, BOTH FOR COOKING AND FOR HEATING ' WATER THE BARRIE GAS CO. LTD. Office and Showroom: Wells Block, Owen Street. Telephone No. 78 --_J..W. McCutcheon, Manager