Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1920, p. 7

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May 4.--Wedding bells "are ringing. Mise Ethel Beelby and Mise 'Topke of Barrie spent/'the week-end with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Beelhy. Mrs, Elizabe'h Ness of Toronto is via. ili "ae FISH! FISH! y Ls We have now a large supply of fresh caught \ {Ft TROUT AND WHITEFISH' and all kinds of Smoked Fish on hand SPECIAL DINNER AND SUPPER served every day in our restaurant iting her sisters here. Mrs, Jobn Barclay is visiting friends in Toronto. Whut might have been a serious accident occurred on the Eighth Line last Sunday evening whea Frank Brewster's car turned turtle, + BO one was seriously hurt. Mrs. Fred Ness spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Pollock, Cookstown. Mrs. Archibald of Toronto is the cuest of her aister-in-law. Mrs. Wm. Johnston. Mrs. H. Maxwell and Mise Roe of Bar rie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Lott Webb. Misses Lena and Georgie Johnston, Miss iil How Canada Solves & , "i Hockbricj id th friends f Orilli We also sell Cooked Fish over the counter visited. their ister, Mrs, He Hushes, on A 4 - Sunday, Take some home for your supper Mr. and Mrs. Chester MeConkey and -- sary Te a, ley ose ar Problem their parents. . : BARRIE F ro i Owing to the severe weather conditions, ve NE ed ' . ) the attendance at the April meeting, held E RYO! wants a light weight In summer the Sedan's wide win- q the ' 4 OPP. BRYSON'S STORE Sahat arn scrm veer anal Ho Sedan fer year 'roand wis. dows welcome every passing breeze. , eine at oties Sexinee _itteated te. Now it is possible to own this Should it turn dusty, showery or cold y stitute' was given by Mrs, F. Wurnica, beautiful Four-Door Sedan, to drive it the car at once affords snug shelter, CTOT ROTOR OIOR SOTOT ORO ROTI Tf kfoR ion lok ok a Bae Wow nae ee over all roads with comfort and safety © Canadian industry created this ™ WE Jinteresting, program : ~on account of Triplex Springs. beautiful Sedan. It is a tribute to Th al business tii will be "1 . 7" . 4 il * NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS j,i", yrecng it They make possible its light weight, "#nufacturing skill. * wald Blick. is a that all mem which means ease of handling and See this car at your nearest Over- ROTOROIOR OR RRR RR ORR ROR ROR ROR OR ook of | bere should be present, f great economy. land dealer's or write for catalogue. CROWN HILL SHANTY BAY ORO STATION ; F May 4.--Owing to illness in the neigh- | May 3. ss Lettie Hart of Orillia Hos-; The stores in Oro Station will close at torhond the meeting of the Women's Jn. pital spent Sunday with her parents. 7 o'clock on Tursday and Friday nights sotute and Farmers' Club, called for May Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Toronto spent a | during the summer. commencing ot: ry 4. 1. has been cancelled until further notice es days in their summer cottage lust Wee ist on of Mr. ant Mr Aes \n epidemic of meuales is visiting thin ("St oy yy eaike dt themes ce # id Mrs, Joseph Packsrd motored | sympathy of the community x & caguog, Coa ® Bowne why children '.'Stroud.and pat" e day with Mec mad | Fe A, Seeds ment Efe ays: with: tin eee little , Mr. VouNorman. family here, de ah eine bey Dene somes bee aaa ies MeMacking of Toronto| Mrs. Gen, O'Brien is whle to eome home warmer weather today gives promis rs rs Rae emai te come: ham Gf improved. ponditsoba spend the summer with us}to her mother's. Mrs ons, ufter being us they have sented the Presbyter-|in the Orillia Hhepital for treatment vn Manse Iutely occupied by Mra. and| Perey Fell of Toronto spent a day in the Misses Moore of Toronto, Mrs,' Moore rp. | village lust) week rently passed way at her bome in Oliver Rows ix in the Orillin Hospital onto, undergoing treatment for rheumatism, | 'The Epworth League is well uttended on| Melville Metcalf spent the week-end 'at his home here James Crawford is bedfast, owing SS. 8.. which will be ad- I she had last week UA Itessed by A. G. Muir of Guthrie. The Jean Myelelland of Orillit Hospital parents as weil as the children are invited | staff visited at her home last week [ty attend. Mother's Day sermon to be| Miss Millie Crawford of Barrie ie nurs preached by the pastor at 3 p.m. Special ing her nother. Mrs. James Crawford. at music by the eboir. R. 0. Bell's . | Quite ® nice purty wos held at the home| Mra, D. MeCusig and' Mrs, Thos Rows fof Mrs. Graham last Friday, the occasion | were called to Gumebridgr on Sunday. tn being u shower tendered to Miss Ethel Wil-|see Mrs. Caron. who died on Monday linms ( now Mrs. Alex. Grab: Many will be sorry hear of her death. "choir and others. Mrs. Grah as she was 4 eal resident of Oro @ number of yeat®been 5 willing worker |fome years ago ay will be observed B. G. ROBERTSON, BARRIE J. Watson Rowe, Beeton Train's Auto Sales Co., Elmvale Head Office and Factories: Willys-Overland Limited,Toronto, Canada Branches: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Regina in' Sunday Sehoal and church and we The Qui tly Reard of the Methodist I jher nnd her busband slong and pri Church was held ot the Beek Chorch on pus life. M ay evening. The peonle of the village are Rind to '4 Cn Clarke. | that George Maleolm will soon arrive |ing Hawkeston e sen eee SEONG Oe cecatine: (iso du, tamtorcone Ee Fae CLOWES |. Read (he Classified Want Ads. Sixteen live pages this week. 4 * N James Pue lot a valuable young horse [representing Shanty Boy, Rev. A. A.| Muy 3.- The meeting of the Young Peo- | meee Fe . on Wednesday lant. Jenner oecupied the chair, ple's Society held in the Congregutional SS er \ ' a Rally Dav art Wother'« Doy will be oh [Church list' Friday night was af ommecal : SEVENTH LINE, VESPRA |<" on morning next tute. these Tuntern "reeutly mur. ; : ned --___-- wert for ime, The ' Ey Seventh ey Vespra. UFO. yee ANGUS pictures were good and Rey, Mr, Knighton held a very successful box social on the gave an interesting geeeriy f exch * evening of Apr. 28. The sha:r was token || May 3 -- Frank MeMulkin of Stroud re |acene. T. Kern : . ibe Ler Wingrove, pireddear of the, Glebel neat ali arquimintance inthe village a] moat' suceessfully © rand the | ! and an interesting program of speeches. |sbort time igo na) Haag? Kes. music and rendings was given. After this! W. A. Robie and family of Walter's ae Mende He he ie Been: iniTor jeamesthe still more interesting part, the| Falls have moved buck to their farm on | °° is nue home. of the attractive --looking| the third line. (i fi. Armour of Toronto, who was al Robert Reifern of Calgary is visting | ills for the week end, calied on friends | ti s here last Sunday. | Mr, Howard Brandon and amuall son/ Douglas spent last week with her wster, | Mrs, James Gray. | | David MeMackon i spending a few days, long to dispose of the contents of same. |in Toronto Coffee served also. The proceeils| Harvey Cripps and family have left the mounted to $58.00, of which $35.00 was | villnge and moved to their house on the THE STRONGEST BRACE WALTER TURTON, Barrie donated to the Armenian Relist Fund dee ion KNOCK Made in Canada! = ™ = Mr. and Mra, Kelly have { Thousands of workinemen are choosiny . Toroiito after visting at Preer Mine's, | May 4.--Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hurst Guaranteed" King 'Tiger "Suspenders because of thelr exceptional comfort and strength, Canadian made from rolld, army leather trimmings: heavy 'elastic web; reinforced back; Ftcel sup. port' In cuxt off: double stitched at all pointe LARGE SIZES FOR TALL MEN! Also made crons back Kiyle AT ALL DEALERS Mado in, Canaca by A"Shepherd ett for Ga] st the week nd with their ater, Me Mr. and Mrs. George Coulson and Gregg |, fielen Nelson, [Ceoksres. visited Pol ss GIVE THE RETURNED SOLDIER A CHANCE * mt Yisited 'Mr. and Mrs, Win. Gregg. over tiutin;taim Jean, Nelson, fa Sunday : . i I = ss Miss Pearl Gibbons entertained a few e H. Bur ton Nee ae alg ee tation Mees ivtends 'ou tha' evening of her bitter | Late Sergt. 20th Batt. Gaines of Ivy spent Sunday at Garfield] "ay 3. ah Miss Florence Connell spent a few days | denpett's, with Mrs, Isnac Allen Inst week. | Mrs. (Rev. gary on Suturd 31% years' Servite in France fngr int werk 'wth her Tuber Mr Me im, Cameron, Allandale, war the gue i roe none ano. of Mrs. F. K. Robertson most of lust week, ono WORK GUARANTEED ON ALL KINDS cM, Walter Gullineton of Toronto spent | Mrs, David Adama has been spending Dit rac OF ELECTRICAL CONTRACTS House wirifig a Specialty at reasonable prices, NO JOB TOO BIG 30 McDonald St. * 1 few days in the village last weck. the past two weeks in Toronto. HAWKESTONE Rally Doy in' the school and Mother's Day will be observed in the Methodist Church next Sunday, Those having mo- ther living will wear a red blossom. those whose mother ia dead, a white. Old hymns and special music. Miss Katie McK: Orillia Hospital. Dave Pugsley is here at present and fam glad to report that he has good hope ofthe sight returning to his damaged eye. which it was once feared he would lose entirely, Box 431 is about the same in Have Your . Stanley Shaw unfortunately has had to Cleaning Done. ecient ined . by an end of wire which flew up after be- ' ing cut. Mrs, 'T. Adams has suffered a stroke, By Experts nt Se eee daughters. Clothing, household draperies, lin- . HOLLY en and delicate fabrics can be clean- May, 8--Mies| Rita \Oasapbell! 'aséoen- ed and made to look as fresh and pe el by 9 tend, motored from Toronto . ' the week-end, brigitt 'as when first bought. Miss Lizzie Gibson has returned from ' Wisconsin. U.S.A, " e ° James Brown, and daughter Clara have disposed of their houre in Midland an eaning and Dyeing [iies./Sose Herbert Lougheed has purchased sew = Ford car, ¥ . IS PROPERLY DONE AT PARKER'S Mrs, Chas. Campbell visited ber mother, It makes no difference where you live; parcels can Mee, kaon, Me (Ceca FL, (6a dag Het be sent in by mail or express. -The same care and 'We. Glison i under: the nokia eats, ee cret te ' tnd | Bvange arpe's Gospel Band from attention is given the work as though you lived in Barrie visited Holly Methetist Cherch et town. : Sunday and conducted a very inspiring 2 ; , meeting. All were glad to see a large con- ' We will Be pleased to advise you on any roan glad question regarding Cleaning or Dyeing : WRITE US. 7 imi DALSTON PARKER'S DYE WORKS. Limited Dh gum ein wd tin me for che W. L. wi in the CLEANERS and bie Congregational Churih on Thursday, May 4 St SORES | rong * 'oronto , commencing at 2p. re . . to 791 Yonge St. and those intending to Some of the beauties in the Musical Comedy success, "Keeping U p With the Joneses," coming tv | : to be present, the Grand Opera House 'next Monday night, May 10. -Seats now selling. mi 7 | - 1 \ j | | | | rH

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