Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Apr 1920, p. 4

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Big Special Production "FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE" in 7 big Reels You don't see thiskind of production every day, so don't miss it. --ALSO-- Rees In'Owen Sound, where gas sells for $1.26 per 1000 net, the mun- icipal plant made a profil last year of $2432. Having given us-over & foot of snow on the 7th of April, Old Man Winter should be satisfied tovretire and make way for Mise Gentle Spring Who sa9s the high. vost of iv- ing will never come down? A story comes from the Stales that there has been a de- cline of seven cents a gross in the price of jewsharps. United | COMMENT OF THE WEEK uy a * \ ; THE BARRIE EXAMINER' ! Thursday, April 8, "1920 - of.a fixed date every fourth year for the {general elections. By this the party jockeying that,has been the practice will be elimin- ated. The public will know as much about the date of the eler... tion as the inner circles of the party in power. There will be no months of guessing either on the part of the electors or the min- istry. This is reform that will be acceptable generally, TAYLOR'S OFFER SOME STRIKING VALUES IN BOYS' AND GIRLS' STURDY FOOTWEAR FOR THIS WEEK-END Conditions regarding rest-/ room accommodation, as report. ed in the letter of the Stroud Wo- men's Institute read at this week's HEALTHY BOYS AND GIRLS NEED STRONG SHOES It's only natural that they should want to be out of doors a good deal Ben Topi mS new = ai © --- souelen ot foe ere comnell ace regardless of the weather. Mack ett Comedy ewmarket Express-- Pre etly a re ome | Drury is giving evidence that ex-|dicted when the rest room on It may be bad for their shoes, but it's mighty good for the children. hy Entitled perience in parliamentary prove- | Bayfield 8t. was discontinued and But you d . Sua "UNCLE TOM WITH- 3) 'ure is not absolutely nedensary ce plan for using certain hotels ut you needn't WHS about their Shoes if they are Taylor's, 8 to successful leadership in e| substituted. Money paid out un- of ws OUT THE CABIN" der thi Fi few of i House. jer the prosent arrangement is are a few of our Srecaalss Mi In this travesty on pragtionl'y {brown awas, Bs far Boys' and Youths' Fine Qualit Mi Boot Blucher styl ae "Uncle 'Tom's. Cabin," {| ,mmodeet drese and clears on ee tue aecommodation ta "Gain Boots, Blacher 'out ts, ade of best quality Box Kip. tal smoking among women wt 8 4 Nf 5 made of best quality Box iP. ailis Ben reaches the height of $/among the evils condemned at| concerned. Gh nee let her moles and aa stout soles, low heels. Th his fun- making. You'll $) the sixth snaual conventita' of gen ; ie ae ie Bizen 11 Lo Beseserevvess voce never see a better com- the Women's Missionary . Adi Canada's National Railway -- of the Presbyterian Chuccl 0 | System, including the G.T.P., last Boys' and Youths' Stout Solid Misses' Boots in dark tan, high over edy anywhere till the next Mack Sennett is shown here. Owing to the length of this program the first show will start at 7.15, second 9 p,m, Admission 16 cts. ~ Monday and Tuesday April 12 and 13 NORMA TALMADGE aoa] Nass "THE NEW MGON" and Big V Comedy Wednesday - Thursday April 14 and 15 "VICKY VAN Stratford recently. The Ontario Government pro- jPases to extend the municipal | franchise to all the adult mem- 'hors of the householder's family. | What is needed much more is 'some plan whereby those at pre- |sent entitled to vote in munici- pal affairs can be compelled to jexercise their franchise. It 1s 'said thal aman average not more than fifty percent. of the avail- jable vote'is polled in municipal | vlections The Drury elvetion bill hax a) the operating loss wax 814,000.- The | 000. number of good features most outstanding is the naming "WE SLICE YOUR BACON to the thickness you like Jroads are to pay their way, year had a total deficit of 847,- leather Blucher Cut Boots, Heavy top, lace style, sewn soles, med- 000,000. While the publicly- soles and good wide heels, ium narrow toes, low heels, owned roads, comprising the C. Sizes 11 10 13 + $2.85 Sizes 11 to 2... N.R. and the 1.C.R. and the Trans- | Sizes {to 5... -93.45 conlinental had increased revenue | Lad's Boots in Box Kin Blucher Girls' Boots in dark brown for the yeur ending December 31 | cut style, good broad, aolid Blucher style, sewn soles, low over the twelve months previous. leather aoleli; low: lieels, heels, sturdy and strong, operating, costs Jumped from Bizes Bw LOb.cecev ee . Sizes 8 to 108. 884,000,080 to 8108,000,000. The MEN'S WORK SHOES National System, not ineluding the G.T.P., whieh in 1919 was still operating us a private rail- are here in many styles, exceedingly moderate in price, including a Very Strong Blucher Cut Boot in either tan or black, with plain toes, made over a wide last, full double solid leather soles, Sizes 6 to 11. way, earned $94,000,000 during the year, which was almost $12,- 000,000 more than during 1918. Notwithstanding this increasw. The people of Canada may expect big increases in freight jand passenger rates if these That portion of the new On- jtario Election Act which shifts \the burden of preparing the pro- vineial voters' lists upon the municipalities is not likely to be very enthusiastically -- received RAILWA SYSTE BARRIE TIME TABLE GRAND TRUN fe best. when the local councils realize (In effect Dec. 29, 1919) ! with Ethel Clayton Ingersoll breakfast Bacon !ihe extent of the additional ex-| 5 times of Trains Leaving and Arriving "File ind Gauadie i per Ib. BSc | |2enditure they will be called upon ee Tiday an aturday 3} Jt f& to meet. Tl is proposed to make y 7 Ingersol! back Bacon, pet the municipal votors" list chide Fram: Toreate WM. Sue HART "THE MONEY CORRAL" 4 0 Four - {OPERA HOUSE: Friday and Saturday & | . APRIL 9. AND 10. \ CECIL'DEMILLE'S PASTRY FLOUR A shipméht of the Moss Rose brand just in. svery year the names of all per-| qi 4 duly sxeent Sunday, Toronto te sons entitled to vote in provine| No. 45° daily, except Bunter, Toronto cial uns. 'This will tmean|to Gravenhurst, much ligher printing bills, in-| No, 9, The creased pay for assessors un ac-|day and Satunt count of the extra work and, in| U-48 p.m. Other days toNorth Buy, many cases nu doubt, greater re. To Toronto muneration to clerks for the ad-| No. 46, daily except Monday, North MISS L. E, Wit LERS Successor to the late Miss Doar Have you tried this, the | | | JIFFY-JELL finest of jelly powder? ditional work (hey will be called upon to do. 'The clerk of Orillia estimates that adding the par- Bay to Toronto, 5.15 a.m. No, 42, daily except Sunday, Graven hurst to Toronto, 8.40 a.m. No, 10, The National, Mondays, 'Thure liamentary voters to the list will the Spirella Co: a 3 rn re MA, AD enhent fore Soi Goma Gomonsy | Per package «~~ 206 | Jincrvasn the cost $1000 rr yeur| tisr gnon, en nee Hevea NORMA TALM GE Secs ce wie wissabie DATES to that town. In Barrie, last| No. 44. daily exeept Sunday, North Bay "THE NEW MOON" Y et an po year's enumeration showed over|to Toronto, 5.10 p.m. i Address--f Charlotte St.. Barrie, Ont. Still some left at 20c¢ Ib. Iwice as many names as ure on Hamilton-Meatoré Line 1 at the Grand Opera House, on April {2 and 13 the municipal list which would| No. 60, Mesford to Hamilton, 8.40 a.m | HORSE RADISH indicate, at a conservative osti- . 61, Hamilton to Meaford, 10.5: | mate, an annual increase of 8500 ; 62, Meaford to Hamilton, 6.1 or $2000 for cach parliamentary], No. 63. Hamilton lo Meaford, e i : ya| 7.15 p.m. election, which Barrie would have] "iy Baty Sunday. | Im making cuke accurscy in proportion-| A cut lemon rubbed on the forehesd will , Jing the ingredienta in necessary to the wuo-|cure a severe headache. 'cew of the cake. + A pinch of bicarbonate of, soda mixed THE BARRIE MARBLE Home-made, per jar. 20¢ AND GRANITE WORKS | ig en detins Take look at our | |{o bear' The townships will not enetany. Line | ee eee lt tar dar pol Sie Se Oa castoek cutting Wok Satie: Weak Bargain Table fionately, for the percentage. of|, ffm Penetang, about 9.00 am. ano {ishing the wax "will diolve- quickly. ded first fi d aiticles at small f 5.25. p.m 'A drop of cinnamon and three or four| French chalk spplied to grease spots on Canadian, Scotch and Amer- or good articles at small} )names not on the municipal list|""T, "penetang, 10.10 a.m, and about |drops of vanilla added to pot of choco: |flannel suite brings out the grease if the Me eunile Menurnents, prices. fs amalicn: "tn Verna' ihe padi 7.16 p.m. late will greatly improve the flavor. garment is held near the fire, egal 6 cere slight. All kinds of Cemetery Work ly over seventy-five per cent. Sisicd calteniin given ti SPECIAL which would probably mean that OD -- AEN, Inceription Cutting. FOR SATURDAY sea rioting, Suu the: oches extea - . ' items the township would have All work neatly and artiat~ Mild cheese, {b. » aes to pay fully 8150 pad year more J. F. MURPHY Fresh Prunes ... | MERRICK & LISTER At Prices Ranging from $25.00 to $50.00 You can select here from an assortment of in connection with its voters' list. However, it's an ill wind thal blows nobody good. Under the new Act, printers with, muni- Veteran = _- Proprietor cipal contracts stand @o get e . bd Aigiee anil Works: 2 Dunlop St. about. double the amount of work tvlis ults or rin 79 Bayfield St. Phone 734 Phones 67 and 93 in printing the lists. Da , nam 7 jant Trees which have no counterpart for elegance of design or beauty ' - MOTOR UNDER THIS FLAG tient mechenis of an attannbile pos-|and desirability as follows: DISTINCTIVE ca sessen plenty of intelligenée with which} "Their advantages--As memor- YOU WANT good ser- to dope oui his battery. And ne ought |ials to our soldiers and sailora; NECKWEAR FOR ways beautiful; as furnishing battery is in good shape. rangements of bis ad the better care he} shade and preventing dust; as SPRING 'We specialize in storage is going to take of them--and my perton- | improving certain kinds of roads: vice from your self- starter be sure your 4 battery work. We aredis- tributors for the famous "Exid¢e"' Battery, "the g@lant that lives in 4 box." All makes of batteries inspected free ot charge. OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTOR AND SERVICE STATION 4 REAR OF SIMCOE HOTEL FIVE, POINTS i Formerly of The Auto' Electric Service Q 'Station, Toronto Why Not Get Acquainted With Your Battery? "Talk to the average motorist about purbureter adjustments, cylinler 'synchron- ion, gear shaft alizaments, or any imple little matter like that," remarked Mr. L. Brennan, manager' of the local "Ei! Service Sta:ion,-"'and he's right with you on every ecunt, Ask him to explain to you the sction of hid storage buttery and he'll usually go-down to the,end of the class without o struggle. "And yet there is no real reason for to do it. Experience proves that the more 8 motorist knows about the internal ar- al opinion "is that many a, good starting and lighting battery is ined 5 just because its owner doesn't' know the i rimple principles of ite action, I'm not much of a leotitrer, but it is my object, jst as it is that of every 'Exide' Service Man the country round, to help my customers to get the absolute best out of their bat- teries; and I'm willing to sit down eny time and give them an enlightening little. discourse on the whats and of storage battery theory and practice, I'm-there to a x 'of husband--it's much better to live when it's properly understood.'" At the meeting of the Parks Commission this week Mr. Staple- ton suggested that something be done to encourage the planting of trees on the streets, While it is doubtful if the Commission could use its funds for this pur- pose, the suggestion ix one de- serving attention from the citi- zens. 'Trees are 1 source of beauty and happiness. and in this con- nection the Canadian Forestry Journal in discussing roadside trees points ou! their advantage of workmanship and finish. 'This is an excellent time to put them to the test. We are showing the new models for Spring. WATSON'S AND PENMAN'S LIGHT WEIGHT UNDERWEAR in wool, and wool and cotton mixtures. Prices are steadily advancing, therefore it will pay you to buy now and save money. ? Prices $1.00 to $3.50 ; bet that the average life of the average} 'Desirable and undesirable u : W. L. BRENNAN battery in these parts would be co: kinds -- Desirable: long-lived, P. 'ARKER'S a ett Meghan they absorbed my #l-Iheautiful treos, such 88 oaks, DYE WORKS . |Undesirables: as making our highways and by- Our patterns and shapes are the very newest, and we are offering exceptional values'in our neckwear. Prices $1.00 to $2.00 as preventing growth of roadside weeds; as producing food for man, beast and bird. "How to secure them--Préserv- ing and protecting trees both young and'old already growing. Planting young trees. "Where to secure them--From the fields or woods; from roli- able nurseries. elms, ashes and hard maples. short-lived quick- 8 cotton CLOTHIER growing trees, such 'voods.or soft maples."

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