THE BARRIE EXAMINER eee ' : | 0 | ko Auction Sale of Cattle and Pigs|é PERSONAL . ' PTT Tro tt tr 'The undersigned has received instructions from , ea Dougall is visiting Mrs. W. J. Denault of Henisworth Township] cists so'tordsse™™ "°° 5 n "i Mrs. Hi Norton is visiti to sell by Public Auction at ood friends in Meaford, : JOS. MARRIN'S YARDS, BARRIE Otto Craig was with his par- on Saturday, April 17th , Page Thirteet® UNION EVANGELISTIC SERVICES week, except Saturday, at 8 p.m., and on Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. CONDUCTED BY Rev. G. M. Sharpe AND HIS ASSISTANTS SPLENDID MUSIC BY A MASSED CHOIR OF 200 VOICES home , |ents for the holidays. from Toronto for Easter. é Archie Higgs of Toronto spent THE FOLLOWING : Kaster at his home here. April 10th. foot. Enstertide with his parents. 1 Durham cow, 5 yrs. olf, due|! black cow, 4 yrs, old, fresh. Miss Ailsa Grey spent the hol- April 7th, { Durham cow, 4 yt. old, due|idays with friends in Elmvale. April 16th. 20 voung catlle, 1 yr. old Qnd 2} onto for the Easter holidays. 1 Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh,} yrs, « : 'Ve 3 ' | a Mrs. Graham and daughter of $ Jersey cow, milking. Dundas are visiting Mrs. Pae. Harry McCutlough was 4 Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, due] { Hereford cow, 5 yrs. old, calf at} Allan Sutcliffe of Weston spent { Durham cow, 3 yrs. old, due] May 5th Miss F. N. Warren was in To- 4 Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old, fresh.| 16 young pigs. Mi Pati of Brantford wan au The above are all good, big, young cows, and all will be sold! Master guest at R. H Webb's. without reserve as Mrs. Denault is giving up dairying. Mica Tata' Weight Hf Mimieo| LED BY MR. CHARLES RUDD TEAMS OF SALF--Six months' credit will be given to parties fur-|SPent Easter at 8. C. Walker's. i MISS WOOTEN, MR. SHARPE, AND MR. RUDD WILL SING AT nishing approved joint notes, 6 per cent per annum off for cash.|_, Mrs: S. Weaymouth spent EVERY SERVICE. a aster with friends in Toronto. ; Sale at 1 p.m. With comfortable seats, and well heated and lighted, this splendid Miss Edith Curlis spent a few ape THEO! building is filled to capacity every night. There's a reason. days with her sister at Chippewa. | Miss Mabel Powell is spending ']] - W. A. McCONKEY, Auct. Whiter Frente and Sasutier CREDIT SALE a month in London and Chatham. SOLOIST AND PIANIST.......... MISS K. WOOTON so ine ee ror tenaal| Of Farm Stock & Implements! ing her wencin, Mee Pei Reddit PERSONAL WORKER.......... MRS. G. M. SHARPE and Jackson's Point. J. F. Leonard of Toronto vis-| CHOIR LEADER . -.....MR. RUDD. For estalogues of same. upply to, Th usenigned tae rv feroeto™ [ited al Ba We Rhinehart: tate Preach a n ace YE De Coben D- CobieNicbols JOE BALFE wet Florence Shaughnessy | 7 eid eek cera an SHARPE anes areas Lot 19, Con. 8, Veipes wae list home in) Angus for Collection at each service to help defray expenses. " | ese ice [PRES ots ve wath COME! YOU WILL ENJOY YOURSELF. 'ees te few el EVERYBODY WELCOME | HORSES--Horw. 9 ym old. heavy horse, 8 yrs. old, heavy; driving mare, c- |, ing 6 yrs.; driving mare, 7 yrs., (extra | good driver) Le CATTLE--Cow, 4 yrs. old, milking Gordon Reeve and Maurice Es- ac, «weet clover, 20 ac, ready for spring | at their homes for crop. The land is good cluy loam, good | gravel and sand pit on the property, wo Al bunk, barn, sheep pen, hog pen. ebick en houses, This property will be sold in MeLarty spent) of 'onto were at Frank Rob- WE POINT WITH PRIDE elf | Block or all together. Th butcher shop | ¢T: 2.¥rs. old, due Apr. 12. cow old. in Toronto and/ertson's, Worsley St., for Easter, would make a good general store as it ix due in May; 2 steers, rising 2 yra, old; 2) Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Bradley of to the many handsome sanitary : bathrooms we have equipped. And the owners of them are Just as proud ax we are. Not one of them but is glad he made the change from the old unsanitary, | Miss Marguerite Carley was in|-poronto were over the faster visitors with Easter| Mr. and Mrs. C. P. White, Hollon Haugh is spending the Easter holidays with bis grand- on a good main roud und just out of the corporstion. fine little barber shop in the best part of Barrie. Price cesses $3,500 heifers. rising 2 yrv. old; calf, 3. months old. Collingwood holidays Miss Bessie Johnson is in To- A number of fowl. IMPLEMENTS--Binder, 6 ft, cur. Trost & Wood: sulky rake, seed-deill, 2 lumber > A good busi: block for sale Allandale. nto or y is Y= : ee : iness b ial ir sale is fae wagons, 2 seta sloop elvighs, cutter, neatl onto with her aunt, who is ser and Mrs. J. Bingham. tnaltnabtives kind . : 0 | ee Pree tect nna 'roller, 'wongle jiowsly il : Mie send dura: Elletenocat Han altractive kind to the modern > For catalogue of above Oe oe ee Stiveier: Serndbe Lee | Mr. and Mrs, Craig Wright of) i ae Mee teins with | stsle, Want us to figure on one APPLY TO Town, ate of iron harrows, single | Hamilton were with Mrs. Palling | iO" Were casler ve ae for you? Quinlan. | Mr. and Mrs. Db. d, donnelt {Frank Qninlan of Hamilton alsoj ae rora| Was home uroca) "Miss Margaret Elliot( spent Sunday and Monday in Hamilton mpanied home by MOFFATT & PARR 'Sele Agents for "Hecle"™ Furnaces Plumbers, Pnone 631, Sarrte M.D.CUBITT-NICHOLS | 22") 1022's Ste ati ae | Mer and Mrs. K. 8 nesss, long-tug, nearly new; ect single har-| spent Easter vacation ness; drivggbelt, 44 ft. long, 8 in. wides| any Tor dO ft. gasoline launch for sale. 3 erosscut Mtws, 3 canthooks, 2 wets double: | 7 Toran 5 6. Weenie ae 2 hoat hous-s for sale treet; neckyoke, cook stove, also forks. | Sel Mes fs errick. an Fee teed fen the {agi Ws HEC For price and particulars of the above |ehains, shoves. and many other ticle. | SOUS Wore | | Htntinnt fiw they ae mother, wha has spent the} - apply to All will be sold without reserve ax the |"! winter there Fire at Oro Station l New Picture Theatre YVarm: has:'bean sal J. Brown of Barrie Business| SC OUT TERMS OF SALE--All sums of 10.09) "liege spent Faster al bis home} |. 4), a hae! and under, cash; over that amount 7/in Gravenhurst. of the Peale te M. D. Cubitt-Nichols FARMS FOR SALE IN SIMCOE COUNTY rank Foyston st Saturday morning the Jolin Bingham & Son today> team visit-| br house on what was fortoer- purchased a lot at the rear of ' months' credit will be given ty parties} Mrs. W. 8, MeClinton of Mid- ed with Mr, and Mrs. D. Jacobs /1y the J. MeL. Stevenson farm at the Bank of Nova Seotia om furnishing approved joint notes. 6' per| land spent Good Friday with Mrs. over Sunday on their way backjQro Station was destroyed by which they will erect a new home annum off for cash on credit +ume Marr, Mary St to the Coast fire, A defective flue is suppos, for "Dreamland" whieh will have 50 se., bank barn, drive shed, xeven-room. ed cottage with fine view of the Lake.) For quick sale for $4.000. Possession at onee. 100 se, Oro, brick house, barn, cow stable, horse stable, drive shed, hen hows. | 'i 15,000 | Price mon . 40 ac. Tonisfil. log house and small Fr Price 81,900 150 ue, Vespra. including stecke and im-| plements. Price .:- a. 500 | 100 ac., InnixGl. cement brick house. 14; se. Orchard, Price $8,000 60 ac. Oro, eight room frame house. frame burn, two driving sheds, Price. 3.500 51 we. Veapra. platered house, bank barn, | cement house for poultry. driving. shed. | Price .jiveutevgee $3.590 | 140. se. Vespra, five room brick house, | gSod stable; drive shed, soil clay loam, lots of water. Price vee. $3.00. | 150 ac... Vespa, soil clay loam. good trout | M.D.CUBITT-NICHOLS CLARKSOM BLOCK, BARRIE Don't forget to read the advts --live news from live merchants Always a full line to choose from at reason- able prices. Quality and Service our | The poe spon | heifer. 3 yrs. old; 6 steers, | walking plow. set iron barrows, 12-bull, Sale at 1p. W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer. CREDIT SALE Farm Stock and Implements wslereigned haa received instructions from MRS. S. MCMASTER Lot 27, Con. 6, Vespra to sell by Public Auction on Thursday, April 15, 1920 the following: HORSES--One maiched team of mares. 6 yrs. old. Clyde. . CATTLE--Cow, rising 4 yrs. old, 2 cows, rising 9 yrs. old: cow, rising 6 yr, old; 4 cows, 5 yr. old; 4 cows, 10 ym. old;| ising 3 yr, old, almost beef; 3 steers, rising 2 ym. old, slmost beof; 4 heifer calves, 1 yr.; 5 bull calves, 1 yr. ' PIGS AND HENS--6 fut pigs, about 70 ens, IMPLEMENTS--Riding plow, Cockshutt, wagon, manure spreader, Corn King; single bugay., buggy pole, set light double har- ness, set single harness, mower, MeCor- jick, binder, Frost & Wood, 7 ft, cut; Bain; set scales, 2000 Ibs., cid: t presd, Capital separator, 800. FEED--500 bus, mangolds, a yuantity of ensilage, a quantity of hay. AUTOMOBILE--One car, Chevrolet. TERMS--All sums of $10.00 and under cash; over that amount 9 months' credit will be given parties furnishing approved joint notes. 59% per annum off for cash on credit auma. W. A. McCONKEY Ip. A Houses for Sale Around Barrie and Allandale A fine brick house on Penetang 8t. and 10 roughcast houses, with large stable $15,000. and shed. Price \. A fine cement house on Innisfil Street. Sale Price .. + $2,600 Double brick house 'on Louisa Street. Pric + $4,500 Avenue. Price . - $5,500, Double 'brick "howe on Mary Street. $2,200 Price .. Roughcast house on James St. Price $900 Brick house on Wellington St. Price $2.500 Brick house on Penetang St. Price $3,500 Roughesst house on Toronto Street. " Price ... +++ $1,200 Brick house on Adelaide St. Price $3,000 Brick house on Cumberland 8t. Price $1,800 Double brick house on Cumberland Street. Price ++ $2,800 Fine residence on Worsley 8t. Price $5,300 Large roughcast boure on Bayfield St., all Motto. M. J. Brennan Phone 51 conveniences, Price «$4,000, Frame house on Centre Bt electric light, large lot Roughcast house on Came large lot. Price .... For catalogue of houses, apply to ~!cousin, Miss 'Tanis MacLaren, for Miss K. came from Toronto with Miss 'ave Fisher for the Faster vacation. Miss Alice White of Orillia was the gnest of Miss Muriel Green- wood for Easter. Mrs, Lount came from 'Taron- to to spend the Easter holidays |with Mrs. Barwie Mrs. John Hugh Kelly town for F Miss Helen Brasier of Toron- to is visiling her grandmother, Mrs. Carley, Peel St Annie Burton of Elmvale was the guest of Miss Ina Pater- son over the holidays. Miss [., Crowson of Toronto was the guest of Miss Irene Irv- ing on Faster Monday, Miss Marjorie MeDonald spent Faster with her sister, Miss Treno MeDonald, Detroit, Mich. Miss Hazel Reekie has been ac- eepled as a nurse in training at the Royal Victoria Hospital. 'Yom Creswicke of Toronto and Mal Creswicke of Kingston M. C. were home for the holidays. Mi D. Ellis of Orillia and Arthur Ellis of Toronto were at G, O. Cameron's for the holidays. Mrs. Ronald Patterson and son of Toronto were in town for Easter; also Gordon Patterson. H. W. Payne has returned to the Soo to resume his position with the Northern Navigation Co. Mr. and Mrs. 8. K. Lount of Toronto were with the latter's mother, Mrs. Mare, over the hol- idays, A. R. Girdwood is in Toronto attending the annual meeting of the Ontario Educational Assoo- jation. Miss Ella Coleman and Mrs. Henry and son of Toronto were at F, C. Coleman's for The Easter holidays. Mias Nancy Wright of Brank- some Hall, Toronto, was with her ons and Mrs. Gilford were in Eastertide. Mr. and Mrs. Carlaw, Dane Harvey, 8. Orr and Mr. Shaw of Toronto were week-end guests at Judge Vance's. Mrs. John King, who has been visiting her niece, Miss Clara King, leaves for her home in To- ronto on Saturday. Miss Ford, a graduate of Col- lingwood hospital, has been ap- pointed assistant superintendent of the R. V. Hospital. Mrs. C. J. 8. Banting, Miss Lillian, and Robert Banting and daughter wére guests of Mrs. R. W. Payne over the holiday. D'Alton Robertson of the Civil M.D.CUBITT-NICHOLS Phone 31 BARRIE Res. Phone 62 Service, Ottawa, and Miss Ford Miss Myrtle fill of Toronto spent the holiday with her pare ents, Mr and Mrs, Wm. Hill, San- ford St Miss Iva Jackman of ner alse was an Easter via- itor al Mr. Will's. Miss Stella Dawley and Miss Naomi Metniosh of Tors spending the East with Mrs. Andrew Carson. lett Carson of Toronto also is home for Faster. "Bobby" Rowe paid a visit, to his parental home this week before returning to Seattle. In the final Stanley Cup, match he received an injury in the eye but it did not prove serious. F. A. Malcomson and W. C, Hunter attended the meeting of the Referendum Committee in To- ronto on Tuesday, when the much-diseussed difference be- tween Rev, Dr. A. S, Grant and Rev, Ben Spence took place. Ilis many friends were glad to see Dr, Fred A. Ross again this week affer an absence of over! fonr and a half years, during which time he has been engaged! as a surgeon with the British | Army Modical Corps. Since the} cessation of hostilities Capt.! Ross has been most of the time! with the army of occupation on! the Rhine Henry-- Hadden When Mr. H. A. Henry, of the Barrie Business College, return- ed ffom the Easter vacation he did not come alone, having béen wedded on Enster Monday to Miss Myrtle Hadden of Detroit. Rev. Dr, Smith of the Central Metho- dist Chureh, Detroit, tied the nuptial knot. Mr. and Mrs. Henry will reside at 30 Mulcaster St. @. W. V. A. Dance | Despite the decidedly unpleas- ant weather, a large crowd turned out to the G, W. V. A. dance in the Town Hall, Monday night. Strathdee's or- chestra furnished excellent mus- ic and refreshments were pro- vided by the Women's Auxiliary. All voted the dance quite a suc- cess. Don't fail to read the classified adlets. They are money-savers. Olive Olls Are Never Uniform Like ~ AprROL 'The Sweetest Ol! from Apricots ed to have heen the cause. Mark Twain In the days wben interesting people came to Canada to find it freshly Interest ing there was nobod could reveal the spirit of the land to them like George Ham of the C.P.R, It is said be put Major Pond of the United States out of business, Why go on a wearl- pome lecture tour you to Winnipeg and on through the delights of the Rockles in all the comfort of & sumptuous coach? Great per. sonages deseech him to call them by ames, He has loaned matches to ascertaining have got 20 for = change, esco! apacity of 00 of Canada MR. GEORGE HAM. 'There did once seem to be s time venture to come to Canada without firs® them, He id te mind, Many men whose signatures think of forgetting to send him their Christmas cards than they would AIRERTER aie e iH SaRRES leoting a royal the and revelling in his high spirits. Ham {a the Mark been a profitable acquaintance patented any of his fa- hears them on the stage. George Ham was sot - charge when the watch and chain were stolen. - Canada testified hay it and indefal ead