Page Twelve EXAMINER CLASSIFIED WANT ADS. The cost of advertising in this column is One Cont Per Word Each Insertion, with a minimum _sharge of 25 cents per issue. given for the price of four. 'Terms cash. Six insertions will be Where replies are directed to this Office an additional charge of 10c will be made. The foregoing rates are for CASH. When not paid for before the paper is issued, an additional charge of !0c will be made on all ads. less than one dollar. Help Wanted ny MAID WANTED--Apnly at 60 Mary street WL GIRL WANTED at Olympia Candy 1' 10tfe BALESLADY WANTED--Apply to Powell & Co, 18-4f GOOD MAID wanted---Apply The Ameri- can Hotel. litle. BREAD DRIVER Wanted--Apply Brown's Bakery 1515p GOOD MAL WANTED--Appiy to Albert Bryson, 40 Bradford street. 10tfe GIRIS WANTED to learn oporating. H. L. Waits, Ltd. King Block. Burne. 15-15p SALESLADY WANTED--One with experi- ence in Dry Goods preferred, Devlin & Murchison. Ltfe ---- PLAIN COOK Wanted--$30 month; no washing or ironing. Apply at ones. Mrr. Herold Dyment, High street. litle to Mrs, R. A S§ street, Barrie. en YOUNG TADY WANTED for position as junior clerk and stenographer. Oppor- Tunity for advancement. Salary $35,00 per month. Apply Box "D", Rxaminer. Tue WANTED.-Responsible men to sell Raw- leigh's Good Health Produc's. An op: portunity ta get into business for your. self nt an occupation that iv pleasant. profitable. sad permanent Must be nble to furnish neveptable contract xo cured by two sureties, and to provide © teum and wagon or auto. Industrious. eapable men secure large returns for their efforts, Largest and best known list of Made in Canada household ne- cassities furnished on terms to meet your businers requirements. Address The W. T. Rawlégh Co., Ltd. Dept, 118, Lon- don, Onturio. Wanted LIVE POULTRY WANTED, Highest prices Will call. = M, Alexander, 142 Bradford St.. Phone 322 10-16p, two BOARDERS WANTED--Room for meti, railroad men preferred, at 80 San. ford St., within calling distance of G.T. R, 1116p WANTED TO BUY --A small House, crust have bath and furnace, garden prefer- red. H, M. Feaver, Box 22. Burling ton. 1516p QUALIFIED TEACHER, wented for $ S. No, 7, Vespra. salary $800 per num, Du'ies to commence Apr. 12. Ap ply to Albert Ford, RR. No, 2, Barre 15 15e FURNISHED FLAT wanted. with heating or part furnihed houss with use of kit chen, Permanent if suited, AK. Trav ers-Bailey. Reeve's Jewelry Stor. Bar tie. 1815p BEEF HIDES AND SKINS AND FURS ANTED -- Highest "prices paid, ant yon guarsn eed Will call any within driving distance. Come nornings or or Saturdays, H. Burne, Phone 384 3-16 wf place an the Levit TRACHER WANTH fine, exvericnced, for 8. 8. No. 9. Exa. to commener after Easter. school cun- venien' to stations und churches. ealiry seven hundred or more according :o perience, J. "H. McCann, Sec'y-Treas, Utopia. 15-159 x: Eggs for Hatching WGGS FOR HATCHING--My pen of eight B. P. Rock pullet have Laid 171 eges in March. Thir ia headed with a pure bred-to-lay, cockerel bought from L. R. Guild's best Settings, $2.00 W. W. Mall, Bus 15-15p WHITE WY EGGS To my Regal s'rain f have introduced * ict" blood direct from Suunders. Thi will improve the size and vitality. Doz- ens of satisfied customers testify to the winter laying qualities of my strain. Just try them and see. Evgs $2.00 per fif- teen. A. F. A. Malcomson, Barrie, Phone 447. 13-240 FGGS FOR HATCHING--Do hens pay? Yes, if you have the kind that lay. My pen' of 33 Rhode Island Reds produced + Trom December 15th to March 15th 135 dozen, averse price 75c, total $101.25. Get the kindof henx that Iny in winter and make money. Settings $1.50 and $2.50 according to pen, W. C. Hun'er, Box 475, Barrie, Cutts 'WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS for hatch- ing,. laying strain, trap nested, averaged Hromt 220 to 235 per hen for one yenr; also exbibition strain, at Barrie Fair I won 3 first, 3 special ribbons, 5 dollar apecial for best bird in Wyandotte class, 50 being exhibited; also 1 win on the 3-year cup. W. H. Tooth, 59 Donald St., Barrie, Phone 784. 14-199 : Lost and-Found 'COLLIE PUP LOST--On Sunday, Apr. 4. Finder please call at 2 Collier Street, Barrie. 15-15e OST-In Barrie, i post offide or Clark- 'son House on Saturday, April 3, sable muff, lined with grey 'velvet. Finder please leave at this office, Reward: zt Property To Let ae ich 7 she aad SOTTAGE TO LET. Apply Mr. Cres- wicke. 15-15p |FOR SALE--Old-fashioned kitchen Articles for Sale LIGHT TRUCK POLE and sbafts in good shape, for sale. G. G. Smith & Co. l4-tfe PANDORA RANGE and gas stove, for sale, also other furniture. Apply a! this of- fice. BW le SINGER SEWING MACHINE for Sale--In first-claw condition, Enquire at this office. 15-15p BABY CARRIAGE. Wicker, in good con dition, for sale. Apply 75 McDonald treet, 15-15p cup: bonrd, feather bed suitable for pillo; and window blinds, 18 Eccles St, 15-1: BABY CARRIAGE for salo--Double reed reversible gear, in good condition, Apply 144 Toronto Street. Phone 17 15-15¢ FLEURY 2-FURROW PLOW for rule used one seascn. Will sell st a burgsi Apply to Harold Dyment, phone 3) latfe CAR FOR SALE--1918 Maxwell Touring in first-class ahape, $000. John Cald well, 2nd con,, Oro, Shanty Bay P. 15-15p RUBBER-TIRED TOP BUGGY, ale, Also double wagon. Jos. Quinlan, R.R.1, Barrie, 39744, 15-14p CAR FOR SALF--83B Overland, in first cluss repair, Terms reasonable. if sald at once. Apply to C,H. Beelby. at Me Laughlin Garage. 1 We FOR SALE---Cheap if taken at once: 1 sinele plow, 1 gang plow, seed drill. alee a number of pices 2x4 of pine, about 5 feet long. W. C.. How, Mury street 15-16¢ FOR SALE--Mahogany upholsterrd Dav enport. Will sell for $50.00 Sewing machine 835.00. Alo other furniture and coil oil etuves Apply to this office a 1i-16p, new, for Apply te ne FOR SALE--Sail boat 25 ft x 8 ft, 6 in ches, abullow draft, complete with spin iker and balloon jib . Motor boat bull 14x5 ft. 6 in. also motor boats of dif ferent sizes. C, W. Mitchell, phone 104 r 6, Allandale R.R.1. 14-156 FOR SALE--3 1.P. Marine engine and cluich complete; 7! H.P. double cyl, Marine engine and clutch complete, jump apark coil 1, 2 and 3 eycl lamps, Presto tank and lamp. propelle Remy Magneto, 4 cyl. wizard magneto. THE BARRIE EXAMINER eeyi gece: LOCAL NEWS ' PT TTT Ti iii ii ity Friday night's heavy wind cleared the bay of. ice. A branch of the Home 'Bank opened in Angus this week. 'Tony Carouso and Joseph Saso have purchased a store on Sparks St., Ottawa, Some golfers were enjoying their favorite game on the Bar- rie golf links, Good Friday. --Just arrived, 100 word mus- ic rolls for player piano. All the latest and best. Garrett's Music Store. 15-150 Mrs. Thompson fell off a chair at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. 0. McKinnon, Monday morn- ing. and fractured a small bone in one of her legs. --On recount of sickness in the house, Miss Willers, Spirella corsetiere, would be glad if her clients would call on her where possible for the present. 14-15p Enquiry from a member of the 1.¥.0. committee having in charge the matter of a co-opera- tive store location brought the reply that there was nothing new to report, "Ovenden" opens on Thursday, April 15, and the pupils will hold their sale of work in aid of their adopted French orphan on 'Thursday, April 22, from 7 till 10 o'clock. \. B. Carley has a Plymouth Rack hen he thinks is some lay- er, In six successive days it laid eggs fo a tolal weight of 18 ounces, one of them welghing over four ounces. "When the snow disappears without a flood, a wet June fol- lows," says a man who has kep! track of the weather for years, Here's hoping that Jupiter Plu- vins is an absentee on June 21; and 22 anyway, \ Two youths pleaded guilty in! the police court terday to stealing liquer from a local eit) izen's ecllar and will come up tomorrow for sentence. At they same time five other vouths and young men will he tried on a, charge of hemy mixed up in tho i jab. For Sale or To Let ! COTTAGE For Sale or Rent--On Jumes | town wtreet, large garden, fruit trees, water. Apply 2 Charlotte stre. Rooms to Let FURNISHED ROOMS to rent 127 ton avenue, Allandul LARGE ROOM to rent, furnished or un- steering wheels. C. W. Mitchell, Allun-| "furnished, 23 Owen street. Phone 186. dale 4 13-18¢ * Property for Sale For Sale HOUSES FOR SALE--Double brick. Peel] DRIVING PONY for pale; also quanti'y St. Bath and electric light. Apply at of gaol hay. Apply W. Walker, Guth 11 Peel St 15 18e] rie, ° 15-16p SEVEN-ROOMED COTTAGE For Sale.| MARQUIS SPRING WHEAT for sale with large lot and fruit trees, town wal-| About 125 bushels, Apply to E. W. er, Apply at Examiner office, Wtf! Carr, Allandale RR. No. 1. Stroud Phone. 1-tfe FOR, SALE--80 acres good pasture, well watered. Quantity of wood and cedar posts on lot, Apply to W. C. Richard- son. Midhurst, Telephone 199r23. '12tie ROUGHCAST HOUSE FOR SALE--Six ruoma, good cellar, electric lights. town water, hen house, two acres of land with spring creek running through, planted out with fruit trees. Apply 14 Donald St. 11-169; HOUSE FOR SALE--Perry street, No. 7, dwelling house, seven rooms. electric light and fixtures; two side drives, gar- age, large garden. Carrick é& Walking. shaw, Barristers, 502 Manning Chra., Toronto, istfe FIRST-CLASS CEMENT LIVERY and Garage and Brick dwelling adjoining con- trally located in town of Barrie, com- plete outfit. Owner's health failing. Must sell, For particulars address Jas. Arnold, Box 6, Burrie. Phone 212 siter six. tie GOOD HOME for sale. cheap, a» owner is leaving town, 6 roomed brick house, front and back verandas. furnace, clec- trie lights, good well water with pump in pan'ty, stone foundation, work shop, % sore of land, $2,300 for quick sale.» Apply 31 Innisfil strect, (off Vie- toria St.) 15-15p Farms for Sale FOR SALE--60 sere farm, good location, good soil and good buildings. Apply W. F. Elliott, Painswick. 12-17p FARM FOR SALE in the township of Sun- nidale, consisting of 120 acres, about 100 sores cleared and under cultiva- tion, one of the best grain and stock ferms in the county. Good buildings, about $2,000 worth lumber in bush, |" Price, $11,000. Terms to suit purchaser. James Arnold, 7 Owen street, Barrie. 13-160 FARM FOR SALE--Lot number one in the FOR SALE--Bay mare. spring wagon, buggy; large lot with orchard; large barn, 'cement and iron; 3 seren with slaughter house, J. Bingham. 12-17 FOR SALE--Strawberry planta, Michel Early, Lady Thompson, late. | These are perfect flowering varieties and heavy croppers. Write for prices to W. F. Shepherd, R.R, 1, Allandale, Ont, 13-18p Live Stock for Sale THREE Gi year-olds, laying. FOR SALE, all white, 141 Burton Ave. 15-15p REGISTERED HEREFORD BULL for wale. Geo. Shannon, HK. R. 3, Barrie. Phone 605 ring 31, 15-17e FOR SALE--Thoroughbred White Rock cookerela and pullets, Also Peerless in- cubator and brooder. R. A. Vaughan, phone 104r3. 14-150 HORSE FOR SALE--Dark grey Percheron, 5 year old, sound, general purpose. reas: FOR SALE-1 bay horse, 5 years old, heavy draft; 9 pair young pigs; terms to suit. Apply J, 8. and J. V. Brown, Burton Farm, Allandale. Miscellaneous FURS REMODELLED and Repsired. Miss 'M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie.18p PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING--Jas. Cue, 50 Henry street. first-cls rk done his bh 76 Worsley stint, Barrie. 7-20p MUSKRAT ae The very highest pric- es paid, Be sure and cali on us before Fourteenth Concession of the Tp. of Innisfil, County of Simooe, containing 240 acres, of which 60 scres are under cultivation, the balance being well wat- ered pasture. land, There is s good frame barn on these lands, For further partic- ulars" apply to Clarence Srigley, Allen- dale P.O, or to Alexander Cowan, So- licitor, Barrie. 1Stfe FARM FOR SALE, lot 19, con. 5. Oro, 100 acres clay loam, 92 vores under cul- tivation, 8 se. hardwood bush, 2 2c. orchard, bank barn 40x60, driving rhed, hog pen and hen house, 7' roomed frame house, % mile from school, 134 mile from church, rural mail and: telephone, present owner would put in erop,. or,give possession at any time. For further par- ticulars apply W. Walker, Guthrie, 15-16p gelling. Joseph Marrin, Hides, Fura, Wools, tfc. CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old suit and overcost can be made to look like new by Harry Twiss, Ross Block, Dunlop Bt. W. S. MARTIN, Photographer--Views o! your home or groupe taken anywhere. Copies made and enlarged. Barrie. Phone' 131J. 14-19p GRAMOPHONE RECORDS--When tired of your records bring them to us. We ex- change them for 10 cen(s each. Latest Gennett" records for sale; used records bought and sold. Also Columbia Rec- ords 10 in, 2, 12 in. 75e, Open aven- ings only, '7 to 10. Barrie Record Ex- change, 101 Dunlop street, opposite Bar- rie Inn. Mtfe SUITS FOR MEN WHO CONSIDER INTRINSIC VALUE There must be a reason why such men choose here. It is just this--our show! ing of high grade suits and top- coats embraces besides the most approved styles, all the little details which men in their clothes. The of discrimination like to find fabrics are of dependable high quality and the styles spirited and varied. You will not find a more gratifying a ssortment this season. MEN'S SUITS Serges, Tweed and Worsted, easy priced, $18.00, 22.00, 26.00, 29.00, 32.00, 35.00, 38.00, 42.50, 50.00, 64.00 MEN'S TWEED SPRING AND FALL OVERCOATS Special price $24.00 BUY A RAINCOAT NOW These are handy garments for rain or mo- toring, easy priced . $10.00, $12.00, $18.00, $25.00, $30.00 OUR DISPLAYS HELP out his shoes in regular fashi wear is chosen here, rectly shod. $6.00; our price ...... Boys' Chrome Grain Boots, YOUR SON TO SAVE ON HIS SHOE BILLS __ lf he is a red blooded Canadian boy--the kind his friends refer to as a regular chap, he is very apt to wear ion, which means he hardly gets one pair before he needs another--unless his foot- Long and satisfactory service is a matter of pride with us. We see that your boy is cor- sizes 1 to 5, worth to-day ee een eee aeeeaemnancennanrenearcancenvencenccerenvancend Buy the Largest Scribbler in the market at Taylor's Borax Powder, 3 pkgs. 25c. Sutcliffe's, Se. Buy Sutcliffe's special Laundry Soap, 3 bars 25c. Taylor's Bath Tablets, wo our price 20¢ or 3 for 50c. Black, A large Red rth toddy 30c, $1.00. . Yo! White and Brown Round Silk Laces, 60 inches long, 10c, 3 for 25¢. Handkerchief, free from dressing, 21x24, big value, 25¢ or 5 for u should see them. With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon. See the nice goods at little prices. The violin soles played by Lorne Arnold of Cookstown were | much enjoyed by the large aud- neos al the Grand, Monday and uesday last. Mr. Arnold is cer- tainly an artist of rare ability and! a large attendance and a great] the management promise g re- turn engagement soon. The opera house management wish to announce that they have secured long-term contracfs on the following comedies for the Grand exclusively: The famous Larry Semon comedies, Mont- gomery and Rock comedies, James Aubrey comedies, Sunshirf® com- edies, Chaplin Classic enmedies, Chaplin's new comedies, and Mack Sennett"s new comedies, Community Choral Soolety Ala meeting convened by Alex, Cowan of the committee of the Community As- sociation, Dean O'Malley was ap- pointed chairman and Mr. Cam- eron, Secy.-Treasurer. -- Aft organizing if was resolved lo carry on the "Community Choral" already approved of by the Town Council eae ee tere alam ee 2 JYST A LITTLE TALK ABOUT TEAS ' The market is very, firm with a strong upward? ten- dency. If you use our blends it will pay you to stock up.a little, with the-usual saving of five cents a pound in five- pound lots or over. If you have not tried them we will he pleased to furnist-you with samples. We have some very nice pure Jams just in, Adl kinds Vegetable Seedy and Ferry's Superh mixed Sweat Peas by the ounce. T. N. HOBLEY "THE HUB" TER AND COFFEE HOUSE ¢ ss entertainment| is / VAY _ PEOPLE TRADE |Barrle Community Choral Soolety 'The first practice of this So- | y Was held in the Town Hall Hast night the director- xhip of Mr. There was jdeal of enthusiasm was | tested, | His Worship Mayor Sprott de- |livered un address of welcome land spoke of the benefits to be jderived from the activities of a ma | Choral Society organized for the} purpose of developing the musi feal talent of the district of |which Barrie is the centre and jextended a particularly hearty jinvitation to the people of the | districts outside Barrie to join |with the townspeople in making | the Society a success. * | Very Rev. Dean O'Malley, who 'provements Committee, was call- ed upon by the Director and spoke of the great possibilities jof a Soriety of this kind in this {district where there is such 'splendid talent. 'The Society is l1o be commended for giving the! lopportunity for development of talent. F. J.D, Norman has very gen- erously undertaken the work as |director, and the Society is for- | tunate in having for its leader 'a man of such) musical attain. ments and who has been so suc- jeexsful ax leader of the Burton} | Avenue Methodist Church. Choir, | 'The next practice will be held on Wednesday, April 14, in Ufo, 'Town Hall, at 8 o'clock, and a hearty invitation is extended to anyone musically inclined to at. tend the practice. Last night, owing to the weather, the couh- try districts were not so well represented, but later when the roads and weather conditions are more favorable, -it' is .expected (here will be representatives from the outside districts where there is such excellent talent. Grade cows sold at from 8175 | to $185 each at Ed. Nightingale's sale, near Craigvale, last week. Chairman of the Town Im-| ENROL NOW New term opened APRIL 6 School open ENTIRE YEAR BARRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE A school devoted to progress Superior training in every ie business pursuit | Dictaphone, Adding Machine | Moderate rates | H. A. Henry, Prin, SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY AND- THE FOLLOWING | WEEK Sirloin Steak .. i} Round Steak (1)! Rolled Roast Beef {2 Rib Roast Beof.. Boiling Beef ....,. 1B=180 Homemade Sausage ... 250 Home-made Headcheese 200 200 Hamburg Steak ......, |% Pickled Rolla-- 1 Whole Roll 1% Half Roll [3 Smoked Holl Special attention giv- en to afternoon delivery to all parts of . Barrie 'and Allandale, PHONE 106 Wiseman & McBride Old Stand, Elizabeth at. Minaré's Liniment. Cures Distemper. / at ss 4 Hol