- COMB HONEY PRODUCTION "(Experimental Farms Note) ] : i i f : aature of comb honey, it does not ship "so well se extracted honey. "The i { price that comb honey brings ws no: nad ' igh enough to compensate for these dis- sdvantages. But, for many who keep only 8 few colonies, comb honey production is more attractive than ex.racted honey pro- duction because 'it is a cledm job und re- 'quires fess expensive equipment, and it is ® pleasure to produce sections of bshoy- comb the finest product of the spisry. Moreover, it bas been demonstrated that comb honey can be produced profitaoly on an cxtensive scale both in the St, Lawrence : Valley and in Southern Ontario, In every city there is a demand from the better clase of trade for good sections of comb honey at 1 fuir price, As the world's food tevus become better satished, we may ex- pect the demund for comb honey 0 in- ereute. Comb honey production requires greater akill in the management of the bees than extracted honey production, Too often the amall producer does not take sufficient tare to produce a well finished article, und sells the inferior product st a pnee that makes it unprofitable. The most favourable conditions for pro- rivcing comb honey are a heavy honey How, such as comes from clover, and strong colonies, The bees should he crowded in the hive, the brood chamber reduced to small dimensions, and when the firat super of sections is well begun or half finished. another should be given uncler- neath it to keep the bees occupied in work- ing sections in all stages. A third super may be needed a few days later if it is likely to be finished. Ewch section must be fitted with a sheet of thin super foundation. To help the bees start work promptly, a "bait com." consisting of an unfinished section from which the honey hus been extracted may be placed in the first super given, The chief problem in producing comb honey in Canada is the control of swarm- ing. To prevent swarming. plenty of ven- \ Ailation should be given below, and it in a good plan to examine the brood chat: ber every week during the honey flow and destroy all the queen cells, If, however, the colony warms, the parent colony should be removed to a new place and the swarm shoul! be put in a new hive placed on the old stand, this hive to.contain only six or seven frames fitted with foundation. and one comb to receive the pollen, the spaces at the sides being filled with divis- ton boards. und the partly finished supers should be transformed to the new hive Comb 'honey can often be economically produced in combination with extracted Boney in a shallow super. the extracting frames being placed on the outside, SEE PROPERTIES FOR SALE Nine-roomed brick house. all modern conveniences; this is one of the best built in town, If you want good one worth the money, set quickly. $5,000, Owen St. Nine-roomed brick house, all convenien- een; a lovely house, $4,500 Wellington St. Nine-roomed brick house, all convenien- ges. This is a good one. $4,500, Eliza. beth St. Nine-roomed brick house, all convevien- £05; nice garden, garage. A bargain. 33,700, Bayfield St. Nine-roomed brick house, bath, clee- trie light and water; no furnace. Good val- ue, $3,200 Bayfield St. Seven-roomed cottage, toilet, gas, wat- ®t, good location. $1,700, Pee! St. Veount. Ninc-roomed house, two lots and: half large stable. lovely grounds, orchard, This ig a bargain. [t's up to you, $2.500, Eliz, abeth St. $500 down. Double house. bath, éleetric light. water, ive lot. See this one. $3,600, Worley Bt, Nice six-roomed cottage, electric light, Water; a snap. $1,100, Thompson St. Good market garden. five acres good fand, brick house. stuhle, hen house, pig | pen. This is a money maker. 33,800 Theso are only a few of the many places Fisted. It will pay you to look over iny Tist before you buy. 'See my farm list. I have some good ones at right prices. See them if interested, | Owing to my increased business in town { property, L have engaged W. T. H. Gilroy, i late of Stayner, to look after the farm end of the busin Mr. Gilroy ix one of those successful farmers thet knows a good farm when he sees one. Experience counts. See him beforé you buy or sell, wd W. 0. PARTRIDGE THE RELIABLE REAL ESTATE AGENT Office: 3 Dunlop St. Box 1011 Office Phone 861, Re: MEATS| THAT SATISFY can be had at HEPPLESTON'S Quality Desired ' Proper Price Prompt Service and Satisfaction BEEF : PORK LAMB FISH POULTRY and all kinds of Bacons, Hams and Lards in stock and at current prices. R. H. HEPPLESTON Late Stpply Butcher to 30,000 Canadian troops. Opp. Wellington Hotel. me Phone '815, ince, of th lamat three ment half O:tawa, i porance legislation passed at the last session of Parliament by means of which'a prov-|Sun u:tributes ite luck of busine too ! i | likes, When the Legislature of a province aska that | this proclamation may be issued immediate- {| '¥ apon receipt of the request, or it may i be delayed, but it has to be issued within According to the opinion of the Desart- weeks after the issue of the proclamation, All the expenses have Dominion Government, and in anticipation the purpose in the main estimates now before Parliament. There is no intention of enacting this session any further legislation dealing with the question either in the form of a Dom, inion wide measure of prohibition, or an amendment to the law in effect, is provincial option. Thursday, April 8, 1920: x ems i . 3. Pe 7 = : I , A) Seven-Day Demonstration of Style and Economy | | E % y | COME*THIS WEEK | / } | Because you get best choice} ba veh tae Sine J 1 NAVY SILK HOSE 4 PERRIN'S KID GLOVES A beautiful Hose, shaped for » close-fitting | .° oh BAGS a papel ge eye ee 1s We have too many and you get them lem i Quality in keeping with the price. $3.50 pr. Pale gone fang jn and Fy joan THOUSANDS OF - READY-MADE Misses' and Children's wear i OUR NEW BLOUSES ARE BEAUTIFUL Thé word "Beautiful" hardly deserihes the rich fabrics, the gay combination colorings, the cecentric (rimmings and the delightfully different styles in which our Spring Blouses are shown. Hundreds of them to select from and a price to suil your purse. 85.98 to $18.50 Blouses--$1.59 to $10.00 No ing and Embroidered Voile See the lovely Over-Blouses and the Balkan ther arc GARMENTS ARE HERE Hvory line necessary for Ladies', 3 here. TO PRICES ONSSIMILAR LINES. twelve months, at present pre vance over last season, 'The trend of the Millinery business is toward factory. Some of the withdrawn their samples. WE ARE KEEPING THE PRICE OF MILLINERY DOWN In addition to the splendid hand- made Hats from our own work-room, we have scores of factory-made Our floor space in our Ready-to-wear z Department is much too small tom The raee iapneee teed Bale, adapta- make proper display of the above Bane or ehtical hares males Foods. Lines that should be opened Children's gives a choice of popular pReca ae i out have to be kept in boxes to make = larger than ever shown before, Bar. more room, Experienced help, de- Section rie ladies will appreciate our efforts voting their whole time in these goods, abounds with to help them economize, assures you of right styles and satis-- all that is Fnctory-made Shapes 82.00 to 87.50 factory service. WE .KNOW OUR Suitable for Factory-trimmed Hats 82.50 to 810.00 PRICES ARE LOWER THAN TORON- Their Needs Hats from our own wor! -room 85.00 to 815.00 AMONG THE STAPLES AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS BUY EARLY cna | DRY GOODS NOTES indication of lower prices for at least Merchaniixe now in stock can not be replaced Excellent values in Sheetings, Pillow Cottons i «. Later deliveries fox, Summer sell. and all kinds of Cotton Goods: by the yard. Hor. all Fall and Winter lines will show an ad- | prekee Sl eliocloen hens A 'mported goods are here all al prices 40 per cent Iéss than present value, CURTAININGS in wider variety Every about than ever bee desirable material is here: 20¢ to $2.50 yd. Special mention may be made of PLAIN PON. GEE AND MERCERIZED REPP for side curtains, in made hats fore, Silk Hosiery manufacturers have Cannot get silk for fur- Middies, $2.98 to $9.00 SMART SUITS AND SEPARATE COATS IN PRACTICAL STYLES Nice showing of samplos to select from, and being in practical styles, not too extreme, the prices are very moderate, SUITS in Wool Serges, Gabardines and Poplins: colors. browns, blues, black and sand. 829.50 to 856,00 NEW SPRING COATS in ladies' sizes. Serges, Tri- coline, Velour, Poplin, Silks and Crystal Tone. Twelve styles to select from. $22.50 to $52.50 YOU WILL FIND MOORE & ARMSTRONG HOSIERY IS SATISFACTORY We buy from makers whose goods bave stood the test for year, Vast awortments of Summer Cottons, Lisle: und Silks in all sizes. 29¢ to $3.50 pair Silk Hosiery is going higher but 'our stock ix £0 large and complete that we purpose holding the price down. Beautiful lines in Black, White and Colors. 50c to $3.50 pair NIAGARA MAID AND KAYSER SILK GLOVES, ALL LENGTHS This Store hax always made u specialty of Gloves and' now when the manufacturers fin the demand greater than the supply and prices it soaring sky high we have plenty to supply our customers ut prices that mean a saving to you. Special Values in LONG SILK GLOVES, "Kayser make," black, white, creum, tan and grey, sizes 5% to 8, $1.50 to $2.50 Handsome Bridal Sets' in Washable Silk--s26.50 Nice quality of Silk, neatly hemstitched and trimmed ith washable ribbons. Set comprises Gown at $9.50, Envelope Chemise at $5. Bloomers, $4.25 and Accordion Pleated Silk Underskirt to match, $7.50. Barrie MOORE and Guelph Lacked Advertising The Orangeville Fair, a novelty store DOMINION PAYS EXPENSES April 7. -- The -- Justice been looking into | ~tion of plebiscites under the tem-| for several years, has closed its doors and the stock will be sold. The Ornngeville Practically may go as "dry" 4 it|deurth of newspaper" advertising. eee 4 8 referendum be held it e Federal Government to tion for that purpose. Und the duty Sue @ roe: the law SOMETHING WORTH WHILE Réd Rose and eas ..., months. Lipton's pkg. sees 640 Ib @ vote cannot be taken till seven to be born by the million dollars' is appropriated for seeetees 2 for Mo Pure Lard, 5-Ib. pails $1.65 Choice Evaporated Apples, PERAID, + «:«:0i0:2%0 280 OoK's Jast year, which, who and Silk, and Dresses a yon ta g and QUALITY i} FROM THREE VIEWPOINTS that has been doing more or Ica« business | rose, green and brown, $1.00 and 81.75 yd. JAPANESE SEA GRASS RUGS AND MATS For serviceable and Popular priced floor coverings these goods are in a class by themselves, THEY COME TO US DIRECY FROM JAPAN Sizes in stock--23 x 5 ft, 3x6 fl. 4ax7 ft, 6x9 ft, and 9 x9 ft, SPLENDID PATTERNS AND COLORINGS / 31.50 to 87,98 each HAND BAGS THAT REPRESENT BEST SPRING STYLES --ALL UNDERPRICED -Our superb assortment will com- mand your best attention if you need any style of Bag. 'The Kodak "MAIN FLOOR" style with its wide bottom is popular, Prices are advancing and the lady LEATHER BAGS AND PURSES for all, fails to buy early will pay more xy the choice not so good, Special value in 35-ineh Taffeta Black only, Cleiffon finish, blue while border. $2.39 yd. The new materials for summer moving fast. We advise { yours new, 'Lovely qual. vdovings now here SHOPPING WEEK IN THE YARD GOODS SECTION $1.25 to $5.50 AFTER ALL IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT In Dress Accessories and Small Wares this Store always endeavors to serve you well, Veils and Veilings, Dainty Neckwesr. Narrow, Medium and Wide Belts, Largest Stock of Ribbons in Barrie, Funcy Pins, Hair Burretts and Back Combs, Laces, Tapes, etc,, ete. jes anid ERVICE Is It CORSETS you need ? To be well dressed and to make your suit or dresn appear at their best it is imperative that you wear good Comets, We have models that will fit you perfectly--D & A, Crompton': A La Grace and Nemo makes $1.25 to $7.50 & ARMSTRONG .,2*: both stolen while hu : Ladies' dress, or more correetly speaking, 1 « down town shop, Mrs, Hayes not the absenee of it, has been the subject of the police. The two negroes who ware! much conjecture of lite, and the following hives werr arrested and the yalt three viewpoin's ax expressed in diferent | t+ dl well known pupers will not come amis: | The Winnipeg Free Press remurks "The old-fashioned mother who used to. siifer yr. announced that he had and a clear conseiv f to turn our cloths hap ok AN OLD ADVT, The of the beet ike a very good more of the winter from ain inflame chest || Profesional ad. writera pride themelves| greens, ihe stems' ape gg cooked as a. } jnow has a daughter that has a chest that 0 the advance made in. their art, partic: | vegetable und the beet can be served oy = b will stand anything from a blixgand to | ularly during he past twenty-five ur thirty | unother dik, public inspection." 'The London ing.) / years. But there way striking advertising|" The stem of Swiss chai can be strip- { Opinion 'says "Women are said to show| 'one nearly a century ago, as the Intellis| ped and canned like asparegus. When they j piore exdlurance nowadays than aver be-|Emneer finds in an 'old Belleville paper, Pare served make a eteain cinain eee? fore. are certainly showing more |Hublished in 1832, For John | heat back-bone." And Iast but not least comes | the statement of the Orillia Packet that | "the more women follow the fashion of | showing their legs in public, the more in- clination they manifes: to adopt the Un- ited Staces idea of politeness and modesty by calling them "'limbs". What » funny world it is.' Thus, then, is the subject Counter Check Books -- discussed "from head to foot. Next! j WAS SHE ASLEEP? AT FACTORY PRICES. Bunk'? law eck i soputaton c's] The price of paper is advancing, better let us book pee safe place to keep money, says disfiatch order now. from that city. Women have been warned that stockings are no longer s safe dlepor- itury for money. ~ The warning came after "vs. Anna 'The Bradford Street Grocery Mayes, who had $11'2 and two $50 Liberty' Bonds tucked away in her stockings bud ! | | |