The advantages of e Savings Soe bee @Dparent to most persons, 've you experienced the convenience or a Joint Aoc- - count? Any of our 390 Branch Managers 'will give you the UNION BANK OF CANADA Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes, A. Leslie, Manager Branches also at Cookstown, Thornton THE SUNDAY leried with a great voice," The cry is poet- ical in its form, und is apparently a loud SCHOOL LESSON ong or chant. 'They wacre a the honor | Pn hia. -- THE GOOD ROADS CONVENTION had been extended, 'and the event M s THE BARRIE EXAMINER Tae Comgasy, which "santos . mpany, three hundred and fifty, were convey- addres to | 47%, (our pair of dou Ps Suests were received in the reo pat , His Honour, naisted better til | Mrv. Lionel Clarke and Clarke, the im: | and while the secommodation of the house | - propor. | Was taxed to capacity, it was found pos | Sy ible to seat everyone comfortably. 'There | were no speeches on the programme, but | the delegates would pot be denied the op-| of the Province | Portunity of expressiig their hearty thanks roads extending for tle gracious hospitality extended to| Bruce's High-Grade Far 1 OAC, meet * | CORN, Austration 3H : es Glow ta * te cee Te : SB onc vention was the warm welcome extended nd informal and everyone felt absalutely | Prices are Ags, ew 75C, used 6sc each extra, aud if unsold =u See eeeee hae RER--W aS page citalogue of Seeds, Plants, Bulbs, G, for their salvation to God, "which sitteth 3i Grain List, includlag Clovers and . MARCH 21. -- Jon the throne,"' and also "unto the Lamb" Ths Hosodrable Mr. Bigg sae, good | if WORSHIP IN HE, 17, |b¥ whose atoning blood their salvation | 87 for years vay oie i soreeel vt appediet fe Seed Maxcxd QHN A. BRUCE & CO., LIMITED = . . tan p ed, the Lui Gi | 7 , ive He i is alah ea i iRead Rev, 7: Gat rureheetd: the Lamb which God Him. | atten "tqfut. Honow, bas been. f Ronda the support and co-operation af the Good Reenished ge reses Hamilton, Ontario jself hud provided (Gen, 22:8), There were | there also 4 vast multitude of angels, "all the angels." these too were "standing. be uno our God bu: not before the throne, but 'around | GOLDEN TEXT.-- "Blewwing. und glory, and wisdoni, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power. snd might, for ever und ever, Am Rev. 7:12. . | about che throne." The "elders" are the TIME.--G8 A.D. PLACE--Patmos | tepresentsisxes of the church. The great | EXPOSITION I. The Tribulution | multitude are"not the church, but tribula- Saints iti Heaven, 9-12, jlion samus, "the church," the called out ve a picture of [0869 of this prevent dispensation, ending at | aren dene [tbe reesute" "There al be a Guia re jaaved who are There ioc Het In these verse we something gong on in b reat tribulation to be" el int be There i to be {ober of tio small company of the saved. This wa) The transformation of the AV tuultitude go vast thet "no man could num. | Deasts."" is most unfortuna'e. From des her ntiles, they are "out cFptions given elsewhere, they had sym of ofl cnatia kindreds, and people, ;Dolieal charac.eriétics of some of the ani. and tongues ey uve immediate ae.|als. The angels and the elders and the fees to God. they "stand" ie. are there HMI ereutures all fell on their faces end recognivion | before the throne sel sendioned God This throne ie the Seven things are sseribed unto God as they throne of God in beaven (ch. 4- 3-11), ,¥orbup Him. "The blessing, and the glo Jesus i# with the Futher on the throne; in [20d the wisdom, and che thuoksgiving. wanding before the throne, they ako stand 40d the power, and the might." Both the Ay e Lamb." The title by which {A-V. and RV. omit the "the" before the La Soi pan af heres eh (Moning gory. et hut the icant, "The Lamb." This is a Johanzean | (see Marg.!. and ought to be in the Eng. name for Jesus, und is one of the many in. |lish, This glory is sseribed to God, "for: dications that this hook was written by the /ever snd ever." The Gi author of the Fourth Gospel, He is epoken |!ated "for ever and ever mean literally of ax "The Lamb" because He is an a.) "unto the ages." "Ir is the strongest pos- toning sacrifice for sin. the puschal amb ('ible representation for endlessness. by pie (1 Cor, 5:7; Jno. 1-29), They are "'ur- | turing ages which are themselves composed rayed in white robes." xymbol of purity, |Of ages, in endless procession. This expres vad with "paliny in their hands." avmbol |sion. or nearlg the sume expression, ia of victory, They have overcome their en. used twelve times in this book of the' ex emics. They are very earnest in their ex fenoe and the fon of God, her! fore pressions of praise thanksgiving, "they |blesedness of the righteous, and the end. Reesinet:oF prsise:and thanksgiving, '"'thay;| ewetnene of suffering of the beust and RONEN eset tie filer prophet and the finally impeni. tent Advises People toCureCon- },_ I! One of the Elders Explains Who the stipation Without Drugs; ||17'\" Suffered Ten Years, Well pon Bia tude are. He has explain. F this great in Three Weeks by Internal | 041 through "one of the elders." This el Bathing. der first addresses John and asks him, 'These which are arrayed in the white i or are they, and whence came | Did you ever hear of « person being cured |ihey®"" John frankly admute he does not of chronic constipation with drugs? They | know, saying, "My lord. thou knowest relieve at the time yome, but larger doses |Then the elder explains who they. are, are usually necessary from time to time. |'"These are they which eame out of the Nature's dn cure. just pure sterilized wat- [great tribulation." The A. V. makes it, er. administered with the J.B.L, Cascade, |"*Out of great tribulation." but the R.V 's the only scientific and permanent treat |hus the correct translation, "Out of THE Don't force Nature with drugs, /great tribulation.' They had 'not only nternally |passed through tribulation as all believers McLeod. Middleboro', B.C., {shall but they hud paswed through "trib 'or ten year I suffered from con- | ulution,"" that is the time of tribulation stipation, and for the last year I became a|that is coming upon this earth after the wreck, Thad awful pains in my back, sev- jrapture of the church, when the anti-Christ Te eadlnehes. indigession and swollen {will be fully manifested. 'The church has limbs. T tried all kinds of medicine and jno part in this tribulation, us the anti- inany doctors without permanent benefit. |Christ is not manifested until 'after the It was an net of Providence' that I «aw {church is taken sway (2 Thes, 2:7, 8). the JBL. Cnscade advertised. The first | But the church itself pases through tribu. time I used it I felt relieved. und in three [lution (Ac. 1 but not through "the weeks I was completely cured. My habits |grent tribulation." These then are the re now quite regular. and am in better |tribulation saints, those who accept the alth than T have been for years. I am |Lord Jesus after the rapture of the church, very thankful to be doing my own work jund who are subjected to great suffering gain." here snd seal their testimony with their The J.B scarle is the perfected in-|blood. Called during the tribulation, they vention of Dr. Chas, A. Tyrell of New |"came our of the great tribulation," But York for internal bathing. Tt is now being |they are not saved by their own blood, shown snd eXplained at Wm. Crossland's |"*They washed their robes and made them Drug Store. white IN THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB," Phone or ask them "Tor free booklet all |But the shedding of their own blood was about i or write Tyrrell's Hygienic In-|necessitated by their having received and 163 College St., Toronto. confessed the Lord Jesus. The "therefore" With which y. 15 begins does not refer to their having suffered and died in the THE BARRIE MARBLE set hie gy', wh AND GRANITE WORKS rae thet they ae "before dha thon "" in the place of honor and blessing. Markers Tablets 3/*They also serve Him day and night in Corner Posts His temple."' The word for 'serve' is not the ordinary word for serve, itqmeans rel- Canadian, Scotch and Amier- 3 issiccs service. God on Hilbert wd ican: Granite Monuments. spread His tent over them," they are abel- All kinds of Cemetery Work {tered by His own presence. All suffering for them is over forever; "they ahall bunger Strict attention given to $]no more, neither thirst' any more; neither Inscription Cutting. shall the sun strike upon them (God's tent . over them prevents that), neither any All work neatly and artist- 3 ]hest."" He looks out for their every need ically done. (cf. Ps, 23:1). In the life that now ie ---- our chenherd leads us "beside, the waters 5 of rest"; then He will lead us "into fount- J. F. MURPHY tinn of waters of fe", "There shall be no more sorrow of any kind for them, nor Veteran" -. Proprietor $/ mor ' Office and Works: 79 Bayfleld St. Phone 734 Reeve Duckworth Retires --------SS ee MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ot- tawa until noon,' on Friday, the 19th March, 1920, for the conveyance of His Ma- jesty's Maile, on-s proposed Contract for four years, 'six times per week on the route Thornton Rural Route No. 3 (via Egbert and Ivy), from the Postmaster Gen- eral's pleasure. Printed notices containing further infor- i fuation a8 fo conditions of proposed Con- |the local and County Council Boards will tract may be seen and blank forms of Ten- |8¥ good-bye to him with many feelings of der may be obtained at the Post Offices |reeret. and with them the public join in of Thornton, Egbert, Ivy, and at the office [the sincere wish that Mr. Duckworth may of the' Post Office Inspector, Toronto, {soon ba fully restored to health. * Post Office "Inspector's Office, Toronto, : Movement and hae been in close touch with | Roads Association in enrrying out whet of the work of the Association ter all is the biggest work with which his The part of the welcome. however, which | department is connected and there seems to And through two centuries' of hard ar. America may be 8 melting pot. but bere- neemed 10 interest the Convention most, | be little doubt that his appeal will not guing a0 one has ever auececlos in defining | after we shall refuse to serve us a garbage wos the cordial tavitation to | Ro unanswered. an "entangling alliance," --Boston Herald. , can.--Providence Journal, everyone present to take --_ lunch. | = Without newspapers, even the bustling! Sir Oliver Lodge adviace persons of weak pon. at , Government House on the fol-| Once in a while you run across a mar. city of Winnipeg must feol "remote, un- minds to keep away {rom the ouljs board, lowing day. The invitation was aceept-' ried woman who really envies an old maid, friended, melancholy, slow". -- Toronto | I~ 'ny other sort attracted by it?--Chicago. ed in the same cordial spirit with which it | but it isn't very often.--Detroit Free Press, Tribune. GRAY-DORT Dealers Lead - Most good automobile dealers know motor cars inside and out. They've watched the business from its infancy. They've seen cars come and go. Above all they know motor car values. They have to. 'You will find in practically every city and town in Canada, that the leading motor car dealer is a Gray-Dort dealer, Every motor car dealer knows the reason for this. Every Gray-Dort owner knows the reason. The Gray-Dort offers unequalled value to motor car purchasers. The $1365 * GRAY-DORT is Dominant Value What other car at anywhere near $1365 offers you PRICES these Gray-Dort qualities? The Gray-Dort 5-passenger car, finished in Gray- i A motor larger and finer than usual for light care--~ Dort green and black and with standard equipment . 334" bore and 2 stroke --built from fawless castings and $1365 f.0.b. Chatham. War tax extra. ' tough, igh-carbon steel--an mely finished. Thi ¥ é 5 crankshaft weighs 40 yrds, The radiator is cellular The roomy 2-passenger roadster is the same prica, type and the water jackets are extra large. An improved g a] gitburetor marks this cr, and s better electra phony --e ie ima pina lei something a li expensive cars = Westinghouse, ag in the most hia car, we have built the Gray-Dort Special." Maroon : - wi ite top. Plate glass rear window There's over-strength in the Gray-Dort frame of dpey curtains, "Relic tee bette : heavy channel steel; in the husky, Chathan-built rece In sree heel akg ian wheels," Motomete. Tilt tales in the long, cantilever rene ings: in the epecally jestrumen® heel eae tact uphol eee reseed lesigned, new steering gear; in the big brakes, o with Thermoid. The front wheels' now hese" are above the ordinary. " $150 extra on the standard. bearings. There is anew gas tank--larger, and in the rear, AND THE ACE! Convenience of riding and driving iain the Gray-Dort, : ful i The steering wheel is of the height and size for arches Jane Sa2eDert Ace the most beautiful light car of driving. The gears can be shifted with two freee top manhPet eteen body with handsome California Pressure. The horn, the ignition and light switches. the ° clutch and brakes, all are placed for greatest ease in coh rouble lamp and bull'seye flashlight. Electric cigar driving. lighter: Rear-vision mito Fite sass windows. Over- A shorter and smarter cowl now gives more room in man who doce nancies: | This is the de luze-car for the the driving compartment. A new Gray-Dort feature = whe done not wish to pile up a tremendous Operating has greatly increased the leg-room in the tonneau. Seats cost, $299 extra on the standard, are tilted at just the proper angle for comfort. As in cars costing $2000 and upwards, the Gray-Dort now has side-curtains opening with the doors, * . CLEAN-CUT GOOD-LOOKS The Gray-Dort is not startlingly extreme, the Gray? Dort is a car of quiet beauty--smooth lines and perfect Proportions. The smart, new top is hand-tailored in our own shops. The new hood, with its many long, narrow louvres lends just a touch of European style, French-pleated upholstery, too., And completing. the picture--the wo: erful G: Dort finish--deyelopment of 60 years' coach. building applied by master craftsmen, Gray-Dort trained. Unquestionably there will be a shortage of these cars at $1365. You had better see the Gray-Dort dealer now. a ee Gray-Dort Motors, LiMiTED eee ITED Chatham =: Ontario $1365 Jun, Stet, 1920, . &. SUTHERLAND, 6-90 Post Office Inspector, F.0.B. CHATHAM , WAR TAX EXTRA