| - CIRCOLATION THIS WEEK 57th Year J. A. MacLAREN; Editar W. ©. WALLS, Manager J.H.Readman _ Announces His Resumption of Business in Barrie Having purchased the busi- ness.of Messrs, Jno. Bing- ham"é Sens, butchers, | am ain in a posilion to cater * public in all kinds of to fresh and cured meats, the transfer taking place an Thursday morning. Mar. 14 I will be pleased to serve former customers, the i ' i] i] ( ' ! lomers of Messrs, Bingh ' \ & Sons, and many new eus- tomers "QUALITY AND SERVICE" OUR MOTTO. J. H. READMAN Elizabeth St. (Near Mary St) PHONE 473- ene ee eee Don't forget to read the advts. So, fortune. --THE Paid-ap Capital - § 9, Reserve Fund = Resources UNION EVANGELISTIC SERVICES | j 0 | COMMENCEMENT | Your Savings Mean Much to You & . They are as important to you as his millions to the millionaire--perhaps more They mean the beginning of your independence, the founding of your Then entrust them to a Bank With a reputation for 87 Years of reliable and courteous service. We accept deposits from a Dollar up, and pay 3% compounded half-yearly. Bank of Nova Scotia . VISIT TORONTO ----e . | Cro ded House Greets Stud- Kerr Lodge Pays Fraternal ents at Their Annual Com-| Visit to John Ross Robe mencement Exercises. | son Lodge. c | i ---- | Students of the B.C. 1, their| {Toronto Telegram) 'parents and friends. packed the! The visit' Tuesday of the opera; house at the annyal com-| officers and several members of mencement exercises held in) Kerr Masonic Lodge, No, 230, coy on with this popular seat, Barrie, to Jolin Roxs Robertson of learning. A lengthy"program | Lodge . 545, GRC. afforded served fo show some of the talent the Toronto brethren an oppor- found in the school and also fur- tunity to return the courtesies Hished an enjeyable night's en-/ shown during a fraternal -- visit fertainment to Kerr Lodge in September last. |. After al brief opening address, |The visitors were met by the re- Mr. Maleomson presented the ¢eption committee headed by W. tumerous prizes won by the boys| Bro. W. J. S. Graham, and enter and girls at the Field Day last! tained at luncheon. A. theatre Fall. 'This was followed by an) Party followed, and in the even- address from Mr. Hay who has|ing, before the lodge met in the been Mathematical Master of the Balsam avenue Maxonie Temple, school siftee 1882. Mr. Hay gave the visitors dined with the WAM. an interesting historical sketch! and principal officers of the of the Ol from the ineeption lodge. Grammar School, on| 'The visitors numbered. about The ladge office Aug » 1843, when Barrie was) twenty-five. uw ovil r of Jess than 500, In' are: W. Bro, A. E. Leonox, W. the course of his remarks the; W. Bro. J, D. Wisdom, LPS veferan teacher recalled the day! Bro, I. MeLachlan, §.W.: Bro. when Premier Drury entered the! ©. Channen, J.W.; W. Bro, O. H. W011, 29 years ago, walking in) Lye haplain: WW. Bro. Fred from Grown Hill. He was a keen. Marr. treasurer: W. Bro. W. N. Jent of English Literature and) Duff, secretary Sprott, PD. of . J. W. Mere 'Continued on page 12) | was 4 prizeman in oratory, win- ning the D. D. MeLeod prize. {When the UF. 0. were looking for a man who eould clearly anit | forcefully expound their policies | Mr. Hay was not surprised to see} jthem choose Mr. Drury. After |Mentioning a number of disting- vished men who had attended | this school in.davs cone by, Mr. | Hay urged the stuvents to emu- Mate their noble example and ished lustre on the old sehonl. | The presentation of diplemas jwas "taken as read," The list of sneressful students last year he- ine given on the programme. A few comments were made by Mr, Girdwood who expressed hix jPleasnre at the interest shown by the parents in the work of the school. He took necasion ta re- fer to Mr. Hay and his work and 'to the honored place he hofds in | the affection of the students and | townspeople, - | A variety of athletic, exercises, Jeach well done, gave the andience lan opportunity to see the good jresults of gymnastic training. The numbers included a demon- stration of the use of the 'horse' by Miss Jean Cowan; Swedish drill by Miss Jean Gowan, and a [number of girls; club swinging by Misses Irma Robinson and Freeda Ferris; horizontal bar exercises by Kenneth Gardner, K. Cameron, Chas, MeMartin and Keppel Lally, 'Continued on page 1%.) ' 'AG MACLELLAN Manager Harrie Branch WILL BE HELD IN THE ARMORIES, QUEEN'S PARK; BARRIE COMMENCING SUNDAY | EVENING, MARCH 21, AT 7 P.M. AND EVERY WEEK NIGHT (SATURDAY EXCEPTED) AT 8 P.M. CONDUCTED BY Rev. G. - AND ASSISTANTS - The Government at Otta the disposal of the local cot in fitting up seating, and heb ing this splendid building to accommodate the thousands who will attend, a collection will be . taken at each Service to help in defraying 'expenses. SPLENDID MUSIC BY A MASSED CHOIR OF 200 VOICES LED BY MR. CHARLES RUDD SOLOIST AND PI 's+ :PERSONAL WORKER.........<MRS. G. M. SHARPE M. Sharpe has very kindly placed the Armories at ittee, but as there is considerable expense mfortably T..........MISS K. WOOTON ASSISTED BY MINISTERS OF THE TOWN, AND. OTHERS | COME. YOU WILL ENJOY THE SERVICE. } DEMONSTRATION Strong, Executive and Com- mittees Named by the Advisory Committee. Messrs. Jory, Hubbard and Vickers, the advisory committee Appointed for initiating action in connection with the propoaed demonstration in June, have pre- pared a report for presentation lo the Executive which réads as follows -- Much time and reflection have bapn given to our efforts, thus ff, in every move that has been made and in the naming of our Exeedlive we have had three es- sential characteristics constantly in mind, namely, adaptability to the duties assigned, a willingness to make the required sacrifice and a personnel that would be a guarantee thal harmony would prevail, even in disagreement in arriving at coneluxions, We present for your aduption the following list as the control. ling force of the Demonstration: Hampton-£. Jory, Chairman of Executive: George Vickers, {st Vice Chairman, George D. 'Hub- bard, 2nd Vice Chairman; W, R. King, Secretary; TT. Beecroft. Treasuror; A. 'G. | MacLellan. Chairman 'Advertising; Dr, H. Arnail, Chairman Band Tourna- ment and Tattoo; Frank H. Hurl- burt, Chairman Parade ang Nov- elties; S.. W. Moore, Chairman Decorations; G. 0. Cameron, Chairman Parks, Fireworks and Police; F. C. Lett, Athletics; A. F. A, Maleomson, Chairman Old Boys and Old Girls; H. A. Sims, Chairman Receplion and Thor- oughfares. As we proceed other features may present themselves that re- quire special committees, and such may be constituted, not los- ing sight of - the three special traits of charactor, We have been in communica- lion with Henry Meyerhoff, Inc., Amusement Contract New York, as to new thrillers and will shortly have a visit by their agent. You may deem it a satis- ry ment to leave pre- y efforts in such matters with the Chairman and Vice Chairmen, We would further suggest for your approval that the dates of the celebration be Monday and Tuesday, June 21 and 22. In this choice we are governed by several features. While Mon- day is an awkward day for, the fexeculive and Committees, yet the week-end would see the town fill up by the arrival of scattered re- lalives and friends of families resident here. Then this period is the least busy in agrarian pursuits, the temperature should be moderate and the risk of bad weather re- duced to a passing thunderstorm. The Departmental Examinations, if 18 true, are on at this time, but surely some adjustment is feas- ible whereby the interests of the struggling aspirants for a stand- ard of education that will bring them fame will not suffer. The outstanding feature, we beg to suggest, should read: "Barrie's Demonstration in jonour of Simcoe's Demobilized "itizen Soldiers," The local branch of the G.W.V. A., apart altogether from the Re- ception Committee and every cit- izen of Barrie, should take upon itself the obligation of meeting and registering every visiting veteran and give to each a fitting welcome. Central and commo- dioug space on th&ground floor or iff @ large tent will be called for. i Anticipating the adoption of the foregoing arrangement we have added, in almost every in- stance, with the approval of the chairman, two names to each committee, with a view to facil- itating organization that every department will get under way with the least possible delay. The Committees thus constituted are as follows: W. A. Turner and H. J. Heath. Bands and Tattoo--Dr. H. T. Arnall, E. G. Redditt, Byron King. 'arade and Novelties--Frank H, Hurlburt, T. R. Huxtable, G. B. McLean. <7 Decorations--8. W. Moore, W, C. Hunter, E. B, Sutoliffe. Fireworks, Parks and Police-- G. 0. Cameron, R. A. Stephens, Roy P. Merrick, G Athletics--F, C. Lett, Albert Moffatt, Dalton Milne, _ Old Boys and Old Girls--A, ¥, A..Malcomson, Dan Quinian;. J, A. MacLaren, S * can. Columbia music exactly as 90c.--a2830--"1J; peting Pines,' and "The Nig Frogs." own on these The exquisite quality of Co- lumbia toneis due to the Grafonola's scientifically correct design, each following AND A. EL PATTERSON, Reception and Thoroughfares --H. A. Sims, E, J. Byrne,, Alex. Habbick. - Two or three on thesé commit- tees would seem to he large enough, but chairmen may add other names as expediency de- mands, but We would suggest that. they keep the limit to the lowest possible requirement. Small committees function more ac- lively and effectively. We would suggest weekly con- ferences of the Executive, aay Monday evening at 8.15 (not 8.16) with adjournment at 9. Chairmen must not expect to discuss their--whole program at a single sitting, but should al- ways have a list of immediate essentials for consideration. To the point and brevity should be the habit. Advertising, bands, athletics and old boys departments should have precedence in the order named. ™ Immediate necessities are 2000 letter heads, 5000 envelopes and 10000 stickers. - To modify or add to this state- ment should form our principal theme at this our executive or- ganization meeting and get. each chairman in line towards the rounding out of his committees, and thus pave the way for defin- ite, Progressive effort at our con- ference a week hence, Progress will seem slow for a time, but time is necessary to mould out best. judgment. From the first step towards ac- tion, it has been the central purpose of the Advisory Com- Advertising--A. G. MacLellan, { ARE GOING UP. Telephone No. 78 - THREE LINES OF PHONOGRAPHS _ ~.. Columbia Records and 2 Colum- bia Grafonola give you both the ' "Words and Music". as no other-records and instrument give you all the art and magnetism, every syllable and intonation of the great artist by whom they are made. A Columbia Grafonola gives you A Few Suggestions Mary" and "Among the Whis- $1.25--10012--"Souvenir'" (vio- lin solo), by Max Rosen, 0c --a2838--"Whistling Rufus' Or this beautiful Columbia Gra- fonola for $135.00. down and the balance $6.00 The exclusive LOCAL WAREROOMS GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE Cor, Elizabeth and Mary Sts, IMPORTANT NOTICE WE WOULD: STRONGLY RECOMMEND THOSE WHO ARE CONTEMPLATING THE PURCHASE OF GAS STOVES AND GAS WAT- ER HEATERS TO DO SO NOW, AS PRICES "SEE OUR STOCK ? THE BARRIE GAS CO.'LTD. Office and Showroom: Wells Block, Owen Street. z J. W. McCutcheon, Manager Records always it was made. just for Me and htingale and the teri $15.00 Month, system oftone control of the Grafonola enables youto get exact mu- sical shading. ORUGGIST, ALLANDALE miltee to start an organization with such a swing thet its own momentum will carry it to a |srand and glorious victory, in spite of our individual frailties. ----_-- Overs ind Smooks at $1.69 We have a complete assort- ment of men's 'overalls and smocks ranging in price from $1.69 per garment. , Prices are advancing, we advise an early putchase. Hunter Clothing Store, Barrie. U. F. 0. Co-operative Store The committee meeting of representatives from U. BO. Clubs around Barrie interested in a Co-operative Store will be held Saturday, March 20 at 2 o'clock in Mr. A. W. Partridge's office. Buy Overcoats Now We can save overcoat custom- ers from 25 to 40 per cent, hav- ing bought our overcoat stock almost two years in afvance. We advise you to anticipate your overcoat requirements and buy now. Hunter's Clothing Store, Barrie, A Great Sult Saving Having bought our suits in many instances two years in ad- vance we are able to save our customers from 85.00 to $30.00 and even more on a single suit. We invite inspection. Hunter's Clothing Store, Barrie. --Oil Cloth, Congoleum. and Linoleum Rugs any size at Dou- gall Bros. otf a