| About three. . Pal a and designs are wonderful and ane tapestry papers are more in vogue tha We have colorings and designs | su halls, dens, living-rooms and Wall Paper any place until you you these new and stylish Papers ui ing rooms. ave asked us to show We have, of course, our regular stock of hundreds of |plain and pattern pa. : quarters of our New Spring Papérs are , already in. Not as much increas¢ in. price Pi yen would '0, for once we are'in - ua) bdy here this spri '8. The colori lols of them. The in ever this spring. table for parlors, Don't buy \ Prices from 10c Johnston WHOLESALE NEWS OF pers, suitable for all rooms, Wall Papers, Window Shades, COOKSTOWN to $1100 per roll & Warren AND RETAIL -. |Paints, Oils, Glass The representative of the Barrie Examiner in Cookstown is George F. News iteme for town and adjacent country may be handed 7 Thompson and will be forwarded to this saper Phone Noo 89 age wee eee scriptions, either new or- renewals may Lorne Arniold spent a few days in Tor. onto lust week, > Miss Grace Banting is ill with quinsy Nurse Nell Morton of Alliston spent Wed. neatiay of last week with her cousin, Mra. JR, Couse. hn Dobson left this week for Goderich, where he wiil take a job on a freight boat Come to Fisher's for your wall paper. Gvod designs to choowe from snd prices reasonable. The entertainment given in the Town Hall on Friday evening by the Literary Society of the Cookstown Continuation School wax well wttended by the citizens, A tnoxt interesting programme was given C.CS. Minstrels contributed largely njoyment of the evening. The "Resolved that the Consolidated School System is of more benefit than the prewn school system." the judges decided in favor of the affirmative side by two For that is the daily ourput of matchesat the Eddy factory. Seventy million! Aid each one relia ible and satisfac tory. Because they are the best vale, insist om cu & | EDDYS MATCHE Rests, Relreshes, Soothes, Beale--Keep your Eyes iy henatt eh Burn, if Sore, Irritated, »JOUR Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult. Atall Druggists in Canada. Write for Free Eye Book. Marine Company, Chicago,U.S. A. 5} PANCAKE PLAIN BUCKWHEAT FLOUR AND.MAPLE S WE HAVE THEM Thompson. Phone No. 39 finds him. Sub- ded through him, " -- be forwa points. |Miss Muriel Bruce helped consi: erably tt the programme by giving several | jnolos. ageompanied by Miss Winnifred Sharpe. | Lorne Arnold, who is a violinist of much|tafent, also contributed a number |of sclections accompanied by Gasey | Kidd, fe proceeds amounted 10 about $50, whibb will go towards placing » mem. |orial tablet in the-sehoo! in honor of the students |who fell'in the great conflict. 'Art Kidd was in Toronto las week, Fred Rainey and family moved to his jfarm in [Innisfil this week, | H. L./ Dunning has several second-hand | Fords ad Chevrolet "cars for sale. | Mrs: 1. H. Baker and children ure vis. | iting wif friends in Toronto 'The chair given away in the young Iad- ier' contest put on by the Matonka Con. cert Couipany last week was won by Mids Lizza Buker, Art Féltis, an employe of the Grand Trunk Rhilway at Allandale, spent a few days wi parents Inst week, ayes" moving picture show is in the next couple of weeks, Muss Rowe Ayerst_of Thornton in the | Ruest of Miss MuMiel Bruce this week Mil'on | Marling spent the week-end in | Barrie with his sister, Mrs A. Fraser. Miss Sparrow of Fisher's millinery de- | spartmont! epent over Sunday with friends at Brampton, | Big demand' for Ford cars, 18 rold al- rendy thip soason, H. T. Rankin, agent. | The office that was formerly ured at the livery batn bas been purchased by T. Me | Knichi apd moved up to the lot adjoining Coleman 'Bren, and Mr. McKnight will Apply PPE being. Jaid up for » couple of weeks, © ~ This village was saddened on Monday last when the news came that Mrs. Phomas Brooks of Alliston had passed away in the hospital st Toronto. Mrs, Brooks was the second daughter of the late Mr, and Mr. Thos. Hart of Shanty Bay. Brooks moved from Tottenham to Alliston 'over'fifteen years ago and have been resi- den' of that place ever since, Mrs."Brooks hus been a great sufferer, having under- one several operations within the Inst eight or ten years and since,that time has soarcely known what it wax to enjoy any degree of health. About s year ago ber eyesight began to fail and finally she be- came totally blind, remaining that way tit her death, Thee funeral took place on Tuesday from the noon train to St. Thom- as' cemetery and was attended by a large number of her many friends from Toronto, Alliston, Craighurst end Shanty Bay. The Rev. Mr. Johnston, Rev. H. Berry and Rev. Mr. Grey of Toronto, her former pas- tor, took part in the service. Mr. Grey very rightly hed the privilege of preach- ing us he was so well acquainted with the | deceased. His remarks were much appree inated by all. as be exhorted the necessity of getting into touch with God and then going on to the perfect life, laying aside the weichte and besetting sins' and growing up | into Him in all things until fitted for' translation to the Heavenly Home. Amongs: those who came to id the funeral were George Brooks, Sr.. of Oril- John Sylvester of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mra. Jamex Cyston of Craigburst, Dr. Hart and his brother of Barrie. and all of Mr. Brooks' brothers from Toronto, Rev Mr, Grey and several friends from Allix- ton, Mr. Brooks, one daughter and one eon are left without wife and mother and have the sympathy of their numerous friends, ANGUS Mar. 15.~-Mre. Dougherty of Burrie vt | ited ber daughter, Mrs. Herb, Lambe, | lant week. Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Bell roturned home | on Thursday after spending the winter | with their daughter, Mra, Ferguson of Lon. don B SREEEPELAR EE SERGE GE { NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS * IIIT tt it rt rr re | ter, on Thursday lust. Miss Boss of O: |G.T.R. employes of j from friend |the parsonage for the purpose of muking tion 'of .R, Joha- Methodist Churdb, R 4 the Anglican Church in agreement re this sensible saving of hard journeys, - Mrs. C. Golland is still in Toronto with her sick brother, ims Zelma Murray is now down with measles, thus preventing her continuing her studies at Barrie Collegiate. Congratulstions to Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Newman on the arrival of a son and dai cousin to Mrs. Newman and a grad- uate of Orillia hospital, is nursing her. The sad news was received in the vill on Thursday last, of the death in St. Mich- hospital, Toronto, of Ralph Mortimer Fellows, the 20-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fellows. A vory bad form of appendicitis had made an operation neces- sery and though all was done that could be done, the trouble could oot be ove come. The body was brought here on Fri- day, ands funeral service held on Satur- day at 9.30 at deceased's 'home. Rev. Mr. Mustard of St. David'd Presbyterian Church, Toronto, (the pastor of the chureh which Mort gttended), came up to take part in the funeral, and gave much comfort to the friends regsrding the last days of Mort's life. Rev. Henry Berry also gave an address, the rervice being conducted by Rew.' A. -A. Jenner. "The burial took place--at Midlend. The cutting off of so young and promising s life should have a Insting influence upon the life of the vil- lage. He leaves to mourn his low, father were rent awk 5 'one, Canadian Express. Toronto; Division 26 Brotherhood, | Toronto; St. David's Bible Clas. Toronto; ns well 'ax a number of individual ones MINESING Mar. 15.--George Crawford lost three valuable ewes Inet week. Mr. and Mm. Doherty have become citizena of this fair village, having taken up residence inthe house recently occu pied by James Courtney. Simms" Crawford is learning the art of basket-making. A meeting of canvassera of the United Circuit wax held Inst Tuesday evening at Jno. Middlebrook: of Toronto visited hin sister, Mrs. Jonas TarBush, last week. | Rev. K. McLean of Stayner exchanged | pulpits with Rev. A. Shepherd on Sunday. | $1,900, Dr. and Mia. R, Zimmerman of Toronto spent the week-end with tbw Inter' moth er. Mrs, Neil Show Miss-Arnold of Ivy spent a fow days with | her uunt, Mrs. (Dr.! 8, West | Mrs, Herbert Wilson went to Toronto last week. Miss Nellie Stribbell arrived home from Toronto on Thursday after visiting friends, Mr, and Mrs. D. McMackon are home from Tornnto again. Chas, McKinnon was in Toronto last week, visiting his brother Malcolm. who in ill Wm. McKinnon ha¥ gone to Toronto to} visit his brother Maleolm, who is ill Mr. und Mrx, Ed. Ward ore visiting an Hamil:on Dr, John Dunn, V.S., of Barrie. vinit Two HT. Rabkin. Nurse Dinwoody is nursing Mrs. Lorne | Chapman|in Barrie Hospital. | Pian gaa. | | |. EDGAR | Mr«, Blough hax returned to Hamilton after spending » few weeks here. | Mrs. Blueman visited her daughter hers | recently. | John Pgtterson und James Balf left here | Jon Mondiy for their homer at Delia, Al | berta. Deepest} sympathy ix felt here for the {relatives of the late Mrs, Clutton, of Bar- | |rie. who pasted sway on Thursday, Mar. | ue if ' |. The WII. met at the home of Mm. J |Kissick op Wednesday afternoon with good a'tekdance, A donation of $5 to the |Armenisn| Relief Fund was sgreed upon, | Before the meeting closed Mre. Hayes, Mrs. |Steel and] Mr. Geo. Kimick gave rendings |nnd s guéssing contest had been arranged. |The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. G. Lauder, Wednesday, April 14. use this his insurance office. ray-Dort curs for sale, |Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows TIME 31% years' Service in Fi WORK GUARANTEED ON ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL CO! House wiring a Specialty at -* NO JOB:TOO. BI "30 McDonald St. CTS ed hie mater, Mrs. Herb. Lumb. John Nolon.- Toronto, ix renewing old acquaintance here. - James Walker, Sr., is lid up with a} fractured rib, the reault of; a fail on the| ice STROUD Mar. 16,--Wedding bells are ringing loud- Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Catheart and fam- ily left on Monday for their. home in the West after spending the winter with his father. Wm. Cathoart. Miss Lavine Orchard is visiting friends in Barrie. Mrs. Jos, Todd of Gilford spent the week- end with her daughter, Mrs, F, Robertson. J. Hughes is under 'the doctor's care. Nurse Northgraves has been nursing Mr. Shapter's children after having their ton- sils removed. They are recovering nicely. Mm, E. T. McConkey spent the week- end with her son, Charles McConkey of Allandale, Blythe MeConkey of Allandale sttended the Masonic banquet (ladies' night). Miss Mary Wilson has returned after spending the winter with her parents in Stayner, Mrs. Win. Young has returned after be- ing with her sister, Mrs. Ellen Groves, Cookstown, for the' winter. Mrs. G. C. Allan of Lefroy visited Mro. E. T, McConkey and friends here last week. The home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Black was the ecene of a happy gathering when their daughter Marjory gave a tea to a number of her girl friends in honor of Rosylin VanNorman, who is soon to leave for her home in Queensville, 'Miss Margeret Johnston has sold her resi dence to John Irving ard is going to reside in Barrie. BELLE EWART Mar. 16.--The snow is fast disappearing and all are glad to see it go as it has been a long bard winter, H. Jacks, chief engineer, Geo. 'Averill, William Sproule, Cecil Sprague, Herb. Big Canoe and one or two others left here on Monday for Fort William to begin re- paity work on the boat preparatory to sailing on the great lakes this season, Wm. Rennie spent Monday with friends in Longford. Mrs, H..Sheppard is spending » few dags in Toronto. Mrs. Charles James is visiting her daugh- ter, Mra. Webster, in Toronto, D, Cochrane and familyj spent last week in. Toronto, : Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Moore returned Inst week from Victoria Harbor where they spent the winter, [of Norman Walton last wee up the accounts in connection with the financial canvans, recent thirty dollars for the Circuit. which is more than one hundred over the objective A contest hus been launched in the Un- ion Sunday School here, for the purpose of increasing the attendance and interest in the school, Every member, from the youngest to the oldest. has s part in it, 'and the winning ide expect the losers to entertain them in some form, when the objective has bean renched. The mild weather of the past few daye | Ibs. hax been welcomed by all after auch a long | ths. colt winter. EDENVALE Mar. 15.--The ronds bere are almoat im- passable for a loud, being tramped full of holes while the weather was soft. Prayer ineeting was held at the home James Young has sold his farm to A. MeNabb und intends having a asle on Mar. 18. Your correspondent and great many more think thet there should be (if there w not! a lsw to prohibit the dumping of wild°oats und other obnoxious weeds on oF near the river bank within reach of flood water and allow thenf to float adrift to other property, thus seeding the community with the above trash, \ Married--At Orangeville, on Wednesday, March 10, Miss Amy A, Waller, daughter of Mr. John Waller. to Mr. Harry Gifin of this place B. L, Richardson intends moving to his new farm and home near Elmvale this week. Tam glad to report that nearly all those who have been ill with the flu are able to be out again IVY Mar. 15.--Robert Ellis is under the doc- tor's care. Mrs. Wilfred Parr of Colwell was visiting |_ Mr. and Mrs. Cloughley when she took very sick with pleurisy, but I am glad to weport she is improving. Essn's asseasor, Frank Banting, is very busy these times trying to make the rounds on the bad toads. Mr, Hunter of Toronto is spending his with Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Lennox.| On 'account of the bad roads very few attended the churches here last Sunday morning. R. H. Arnold is spending a few days in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Draper have moved in to the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs, Buscombe. Mrs, J.T, Jennett spent a few days with Elmvale friends recently. Mrs: R..H. Jennett is recovering after an attack of flu. BRENTWOOD re Mar. 15.--Edward Allan spent Sunday in rillia. : J. Nolan, Toronto, spent the week-end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Will Seymour spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Allan. Miss Mary McKinnon, Vespra, ia visit- ing her sister, Mrs. F. Desjardine, I regret to feport that Will Lawson's family have the em: ; The recent thaw has left the roads in an almost impassable condition. "CHURCHILL : Prices. Walter Warren of Orillia was a week-end Robertaor ware and He, Visited their da . and Mrs. Spring visited their dauigh- Se a i le len q nts are recover- ing, The epideme, although bad enough, teas not so -severe ta last winter ay nearly \ [every case yielded to home. treatment, Following is,_a statement of live stock i P.O. Club of Ta shipped by the. . of Léfroy from - 10, 1919, to Mar. 10, 10) i: Mar. 10, 1010, to Mer 1 1920 inclusive: a total 'of 32 cars con! 288 eattls, 33 calves, 219 sheep and lambs and' 11 hogs, Net proceeds: amounted to $77,085.- 06 arith -an Rough Lumber MAPLE, BIRCH, HEMLOCK, PINE, BASSWOOD THE BALL PLANING MILL CO., LIMITED BARRIE Phone 109 Buckwheat Anthracite COAL WE WANT TO MOVE. ~ You may have a ton of this while at $7.00 Per Ton WE HAVE ABOUT 20 TONS OF... it lasts Phone 88 or 94 The Sarjeant Co., Limited average weight per car 16,867 | makin Highest price received for hogs. was | year, $28.40 per ewt. and the lowest $15.19, | 21414 Ibe. , The flavor ~~ fasts--and the electrically- to you with all Its goodness perfect- ly preserved. Bayfield St. 'an average price of $18.81 for the 'The average weight of hogs was to teeth, appetite, S digestion! Z X moe | 4