rt- - Thursday, March 18; 1930 early. . { California Seedless Raisins, California Seedless Raisins, California Prunes. . . Welche's Fruitlade, 16 oz. Welche's Peachlade' 16 oz, Fancy large Grapefruit .., Large Box Soda Biscuits ........ Black Ceylon Tea,'. .one pound at Choice W hite Beans ~ Choice Pink Salmon . . Pure Lard, in Bulk or pails, 'at. " Palmolive Soap at . . Corn Flakes ..... HINDS GROCERIES, PROVISIONS AND FLOUR Poultry and Fruit of all Kinds in Season 80-84 Elizabeth St. MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN with modern plumbing. Have us putin new enameled tubs, a snow white sink, or a water heater lo your boiler, You will kitchen work actually far pleasanter. Health too, lo work in such a place. The cost? well, let us surprise you by tell- ing you how lilfle the expense will be. ° MOFFATT & PARR 'Sole Agents fer "'Hocla" Furnaces Plumbers, Phone 531, Barrie fing the sier and DO YOU LIKE A NICE JUICY }} STEAK? Of course you do, and in any other kind of meat you the best. That is the king we sell. also want | everything an $| shop $| We have up-to-date butcher should have and our prices are right. Service the bes!. 3} PHONE 106 Wiseman & McBride { Old Stand, Elizabeth st. 'VULCANIZING. GUARANTEED FOR THE LIFE OF THE TIRE) Tha: tho spile hides all the while No matter whether it's a rim cut, big blow-out, nail hole, of loosé tread, when we |receive it, you get it back guaranteed 'to wear as long as the rest of the tire. tles and rubbers. The best new TO THE PEOPLE OF BARRIE AND The prices: we publish helow and each week are not only for-Saturday but for oné full week: Take ad- vantage of them at once,' as some lines may be sol ca S..+..'. 25¢ Ib., 28¢ lb., 30 Ib., 32c Ib. King Oscar Sardines, in Olive Oil .. . Cross Fish Sardines, in Olive Oil . New Hallowi Dates, in Bulk ., | Mourns silently and low, We also repair water bot- | prepa litth: Put not forev ICE Sais 'out © in bulk .... package ... vs 27 bb. «. 27e lb. .. 29 tin 25c jar . jar . BROS. Telephone 145 IN MEMORIAM WILSON--In loving memory of our dar ling Lena Gertrude, who departed to be with Jesus March 32, 1917 Oh our darling Gertrude, how we mis you, Only God can tell; But wetknow that you are happy. In your hesvenly home to dwell. Oh. the daya are long and lonely, And it's such a weary wait,» But you will be there to meet us Standing st the Golden Gate. ~--Sadly missed by Mother, Daddy and Brother Bruce. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Thelma Bernice Wilson. who died March 16, 1920. Little Thelma's Gone to Sleep Lay her nlésghings all away. She will nevet need them more, Gone the sunlight of our day, Gone to yonder Golden Shore, Clasp her itunds upon her broast, While we gently round her weep. Ob, the still and holy rest,» Little Thelma's gone to sleep. Rosy cheeks have grown ro pale, Ruby lips now speak no more, Byeuth as soft as summer gale, Voice as sweet as warbling birds, Oh, the stillness all around, Oh, the silence lone and deep, Tender ears can hear no sound Little Thelma's gone to aleep. | Yours will come and years will go, \But the form we loved so well It hay vanished from our home, How weemiss her none can tell. Angels to their starry home Called the gem we could not keep 'There she waits until we come, ittle Thelma's gone to sleep. Gone to yonder happy home, Sidly round her bed we weep. Angels bade our darling come, | Little Thelma's gone to sleep. --Father, Mother and Brother, 1N MEMORIAM In sad and loving memory of Mrs. Thos. Arnold. New Lowell, who tatered into rest March 23, 1919, *. We think of you, mother dea: But not with outward show, But the heart that mourns sincerely, The silent grief that in our souls, No --Mother is missed by Father and daughters), 1N MEMORIAM In loving memory of Margiret J. Col- lins, wife of Robert Collins, who pamed away March 16, 1918, = 'We who love you sadly miss you, As it dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near, Some may think that we {@ret' you, When st times they sce us smile But they little know the sorrow That smile hides all the while. Husband and Daughter. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear father, John M. Coulson, who died March 17, 1919. We who love you sadly miss you, As it dawns another year. In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever, near. Folks may think that we forget you, When at time they see us smile, But they little know the sorrow Z IN MEMORY In loving memory of James Arthur Trott, who died March 16, 1918. We'chall sleep, but not forever, PERSONAL ~ Ricsases Pb ROK ~ Jack Scott was'home from To- ronto over Sunday, Miss Maisie Kennedy is in To- ronlo for a few days. J. McChristy of Midland visited friends in town \bis week. Miss Rose McGill of Toronto spent the week-end at Alex. Ken- edy's. 7 Dr. ang Mrs. W. E. Gallie vis- ited with Mr.-and Mrs, Wm. Gallie over the week-end, Miss Ida Ault of Harper Hos- pital, Detroit, was in town for a few days last week. C. Kendall is in Peterboro atiending the provincial conven- tion of the G.W.V.A. Miss 8. Guthrie of Midland spent a couple of days with her sist Mrs. Robert Wilson. Mrs. \Stewart Macdonald of Hamilton has been spending a few days with her fathen, Mr. Cotter, Mrs. W J. Guthrie of Midland is spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Wilson. ' Miss Birdie Rhinehart has re- turned home from a six weeks' visit with friends in Toronto and ?Peterboro. Miss Dorothy Otton left week for Toronto to take a nurse's Lraining course in the General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. Alliston have returned home af- ter spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. W..Stoneham, Elizabeth St. Miss Lavilla Hamer, who has been spending a few days with Miss Guida Burton, left for, Ber home in Aurora on Wednesday, Albert Hogan, 23 MeDon- fell on the iey sidewalk at the corner of Owen and Me-| Donald Sts. and fractured ber tight ankle, Miss Mae Dougall, who com-| pleted her nursing, course al Harper Hospital, Detroit, some time ago, ix home on a visit to! her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Caldwell of | Shaniy Bay xpent Wednesday, March 17, at Wm. Moulds', Char- lolte SI, where Mr. and Mrs. A B. Carley were also entertained, Miss Margaret Lawrence of To- ronto announces the engagement! of her sivter, Sarah J. Lawrence, of Orillia, ty James FE, Lepar Guelph, the marriage to place the latter part of April, Miss Frame who has been in charge of the G.N.W, office here has gone to her home in Forest) this Stoneham of OUR RANGE OF. ~ SPRING SUITS ; AND COATS is now at its height and we never before had such an ex- cellent showing to offer. THE NEW SPRING SERGE AND TRI- COTINE DRESSES we are showing are extremely up-to-the-minute. We have a variety to chose from. THE NEW POLO AND CRYSTAL CORD SPORT COATS are here in the latest of shades --Mist, Bison, Teal, Dove. "Saag Announcement POWELL & CO. TRICOTINE SUITS in the new ripple effects in Bisque, Bison, Navy, Black are in-the most favor. OO ------_-- BEAUTIFUL SUITS IN BOTONY SERGES in a wonderful variety of de- signs, made in the style so pop- ular just now, are correct in every detail, and we can offer them at unusually low prices for the quality, - : =---------------------- SUITS IN ALL WOOL BRITISH SERGE from $26.50 up. ee 1 OUR SPRING MILLINERY is now being shown and our stock this year is more exten- , sive than we ever have had the ROGERS GARMENTS | POWELL & CO. ~ and will take a rest for some} time. D. C. Hawley, of Toronto.| BORN STROUD is now in charge of the G.N. W./DWYER-In_ Midhurt. on Wednesday.| By the death of Siciagh. Wlieensran:c Telegraph Co's business in Bar- On Monday, March 15, Miss! Eva Graves, youngest daughter and Mrs, E. J. Graves, | Barrie, wax quietly married to Mr. Egerton W. Shrubsole, eld- est son of Mr. and Mrs. James Shrubsole, Barrie. The Rev. Mr. Murphy of St. James Cathedral was the officiating clergyman. The happy couple are taking a short honeymoon to southern points. On their return they will reside in Toronto, ------ Collier St. Methodist Church Sunday, Mar, 21 Evangelist G. M. Sharpe will preach in Collier Street Methodist Church at 11 s.m. The evening services will be withdrawn in the church, and the congregation will meet in the Armories for Union Evangel- istic service at 7 p.m. R. J, Fallis, Pastor. DO YOU LIKE SWEET, JUICY RANGES ? We have them. 65c and 80c per doz. EATING APPLES 50c and 60c per doz. COOKING APPLES 90c peck _ These are, choice apples ----_-------- ARE YOU USING OUR FLOUR? "Golden Key," for Bread "Primrose," for Pastry No finer flour made. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY We shall meet to part, no, never, tires, tubes 'and accessories On! Op the resurrection morn. the market at lowest'. prices. Agent for the Welden Fire Ex- tinguisher. ~ --Brother Gladstone Trott. MEMORIAM G. G. MOORE 57 Elizabeth st. Next Garrett's Music Store ~ REYN emibrance of 01 dearest remoni Mori, ,who elt us, Makch 17, 1918, A beautiful metfory 'left bebind,~ 4 Bars Laundry Soap 25c Pete JER, te Mati Mev: AIBA | 2 sawoested resident of Tniielll hice tions yer, ighter. A D . . removed from our midst, The decessed KEENAN~In the RV. Hospital, on Tues-| was a native of the County 'Tyrone Ire day. March 9, 1020, to Mr. and Mrs.| Iund. and was in bis eighty-fifth year, be- John Keenan, Barrie, a son (atillborn.)| ing born in 1835. When' quite "x young McLEOD--At the R. V. Hospital, on|man he came to what was then salled Thursday, March 18, 1920, to Mr. and) Canada West, and after remaining a short Mrs. James MeLeod, Ross atreet, | time removed to Pittsburg, Ponn., working daughter. in the great iron works of that city for ten McQUADE--On Thursday, Mur. 4, 1020,| years. Being born a British subject and be- to Mr. and Mrs. Charles McQuade, Al-| ing possessed of that love and loyalty so Inndale, a daughter. characteristic of the men of Ulster for the 4 ritish flag, his desire was to, remain a Oe ae Pam, Ot Timeaey, MAE Artah eutfoot, oo in 180 be iene Cock 16; to Mr. and Mrs. Howard -Porritt, 1 ili and purchased' farm on 9th con, of In- High street, son (William Howard). nt, Purchared «farm indtwtsy ha ba: TROMBLEY--In the R. V. Hospital, on| "fl Tuesday, March 9, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Trombley, Stroud, a son. WARD---On Wednesday, March 10, to Mr. and Mrs, John Ward, Craighurst, daughter, MARRIED BOONE--MINNIKIN--In Allandale, on Saturday, March 13, 1920, by Rev. E. B. Taylor, Victoria Minnikin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Minnikin, Mary Street, Barrie, to Mr, Eden W. Stanley Boone, son of Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Boone, Bradford Street, Allandale, DIED BROOKS--In Toronto, on Sunday, Mar. 14, Rachael Brooks, wife of ' Thos. Brooks of Alliston. CLUTTON--In Barrie, on Thursday, Mar, 11, Elizabeth Margaret Clutton, widow of the lute Dr. W. H. Clutton, formerly of Edgar. RUMBLE--At Hillsdale, on Thureday, Mer. 11, Mary A. Rumble, aged 76 years, 4 months, widow of the late Jos. eph_ Rumble, SUTER--In Allandale, on Sunday, Mar. 14, George Elwood Suter, aged 5 months, #on of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Suter, 57 Gowan street. TEASDALE--At Hughenden, Altu., on Thursday, March 4, 1920, Florence Wig- gins, wife of John Teasdale, formerly of Barrie. WILSON--In Barrie, on March 16th, 1920, Thelma Bernice, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Bradford street, aged eight moaths. 5N MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Clark of Innisfil, who died March 22, 1915, price of MERRICK LISTER op St. Plas Great 99 pleasure "of showing. Prices, as usual, you will find at less than elsewhere. Men's Hats SPECIAL VALUES FOR OPENING WEEK SEE THE VERY FINE HATS WE CAN SELL YOU. AT $4.00 Regular $4.50 and $5.00 Hats To introduce our splendid range to the men of Barrie and Allandale, we are making a special close $4. and we guarantee these regular $4.50 - $5.00 Hats. Ladies'. Spring: Coats A splendid assortment at Teasonable prices. Our came a very successful farmer; a man' who posseaied the confidence nd. good- will of many friends, who regarded' him as one whose word was as good as. bis bond. le was a member of the Orange Order for many yeurs, joining the Order in his native land at an early age, HB was also a staunch Conservative, His wife pre-deceased. him ten years ago. One son, J. 8, Wilson, on the homestead, ia left to mourn his loss. The deceased was a member of the Presbyterian church and his funeral to the 6th con. Presbyterian v. Church was conducted by the . WwW. Johnston, Churchill. --Fvery housekeeper should have an O'Cedar Mop. Sold by Dougall Br 6tf i 00