Page Eight The cost of advertising in Word Each Insertion, wit! cents pet issue. given for the price of four. before the paper is issued, Rooms to Let EXAMINER CLASSIFIED WANT: ADS. Terms cash. § fe THE BARRIE EXAMINER this column is One Cent Per' ha pum charge of 25 six \insertions will sbe . Wherefeplies are directed to this Office an additional charge of 10c will be made. The foregoing rates are for CASH. When not paid for an additional charge of 10c will be made on all ads. less than one dollar. Articles for Sale LARGE ROOM to rent, furnished or un- GOOD DELIVERY WAGON For Sale. Ap- furnished, 23 Owen strect. Phone' 186,| ply Chas. Kelly, 22 Grove atreet. 12-12) 'ji 13 12121 MORRIS PIANO in good condition, Tor Lost and Found tale. Enquire Exuminer office, 12-126 LARGE STACK TIMOTHY HAY for sale, LOST--Fawn hund-knitted scarf, on Tues duy, between Muleasiey street and St. Vincent's Park. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. -- 12-12p Boarders Wanted BOARDERS WANTED--137 Collier street: 8-13p BOARDERS WANTED--Room for two amen, railroud men preferred, at 80 San- ford St., within calling distance of G.T. R. =| Br Apply to Jno. Campbell; Anten Mills. jFOR SALE--One spring wagon and one set of single barness. Apply at Dougali 08 12-12¢ ------ FOR SALE--Steel range in first-class @on- dition, Cun be seen mornings, 43 Owen street. 12-120 clic FOR SALE--Child's cot, bed and dresser, extension table, baby rocker. 86 Small street 12-12c He 11-16p| KITCHEN RANGE (The Now Empress), For Sale QUANTITY OF SEED BARLEY For Sale. Apply to Geo, Arnold, Painswick, 12-12p ALSIKE CLOVER SEED --- Limited amount for sale, twenty-five dollurw per bushel, Apply to W. P. Gill, Midhurst. 12-12p MARQUIS SPRUNG WHEAT for sale About 125 bushels, Carr, Apply to . RU. No, 1. S:roud 1Ltle Allandale Help Wanted MAID WANTED-- Apply at 50 Mary street | 12-13e GIRL WANTED ut Olympia Candy Works 10tfe HOUSEK! fo for light work. | Enquire sitice 12.126 GOOD MAID WANTED- Apply to Albert Brywon. 40 Bradford strer 10tfe GENERAL. SERVANT WANTED--Apply to Mes, W. H. Jucobs, 14 Charles street YOUNG LADY WANTED for position ax junwr clerk ud stenographer. Oppor. tunity for advuneemen lury $35.00 per month, Apply Box "D'", Examiner, Dtfe Wanted CANOE WANTED Apply H. P. Bingham, Barrie 12-18 HORSE, cuitable for delivery. wanted Fisher Millmg Co.. Barrie 12-12e WANTED- Wardrobe, in good repair Write Rox 494, Barrie PO, 1212p HOUSE WANTED to Rent--In or ovat landale. LIVE POULTRY WANTED, Highest prices pail. Will call M. Alexander, 142 Bratiford St. Phoue 322 10-15p FURS WAN prices. ¢ Collier street Apply Examiner office. 12 Will pay the highest phone 699 or bring to 33 M Rosenfellt, 49-13) for sale. Apply to M. Swan, care Sut. cliffe's store. 12-12p wheelbarrow- and other articles. Apply 28 Donald street. 10tfe --_____-- fe FOR SALE--Square piano, in good con- dition, and large black walnut secretary. Apply 27 Muple avenue. 12-13¢ FOR SALE--Bay buggy mare, spring wagon, large lot with orchard; large cement and iron; 3 ucres with slaughter house. J. Bingham. -- 12-17¢ COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA for sale--Also number of used records; and 150-egg ia- cheap. 80 Sanford street. 10-13p | WHY BUY A NEW CAR? A De Luxe Streamline hood will place your Ford } car in the thousand dollar clus. Only j seventeen dollars till price advances, | Fits all Ford cars previous to Nineteen Sevenceen. Write for circular The Burrows Mfg, Co., Toronto 9-14cs FOR SALE --Soven-passenger Studebaker 191% model, serie' eighteen, four cylin. der. forty horse power. two new tires, starter, electric equipment, in good eon dition, "May be thspected on applica: tion to The Ugjon Trus: Compuny, Lim ited, Toron'o, or Strathy & Esten. So: hicivurs, Barrie 12.126 ' Property for Sale -- $$ FOR SALE--Choice building lot. ceusrully located, 302130. Apply 42 Blake. Phone 586. 9-14p EP FOR SALE--House and stuble and about acres of land. Penetang street. Pe Bia ee | MODERN BRICK home in Barrie for wale ; also u small house. Apply G. F. Clarke, 24 Webster Avenue, Tofunto, | 7-12 | ----$_<____--_ er BRICK-CLAD HOUSE for sale--§ rooms, Mhnisfil street. electric light. $1400. Ap' ply to G. Urry, 147 Woraley street 7-12p TWO COTTAGES for Sale or rent, with lurge gardens, fruit trees, town water James street. Apply 2 Charlotte strect 12.12) -WANTED Furnished flat wih heating or part furnished house with use of kit chen. Pern ey if suited. Apply Mr. ALE, Travers Bailey, care WoL. Jeweler, Barrie 12 BERF WIDES ANIy SKINS AND FURS WANTED Highest prices paid, sat cfietion guaran eed Will call any place within driving distanee. Come in the inornings or on Saturdays. H. Levit, Berrie. Phone 384, 43-16) Live Stock for Sale PERCHERON MARE FOR SALE. 5 years old. Apply, 'o Joseph Quinlan, Barrie R.M.D. 1. Telephone 397r4 12-12p HOUSE FOR SALE---On Owen atreet, with half acte tund, Also 14 acres one mile rast of Shan'y Bay on Lake Shorr. Ap- ply to thi« office 6-11p COMFORTABLE FRAME HOUSE with large lot. on Bradford «treet, for sale. Terms easy, Apply Miss M. Harrison, 19 Vespra_ street 1213p BAY SHORE 10T For Sale. containing one sere, in town of Barrie, sbout 2 miles from Post Office. Apply to M. Gordon, 208 Bayfield stree:. 12-12p FOR SALE} 50 acres good pasture, well watered. Quantity of wood and cedar posts on lot. Avply to W. C, Richard son, Midhurst, Telephone 199123, 12tfe TWO RPGISTERED BULLS of dual pur- pase Shorthorn breeding. for sale; nlso timozhy und alfalfa hay, E. V. Wilson, Shanty Bay. 7-12p FOR SALE---A few good Barred Rock Bockercls, UAC, College stock. price $3.00 exch. J. E. Sutcliffe. 169 Bay. field atrect 1 REGISTERED SHORTHORN 14 mos. 19 mos, and 9 mos. respec also two two-year-old beif- ers bred. Reasondble prices, Bell Bros., RRS. Barrie. Phone 620, 11-tfe. Miscellaneous FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie.18p ROUGHCAST HOUSE FOR SALE--Six rooms, good cellar. electric lighta, town water, hen house, two acres of land with spring creek running throngh, planted out with fruit trees, Apply 14 Donald St. 11 FLOUR MILL FOR SALE, up to date, do- ing a good business, water power. situ-| ated at Hawkestone, Ont. Also wheel- lock engine and quantity of wood and iron pulleys for sale. J. A. Shaw, Hewkestone. ) 11-12¢ Farms for Sale FOR SALE--S0 acre farm. good location, good soil and good buildings. Apply W. F. Elliott, Painswick. 12-15p | ALL ACCOUNTS DUP J. Bingham & Sona ble at 75 Toronto street. 12-13¢ ----$$ N. COTTER--Fine boot snd shoe repair- ing, first-class work done at his home, V ors 76 Wo "street, Barrie. 7-20p LADIES'. CUSTOM TAILORING. done in all lines of work. Miss ES Gosney, 2 Adelaide street, Allandale. 7-129 CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old suit and overcoat can be made to look like new by Harry Twins, Ross Block, Dunlop 8t. WILL PARTY who was seen picking up Jogging chain by mistake off banister on bridge at T. D. Soules'-sale kindly re- turn same! Consulting Engineers 12-12p THE E. A. JAMES CO. LIMITED E. M. Proctor, B.A.Sc., Manager 36 TORONTO ST., TORONTO, CAN. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks,Sewer- Tncineratoys, Schools, Public Halls, Housings, Factories, Ar- bitrations, Litigation. 'Our, Fees:--Usually psid out of the joney_ we save our cliente FOR SALE--S4 acres, n.w. qr. lot 18. con, 8. Innisfil. good barn 40x60, with steel six-roomed house; heavy clay loam land, well fenced, in a high state of cultivation, Also 50 acres, s.w. qr. lot 25, con. 8, Inniefil, well fenced, 144 ac. good or- chard, elay loam, good well, good spring creek; xeven-roomed house, stone cellar and summer kitchen; good frame barn, implement house, two stables. hog pen, hen house, Giving up farming on sc: count of old age. Apply pn premises, N.W. qr. lot 18. con. 8. Wm. Caitheart, Stroud. Ont., Phone 11722. Oth _A.H. SPENCE . has purchased T. H. Davis' BLACKSMITH BUSINESS ON COLLIER STREET, BARR'E and solicits the patronage of old , customers as well as new 12-13p i NOTICE Mr. A. Kerr/has bought out the barber business of the Inte Mr. A. Wice and solicite a 'FOR SALE--Some household furniture, eubator; all in good shape. Will sell | t6p| Yespra to share to the extent of - anti aagre: ong j LOCAL NEWS - % EOI ORI RIOR RRR --Pictures framed by Dougail Bros. 6tf --Order your Hot Cross Buns at Bryson's and get the best. 25¢ per dozen. 12-13¢ Mrs. Usher has sold her 'house on Florence St. to Zeeman Rupert of Edenvale. B. Walter Hunter has been re- elected President of the New- market Board of Trade. --IJust arrived, our new de- signs in Carpets and Rugs. See them at Dougall Bros. 6tf Wm. Crossland has sold his house at 108 Peel St. to Andrew Fraser, who moved in last week James Marlin has sold his res- idence in Maple Ave. to W. J. Coulter and has bought James Maxwell's house, Clapperton St, ---If it's window shades you need we have them. Best in quality and lowest in price, Johnston & Warren. 12-12¢ Word has been received by the G. T. R. agent here that the reg- ulation requiring vaccination be- fore crossing the border into the United States will be rescinded at midnight on Friday, March 19, A. Meekums has purchased ses Bell's boarding house, y St, together with the furnishings. He is leasing it to Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Ottawa who will continue the boarding house. | At a meeting of the Presby- |tery of Barrie last week, the call fo the Rev, T. M. Wesley from the congregations of Coldwater, Waubaushene and Moonstone was sustained and there is every rea. [son fo believe if will be accepted Ben Webb's rink came from Stroud of Monday night to play A.D. Simon for the Boys Trophy. Notwithstanding the rain. on doors (here was very fair ja good game was en. Visitors were 7 shots down, the seore heing 15 10 8 The following sales of town properties hase been made by W }O. Partridge: Lar boarding house on Mary St. owned by | Misses Bell sold to A. Moekums of the Ball Planing Mill Ge dames Maxwell's house, Clapper- ton St, sold to James Marlin, principal of Central School, An illustrated ure oon the Riviera from Maravilles to Genoa Wits given on Tuesday eventing in the Parish Hall un the aus pices of the Trinity Church branch of the ACY. POA, At the close of the evening hearty votes of thank re extended "to the lecture ~ K. Lally, for his most interesting and instructive ade dress, and tis able assistant H G. Balliston A large mumber of 1914-15 Stars held by the Gisiriet Record Officer, M.D at 149 College Str Toronto, for discharged saldiers whe cannot be loeated at (heir last known ad- dress, Members of the who are entitled to this decora- tion and who gave address on discharge as being in Military Distriel No. 2. are requested to apply to the above officer at once Reeve Wattie and Clerk Coutts were in Toronto on Tuesday i ferviewing the Publig Works Dept. regarding the bridge on con. 8 near Minesing for which a grant was made last year. Il is probable that this will be eon- structed this year. Another mat. ter taken up by them was. the grant for Colonization Roads. In the bylaw passed by the Council, work to the extent of $3300 (half to We paid by the Government was provided for, bul it is' not likely that the Govt. appropria- tion will be sufficien, to permit $1650. Armenian Fund The following subscriptions have been received since last issue: Fdgar W. 1 .. Anten Mills 8. S. . R. Lightfoot .. of 5.00 8 11.50 Previously acknowledged 99.60 1 $1013.10 a nt JUST RECEIVED SOME VERY FINE QUALITIES OF CHOCOLATES AT "THE HUB" We have bought these in Sixty Gents a Pound notwithstanding the in. creased cost of sugar and chocolate. We have also a full line of Cowan's Choco- late Nut Bars at five cents each--try them, You will enjoy them. T..N. HOBLEY\ OG when sewing b 37, 5/9, 6, § Common Pins, Safety Pins, 4 Coates' Thread 3 for 25c. 10¢ card. for 25c. Assorted Black special 10. Mending White, Tan, should buy t White and B Combs, special, 15c. Black Dressing and 25c. 13c, 2 for 25, Men's Reds and White Handkerchiefs, size 21x25. Special price 25c, 5 for $1. This is a fine quality, with- out dressing, and scarce goods. You should see them held by the Ladies' Aid Society of St. An- drew's Presbyterian, Chureh on Saturday afternoon. last, proved most delightful in every way. The Synday School room and tables Were tastefully decorated -- in green, and the toothsome array of homemade dainties for sale was most inviting. Aflernoon twa was served aml enjoyed by a goodly number, About 860 was realized. lL. 0. 0. F. and Rebekah Darice 4' lafke crowd ~ attended the dance given in the Town Hall on March (7 by the f. 0. O. F. and Rebekah Lodges. The hall was TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE a continuation of all old customers and new ones. 12-12p. large quantities so as to be able to sell them to you al gayly decorated in green and white and the mueic provided by 8. Guilfoyle, Mr. Clarke and Fine quality Sewing Needles, Gilt Safety Pins, 10c Tape measures, 5c Black Bone Hair Pins, 5 and Grey Bone Hair Pins, 15¢ card Gilt French Hair Pins, 10c, 3 2, 5c; 5, 10c¢; 10¢ box, 3 Curling Tongs, worth 20¢, Side Combs, 25c, 40c pair. i Barrettes, 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c. i 1 Bone Crochet Hooks, 10¢ each Wire Crochet Hooks, 10c each Wool, in Black, Nigger Brown, Grey, These are scarce goods. You good value Tooth Brushes, Glass Tooth Brush Holders, Needles and Pins and everything that the home sewer thinks she needs, and scores of notions that she might otherwise overlook, are given in a complete list below. this list beforehand will save much delay and annoyance egins in earnest. loc pkg. 5 and 10¢ pkg. 3/10, 5c, 10¢ ticles placed + 200 yards, 9c $2.25. Do not miss small price. Wire Hair Pins skeins, 10c, 3 for 25c¢ hem now. lack Dressing 25c, Combs, 50c. special 15c at 10c. 4 more than 8 bars to ane per- son. This is a big bargain, do not miss it. c. Special. Teamsters' Whips, worth 50c. Special, 25c, --______ WE SAVE YOU MONEY _--_---- ___ With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon. See the nice goods at little prices. _<k =: PEOPLE eee Douglas Beatty was all that could be desired, The first prize for waltzing went to Greenwood and W, Gate: seeond to Mi to and J. WY .Miss M. and the Collins of Teron- ex, A goodly sum of money was realized and the Oddfellows hope to make 'an ammial affaireof their dances, HOT CROSS BUNS Proper blending, the use of the best materials and mak- ing will produce a first-class Hot Cross Bun. We purpose making the same at 26 cents a dozen Phone your order early, please, BROWN'S BAKERY Phone 250° Thursday, March-£8, 1920 Climax Fruit, Vegetable, and Fish Parer and Slicer, one of the most useful ar- rd the cutting parts are made of polished steel and are eas- ily sharpened with a fine file Special 15c, 2 for 25c. Kitchen Set of 8 pieces: meat saw, cleaver, can-op- ener, 3 knives; 1 fork and sharpening stone, big value Special price $4.59. Taylor's Talcum Powder in glass jars, Infants' Delight, Blue Bird, Valley Violet. Talcum Powder, large tins 15c, 2 for 25c. Zebra Paste Enamel Stove Polish, made by Reckitts & Sons, Limited. 15c, 3 for 25c. - Jet Stove Enamel for stowe pipes, registers, grates dries quickly, special 25¢c. Special for Saturday only-- Sutcliffe's special Laundry Soap, cheap pes A survey of in a kitchen; this set at the special 25c-- Big value Friday and for 25c. Not Men's Khaki Handker- chiefs, special 20c, 3 for 50¢ Standard New Idea, De- signer Patterns for sale. 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c. BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR SALE The following articles are to be seen on the grounds of the West Ward School. ONE SCHOOL BELL. TWO OUTBUILDINGS. QUANTITY OF STORM SASH. : Tenders to be in the hands of Mr. R. A. Stephens, chair- man Property & Supply, by noon Friday, March 19, 1920. No tender necessarily accept- ed. FRED MARR, 414-12c Séc--Treas. plane Or