66 ee 3 eae & Thursday, March 11; 1920 tS Barrie Branch and Safety. Deposit Boxes, A. Leslie, Manager Branches also at Cookstown, Thorton % ROTO Ione kok non Rao OKO % = NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS % |, "= ' ilo Pe ATOR IR iqloR iio CRAIGHURST Mar. 8.--The influenza epidemic ix on the decrease. Mrs. Joseph Elismere, town line east, is reported seriously ill. Her sister, Mrs. Kinsock of Barrie, is with her. John Thompson, respected resident, (farmer east of the village in Medonte town. ship, 4 few yeurs ago), succumbed to flu a the home of his daughter, Mrs. Beard of Jarratt. The Barrie Examiner was not received NEURALGIA If you know the nerve. Tac ing agonies of Neural- 7 ggeu il bless the day Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules This to give 1 veed, Fellef to sufferers from Neuralgia. Bend for free sample to Tompletons, 142 King Bt. -. Toronto. om Doctors recommend Shem, and Felisbie drug= 'Sverywhere sell for 61.0% 8 box. = Ask at Crossland's Drug Store Six Henry Drayto (Minister of Finance | ORI TolofoRkororork til stage being unable to make the trip. | # Rev. A. McEwan preached his first ser-| know spring will soon be here. Spring will be hailed with much pleasure ax this win- church. ter is noted for the coldest winter in years. | mon; as pastor here yesterday in Knox Wr are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O'Neill as residents, to the vil- Inge. DB. Willoughby, trackman, has been transferred to Arthur. He und his wife and | family of Orillia are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hughes. family have moved there. The iptense cold stormy weather con- Hinugs, and. unlike some pisces, there bas|ton are 'vieiting her father, Mr. Wallace, ; | not been 2 thaw. for Mes. Obes. Hart has returned from a | ham, visit to her duughters and their families, in Tpronto and Buflalo. Injerested persons met at the home of Mrs.\G. Binnie reeently and re-organized | er. the Thadies' Aid of the Presbyterian church. The Yirst meeting was held st Mrs, Robt.|her daughter, Mrs, Alex Constable. Turner's, and on Wednesday next they meet /at Mra, F. Orser's, Their work will|B»rrie and Allandale. be hnking garments for the Children's Shelter, Barrie. Mr, and Mrs, Dl. Somers are entertaining a fine ton, iti A. Hudgins has moved into Jus. Hew- itt's house, having sold his house to Mr. Schell of Oro, Mr. Hudgins has purcbased another lot on the Penetnog road from H. Ostrander and will build on «ame in the spring. CLOWES March. 8.-The weather continues ex- ceeding cold ahd stormy. Village lust week. Wel are pleased to report that Mian Lulu THE POPULAR BRESDS - Percherons is ani Vice-President La Fayette Stock Lonpon, and Belg ians In our Stables at Fair Grounds, in London, we have a select lot of Percheron 'ALL OUR HORSES HAVE BEEN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED G. R. CROUCH 'The Company is composed of J. Crouch, President |G. R. Crouch, Viee-President and 'Treasurer; R. G. Ivey, Secretary. Directors, 'Was. Boruard and Jas. McCartney. ant in hot on E. Farm ¢ of Canada, Limited ONTARIO a WIRNIPEO BRANDON REGINA SASKATOON: Tees. Thurs. Sat.--Via @.T., T. é D Canadian, Nati Lve. TORONTO (Union Station) STANDARD TRANS-CONTIBERTAL TRAIN. OUT, INCLUDING NEW ALL-STEEL- TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. , 'Sun. Mon, Wed. Fri.--Osnadion National all the way. Tickets and full jatormation ati Raljways' Agent," A, F, A, Maloomeon, Barrie, Ont. Or General Passenger Department, Torente, trial Department 1 fell parti ng and ia WestaratGannds svllale for forming ot sthat parce ith Pah SST Te The Way to the West DAILY SERVICE 19.16 p.m. CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER ances will be avoided. Thousands of Can- | VICTORIA dsllans Have been seesdred 6 pertoct health BERT TamoURR. |W alte Gre fr by laters Succ | At 'Then you will apprecinte the advantages it | Ontario Zor el ic Spain Dat | St ' are . -0., Cochrane thence Hest clas agri cepa carn a pation. Bathe internally. the 'The J.B.L. Cascade is now being used in| the thousands of Centidian homes, all of whom | 422 sporeciate ite wonderful value. It is being] to and explained at Wm, Crosland's nal Railways. Sexton home again from the military hoe. [ria this time for good, we hope, to be up again after his recent illness. with Mrs. John Blain. this district, . spent an evening last week with Mr. and here until Ssturday evening. owing to the| Mrs... John Blain day with bis father. Charles Booth, lust week wich her sister, Mr, F. Ness. villoge for @ day or ao lately. week-end st their home here on Feb, 28, tor and seeding outfit. week, we all wish Mr, and Mm, Sanderson all temporal and spiritual blessings. moved into the house vacated by Mr, and Mra. Wortley. into the house vacated by Jno. Guthrie O'Brien. K.C.. of Toronto, was Inid to rest wan a former resident here, being the eld. est daughter of Rev, W. B, Ardagh and was horn in 1829. iting this week with Mr. and Mrs, Henry| | Gilchrist, - | The Epworth League was well attended Fred Day had charge, Rev, A. B. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs, John and Mrs, H. Gilchrist. Keep in memory the 17th of March and come to Shanty Bay, Notice further on, Collingwood curlers are becoming more ambitious, They want a new and mod- ern rink. The present structure--a very fine building when erected u few years ago --has outgrown its usefulness, though it serves the purpose, It also needa consider- able' repairs at a great expense, hence the talk of a new building, either on the pres- ent site or elsewhere. Some talk has tak- roller rink, but owing to s recent marked advance in the price this suggestion was thrown into the discard, Mur. 8.--We are glad to see Pte, J. B. 'am glad to report Byson Kelley is able Miss Mary Newman spent the week-end J, L, Coyne epent.a few days last week 'Those with the flu are all recovering in Miss Hilds Fox, teacher of No. 17, When we see the horned lark around we STROUD Mar. 8,---Mrw. Chester McConkey and Mrs, Will Boake and family of Thorn- r a few weeks before moving to Totten- Wilfred Booth of Toronto spent over Sun. E. Hughes of Bradford visited his broth- . J. Hughes, 'on Monday. Mrs. Elizabeth Duncan spent week with Mre. Mut? Robertson is visiting friends in Miss Mary Pollock of Cookstown spent Nurse Belle Neclonds is in Midland vis- ing her sister, Mrs. Jeffery. SHANTY BAY Miss Lettie Hart and Miss Ross pent a day here last week Ross Edwards of Toronto visited in our Mr. und Mrs. Horace Hurdy spent a Jno. McGill of Barrie spent a day in our Jamex Hart hus ortiered an IHC. trac- Jno. Sanderson was in Toronto lost id returned with « new wife, and Norman Wortley has left our village and engaged with Col. Peuchen this summer, d Jno. Guthrie and his mother have Mr. and Mra. Cliffg Robson are moving id bis mother. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wortley have moved the village to occupy their lately finished use adjoining the green 'house. Mrs. Henry O'Brien, wife of Henry St. Thomas' cemetery last week. She Mr. and Mrs, Lee of Bracebridge are vis- Sunday evening. Mrs. Campbell and Lee of Bracebridge are the guests of Mr. New Rink for Collingwood place regarding the purchase of the my HE SHERIFF'S SON?" Chatles Ray ia undoubtedly the clover. eat of the screen's young actors when it comes to portraying the homely human vir tues and foibles, anc the soul, that are 80 In bis new Sheriff's Son," he Provincial' hi batt Soe x New Landmarks In igig New milestones in the progress of the Sun Lire AssuRANCE Company or CANADA were passed. in 1919. : Applications received ......... .. over $100,000,000.00 Assets........ sees over $100,000,000.00 over $400,000,000.00 Gratifying progress was made in all other departments during the year. . Synopsis of Results for-1919 = ASSETS Assets as at 31st December, 1919. Increase over 1918 , - $105,711 ,468.27 + 8,091,089.42 INCOME Cash Income from Premiums, Interest, Rents, etc., in 1919. ...... Increase over 1918 25,704,201.10 4,053,101.41 PROFITS PAID OR ALLOTTED Profits Paid or Allotted to Policyholders in 1919. .........e0.0e0 1,606,5€3.37 SURPLUS Total Surplus 31st December, 1919, over all liabilities and capital 8,037,440.25 (According to the Company's Standard, viz., for assurances, the OM. (5) Table, with 344 and 3 per cent Interest, and for annuities, the B. O. Select Annuity Fables with 334 per cent interest.) TOTAL PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS Death Claims, Matured Endowments, Profits, etc., during 1919. . 12,364,651.15 Payments to Policyholders since organization 91,227,532.30 ASSURANCES ISSUED DURING 1919 Assurances issued and paid for in cash during 1919 86,548,849.44 Increase over 1918s, 34,957,457.40 \ BUSINESS IN FORCE Life Assurances in force 318t December, 1919 416,358,462.05 Increase over 1918... 75,548,805.92 LIFE ASSURANCES APPLIED FOR 7 Life Assurances applied for during 1919, . 100,336,848.37 Increase over 1918 42,529,881.70 The Company's Growth = . i LIFE ASSUR- YEAR ' INCOME | ASSETS ANCES IN FORCE $ 48,210.93 $ 96,461.95 | $ 1,064,350.00 278,379.65 836,897.24 6,844,404.64 1,373,596.60 4,616,419.63 31,528,569.74 4,561,936,19 17,851,760.92 85,327 ,662.85 15,052,275.24 64,187,656.38 | 218,299,835.00 25,704,201.10 | 105,711,468.27 | 416,258,462.05 " --__--___--. The Sun Life issues more ordinary assurances annually than any other Company of the British Empire. , OF GANADA 1871 HEAD OFFICE M EAL 1920 T.B. MACAULAY S@tesident JOHN A. TORY, WM. MAY, Jr. OD. J. REBURN Supervitos/for Western Ontario Assistant Mgr. District Mgr., Sun Life Bidg., Toronto, Ont. Sun Life Bidg., Toronto Ont. Barrie, Ont. Have Your Cleaning Done By Experts . Clothing, household draperies, lin- en and delicate fabrics can be clean- ed and made to Jook as fresh and bright.as when first bought. be rolling het 'nd the IS PROPERLY DONE AT PARKER'S it i L afl town. We will be pleased to advise you on-any juestion ing Clean| ' a renlee 6 dead Dyoing - PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Limited: CLEANERS and DYERS 791 Yonge St. i: Toronto : He iu é : Pag Seven Keep in touch with the advts,--live news from live merchants, Cleaning and Dyeing It makes no difference where you live; parcels can be sent in by mail or express: The same care and attention is given the work as though 'you lived in "4