Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1920, p. 12

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: ele oa Page Twelve si DREAMLAN She married him for better --not for" worse--and. he made good. SEE ALBERT RAY AND ELINOR FAIR --IN-- "MARRIED IN HASTE" Friday and Saturday " All Children Over Five Years 16c ; A Bret Hart story THE GRAY WOLF'S GHOST Starring H. B. WARNER --ALSO-- A NEW COMEDY Wed.-Thur., Mar. 17-18 VIRGINIA PEARSON with Sheldon Lewis A screamingly funny drama- tic faree-comedy in five parts. Prices Now, Everyone 160 SESE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Sarah Jane Ball, decess- ed. NOTICE in hereby given pursuant to R. B.0., 1914, Chapter 121 and Amending Acta, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Sarah, Jane Ball, ste of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simece, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of Novem- ber, A.D., 1919, are required on or before the 18th day of March, A.D., 1920, to de liver to the undersigned jarrie, Ontar- io, Solicitors for the 'Admi ratrix of the estate of the said Sarah Jane Ball, their full names and addresses, a full statement of their claims, duly verified and the na- ture of the security, if any, held by them. AND further take notice that after said Inst mentioned date the said Administrat- rix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate of the said Sarah Jane Ball among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which she shall then have notice, and the said Administra trix will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been te- ceived by her at the time of the said dis- tribution. 8-Ile ART & STEWART, jarrie, Ontario, Solicitors for Adminiatrat NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Stewart Wilson, Inte of the Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, farmer, dedensed, Notice is hereby given' pursuant to Sec- tion 56 of the Trustees Act, R.8.0, 1914, Chap, 121, that all creditors and others |*: having claims or demands against the es- 'tate of the said Stewart Wilson, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of . February, 1920, in the Township of Innisfil, are required, on or before the Third day of April, 1920, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, the executors of the Inst Will and Testament of the anid deceased; their christinn names and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars in writing of claims, 8 statement. of their secounta, and the ture of the security, if any, held by them pi Fee See Fee Sere ee ele re aeal SEESTIE FS EE MISS L. E, WILLERS. B to. ang Mrs. Wm. Coulter were ronto over Supday. . McMillan has purchased se on Holgate St. from J. 8. on. . Trask was called to Ham-- his week owing to the death uncle. F Migs Annie Crowe |spent a few days | with: relatives| in Colling- wood this week. A umber of local hockey fans saw the T.C.C.-Stratford | match in Toronto, Tuesday night. Mrs. N. MeNicol of Tononto and Mr: eo. Smith of Hamilton are guests of Mrs Geo, Poucher. This week the Presbyterian boys jare being organized into js of activities according to 8. Brunton and Miss have returned home af- |H-Readman Announces | R . His Resumption of Business i : arrie iness*in B Haying purchased the busi- negs of Messrs, Jno. Bing- ham & Sons, butchers, | am again in a position to cater to {he public in all kinds of fresh and cured meats, the transfer taking place on Thursday morning, Mar. {1. I will be pleased to serve former customers, the cus- tomers of Messrs. Bingham & Sons, and many new cus- toniers, "QUALITY. AND SERVICE" OUR MOTTO. J, H. READMAN Ellzabeth St. (Near Mary 8t) | PHONE 473° - J ) CHANGE IN BUTCHER BUSINESS We beg to notify the public that 'we have disposed of our butcher business to J. H. Read- man. |He will continue in our old stand and we bespeak for him the patronage of ull 'our customers. JNO. BINGHAM & SONS FARMS FOR SALE Shanty Bay--100 scres, Al soil and good buildings. Price $11,000.. Oro--}00 neres, soil clay loam, bank barn 40x90, pig pen 20x30, implement shed arn frame house, good water. Price Penetang Rosd--200 acres, 4 miles from Barrie, soil and buildings. Price $16,000.) Oro--$3 sores, 1 mile from Barrie, good buildings, a fine home with all convenien- 100 'sores, soil light lonm, 20 , frame house. Price $4,000. 100 seres, soil cley loam, fine juse, good outbuildings, 'Price Pree $20,000, acres, 100' wo... workable. " acres, _cemen &... good . Price $5,500, Je M.D, | Phone 31 8. M. Brown is visiting in] ter sponding a week 'in 'To- TO) Mrs. Foisie, mother of Mrs, Desjardine, and sister of Mrs. Desourdie, died at Brentwood last 'week. Mrs. Ivan Grose has returned from Lefroy where sho was 'pending some time owing to the illness of her mother. Geo. Watson has purchased J, A. MeNeil's house, Burton Ave. Bruce Richardson has bought W. J. Coulter's house on the same street. There was an attendance of 37 at the meeting of Barrie Preshy- tery held in the sa St. church on Tuesday, BusMess was most- ly the presentation of reports. W. J. Piggott Now a Supt. One of the town's most popular and efficient railroadmen receiv- ed a well-deserved promotion las! week when Wm. J. Piggott, trainmaster for the {1th and 12th districts of the G.T.R., was ap- pointed Superintendent of the Stratford division. The super- intendency at'Hamillon has been abolished and the territory form- erly in that-division has been con- solidated with the London and Stratford divisions. The terri- tory under Mr. Piggott's direc- tion has a traskage of about 900 miles. When Mr. Lyneh was ap- pointed superintendent of the Northern division he was oceu- Dying the position of trainmaster at Stratford. Mr. Piggott has been at the divisional headquarters here for nineteen years as despateher, chief despatcher and trainmaster, holding the last-inentioned posi- tion for ten years. He was in- defatigahle in his efforts on be- half of the company and stands high in the ¢steem of both officials and men. Wm. Little, who has been trainmaster of the 13th and 14th districts, has hag his jurisdiction extended to include the {1th and 12th districts. Sn Collier St. Methodist Church Sunday, March 14, 1920 Services 11 a.m.--The Pastor, 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--The Pastor. Evening Subject -- 'What is Conver. sion?" Music by the choir, under the leudership of Mrs. Rice. A special selec- tion will be given by the Quartette at the evening service. emer eee ene PREPAREDNESS Is more than a military term; it is tho word that disiinguishes the fellow who 'Never had no luck no how" from the one who seems to gel..just what he wantr. Prepare for the position higher up BARRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE The best equipped xehool in On- tario, offers you superior train- ing in Business, Enter any time. H. A. Henry, Prin. ionsdaenniiahatienneiabenenthtenminaemamanetaneneed Town Property for Sale $5,000 buys a fine brick residence on Bayfield street. $1,800 buys 9 cement brick house on Park atreet, $6,200 buys a double brick residence on Ross street, buys cement house, Charlotte street. $2,000 buys cement cottage on Dunlop street, $4,600 buys an Al boarding house on Bradford street. $2,700 buys half « double houre on High ott treet, 44,500 buys fine brick residence on E200 bays a fine prick 4 f a fine use and small cottage. on fill seo $1,800 buys a 7-room brick house. on corner of Eccles and Perry street. $1,800 buys half « double house on 'Mary street, $1,700 buys frame house on Bradford street, 2200 buys a brick owe on Elisabeth $1,300 buys a roughcast house, Blake prise ; $3,200 buys a brick house, Collier street, 4,000 buys « brick house, Welington "080 all brick house, Elis noe = ret $2,500 buys a nice frame house, large lot on Charlotte atreet, all conveniences. $1,700 buys a brick house, Peel street. $3,700 buys a first-class brick house on Collier street. "ira buys a store and living rooms over it. : | $8.800 buys = brick 'house, - Penetang street, $1,600 buys s brick house, Charlotte street. $5.000 buys large brick house, Mulcas. ter street, 500, | $4,400 buys rougheast house, High otreet. 9900 'buys (¢-roons 'rougbetet, house, Ow- en street. $2,200 buys: cement house, 'Wellington' 25,000 bee large brik howe, Toronto usefulness. 1 Bale of 1200 yards of Mill Ends of Tickings, in red and blue stripes, lengths of 134 yards to 6 yards, brought direct from the mills at remnant prices. Yours at a saving see. Webb- COUNCIL AIDS DEMONSTRATION (Continued from Page 5) copt the- fact that our principal source of revenue for such pur- poses hax been largely wiped out and the further incontrovertible fact that the zost of every servien has materially advanced. Already our minds are active towards feature thrills, and any- thing is possible from a barba- cue on the commons weat of the town, to a submersible on the bay. Two full days will be cram- med with Joyful and hilarious en- tertainment, presumably Monday and Tuesday, June 24 and 22. We humbly ask your honorable body to provide a cash grant of $2000.00 placed at the disposal of the executive, and to guaran- tee us agains! loss up toa sum equal to 81000 additional. The latter is a 20 to 4 contingency in favor of your exchequer, and would become an obligation only from one cireumstance--shock- ing bad weather. Looking to the proposed dates we are one month behind the ih- itial effort in launching the "Dia- mond Jubilee," ang the "Diamond Jubilee' must be eclipsed. Expe. dition, therefore, becomes an es- sential factor, and we would re- spectfully ask for your decision within the next twenty-four hours." Mr. Vickers supplemented - the letter by a few remarks, He was followed by Mr. Cowan, who spoke mainly of the celebration as it referred to the soldiers. Mr, Beecroft deall. with some of the financial aspects,, showing how some former big celebrations were handled and the manner in which they were financed, The Council showed itself quite in accord with the enterprise by adopting forthwith the follow- ing motion:--"That the request of the citizens' committee in charge of the Re-Union celebra- bration on June 20 and 24 be- granted, viz., a grant of $2000 and &@ guarantee of $1000 addi- tional, if being. understood that any surplus be returnable to the Town Treasurer." AT SUITS, DRESSES AND WAISTS ready to put on and wear. In this exposition of Ladies' wearing apparel are some fine ex- ' amples of the superior value-giving which characterize this store's - WHETHER YOUR NEED IS A SUIT A NEW SPRING COAT A DRESS, OR A DAINTY WAIST. It is worth your while to see those at Vickers' -- all individual styles--no duplicates. -_ ey THREE GOOD OFFERINGS IN STAPLES : Fine Nainsook, full 36 inches wide, extra fine finish, our most popular cloth, last year's prices, 68c; we offer it for one week only at yard . .55¢ It is worth 80c; buy a | qualities, 47 inches wide. quantity Yard ...... 45¢ and 50c ee Pure Linen Hand Towel- ling, now very' scarce: These are part of a pur- chase made 2 years ago. Heavy, pure linen, dark and light, good wearing VICTOR VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS | We have a complete stock and like every other commodity they are hard to get in quantity--stock is now at its best--come in and For the convenience of Ward Six residents we have appointed Mr. Webb as sub-agent. If you cannot get over conveniently, -see O. VICKERS|' BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR SALE . The following articles are to be seen on the grounds of the West Ward School. Property for Sale Around Allandale F; * Frame cottage, it 'location, - nisfil street, price 'i 0, ---- Frame house, 4 bedrooms, parlor, din- ing room, kitchen. Price $1 700. $2,500 buys a fine cememt house on Gran- ONE SCHOOL BELL. --_| ville test, near school and church. TWO OUTBUILDINGS. |orsoviue regi Tousen howe on $2,200 buys new brick house on street, large lot with barn. siete $1,800 buys large frame house, good ground, garage, Brock street. : £1,400 buys cement house on Ssnford street, $8,500 buys butcher shop, 7-room house, and 65 seres of Isnd, $2400 buys fine brick house on Holgate 'street with all conveniences. APPLY TO M.D.CUBITT-NICHOLS BARRIE Res. Phone 62 QUANTITY OF STORM SASH. Tenders to be in the hands of Mr. R. A. Stephens, chair- man Property & Supply, by noon Friday, March 19, 1920. No tender necessarily accept- ed. FRED MARR, Sec»Treas, | Phone 31 11-42¢ Examiner adlets bring results. mittee for the rt giv the Coun- ea eee ee A trial will convince. cil. This will appear next week. Hinds Bros. Weekly Store News In increasingly large numbers the careful discrim- inating housewives are learning that it pays to have their grocery needs supplied by us. Look over these quota- tions and either phone or call for your requirements. Gal. Tomato Catsup for .......... 1 Ib. Can choice Pink Salmon for . Choice White Beans ... New Hallowi Dates at ...., Pure Lard in bulk or pails at .. California Lemons at ........ Corn Flakes... 4.00. 5.0005 Sardines in oil .... t Quaker Oats at..... 4 ++ +ae 330 Pkg. Pure Orange Marmalade, No. 9 Pails at .... $1.05 Pure Raspberry Jam, No. 4 Pails at ....... $ Pure Castile Soap, reg. 7c cake ...... 10 cakes for Palmolive Soa 1 +.» 2 cakes for Fletcher's Castoria at ... S BROS. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS AND FLOUR : Poultry and Fruit of all Kinds in Season 80-84 ElizabethiSt. "Telephone 145 j

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