Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1920, p. 8

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'THE ADLET COLUMN URS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie.18p FOR SALE--New Empress Range. Apply Hurry Ottaway, 1 Peel streét, Barrie. MAID for general housework. Apply to Mrs. Harold Dyment, High street.48-tfe FOR SALE--Number of Brood Sows, due in April, Alex Campbell, Shanty Bay. 2.3) GOOD CUTTER AND HARNESS for sale. Cheap. at Cleland's blacksmith shop. 2-3p 300 CORDS of Kiln wood wanted, F.0.B., G.T.R. delivery, quote price. J. E, De- Laplante, 1000 Gerrard street, Toronto. 2-2¢ FOR SALE A heavy teum suitable for the shanties, Apply at this office. 24p GENERAL CARTING and Delivery--W. Longhurst & Son, 60 Owen street, Phone 887, 47-550 FOR SALE. Upjto-date baby carriage, in good conditiogy Apply to 126 Collier 2-20 street LADY with hospital training would like position a nure. Apply to 44 Worsley atreet 1-2p FOR SALE -Brood sow, 2 yrs, ol jd and six young pis. Apply F, H. Ball, Shan ty Bay. Letfe FOR SALE -One fresh mileh cow. Apply to J. S. and J. ¥. Brown, Burton Farm, | 2:2 ABOUT TEA Up to date it has ,advanced in price ten cents a pound. We have increased it only five cents, pro- tecling our-customers, [f you are not drinking our blends we will he glad to give you samp We have two popular oneg at sixty-five cents each: if we can- not cateh your taste with the one: we sure can with the other. We alxo have ancther good one at sixty cents, and the highest grade at seventy-five cents. T. N. HOBLEY "THE HUB" TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE All Nuts, Saturday night, at cost price. BORN BATEMAN--In Barrie, on Dec. 24, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bateman, a daugh- ter. | CARTER--At the R.V. Hospital, on Thur day. Jan. 8, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs, Bert Carter. 3 eon. SAMPSON--In Barrie, on Sunday. Jan, 4, 1920. to Mr. and Mre, Lawson Samp son, a daughter. SMITH--At the R.V. Hospital. on Monday, Jan, 5, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smi'h. a son WHARRAM--On Tuesday, Jan. 6, and Mrs. Frank Wharram, con 1920, | to Mr JUST A LITTLE TALK] % THE BARRIE EXAMINER DPW EERIE = LOCALNEWS & M % OZOIOR RIOR KORO EOK --Musical night at rink, Mon., Jan. 26 2-40 The first round of the 1920 -Orillia Cup d next: Monda; Around My Garden With a Camera," lecture, Library Hall, Jan. 9, See advi. on page It as expected that ice-cutting operations will soon start on the ba eries will he pl ay, ax the severe cold has thickened the 166 ; In common with places, bi al Was ad vents per large: loaf as a result of the increase in the price of flour, To fat people, laugh and grow thin; to thin people, laugh and Rrow fat: th Cis the way "Fair and Warme affects both condi- tions, At the Grand, Jan. 19. Professor James of the Jefer- son College, Philadelphia, says that laughter is the best' tonic for humans. Let Spaeth & Com- Pany preseribe for you. Go sve "Fair and Warmer" at the Grand on Jan, 19. Attention is called to the ad- vertisement of The Barrie Union Gemetery Company annual meet- ing, and to the fact that all plot holders and Buy Your Overcoat for Next Year Now --AND SAVE MONEY Men's Plaid and Plain Color ial value .... You should not mi: Men's Mackinaw Coats, very 48, big value .... Men's Black Mackinaw Coat: price Boys' Plaid Mackinaw Coats ial... 11 and 12, big value $4.00, Men's Hockey Boots, sizes 8 ercoats. Newest styles, easy priced. Prices ...... : $18.00, $27.00, $32.00, $35.00, $40.00 Men's Banockburn Suits, sizes 37 to 44, these are spec- one of these Suits at this small price Men's Plaid Mackinaw Coats, red and black, green and black, sizes 40 and 46. Special price ...... $15.75 black, brown and black, worth $15.00, special price Mackinaw Coats, Boys' or Girls' Lightning Hitch Hockey Blucher, sizes Men's Leather Leggings, sizes 7, 8, 9, special price $2.50 Waist-line and Belted Ov- $28.00 scarce goods, sizes 46 and . $13.50 s, sizes 38 and 44. Special . ++. $10.50 , Sizes 28 and 30, red and oe - $9.00 size 34, spec- seeess $10.00 , Special price ..... $2.25 and 9, special vane $2.50 January 8, 1920 , ae eee: are Walaa Kind of al N4. Tnnisfil, « daughter. iineed loidtend ie testing, af Men's Heavy Grey Lumberman Sox, special price $2.00 61 Gowan Si 2-3p | MARRIED az Many frien Barrie and Men's Heavy, Felt Sox, sizes 8, 9, 10, regular $1.50. 20 Twat of cathe for winter | WARBIAM--WELLWOOD-At the stb pistricl! scene fot, tw Fearn at Clearing ptice 6.0.2... cee cece cece eevee $1.00 Yarm stables, Wm. M I ods! p: . Stroud, n 1, Y ate QE ES erry, wf. Oo % fies i a ee ae he sing he ee Bea a Heney Bar Who passed Men's Heavy Lumberman Sox, Black and Red, Black STO RENT OA and @ rooms cack, | wood to Fred P. Wareham, both of Bar pasa, ay Toran pn Dee. 30. in and Blue and Plain Black, price ........ $1.50 {4 d, ENT--5 and 6 rooms each.) "° Jher aot y nlernent was 's De Wi aie 60 90c FEU obese. dee deaalds 7 egg ROTHWELL WHITEBRPAD--Ip Allon-/:naule at Loravion on anuary 2, Men's Dark Grey Wool Sox, big value 50¢, and i 3 Ateoat, "Barric. © dale, Jan. 5. 1920. by Rev. VW Watt.| Grillia has discovered that Men's Fine Grey Wool Sox, sizes 10, 1012, 11, special WwW y xult: woul, stove BD, Ee daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. | _ reet a; a" ne pron ree Ps woeks Ro Whitebread. to Clarence C. Bothwell |3i/h6I PUN INS Under Jit ent rane sun ae - : i $1.00 E Martin af Toronto, son of Mew. J. Mf, Bothwell, ities ts a rat iy ae ae ee Men's Black Cashmere Sox, sizes 915, 10, 11, worth eae oo ork done last year, 4 aad ie FOR RAEI a 5 isi ania annual levy | $1.00, special price... 22... ee «wove TBE 4 es. good ak new, Apply W. McBride, IED the term covered by the debou. | F z Wise qe : Sinall street V20 ALLEN Gn Dee: 20th;. 1919; "at Oni ha (MMS. Of three mills an the del ff White Muslin Cushion Tops with back ready to put your Vv 1 Dee. 20th. 1919. 9 aha. | tay ' i 0 Shion in wi i Se tE Inigiara ye FIRS Ww. ED--Will pay tbe bighest| Nobrirka, Mx. Robineom wate cent Hap in addition to a frontage tax cushion in with frill, this is big value at 40c. Clearing E prices. Call phone 699 or bring to 32! 1 Allen, and|daughter of the Inte Thos (Of between 30 and 40 cents pe rice so... i pric be beeeeee arenes « 25c Collier stevet. M. Rosenfeldt. 4913p} Robinson of Edenvale und Vespra Mille, | £00! Fh Ne ae paver j | i aoa Lo ------ ae State | PERRY--At Toronto, on Tuesday, Decem. |, At the hockey mateh last Fri WANTED -Lieht. portuble saw mill, State |" ber 30. 1919. Corheren yee aed | f Bether of Colling 0 Gi las ea pain.) i Ma. en Ban a een et tee ct "te. SOAP HAS MADE A BIG ADVANCE nt yeur ° S Inose. being struck by Louw Vair's| t i ive y i iday. aoAn crore for CAMPRELL In the RY. Howgntal, Bap. (St, Bein struck Ley Makes We are going to give youa bargain Friday, Saturday and M ne pigs. Price Gem Jan. §. 1920 Ned Campbell of feat pauirend seven stitehws, 11 | Monday only 3 bars Taylor's Borax Soap for 25c. 0 Jones. Oro Stat ans ee Meee ee RATED Interesting tw cee (nal | Worth to 11 per bar. N WANTED Ile rode. 912" Sta ae veenne | DY. Aen Late seri ue tie cut, | laylor's Borax Soap Powder, special ....10c, 3 for 25c Eg Angorss and Fk | hoebe Ameliu Chard. beloved wife of SS a Nember of une af the teams | * | " Ta . .. Rahimey. Ad | of George A. Cheer {formerly of Wareien (tla "din the test hockey | aylor Bath Tablets--this soap is cheap at 30c cake. = CRAWFORD In the RV. Hosntul, Bar Mutleh ever played in Calling woul CIAL scx xa eetewes beens uacara s vend cae Unk wh minnog am wae, on Jun. 7.1990, Mie Rhee Cre AGH, wad weuegved i town us _20¢, 3 for 50c. 1 nie swith monogram (weter of Mrs WH. Toaths, aged | WooM. Campbell. | A i " See the nied goods at Halen } Finder plese Irave ut Jat 4 ie y t ||] With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon. See the ni: i i ty rea. rirristes dil suddenly o . See the nice t / mnie [PORTERS In Barrie, De 31, 1919, Mare ft eh had Waite ee a "a goods at little prices. FOR SALP 5 Barred Rock Goekerels, | Eh2a Porter, daughter of the lute Rev Vilnsiias Wi. Gataphell wince seen! 4 OAC. | price $4.00 each. Tele.] Samuel Porter. formerly of Clurke and it My qn | phone 161, J. Sutcliffe, 169 Bayfield; . Port Hope. in her 80th year. well Known in tre, He mace anise "2-ap| SMITH In Allandale. Jan. 1, 1990, ret a it the late Sir Srey "ail ; ; Sarah Ana mith. wife of the lve J BL Cornelins Korte whe owned ROSALE all ruck. coal stove. water) Smith, aged 74 years Jthe property on Ra Sf new power wshing machine. Indy' Henry | "Te raperty ah neeeely ie mos Boker skutes and shoes, size 444. 71 IN MEMORIAM Vertis | earns Me samp Bara rFtn WALKER --In lovin ' : : ar eT De. , | WALKEI loving memory of Mary FE. '}, s den eoyet been rec - Walker. who departed thie life. Jan, | (ll < death have yet been receiv j / coat cnn be made to look; ith, 1918 | j ~{ike ew. ho-dlacey Two, Row Block --Hurband, Frank ani! Charles. lalallala late tt el Tl ¢| ¢ 4 Evens Bt ee eee IN MEMORIAM ie PERSONAL S --EEE ------------------ Sen tt bone arcezeat ope who ean! tn toving memory of Jaime Herrell, x WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRA DE ings to Mrs. MePhee, 121) bodied Dee. 27, 1919 POIOTOIOIOR ORR RoR GOR 20K es aa ty 24p RAW FURS WANTED -- Highest Cash Prices paid for fox, raccoon. skunk, mink, weasel. otter and by te Simmons & Co. 2-20 PURSE LOST. On Dunlon aterot. on Sat. | orliy, Jon. 3, con-ainine deed of prop erty, Finder please notify 123 Bur on avenie, Allandale. 2.2p STRAYED- To my premises, about Dee. 30. one heifer. Owner may have same 'on proving property und paying expen aes. W. Gauley, Angus. 2:20 HOUSE FOR RENT." comfortable, seven rooms. Very central. $9.00 per month, inmiediate porsession. Apply Mrs, D, H. MacLaren, 1 Bercry street. 44-tfc FOR SALE--10 sets nel sloop sleighs, all hand-made. white oak. 2% inch steel shoving. 'The price is right. T. L. Webb. 'Biscksmith, phone 13r3, Cookstown, "TO RENT= A small house on lot 70-71 Woot street, Ward VI. and suitable for a laboring man with small family, at $7.00 a month, Box 66, Barrie, 50-3 fe eens cers Keileadal biel ind FOR SALF--Quantity of hay by ton or bulk; squere building timber. also Fleury cutting-box. root pulper und grain xrinder. Geo: Crawford, Oro Station, Pp Btn SY REGISTERED YORKSHIRES. choice bred 'Yorkshires, four months old, both sexes. "Can supply younger stock. Write for 'prices. J. Barclay, Jr, Camperdown, Ontarid, 49-54p Se asec ae a "FOR SALE--Seven roomed brick house. Good well and cistern. Stable and buggy honw, around four rcres of land. Apply 'to John J. Connell, P. 0. Box 77, Thorn: 'ton P.O. , 49-53p ------_______ WANTED--Experienced lady bookkeeper, must be accurate with figures and hand- ling eash. 'Position onen first week in February. Apply to Fisher Flour Mills, Limited, Barre, 2-30 aii MOULDERS, Muchinists and Pattern Ma kers wanted for general niachinery work, First-class shop, conditions, highest wa: fei. The E.. Long Manufacturing Oo., "Ltd., Orillia, Ont. 51-4 --____ FURS WANTED--Highest prices paid, sat- ; iefuction guaranteed. ill call any place within driving distance. Come in the mornings or on Saturdays, H. Levit, Barrie. Phone 384. 43-16p c fs { LeSReR ea Meas Barts, Ook. Pp {One year ax gone and still we mine you. Never shall your memory fade ~ | Loving thoughts will. always linger | Round the grave where you are laid, 1N MEMORIAM In ever loving and undying memory of my 'dear mother, Mrs, John W. Shaw, who died Jan. 9, 1917, |, Three years have gone, but oh, T mise |her and long for her gentle touch. | Sadly missed. | --DAUGHTER. | Hawkestone, Jan. 6, 19 IN MEMORIAM KNAPP--In loving memory of John Mar- cus Koupp, who passed sway Jan. 4th, 1919, | Not now, but in the coming years, Tt may be in the better land. We'll read the meaning of our tears And then, at last, we'll ynderstand, | Wife and Children, | IN MEMORIAM | _In loving memory of Nellie, beloved wife of Clarkson Spring, who died Dec. 26, 1918. | Some may think you are forgotten When at times they see me smile; But they do not know the sorrow | Lingering in my heart the while. The happy hours we once enjoyed How sweetetheir memory still | But now ft leaves a vacancy This world can never fill. --RUSBAND. HOUSE FOR SALE--A fine brick reeidence on Dunlop sireet, good' deep basement, 6 rooms on first floor and 4 bedrooms with bath and electric lights, Excellent view of the bay. Will sell cheap. Box 66, Barrie. 50-30 pa A LEARN TO PLAY Guitar, Violin, Mando. lin, Banjo, 'Cello. Ukelele by simplified figure method. No notes to read, Re- sults guaranteed. Send 25c for sample lesson. Hitch Studios, LaBelle Bldg., Windsor, Ont. 49.570 FOR SALE--Reg'dl chorthorns, 1 bull, 22 months, «dam (Imp.); 1 bull, 11 mos., 1 bull, 10 mos. Shropshires (reg.d) ; lambs, Prices reasonable. Bell Bros., RRB, Barrie, Collier St. Methodist Church Jan'y 11, 1920 "astor, } Subject. --"The Highest 48n-49-50tfe | Humphrey and schildren Call of Christ to the} {9,.0n Monday, was Mis: | Watson Carley has returned to Temiskaming, after holidaying in | Mr. and Mrs, Calderwood over the week-end. Mrs. Wm. Smith spent New Yenr's Day with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Culling, Blake SU.@ Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Lount. of ve with Mys. TH. Marr Year holiday. Addison, of Oftawa, has been spending a couple of weeks with his sister, Mrs. D. W. Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Irving Carley, of Schreiber, aro spending a tow weeks with tho former's parents: 6. L. Sloan. of Lockwood, Sask was the guest of his aunt, Mrs Trueman, Bayfield St., last week. patton Meeking, of Toronto, wak a holiday visitor wita his and Mrs, A. H. parents, Mr. Mecking. Misses Winnifred and Brodie Smith, of Angus, spent the recent holidays with their grandmother, Mrs. T. Collins. Miss Olga Morley, of Toronto, spent over New Year's with her grandparents, Mr. and = Mrs. Weayniouth, Sr. M Margaret Marshall, of the Women's College Hospital staf, Toronto, spent the holidays at her home jn town, Maurice Esten and Jack Boys were among fhe successful First Year students in the Christmas Exams, at Osgvode Mall Mr. and Mrs. €, A. Mullen re- turned to Philadelphia on Satur- day after spending the holiday season with (heir parents. Mrs. §. Dyment, accompanied by her son, Clarence, left yester- day to spend a couple of months s few yearling ewes (bred) and ewe at bone Beach, California. rs. H. Meeking and Mrs. EB, spent New Year's with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Meeking. Among the twelve young wo- men who took the-veil in the community of St. Joseph, Hovgie Jose~ phine Fitzgerald, of Phelpston: « town A. OR. Sproule has taken his Third Year m, at Osgoode|s {Hall Mr. Gray. of Toronto, was with Her name in te community is ster M. Antoinette. Alastair MacLaren left on W nesday to attend St. Andrew' College, Toronto. Carl Stewart is allending Appleby School at Oakville, Gordon Deugalt of the G.T.R. freight offices, Mimico (one of the largest on the G.T.R. System) spent New Year's with his par- ents in Thompson St. Public Money-Mad and Spending-Mad Detroit, Mich., Jan, 5.--In the opinion Jof Dr. J. W." Inches," Detroit's Police Commissioner, and a keen student of soc- iological questions, the present. money. spending craze is responsible for the epid- emic of crime that has\infected the young- er men of the city during the past few weeks, "The whole country is not 1 mad." asid Dr. Inches to-day, "it's mon- ey-spending-mad. Everybody 'is doing it. | Méngy, is being spent like water, and the moré expensive things are in greatest de- mand. "Look st our Christmas shopping. Store- keepers tell me the inexpensive things were left on their shelves. Customers want. ed only the more costly presents. They didn't seem to mind what an article was worth 0 long as it was worth enough to make it dear." ' The lest few months have seen a num: ber of crimes perpetrated by younger men, boys of eleven and twelve years of age breaking into stores, while youths of 18 or 19 have been robbing banks or killing men, The Late Mit ead Eliza Porter Mrs. J. McCandless has contributed to The Examiner the following obituary no- tice regarding her sister, the Iste Miss ter: Entered into the fullness the A companion of her father, always filling her mother's. place in the manse home. Now she has seen the King in His beauty and ia at home ith |. where she often of Iste expremed desire to be.. Rev, G..A. Brown, our be- aif -lbe held in the Orange Hall, Stroud, on loved pastor. took charge of the services and her body was borne by members of the Chureh Session and tenderly guarded to the graveside by her loving brother-in- | low, Mr. James MeCandles. All nature wore a covering of whitest snow emblem- atic of her pure life and one was reminded , of the white robe of Christ's righteousness, Victory is the word we would use, victory over sin and death, being one with Ghrist. Her pure life here is ended and I shall mias my dearest sister who has been with me through' all my life, but there is now another link in the chain that binds our home to the home of God. Her sisters are Mm. (Capt.) MeCorquo- dale, Mrs. (Rev.) McConnell and Mr. Juanes McCandless. Six nieces, seven grand: nephews and eight grandnieces survive. Stroud Telephone Co. The Annual meeting of the shareholders of the Stroud Telephone Co., Limited, will Wednesday, January 2ist, at 2 o'clock for the purpose of electing directors and other business. 2-30 J. W. Black, 'W. Lennox Black, Presiden: retary. wishes to annou MOVED HIS BATTERY - Wey are the leading b: Electric Service, Toronto. teries because they are the _All makes of batteries also guarantee all our work. W. L. BRENNAN OF THE EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE STATION THE SIMCOE HOTEL GARAGE, FIVE POINTS ------ the only one north of Toronto with battery and electric- al experience on motor cars, If you need your battery or electrical system re- paired, call on us for service. make. That's the reason the Allies secured 85 of these for submarines, battleships andcruisers, CONSULTING ENGINEERS TT -- THE E. A. JAMES CO., LIMITED E. M, Proctor, B.A.Sc., Manager 36 TORONTO sT., TORONTO, CAN. Incineratogs, Schools, Housings, Factories, Ar- jon. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks,Sewer- q age Systems, Public bitrations, _ Our Fees:=Usually paid out of the money we save our clients a iaeaiahieacalecta tee BARRIE UNION CEMETERY Notice is hereby given that the Anpusl General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Barrie Union Cemetery will be held in the Police Court Chamber, Collier St., Barrie, Ontario, on Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1920, at 4 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of receiving the Aunusl Reports, for the eleggion of Dir- ectors and such other business as may come-before the meeting. 2-30 nce that he has / SERVICE STATION TO attery service station and Formerly, of the Auto People buy Exide bat- best. money and skill can per cent. charged and repaired. We

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