TE Opera House One Night only Wed. Jan. 1 RRRRRRaRRRaRRaRaR . THE DUMBELLS ' SRDIV. THEATRICAL UNIT C.E.F. AUGMENTED BY STARS FROM EACH CANADIAN DIVISION IN THEIR ORIGINAL OVERSEAS REVUE _ 6 pet eS on TANI gg GORGEOUSLY GOWNED -- LAVISHLY STAGED eke AS PRESENTED OVER 500 TIMES AT THE FRONT Plan now open at Malcomson's Insurance Office PRICES-$1.10 AND 80°, TOP GALLERY 55¢ . COMING Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 12th and 13th ' of) in his newest picture, "ONE OF THE BLOOD" Hamilton as sarding the coming mumeipal elec son, aod lima Whun. Helene McCullough, Irene Mr. Juckman's sister. Mra, Bell, at Kil-Jonto on Monday sfter spending the' Christ OTOP ORCI OR OROR ROTOR OR FOR ROR ROR ORO WR [evens hr ectiing mun concerning thy Grise, Khel Coulter aud Lily Whan, Perey *yth see [lie baliigfesat ber ines ee 9% Joominstions to-day. but 1am just 4 little Mouse, Burleigh Douse, Hurry T Tol Y reporter wishes the Exuminer's Reynolds spent Christman with Me / e GHBORING TOWNSHIPS JY furious about who is gyhe ty be nonin Nesbitt. Cecil and Jim Mile Stuf! and readers happiness und. prosperity Bwitzer / ROM NEI ated and T lope the ayority will con A dunce wun held inthe Grange Hall for the coming yeu Misses Olive and Hebel Switzer visite % sole what they are domg. and yen tuber on Friday night ' ------_ with their mother during the haliday. _-- the "und question, cre they mark Some of the holiday --_viaitore Mr. and Mrs, H. Bi holiday' AOR OTOTOROR IRR RII RK 0K 08 jee ballots "next" Monday rare of noticed | were Mm Walter MeCl SIXTH LINE VESPRA itors at Mrs. 6. Wane may : who the mun is personally, Pick out the Lough, Mr. und Mrs, Hilland and son aud Muw Murphy of Penetang spent a few]. Mrs. R. N. Hickling, who has +.' JRST PHELPSTON Jinun for good roads, and vote for him ev Prof FB, Allan at Mr Allan of Tatum days lant weeks with her brother, M: Sur: [fir afew days, much bet a Mr Harry Woods Among the many who sent [ery time to moO OG ennett af phy Mr. und Mrs. Carson visi a the he Lidayer with wie in and around this village ko hus net started on the proposed Maitland: Mr. and Mra C. Stewart; Mr." Mise Leola McDonald returned to Tor with Mim ' 7 ree ea slr were Leo Hernard, Toronto; Wor, Mr a yet, What's the matter, and Mrs Ho Stewart. Mux Gladye andl i PRO ORN ONY, ie wn, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Haskets Ethet Bakepouf Barre; Alvin unl Jack t x | Haree Mix Margaret) Ryther, Tera SS Beatty of Hechinond tht To snide | Loew amel Matthew and Mise re dion Kang is visiting frente an 'Tar Tone re | Ls Hamel. "Matthew soil Mow ANGUS Mew Jen Rang is visting frienle on ning her duugh | Nvra. Kate. May und) Minnie Kennedy. | Dec Dave Shepherd and ster, The treasurer of the Bible Sweety sends irangesalle Tornes, at home: the Miss Burtlle and {Lallie, of Toromo spent Xmas with ther im the following repurt. Reeepts for. the mia snending| Ana Hay a. Cnty mie Keanes\of foarents, Rew and Mrs. A. Shepherd. year 1910 lector Mr. C. P. Molen t his home here. | Lamwor bh and! Madeleme, Br4y Vee Dean of Thornbury and Mus Dell) tan and Maw B. Atkfnaon, £13 00, Misses. » had the mefor. 1 A Ostowa with Mrs Plath [tenn of Taranto spent Xue ut ther home |. Lazenby amt Lo Reid. $1040 Misses r wrist, hae gone (Boe ate at hie hue | ber Do Woods amd Annie Jacks, $12.00; Mrs ber parents: Mr. here: Jue. Catfey of Barrie wih bie Harry Giegg of Lindauy nto few Fo Dale and Mie J Allan. $19.10) cotal to stay unveil she Mes. Dr, Kearns, Lew Hall, Toronto, with his parents Mr. anil Mrs. Wr $80.50, which um War sent on Mrs. MeMillan and) Mrs. Cox of ote the Business Manager. Toron, Lad wna spent the hor land she Wes at with th k TarBush wad Rows Brows of Tor qo. \ "harles Horton Mr. and Mrs Legace; dno, Ryt HL. fartuch'= eee e , (F . at home + Annie Se: pont Herethe 1 i North Bay anit tan of } Sartier.. line home; Emmet O'Neal | sent Nias with their jarents, STAYNER i i whole wail and Font Toronto and a few others | . Couls sé. Q0.csKdwand Jeska: of Coles Ce) erubre whose numes your enrrespnndent could not | urtis at Frank of Tor? wot the weekend with hus mo her | . learn, 1 sineorely trust (and expects all | it Xmas at Win. Hyile Mew, M. Jackman, , | Fe wd an enjoyable Christmas und by and Mrs. Wn, V. Muir and dim of | Mra, Koote uf Toronto is spending aver \ jwere unable to visit their homes, |Loronta, Mr, and Mrs. Miller Jeunett and | the holidays with her mother, Mea, lew gerbe wishes bright and pre |Win. Cleary of Ivy spent Xow at Jas. |""Siery to report Wilberforce Taylor to be . oh Year and succem an all their | Cleury's |sviy dU. A' spectuliar ean belted "ctuca &.. Waker TueBueh und Laura of Toronto !Tyronty lust week nd no hape w beld pat af the Now Year booze was no [anent Xmas with their mother. Mrs. luna | for his reeovery on Christmas day and a few |TarBush . Mrs, Service arrived from the West, last MAPLE, BIRCH, HEMLOCK, PINE, + ttle ton fovly. There nn] ME anal Mon no, Galbratth ol Mi week to visit her yurente. MMF aud Mrs . 7 7 subt cant bauer wise the cause of Shan- |Cors Kirby of Humilton and Mary Kithy |W. Taglor. than's store being eniered on Christmas [of Huntevilles spent a few days at Chas, Another case of smallpox a reported in BASSWOOD & right. snd money, stamps und other things | Kirby's, . town . é boing ta ME and Mrs Norman Janine 9-4 fa ly Mise Clare Robinson af Torsnta sent ( Much of the Christmas mail was twr to jof nore apent Xia at Geo. Latin | Christmas unier the parental rut Fheesbe four lve Inte in areving. ten the 'Tor [ers ; Se Goan Shem ah sea oo {| THE BALL PLANING MILL CO., LIMITED onto dailies being delayed two days The , Miss pang of Bare spent Ximus wih sawn last week on Main atreet. mail clerk» must have heen overtaxed with [her brother, Jno, Bishop, Mrs. Troyer ix spending a week with her ARRIE. {ail ater this sean, ax general mix-| tus. Forty and Julioe Scott went 19 'ough in 'Toronto | B jup was noticed and wrong mail wax urriv. |Cookstown. Christa Day Min Bende Milne ty home: from 'Taranto iitic¢te or Mr- ant -Mr, Leonasal. Lee's Siti iit {fae 'ec nan HHlasits hota feome Taine Phone 109 . Bayfield St. youre. A few who spent Christmas away were |Xmive in Toronto, Mr. and Sire. Tom Juekiman and dangh- | great Mr. J. D. Long ut her home. near Lind Mr. and Mre. Win, Woleley went 10 top Iva ore apending over Christmae with chil jay; Mia Elza MeCarnen andthe Misses [Toronto on Wednenday. Reta and May. in Toronto: Frajik Ken.) Rev. FN. and Mrs. Bowes id Don | ae Fours. Lnedy in Toronto aut ald spent Xia with Alton friends, | the Me. aud Mrs. Bryant. 'Toronto, xpeut | "Mia Bessie McMackon of Toronto, Mist = ween |Chriamas with Mrs. Bryant's sister, Mrs. | Taurs h River and : ® only J. Buckley SImvale, are visiting their pa ' chair "| Everyone appreciutes the movement, of Mrs. David MeMuckon ; $13. (the G.T-R. in replacing the old schedule -- | D noron's | of passenger trains---two up and two down (From snother correnp : D D> school | | hear,' 'at the telephone meeting held} Dec. 29.--The annual dance and supper | 74 heat 8 "6 Pecently did not umount to {held in Victoria Holl. Angus. on the 26th of the necesary business being |inst, was an overwhelming success. The | ill the usual annual meeting. | weather being favorable and the roads the | i ix telephone aystem hus fallen | very best accounts for the lurge numbers = rut_since leaving the hands of |coming from Alliston, Baxter and Allan- | init what can be expected? {dale, The music was the best available | ' 74 ane of writing there doce not [for the occasion. James MeFurken of Al-| \. The PERFECT PHONOGRAPH 3 ve ch landale certainly distinguished himself ws | . he Nery; rowel: GeIBUROR, FE | tcclum oor: tusmentes: "The. proceote | This wonderful instrument plays all disc ' for the evening amounted to over $100.00 | records correctly. The tone reproduction is ° Much credit is due to the young men of | perfect. No limit to the variety of music at " the committee, who acted their part xo «uc: your command. t ce cessfully. They intend holding another | Pa a inthe 'near future i. The Brant-Ola meets every. requirement 9 Daniel Couloon and Harry Gregg spent in style and price. Made in seven different * the Christmantide with their parents styles and finished in either Fumed Oak or &£ Frank Coulson. who wax so. seriously Mahogany. ea Pe ill, is slowly recovering. Why postpone the Inevitable? Arrange for a Mr. und Mrs. Garnet Plaxton of Colling- demonstration and you'll buy a Brant-Ols = Therc's Wood spent their Christmas vacation with 'one made for your home, 7 : their parents in Angus. ' 9 Mr. and Mra, Bert Willoughby of Col- SOLD HERE BY lingwood called on- friends and attended ° the annual dance, W. J. Woolsey, Sr.. spent the week. le Le end in Collingwood. ' aoe Be . Ros Brown of Toronto is the guest of | eR, ren Jack TarBush over the Christmas season. 's and Skates ee a ¥ Dec, 20.--Mrs. Black of Tofento was with Mrs, Wallace for a week. s to $7.00 Mrs, Ross Ardill and Jack were in the Fi city over Sunday. e of prices Frank Beatty is home from the West. pe A. jcikpatrick epent the holiday with =, ' Flos' $iends. : Skating Boots, IMT tnt Mr. Noah Grose re in the \ AAVeity. ; 7 < The\Union 8.8. held s Xmax tree and we y 4 ~\ yo Min Tuogday: evening. BPN: WZ amaow "> sending the schoo! boli- 7X Tendon. ) ' '