Page Four f THE BARRIE EXAMINER a7 Wier? ThurSday, December 4 8, 1919 PHELPSTON LOSES TAYLOR'S A GOOD CITIZEN Cut Price Shoe Store CHRISTMAS GIFTS Tl a Few Hours--Wedded Miss Hamlin of Barrie. IF IN DOUBT AS TO WHAT TO GIVE HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS THAT MAY HELP YOU Greetings of the Season ORANGES - ORANGES - ORANGES The best Sunkist Naval Oranges that ever | came to Canada for Christmas, Sweet and Juicy, Quality and Color perfect. ! : | g : (From our own correspbndent) Dee. 15.--The sudden death of J, Buck- ley last Wednesday was one of the wort shocks ever dealt this village and an the Rows way transmitted from one to another fo rapidly, the majority could hardly be- lieve that the report was true. Being a | Miun around 53 years of age and ulways |Pomeanine excellent health never requiring jin all these yeam uny medical service, the surprise at his passing off x0 suddenly {wax felt unc the news was regarded as ab. {Most unbelievuble. "Mr. Buckley was o 'mau very. highly respected by everyone who knew bim und as he practically spent jh entire life on the homestead here. was Hfavorubly know by all. There was not one of all his acquaintances but always had ye knod word for him, nnd he wae racely-- if ever---known to be out of humor. ao |matver bow things came or went, It in | needleas to auy he wan upright and honest 'in ull his dealings, and his cxreful manage. tent and good judgment was the means of [ood success in necumulating the posses: jSion« wich he held ut bis death. On | Wednesday morning ubout seven o'clock hm war on the point of ariaing. when be hear HIND B the hired man nt the stove and decided to . rensain in bed till the fire was lighted. re. marking so to his wife. Immediately ly. ing back on the pillow he complained of a We have them at 70c per dozen, 60c per dozen, 50c per dozen and 40c per dozen Large Fa seeeeeeees 3 for 25e cy Grapefruit at . «irge California Lemons at ........... 35¢ per doz. ! { Nu. t Spy Apples, large, well colored, at . .80¢ per peck ! Fancy large Cranberries at ........... ...18c per qt. Four Crown Cluster Raisins, 1 Ib. pkgs. @ 55c per pkg. ' Mixed Peel, Citron, Lemon and Oranges, 1 lb. box 55c ! Fancy Malaga Grapes at .. 40c per bb. | Hallowee Dates-tt oo... 0.0... ' : 28c Ib. i ' 1 i] ! i] 1 ' ' i ; 80 Elizabeth St. Phone 145 pain in the back of bix bead, and at once Jered into unconsciousness. remaining 0 Mihi death at about 11 o'clock. Dr. TVRSTEN ETOCS ENCE TIA ITEPRNCIRT STE init of the county's obligation to pur. )Buckley married Miss J. Hasalin a Br IAT IVE FOR WHAT TO GIVE FO 'livregarded, chiefly becuse of the expense | £0! about three and a half bay Eardialard How About This, Mr. Raney? Kearns pronounced apoplexy ox the ever Lae ee eee ate The Collingwood "Bulletin raises the of hie deuth. About five ves aga' Me WHEN IN DOUBT | lsauccin Sate cane fire pattie Leek ets undoubtedly. but it hay ever been, Hlew the parents with thels Sampa CHRISTMAS involved, The furmerd of Fawn who auf.| Jack. about 15 months. Mr é fered from the pao re knife of young had one brother Danief of thie plier. and Is an ideal gift for anyone! Many's a time they'll bring back a pleasant thought of the giver. Tounds bud to employ an agent of the uy thfee sisters living, Johanna of Toronto, e I Ls | thamsclves before they could loewte and. Mr. A. MeTague of Taronty. and Mise a 1 Wil confine the culprit. 'The Cuunty Crown Nora at her own home hero, ull of whom { " is |have the real Reartfelt sympathy of all in Attorney hun no authority to incur expense his village and surrounding district, 'The For a wide selection, come to TAYLOR'S--there are slippers here for the entire family, all of the very best quality to be had to sell at their respective prices. astables or detectives on the ¢ nil of criminals to do purely deteotive funeral on the following Weilneadey was ork. If he should incur expense in auch |" jone of the largewt held here for many veetigations he would have to pay it him. | Years, and n large number of relatives fram ti auilitars of the criminal jue | Toronto, Barrie, Penetung and other points are very careful in serutin. Were present, indicating thut the ilecexed Men's Slippers in many styles, including Cosy styles, Operas, Everetts and Ro- We "irre a full ine ting i wae held in very high ex The Rev - one panet 4 : : bee sai ae full Hn ied lala 5p didn My Geuta offi. one eee eae meos at prices ranging from .......... 0.0006 Lae HERG T Ae We Keie $1.45 to $3.45 wisimas Plants and Cut | jek imerreing a te wath ae ME Backien wech Ate Women's Slippers in all the wanted styles and colors, including Cosy, Juliet, Boud- ders early, so thar you fo TH ote Sine ur Me wks in ot agin' he aie oir, ete., at prices ranging from oo... eevee +e+.. $1.00 to $2.85 ree department. When the Caa [st enemy Tehind hin, but at the som | \ tl not be 1 sd | will not be disappointed. by Gran Co, sustained heavy lowes F all' should be prevared, ax the hand Children's Slippers in Cosy, Ankle Strap and other models from .........95¢ up IN ADDITION TO SLIPPERS WE SUGGEST of death is xo uncertain and little do we theft that firm had fin ally tu employ w de- 4 know who may be next © itself, Some weeks ugo two burg vere committed in Alliston. One iS CARTER BROS. - FLORISTS 1.000 worth of securities, The CENTRAL ORO \ Flowers. Book your ur- | Mtnrney-eeneral and t ] ' | | | i BOVSEARALGE VAR BaPABEVARARABRVABARA PARAL BT RARBaVALARARAROR, PUVEPIAVEP AVE SY AGBRI AF ERY d's dscainion wan (Gviee Hockey Boots, Moccasins, Shoe Packs, Spats, heavy Rubbers, Lumberman's Socks, 163 Dunlop St., Barrie thie erine AHN tne ee eee te he home Club Bags, Suit Cases, ete., at very moderate prices, . | ditective an the elle ! ! Ss ) 1 cl 14. for the purpose of packing Christmas - x bet mice a 0-4) 41-40-4140 Hear ee eat ae See eT euines fle bee COs eet Goods bought now Exchanged after Xmas if not suitable, . the attorney-genoral,-Allmton, Heveld aul for the making of uprone for the irl Bttea bolas laid of the: Barrie Shelter. 'The girlk enjoyed | oe 1010 5 sii ; Minard's "Linimant Cures . Diphtheria, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &e° |, sucial afvernnon und evening tember PAVEPAGEPAVEIIATERIAVEVAVEYATEVATANAYEY ra ca = UTAV HIATT ACCT ALETIVATAVRITLVRTONVETAVETLT GavEgEeETEVGUSaeaGua BUS O19 ASOT AYONIRY a x & DEVLIN & MURCHISON RUGS ° Tapestry, Brussels and | Blouses for Christmas Giving IGE Ess EVAVE & Wilton W for X 5S uton eaves for Amas| , Sener lal ot prety new blouses just At $4.50--\We have a white Habutai Silk Blouse z ; . ; Pleaced Wine retetaens will he especially "nude in exactly the same style ae the eee What' would make a more sensible Xmas Heavy Quality Brussols Rugs in @ variety of Pear MH jultts, ssseeplionally priced blouse, but the quality of wie ie nol. 0 x i : Oriental designs, in rich) color combina group. when Jahor is so high and merehan- heavy. 7 y sift than a nice gig for your living-room, pen a [nite Mue or brown, Priced dise so scares, 'These blouses are bargains, gg $8.50--Very charming aie the 'blouses in 4 eS ace ta eit. : At $3-95---111 fine quality Raw Silk, making a this group. "Oto m fest 4 i ity Ag parlor, dining-room, bedroom? sore ince Sey $2, SEO, G35. ang mo beet celta nag eenble wate" with convertible Georgette Crepe. in' shine ie penen teat & ; Wilton Wuge hase bocsmy hie bani ant collar and {eluimied with pearl buttons. In and white, Have round neck and vest' form- y is > aii, fat their excellent appeajanee and natural color only, ed with small tucks and hemstitching. Finc z Seamless Tapestry Squares uf extra heavy really remarkable wearing qualiltes. hey At $5.95) fine, white Uaputai Silk wilh side ished with blue satin ribbon ties PM quality ina \aviniy of geod orientale: make Very ullractive covering. for parlor closing effect wilh peat buttons ou cach ars, concentional designs, Those include m end Living room floors and are shown in side_and. around neck. At $8.75--Developod in! Silk Crepe de Chene. papas colo combinations suitable for eulorings that will gn with valmest any | gg"fltgand around hoawy while Habutai Silk 4 800d quality, these dainty blouses in flesh, bet room or living room. Priced according decorations or furniture. One size only with. long collar and trimmed. with putter d White with sinail collar and poark ty sizes... +, $20.00, $30,00, $25.00, $33.00... eee jeeeeee + $70.00 each pearl buttons. This makes 1 ver % Buttons. S able blouse, as well as being very neal, At $4.50--In a nice qualily of silk Crepe do ; At $4.80--Uf white Mabutai Sik, made with cRene, Tn tke aeent neck style with tuck The Smartest Styles of the Moment in LADIES' SWEATER COATS round meek. Hemstitehed and (immed with on {houlder and trimmed with pearl buttons, pearl tittons in flesh, maiz Siz " 4 to 44. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS AND_ OVERCOATS ~ AND PULLOVERS in all shades and in nearly any style you may mention The Pullovers are very stylish, in shades of paddy, pink, maize and blue. Priced from $2.90 to $7.50 The Coats are citlier made in the belled style or the Waistline style, in shades of rose, coralette, mauve, Copenhagen, carnation, Russiay erven, navy, Peacock and corn, Priced from .. $5.95 to $10.00 ea. FRENCH KID GLOVES Secure your gift Gloves early, for they are very searee. Woe are featuring this special line of Roullion leal French Kid Gloves, whieh line we used to sell in pre-war days, in shades of tan, brown, black or white. Soft, pliable guaranteed qiality al $2.00 to $2.75 Chamolsette Gloves in xhadex of while, black, brown or champagne, in sizes 6 to 84. 28 Coats only, mad> AVE RALEVAE AVAL GE RALGAVALARSERVAD AREVALASVALARARARALAVAVEVAV AY BIAVE GRIPE PINGS NINIEIAVEI AY ® o a > s 4 a & x > = z xf > x 4 > Priced al ..c.seeeu. 780, 850 and $1.00 pr. > 4 x : Pal = ar DUCHESS SILKS 4 rt \ . Priced ..$15 to $38 | At $2.76 and $3.00 per yard--Imported Freneh ® 5 g & ne Duchuss Silks, ood heavy dress weight > = x Young Men's Suits-- quality in rich satin finish in all the leading > ) A few only nfade shades of grey, brown, navy, pink, maize, Pd @ from a nice quality faupe, turquoise and burgundy, Full 36 pS & of pre ie ste inches wide. Surely a dress length would & a ne belted style Sizes a wane recinied gift, ; he polled stels Steg be a much appreciaied gift > > Young Men's Snits-- . & . ind p Made from fine qual- . > ' . Hade from Fine qual- | _ GIFT UMBRELLAS Py g Waist-senm style, | A special purehase of gift umbrellas and par- 7 Ly with cuffs on trous- asols. 'These are mixtures of silk and wool i ® ers, sizes 35 to 38. _ and have silk case. The handles are all new é > > Priced a5 sazsey ~ S218 and tho umbreia senor eased looks Speviat $1.00 pr. > '4 Ree al rent 00, $8.00, $4.00 en gb OG Sack Double Texture Silk Gloves ...... $1.75 pr. | SILK HOSIERY IN QUALIT 4 ey e able for boys 16, 17 3 ww and 18 vours of age. a "-- PRICED AT $1.00, $1.50, 4 . F4 In des of Navy F rey. Made in Be & the: Ba. ulster stste i , $2.00 AND $2.50 PR. 4 Pi > Nias eo seaeeniee ; 4 ° ' s Any shade that you ean think of will be found ES ] price on these Coats . . y in this range. No woman will admit of hav. ie. and Sibe Panes at: . ' i ing too many pairs 'of Silk Hose. This. g " os, f 2 i ane Se Fone, makes a gift thal is sure to be appreciated, 2 Be DR BALATALAVSLALRALAARORATALARALATALAIARATALARVALAARATALABALAUOLARLALAARABABOZALORE a Ww x . ' > - i x bia