CIRCULATION THIS WEEK J. A. MacLAREN, Editor 56th Year W. C. WALLS, Manager FINAL MEETING GRAND JURY IS OF TOWN COUNCIL FOR HIGHER FEES Owing to Ehsimss mee on Thursday it will be necessary to have next week's issue of The Examiner - Year's Work Reviewed-Reeve|To Jurors and Witnesses--|} mailed on \V ednesday. Correspondents will kindly bear { Craig Says Commerce Bd.|' Praises Hospital and Child-|{ this in mind and see that their correspondence is mailed Doesn't Help Consumers. ren's Aid Society. on Monday, Advertising copy should also be i early. BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1919 kt ea No. 51 Financial Statement Shows a|Health of Town is Good | Small Surplus on the 1919 Numerous Reicteendas Business. tions Made. Rare! an Coumed held its The Dae ihe e fol -- si esti! Sie eel at ee chit, ital Tare made the fo TL following figure? show the! The ate f . ul SA: HANANE ditesoilation tn Hig nena es Ved ier the, ae Lap ane aNUAL Peper! of the Boned 9 ed inte the mun. fa sion fe AIL the pls Gr HHO on Monday night | indge Vanee last week Wh showed that the town n Sn Se een eennemeemne | treasury this ear f "a Mihi ull aa iuoel gla' tecciaes S| EDUCATION MUST OLD MAP OF BARRIE | viriins once ane ne ee being mie te enna for Mel Heit and Ald Toner far the thoughtful address citer mosrites sas land heart ae th Su had BE THE BIG FACTOR PRESENTED TO TOWN) sisi is" "0° 30% ie iti a erfitien of the famaeaal | Cina rtily . the pape Ws cane al the most pros. sHalenient~ Foon the several cam: |periiis and peaceful evantries inj | ' Mispeetor the Ott axnensea int hts Iso gs as the nveney [He wel tray Twill nwe-!In Canadianizing Foreign El- branes. 1919 Wis departnient did tue oxceed fad been expended this ve: pesare as Your Honer painted) . . ry Voxes, 1918 ° cumtins fo the stitvinent af lout tht atl eitzens practiee| @ment and Forming Strong| 1854 -- Had Population of | 0". Report of Moanin, sets and hathilities presented. /selfdemiai in arder te be inal Citizenship. 1450. Tanes, Lite. Medieul ortiens of Finanee Minister Craw rans en te Delp the poor of all [Taxes poll . parted an the ond. te finish witha surpiis of S194. 1 There was niulher neag AP Bennett is presenting ty) Steet eatin, 1919 TH 1918, as callaws its shase ef thi Be setts taste | site to as to bave | atiendanee last Thursday might ta| the Town, Coan ila Street oiling, 118 thére as: an ceri i fore us, and in hear Mrs. Jean Mublrew speak in| town tot Roxeieirn 18 Street oiling, 1917 Bi. spread epidemic of influenza Hee Ge sitive | true bill was found Public DPibrary Auditorinin.| hy Will WP for reel oiling, 1916 8.78 our town his been comparatively Hine faye hal nt sHed the Gaol ina bly! Mrs. Mutdrew is the wif) of (h Patton, by [shows the Percentage on arrears 319.60) tree from MICS diseases. Hiesce Chae etTent hh found evervihing in first. ji Dean Micdrew of MeDenald i between: 5 Ion Conk [Pax searches The Influenza, 1am sorry to ra, Carrie Vor Hedate elise conmitien ard no eomplaimts | College, Guelph, and is ronnect. Hess St owest ain Franees : Pol url fines port, claimed many of our. eit. Tare. Mer fhe Darrie Tram Governor Stodtlit We) ith the Heine Departinent at! HS MTN te present north. (bt re Wvens. Happily for us we have not : i. Gl: cubist ine Pena pee feetly cleun and san [the soldiers' settlement Hoard sat houndary of the tawn Viimbing permits jHiul a recurrence-of the dread dis remints for water sud berht fear fle tts Ot Law fhe aan praneiple of; vetertrcnt are shew Pew Tale [sense this full, ad) Mhesaes yanvne Havas visited the County Shel whit rs the estahtishinent of well ~OWhErE, opposite Grate Henieval of ashes oo. Mlgions diseases reported fer for eletscon, we must cen. fit abhe returned mena i Gamers where the shor ftint re reads MWe Geman y Scarlet SMUG 8S wr ion fuulway Distribution tow} fustory now stands. , itomipany hal de Dopote ertaliee fie County of Simene tens on Girais at elcowhe Menslos i Me diurtbers et en required hy far prevdine seh cplendbt) gether with at effort te better the fwhart, appusite Tax $4810) a pave in ! i gpipinens me the ae recent with the Tear Mee Dene att woth such spreimus leommunily defeated surroundings! ater the a1 Barrie Cx {in nnienaniintelto ce wink wed Company Nas pad eat fir more urds for the comfort of the lat these <etiiements. Mrs, Mule faffier phere Hie Marks titel) | eit account of Loan 3000.12] thoy bene anid belaiva hes fe in wares Than te required by sand lehitdten. We appreriate the fart iiew is a very eleven woman ond | mee the Tarren. Vaewart. an Producer and ing the housing ofeattle nd other Barrie ren- ta foreetnd amt mate fins. Engine ¢ 'anim The pe amgother: that Me deetars of proper handling of mont ne speak-|wharl opposite Owen st. alfa. raat \ et Ute iter Miett series fees tis the an: lon, and brewplit tus her heareret ment tie dt tenckey Droposed Barvie Tanning MILE es aie Swek Chi In fips ates. We fannl My. dustice minds inane now. Viewgointe ia The litle sttuner]. Dehienhures ' ae a i sree eae feine this a dellar very enthusiastic over his werk, leaunection with this attesting, | Is shown heading far) Public Library, return Neyern! Sune Hai "4 tee tage Jasts bat two uvanites ut he reported thatthe Shelter|She urged that the women would Gratames whi rh Vobnky bith! af ad Wt Gines os 412.19] coae. of dairive and fon cree Littl Gout ty Consen Combuttes gave Tint every aspis- Hind their efurts tu the estat. twos I-birning engine drawing two, Waterworks Dept, De- ises From whieh we dons oe imik 'he Roast of Commerce wrote Enee | Mes. Steer showed an in.[bishing of a <vstem uf hat sehoul|paseonzer ears ie sheown palti hentuved & Coupons 6462.41 | supplies, Many he found in a asaing ifthe Connell wondkd nem, {8s interest in the children and junches in lw eneat fammmumit rast the san quilts at the head [Electric Light Dept. . very nnsalisfactory condition with Inale ene of its alfieials ar athens 2th evers thine under her supers ies. Saskatehewan the lof the bay egg fth's and Coupons: 3476.92] taat nr ating clhantinese: pant suitable persans te art oas beeal! ON Mt firs elas. carding Dominion in this respect and ha Vhere was ae kek oof bores, Fire Hall, le of serap , |vontilation of «tables, fauty bone rorrespondent for the B Pte) We visited the Royal Vietora ja good start made tow eds a vhain Detel where Deo Brere brass 60. . struction of floors, unsanitary revere eon plaints. and ieee Hospital, and on being shawn ef conselidated schools at which | lon' Notes tiow atumde: bee. /Miseallanecae surroundings, The excuse after, Aivections fran he Hoare thesuet by ite stuperuitendent best a1 Maveties fo haere i : otis Brewer's Betts ay ; f ed was poor help ain in é . Soca " ont ins M. Petatia, found eseev thine vk dis taee Piwhere Ka Nloek is new: Is salaet senteegale time tem: necessary a a Re ie wal " an mali er supervision yn first furae ahead bein Wy due telemnphell's, wire Bank of Noval dank avordratt The Br or iehie wit Hint doesnt de anything te ee te cdi Vhe kiimily dis. the e@etent work of th woman | Seoti stinds: Smill's, on the} have a salutary effect m. pr $0 real reliot to the eamsumors. Why shit oH miler of Vue ie vm dite Vent ut wa it uM nisi : coi ft Tw nlop's on sited ducing a remed: Pasteurization don't they get dawn to the cant!) ueerimendent: nthe pavents | Tienes eee bleh rey SUM . Expenditure ofcall milk hefore reaching the ef the tronhle amt accomplish thes The ptaee anere Wate ike be bave good xehools established | The Advances affiew was in' th aan consumer and proper precautions ! : Hor arly wish was that the nurses 19 the communities where the ce-lpeemises naw orenped by 'Thos, Maitk averdratt, Jan as to the cans in delivery is our a omorth whil key Wler hee should have a heme frned soldiers settle, and they|ttewitt, Beresy Stet while dhel lity only safeguard LORNA OIE CTRL CLUE Tid eae LGN. Seed seeder ay scat wt: an effort te have Herald was wanted on Dunlop St _ Het Our lake front is still in a very venifort and enjavinent te the 'hespulal aeconimedation also pro-|about where Sarjeant & Kime now! unsanilary eandition and we are mn Vieloria and | Elections ford St hetw in their spare hours vided, do business i ery Brock Granted - high ¢ ania 8 drew devate ioe fhe Sallie » "hewarks" a Interest on te awaiting instructions from the. Sg RALIISH HOKU RH Bf in ji he: nal isi wate nee Lovet Lee P Hive, followyn fie nae | lena Provincial Board of Health to Geeta tay Mase foseit wales' Ht (tana: shoud We nb [nie A290 ok si NEE MEAS weessity of] "'Lhis property the lands awn | Board ol i[eelve "the matter. Tatil the in, This letter Soult NEVE AON e| and that of jurors at erving Canadian lif so thatjed dv 4. Patton. is situated on|Indizents vd iecunie pallies ot cen te the W, and 1. Commissién: £4.00 per day." da can be kept for Canadians! rising round commanding alFire hall ed if would be folly to erect mun- 3 aainloaNuse 1393.10] ieipal boat houses on our others and not hecome a nation overrun; heautiful and extensive view of 1.6. Kellow, of the Barrie Fish country | F pplication to. be| 1170.50(W1se beautiful bathing With the interest When this for-)the vay and surrounds arm mainten- fwith foreiend elen population is already in thefin the heart of the business pe Shap, made > of county grant ed! on fh Hist of Thins: hadal. | EESIM AS Of courtly etait. Chair, ! fal Teale Lat eT eee ee NBS MndT sunt: natianly children, bul al-Jrien af the flourishing tewn of| ance : jour citin establishing rit was pointed] Fnquiries so the parents, should be educat--|Rarrie and is surrounded by park, | Fire equipment Roard 5 ra iets resorl we as a Cauned beesnies , ed and tanzht te speak the [villa and building lots. own team, cord. ae wee cee I hearty rovammiended to] Ald: Poitcher -- What -stepaltian Yanguawe to ther joey 'The main weferiewot he norin.|halier Leh ce aweord. Hf we are to attrac handle fish; 'Several aneny: [Pave bev taken ti collec! dreeurs| cane la Cancdine standards jern country run alongside or in-{Prinfing & stationery lente bae sep tinal price, purselyes hers abjertid to the Gounei {a0 laves ais dfveeted sume time (ind nat form. fecin communil- to it, viz, the Sunnidale, Nutta lions and Pea Iie ste gie ottne Meena: ene dati linea ake i oMeeEA ben fain safesnards. A healthy town a and Owen § stothe Vespra and F line Market the North, the Penetangui- | Agrienito 1h Mw aNY oo merehant's tee jes within our country. Her de set. Steady lines has jis our greatest sanity He but meh remains to While no one in the} Reeve Craiz--Nothing as yet {partment is also trying to devree questir Mr.f Hl was left too long, As the sale| ia help itean to those Wriles's: Hoanbial slandine, it [has to. he nitvertiand for t3 weeks, | ian. who hroueht home English! shene, Ordlin and Sturgeon Bay {Str act 2 was deeited te de action the matter vould nat have been |i iides in helping them to become /lineS to the North and East {Uviteant contats Beiitons a rie arvetion of bath pending iulview from the Govern |out threugh, daw was{@Customed Lo the new ways. ince the soinmencement of the | Salaries bo renee gue: om ment as to the Conneil's respon) Subsequentiy a bylaw was at atime deme ethene to Northern Ry. the increase in value {Special gr [hage cailfortsins. weeutine At ell sibilities in the matte pared terting action untill ine fact that Canada would havelvt me ye tmildings in the im- time LUIGI esha Reports next year 'o pay for the war by extending |imediate neighborhood of Barrie 2260.00; i pees Aly pes yards; . Ald, Reucher--How much of|,).40 sae te i es rpassed in th °: 50 {clean st tractive resi- rand Light Commit. ees ;q|'tade, and alxo we must modify|has not been surpassed in the 231.60 E resi and Light Ce the mony vtteg for sidewalks is tinge 4 g2]dences: enforeement of bylaws imian Pearce, | (He mong our living and make an effort to| province. : MABE G2 | hating, the My Gaininest cleee for-xtreel lighting Pent? . use more of aur own produce in-| The population of the ineorpor- | County 8 17810 0 tadcantes tneiatuite le stoves 9) for hydrant rental.{, Chairman Lowe--all and al cing of sending across the bor-/ated town of Harrie is about 1450, Barrie Tanning Go., re- é staurants: foo Ts in store 90 for hydrant rental.tiiitie more. What was started |e! ' bo SEs ey ee Penang 'otecled from offensive matter are sittin the estimated |! a fer for it, and so helping tofand at its present ratio of in-§ tung water rates. 138.81 in the form of dust; better handl "committee recominended| *"%, finished. 5, {Shrink the already small Canadian |erease will double in three years.|Public Tibrary 2736.31! mcf dusty yr handl= committee rece Ald. Clark --If you had another J ; ill double: clon nc | Baris ie eee ing of our bread' and pastry; pas- the placing of a light on Gran-|¢, Ald Clar e{ Gellar. In this respect the Wo-] During the season, the steam-|Parks Commission .. 1000.00 Teunteatin GC AIT Thi cei na Hie SI. ag dotin a poanibl Sigi0N son vould. meio men's Institutes of British Col-|hoat "Morning"runs daily around] Miscellaneous 904.83) or municipality aud duces Wen 2 AS Soon as pos enough ta do al Pope ia car emi: i i 0 er i bali Sc airman. Warne Teporied a etked fo tounge 'upon the people the! Ahere's semi and tswoekis] _--Publie Wonks feminine om daring ot x sof 8 28 for the Fir wipes e i copie n ' : oa ion of all « ens A pilice Commitee wut OF ie Municipal Elections necessity of using their own| staves ain sails to and. from | Roadway S70n, St all foesbhols,, extension satiate of 8737. A' bylaw making provision for/abundant home-grown produce. |Qwen Sound, Collinzwood, Not. Sauainunes: of roads lishing: town water io ait z es of 3973 i "ty Ai RDRALE Wad olints vasaga, Ovi soldwa [Street patro § Chairman © Huxtabe reported |{he holding of the nominations on] py, Sprott was chairman of the/tawasaga, Orillia, Coldwater and creer Ralzal OB nn Gone rhe ae Penclanguishene, a daily mail to i speaking, auong other things, of {and from Toranto by the Northern |Raking streets ihe need of more attantion being|Ry. and two passenger trains |Culting weeds ' each way daily, allowing four|Watering streets .. fo promote the health of dur ens and attract strangers to our town. . During the 12 months there w Dec. 29 and the municipal elec-| i, tion on January 5 was passed. The deputy returning officer: eling aml gave a short address, that only $900 was paid out from ihe $1200 appropriation for In- digents: and that the Health Dept * iene ss than. the/Pell clerks and constables for the|paid to the. salaries of. owe f He st seereel eetiateae eleven sutb-divisions are as fol-lteachers ail over the country. He for pusiness inthe city. __|Olling, streets were 24 deaths fram influenza s d. . é sate an sie hinks the usual propartion ov: ~ area * ae arket 8318.91 has been|lows ined a hearts vote of thank le apHotn. 0 ' elk: + apent pila "Serieultural Park |1--D.2.0., 1, 3. Moore: poll clerk, |Nrs? Maldrew for ber very inter-[all branches of trade there are in a , 3 . and 5 fren {ubercutosie. "Births 8127. "These, rman Beelhy| E. H. 'Willers; constable, R.jestine and instructive add: the fown 3 medical men, | drug- a deaths 121, | ' was pleased to state, are consid-| _Gazeley. : the cfficers of the WL. were/gist, 4 lawyers, 3 provincial land/DunlopéFlizaheth Sts 1027.74 ica rable' < appronrie 2A----C. R. Kendall, Thos. Hickey, |.Ji-appainted that a larger aud. |suryeyors. { draughtsman, { gun- Sunnidale Road .. 899.98 srably pelos Mi Ate eaniat ton: Bail Bawrenes. a haa Sa mek: preneul "ts hear|smith and tachinist, 2 watch |Innisfil & John Sts 181.96/Nothing In it, Says Col. Currie eer cule thet the receipts from|2R--S. C. Rywe, Sid Shierlock, | Mrs. Muldrew, as they feel that/makers, +3 general slores, 2 bank [Recles St. . 152.50] A despatch from Kingston to a the Town Hall' were 8146 this] W? Bell, nae" kere Privileged in securing|arencies (Upper Canada _and|Wellinsion St. -<- 19.20 |Toronto inorning paper on. Friday vear, $10 is charged per night,|3A--O. G, Hart, Fred Morren, J.|her services, as her Department Commercial', 2 printing offices Sophia, MeDonald and says: Col. J. A. Currie, M.P., is ae ivan sattaioeee avi pronos| Bawiea does not usuaily have her speak|with 2 weakly papers. 1 telezraph| Worsley Sts, f 313.15 {mentioned in connection with the and it is not a very paying propo- office, also 4 places of public 865.63]vacancy in the denship at 4 4 F. Bobs . raser, outside the cities, sition in winter, 'uy wiliiesaon chase denen ion, Berl Fraser, worship (Anglican, Presbyterian, 151.07|Portsmouth. Penetentiary offi- ans Vere eal gall ooon|¥A---J.WW. Merriili, YeRnOn Marr, Sul veellc-hav torr aun ae Methodist and Roman Catholic)./El 62.20}cials who have served the Go finde a sees emia MH boon AAC dot Mere n you reali» Just about the ------ Burton Ave, ........ 43.00/ernment faithfully for the ereat- the funds a red 0: 5 o. iL RF. Lower: Calin' Pah hest val « ta fe had for the mon- Post Your Parcels Early High Street ee eee 56.42/est part of their lives and who -Printing and Neception Eommi -- Walauo' Johee * "yey is your weekly newspaper * Owing to the limited train sér- | Miscellaneous repairs 693.75 }enlertained hopes of Promotion re. rot Fe, Bok fl aun " ba as. Only a few years ago two or three vice this year the public will she ---------- for which training and attention rd thair ; r hav aheth Streat. . W. Ness, H. A. Gill, J08.Ihags of potatoes would be re-|wise if they post their Christmas = 24031.90/to discipline fitted them are ap- to admit that the funds whieh _ quired to secure a year's snb- avcels early this year, as ther Waterways-- rently b is; ba t ivad heen allotted fo his commit-|! N. Hurst, 8. Kilgour, Ge0.} soription--and now Te hag is a likely to be considerable con-!earnia St. drain 353.80 Latha meray vat Oot ¥ fee early in the year wege in-| Tr need: ton. Knignt,|°% SPedter value. With the in-|gestion during the last. two ne Cleaning out Sophia : endeavoring to get things in or- sufficient. For reception® and |6A--J. 8. Brunton, Viclor Knight, |opeasing cost of Paper, ink, ma-|three days. _\ great deal of time| MN 51.80]der so that when the new warden Peace Day celebration $1505.49/ | Wa. Fraser. a, W. B. Webb, | *Minery, ote. it is a qbestion asland inconvenience would elec belRssa St : loo fis xppointed evarvthing will be in was paid. . 6BE. Whitebrea | W. B. Webb./16 the length of time that hews, saved the public and the post|thompson St. culvert 30.65] Sood shape. v 4 : As is usual. the Roard of Wotks| Alex. Scott. Papers can continue to give ser-|office staff if more people would General maintenance "| "Nothing: in if at all," said Col S was one of jhe heavy spending| vice so cheaply. but for 1920 tho; transact their business in' the of walertables 46.20]Currie, when sean by the Gol. i departments. It spent $6620.64] \The Best Value You Can Get |same price will exist. Subscrip-j morning instead of all crowding a --|lingwood News "I am not seek. A gh roadwass, $4031.90 on repairs,| In thes days of soaring prices|tions paid promplly will indicate in between 2 and 6 o'clock in the 3641.05]ing any appointment from. the 4 £ 8611.05 on drains, ete, besides|for all lines of commodities, do}appreciation of this fact, aflernoon, (Continued on Page 2) ; Government," he added Les ~ y fs