Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Dec 1919, p. 16

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i yy ( , . i b) Page Sixteen THE BARRIE EXAMINER : CHRISTMAS HINTS sare ALLANDALE NEWS ge? reves vavaenvevrvevenvenwaveunweeneR i 4 FOR YOUNGAND OLD ° | ne TGR, Dusiness is decidedly brink on ip 3 | acs fics | eet Friday at $ jim, in the} 9 ALLANDATE - PBIB Tebmon met the wok nd "0 Shop at VICKERS --If Pays g } FURNITURE STORE 5 ne enemy af Alston is visiting her | PS a For Kiddies--Kindergar- LB. Lsinson hte returned home after| $0 ag ten sets, Shoe-Flies, Doll _ i ; cin he eeee te Wied Bee ac 2 @ Bassinettes, PoyAirplanes 4 Wkely to stan for re-leetion, heres '4 gs For Grownups -- ont ; leNel of ote ment the wrk & A GRAND EXHIBIT OF WORTHY MER- a and Rattan Rockers, Arm § Vg vay {0 ape & CHANDISE COMPRISING MBNY AR- g Chairs. etc., etc., etc, b s of Midland wines TICLES OF WORTH THAT MAKE MOST 3 IMPERIAL ti a Me hn as APPROPRIATE PRESENTS FOR THIS = PHONOGRAPHS : i eee GIFT-GIVING SEASON. a which play all disc records Leen soe eg ee ee Wes Bg , ke } Prices from $75 to $375 she Tranene Hal Sun ne at 2 SPECIAL FEATURES FOR MEN, WO- & : ------------------ st, tage eter de ww g MEN AND A SPLENDID ARRAY OF 4 'avors Train for Warden © arin bene he ee . (TAA a bee ote DOLLS AND USEFUL PLAYTHINGS g Fae Arete ge Me (ed Set lone whee Oe B FOR THE LITTLE ONES. a e ; anil se he ie ee 2 i fi A jyncen, former resident of Gp 3 ¥ as been a cundidate for the! sttandale, died im Toronto las: 'Thursday Rat ads lak ihr eppetiona3, 2088 Webb went 1 the city for the 2 WIDEST CHOIC E-MAXIMUM QUALITY g and Nuts the AR ale ey ae jin oth teen ithe Toate sh M4 MINIMUM PRICE a Card of Thanks [tt of the Y.M.CA. are request. | & a 4 : for Xmas el a ie |B 8 : <= It Pays to Shop at Vickers' : Royal mixed Candy |] Soares sie Rec ayS {0 Op at Viekers' £ 25c per Ib. Secu salen wl oy a3 Cream mixed Candy Saturda MC An invitation is > gv 35¢c per Ib. y te ieee esate ae TAs co re BALORALODAL GTO ADPALORALARATOMOLERARAGS afternoon, Rainbow mixed Candy } ! iit e -- -- _ - a "us 40c pet tb. Specials | A Uniiaadl_ | ak Me Scum of oma, Th yous FOPPAVEAIDEBVAVRVAVEYEOAVE Chocolates ..40c per Ib, lec =e ers x | also 50c and | --AT-- fom ee No. 1 wnieel Wate ax ik | JAR adman . Delicious street, "Allandale, Ro ert and Abruham Ph survive The rem © GTR. fire fighters put out the luge. yl fier about $300 damoge hid been done. (yy oP California Walnuts Hi Jay-Floyd ere brought ~ frat ? '4 Iding 'Urday to the old hy (i 60c per Ib. ' B t ni Sh Uy A Sene auiee ling from where the fun & ' : , e pecans «4, 40e per | | DUNGMEP SMOP | ites IS cae ins = Fruits f Almonds ... 40c per Ib. i Elizabeth St. Phone 473 ; x flast #f High Bank Dr ae anilsons weted us palllenrers. al \ or { nglund, became the wife of Mr \ Brazils ..... 40¢ per Ib. |] j Sirton steak » Bas "hy Ree FB Tens FS | on het man eR week thi 2g ? Porlerhonse Steak 300 | » Church offiented "The bride i foe the 4 e jae i ittehe geo --i vce & Christmastide : ] use Ronst 280 | @ Have you tried the j int Rona .... 28c | wal] & Ragged Robin -- | Bib ts I Bae pee i ! mae To add the real Christmasy touch to the table there 40c per lb. } Rati Bows 1-170 |) : Edgar es is nothing like fruit, and a juicy orange ur sume tas- PRY |p Pork Chops a J the cerensnny o cention wae heft, "The | PAB. Rergusin | g ty nuts should be found in every Xmas stocking. JUST ARRIVED-- H ee Hi Death of Mrs. Margaret Thompson > re rie oe pepealions so the people of : '0 Seized with w stroke a week previous atrrie Ww! 2 Peek Freans' Shortcake, {i B00 fix: hur cei "Hotes Me haces s me WH' not be disappointed. \ 70c per Ib. |}! 280 ie dow of the Este. Wilham be one | bon Bef > arioad of Uranges We sell Shepherd's spec- ate iis we yes cel = Ow a very | . od N ial Homemade Bread ae | " wing fo avery late season there are no good Navel and Buns, 6 bs. for 20 || oranges available but when we learned this we im- ately ordered a carload of Smoked Cottage 'Merrick | : | 300 vie Be SWEET, JUICY VALENCIAS Dek lew - 300 | These are practically seedless and you are sure to & L ft t | ann in pied Hams aa8 appreciate their delicious flavor, | S er | Lard, delh, pails, pr ik, 360 Prices run from 25 cents to $1.00 per doz. | TERMS--casH ! Torunto. Mem. das. Arnot " Z| Cookstown, Mrs, Kilgour of Barr Japanese oranges ................ 50c per doz. _ eg | Poole of Hamilton, Mrs Burns of Toronts Grape Fruit in 2 sizes . . .. ,2 for 25c and 3 for 25c¢ Pineapples to establsh un equitable fund ap uniform py jemployees ongoged in r: nent in focomo: tive service of foreigners who do not pos fess a workable knowledge of one or both The Hurlburt Shoe Co., Barrie force, anguares to, have nominations ' Gye eet eine se The Last Call for Santa Claus Sees Beautiful Baskets of Fruit made to. order, See sample in our window \ -- mail before wages are held; to provide a! Almonds, per Ib. |. Walnuts, per Ib. .... Filberts, per Ib. ...... minimum wage for female employers in all Provinces where no such legislation existe; ie the nppointment of insnectars with pow. er to remove from servicer any ear or Io. Such a few short days left 'till old Santa arrives, Don't put it off any | comotive not equipped. us required by lav, Brazil Nuts, per Ib. .'. ri vee. 40 longer; visit this store and the Gift Question will soon be settled, iene One oe ees mee ee Mixed Nuts, per Ib... eee cece, 40c TALIA ERQDRORAL ARAL REAEERLEGBALED RAD SEVOEERSVARALL of ull public utilities, and the appointment of practical railway men from the ranks of and then our-prices are so reasonable. - ge the emptiyees on the Board of Railway | Something suitable and acceptable for every member of the family; Commissioners, and also vn the directorate ALL KINDS OF MIXED CANDIES of 'the Canadinn National Railwnys, 'The CHOCOLATES AND BON-BONS > @ By 2 # & & & x S 4 & x & @ & | ther's pateey a pelbedlie pi | p Malaga Grapes, per lb . . x S > 2 FJ S x] 2 > go 2 2 S @ employment | GIFT SUGGESTIONS FELT BOOTS, FELT SLIPPERS, FANCY KID AND LEATHER By. a ay aw a a aw oy a wy SLIPPERS, HOCKEY BOOTS, MOCCASINS, RUBBERS, OVER- ay B s a a a ay 4 Oe Imperial Grapes, per lb. Lettuce, fresh and crisp, Cauliflower | | ee | $2,000 Gratuity Scheme 2 bunches for 15¢ --. 25 to 40c each Faitor of The Barrie Exuminer, Barrie, Ont. Dear Sir; SHOES, CLUB BAGS, TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, HOSIERY, MITTS, eae Tau tiie ot 'Des: 1) Tomatoes . . +++ 40c to 50c per Ib. ETC. BGA. wed the folluwing "wort: We | Celery ..... 10c-15¢-20c- per bunch initia Burges annis & ot poor and | Holly for your Christmas decorations... . . 256 Ib. Stocks are well assorted. Don't put it off any longer. Canada's new Minis'er of Finance, who ROLRLRARARRARS Olive Oil for Christmas Salad. ..... 50c per bottle Come here always for your fruit requirements represents this city in the Dominion Par- liament has told the returned soldiers that | Canada cannot afford to pay her returned na e i NICE ART CALENDAR FREE FOR EVERY CUSTOMER Bes A ieene Rigor! ie ' gratuity scheine, but T would like to know how Mr. Boys. who I believe is s atuunch | government supporter, would reconcile this action of the Finance Minister with his above quoted words. From an outspoken, frank, returned sol duer. cre Joe Saso Fruit Store ; 8 Corner Elizabeth St. and Maple Ave. \ - « J, Jordsn e q Tee Or ate, VOLAVALAVALARBASAARALARAR, q Don't forget to read the advts. --live news from live merchants. The Hurlburt Shoe Company 32 Dunlop St., Barrie 7 ! Don't forget to read the advts.--livet news from live merchang ca , 4 ' k sills Feel

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