Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Dec 1919, p. 13

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rs "Thursday, December 18, 1919 - THE BARRIE EXAMINER _ : ; ee Page Thirteen c gO Pe RsAassensses gvavuvavavavuvenguavavavave7IVG USRbEGALABGSEAUALARAED PERSONAL Merry Christmas to All Powell & Co. 4 SPA 34 Dunlop St. A Sew fidore OPERA HOUSE ee Wed, Dec. 24, iad FOO ec. £9, Mrs. Ross Fowler, of Leaming- Xmas Day. lon, is visiting her parents in Bradford St. DOUGLAS Miss Lena Ross. MeDonald St.. goes to Toronto this week and FAIRBANKS will spend the winter in the ¢ Vance went to Lon --IN-- | nesday to attend a 7. IIS eects eI THE ferenee of counfy judges. me ° Gordon MeKinley is heme to i$ thni (mas Al ) est i) KNICKERBOCKER | ite ns'si"'v" slexines wy ~ BUCKAROO | iti Mure hws rraras SS MRI ED DT DETECTS 'home * upanying her mother in 7 Reels What is a Buckaroo ? The restaurant man said twas something to eat One of our dance artists SERGE DRESSES Y ANY ONE WOULD in Navy, Black and Burgundy. Come VARIETY OF aon gee ate SILK and see them. ' y, ty st 2 Meld in 'Poron- urd Bertram, + il Nest t We have a well assorted stock of dresses domin te this w Midhurst. wits ele ep iam cg a haa ety 4 g 5 3 4 g 4 a 2 5 4 g ® & DW ay g | ¢ > 4 & a 2 4 = e F pe] & & ? 4 & said it was a new i i. i tines ' Ef P a al it was new jal i zt Wats, Je of atin & -- = HANDKERCHIEFS We have them. Also Satin ones in green, & ry sa Ps Hew eon i Mr. and Mes, Jobin Webean, ov - LADIES' PARASOLS The boxed ones are very tose, blue and black. = 5. 1 Be store 'Trura, NOS. i : .. . ba fi man suid: "1 dont know | MeN & Pure Silk top, sterling silver handle $5.00 popular. We have them g 7 / oe iss but we yi Sunday. Mrs an 4 g Silk top with the new Bakelette handle, TEA APRONS q j,eraniinueter of Mee Menino BO Sk cavers vee e eee $9.50 and $10.00 | xed --- in Bin' iFsney Musiin: 5 Mrs, 1 Vanierhath soil ve 2 fi ain Lawn 3 ane slin. Vari a Vata ea as oS 2 for cc, 25 and 306 fees ts 4Be, 80e, 750, $1.28 % a eae iting JUST RECEIVED A DELAYED | #008 @ sxe wie a | 1 nny Me am A 1M an the PCDI ei ia SHIPMENT OF SALT'S 2 real linen for ...$1.00 SOMETHING ALWAYS GREATLY : ee Ae ESQUIMET PLUSH COATS | Maeits edge, 2 tor $1.25 APPRECIATED af tnacx Wa "mepy {eine es Pot Ee Exit heavy quality, beautifully fined, att | Also silk Maltese lace at A SILK DRESS 3 Poe , | ontltled "Never Too old" et crime Me ant wes 38 todd tee 50c each | In black we have a wonderful satin finish- B ! ( PRICES: Mra. Jame > - Meee ed charmeuse, extra heavy quality, at gy er} : t ( Ee S| ie. WAISTS - ~ WAISTS TT) "wee 00 P| --16c i} & A lot of Sample Waists just in time for 4 sath TIME OF sTaRTING =| "(gy Christmas. They are 'lovely, no two MILLINERY QUEEN QUALITY TAFFETA a amless, g& ] one | "| -- alike. In georgette, crepe dec ene and THIS WEEK AT in Navy and Grey, guaranteed not to @ $1.00 i vi i & net All marked at a 25" discount. cut at... . . $4.00 lt $1.25 rs ! { 4 HALF PRICE Regal Satin in Taupe, Grey, Burgundy, & loring, COMING | ars SHOP EARLY [a blue, beautiful shades 2.2.2... $3.75 | » $1.50 a {Fri-Sat Johnny Get you | ee SSaieaiainaieaneinanemsenananenennennanannamnmnnenatateneaatan tae a Gun' woth Feed Stor \ 0c, 75¢ 8 sate apenas $ 3 and a ! Day ™ 1 & le g 25 i) Week of Dec. 29: ( ' Rg e a ty i) Mon..Tues. Beviant Wash. pon ' + 7 £4 > ~ 9 . 2 Ry k Grey, Ie Poor Beck ' returned yt MOUGRALLVAUAU VATE VAEEPAEARAEDR, LAROEAVALEELVOEEAQAESY, right, ss | ani dan. 1--"Garl . - = , $9.00,-89 Chas tay = - ----_____-- -- = colors, { Miarume tine Eee gun | BOREL 8S SOR nS PENI At ated cal pe Ate a Reacts hast, Hooks alt tilteor 80. cents ee ( Tedesk caf ain iS Rae : but our road will be iced and with ten: 4 5 Ser Wa Seneee ¥ . Vso toes fan ese-nare | -- 4 NEWS FROM 1M NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS 383 "ih.ttbac tc 8 me r) sin "Teuhiy Lon Lr haa sane - Aathadiat i i! = " ; ™ gn ae Pian, | ROBE OEE EMG OL. OOO UW KE OES Collier St. Methodist Church BARRIE MARKETS ra 4 j Weds gow. Fett Oi THORNTON The rile travelled in» auit of Bandy bea THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES" 1 dian wilt open for bum |} A Dee 17 WC. Heney of Chve. Alta Prowawith mink furs and hat tay. W. Fullia, Book Steward of the No, 2 Fall Whent (Gov't Price) ...81.97 4 ri Voie at Ma ons: insur on # few months' visit with fr fhe numerous ani eostly gifts testify to Methodist Publishing Houce. Toronto, will . al | née saifttcn, GIFT [ Hoyillof Mochigun ia here on n [the osteo °y which! the Sour le are Preach 1 a.m, and 7 p.m, ; Boe Le ie a SUPREME cathe es ean Ba "a yeh ane ek a a ae Sig een eed i and $1.00, Order seats | A Barrie Business College|~ e| Oh ee church wh sae te arene sactifce in 81.35.6140 1 Scholarship , m From Burwash F ee eee ae Cilla MANGIA lab Cheat : ae ee eee Sow tern apens lai Ae Layten af the chureh. Spee | Harry Boag, stock sinh otha Bp sg eetiee The eee eit reaiee chree Butter ie bag Farm, in renewing his subseription mas music. follows a re having a fine winter here #o far, TRINITY CHURCH coll snap of 15 degrees below apt ei Girel Bervles: will anid good aleighing for over a week yaad Chrenine Carel (Service, wi fie Heiang for over ® Wee ue held in Trinity Church next Sunday We buve 120 cattle feeding out at stacks © and they are doing fine. 'The atacks eaver hay that was put up in the and the only shelter is the woods i about prisoners here at ng und all bus Kinds and colors and. they ising out of the minutes was dis are certainly doing a lot of work, The; $ te atiementiternpiniaterrtart cing . > ENROL, NOM EDGAR A position far every 9 Mestern tietheals aivl ipuien Dou't forget the concert in No. 7 School Tain gtd "Tneaenerian house on Mond . Mahia parties the chow will old their epesiat Xinay Special music by. the alse Xia serinon by the rec eoagents Hea Beef hides, Beef hides, cured \ Calf skins "The regular inonthly meeting of the for books. for lib Refreshmenta. HO ASTENILY. Pein, [Women's Tneitute wie hold at the home tenuate! aeenaenin of Mrs, Jas son_on Monday nf mas Cake at re-war quality, a pound. -- 51 Pianos, Organs, Phong You may choose from the following at our Up-to+ date Music Store: HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANOS - Mm. W. exon, 'This wax very WEBER PIANOS interesting and enjoyed by oll, Refresh. tents were served and enlection amount; 5 : ing to $12.00 taken in aid of the Soldiers A fine lot of organs of dif- 3} Convalescent Hospital. A ott enjoyable afternoon closed by singing God Save the ferent makes. King. : The funeral of the late Mrs, William Thoinpson was held from the residence of her <on, William, on Monday afternoon, Dee. 15. For a number of years Mr. Thompson lived on a farm from whence the remains were borne to their last reat ing place in the cemetery here beside her hushand, who predeceased her 13 years ago Inet Sunday. There are left to mourn the lose of & loving mother. six daughters and four Sons, namely, William of Thorn. ton, Henry of Toronto. Lorne of Van couver. and John of Edmonton, Mrs. Ar Mel.cam, Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Arnold Kilgour, Allandal Mra, Stevens and called on to give the report for jay. One only had to hear devoted their PARRA OR SALE > Christmas Sweets are here in abundance Our hig range of candies has been supplemented by many specials for the Christmas season. (Quality is the keynote of our busi- ness and you'll enjoy the delicious sweets sold by us nv matter what you pay. BEAUTIFUL GIFT BOXES in Handsome designs. A large range, FOG so ccccecesvane axocarsrneans svenvenrain & 35 cts. to $3.00 per box 40c per lb. rooms, electric a. $1,100 I conveniences, saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay | "COLUMBIA PATHE Phonographs YA DD DD and the ~ o \ high-class Mr. Burns of Toronto, To the rorr "50 cts. per Ib. up i | friends Thornton extends deepest aymp: SONORA 'The funceal service was conducted by Rev.| yt ALL KINDS OF NUTS--A choice mixture at .......... 45 cts. lb. isted by Rev. A. EF. Owen, Allandale, HL. Somerville, G. R. Kitehing and Rev MINESING STATION | CANDIES FOR THE KIDDIES 5c, 10c, 15¢, 20c, 25¢ me in and look h suit you, mr Canes at ..,- -fit with 12 tunes h. for wesereee $95.00 o'clock the bride, who was unattended, entered the parlour leaning on the arm of her uncle, Mr. C. F, Wattie, looking very charming in her gown of white crepe de | chene trimmed with fringe | end | pearl + Garrett's Music Store j2: ae aa n over before F tres "bars, Three lines of nis Brunswick out- MeLean-Leadlay Xmas Candy ribbons, all sizes, per Ib. ......... ee eee eee 40c Con RECORDS HE ee ease A. very pretty wedding wan solemnized Christmas Stockings .......0-00c0seeee eee ee 20c, 40c, 50c, 75¢ R.- 4 - Seed whe hit niece, Mim Ev A great variety of candies in bulk con This Columbia out- Call early to save the Xmas} clvn eailay, was united n marriage to Come here if you want satisfaction in your Christmas Sweets. ee ce GORDON ents The Olympia Candy Works PO-Bee te Poel ea WD DD DOD DE Eee fs $3,300 7 one als ¥ "twenty weres: * house and barn. 2 ae . $2,900 : ' he town proper-¢ ; yl p St. ¥

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