Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Dec 1919, p. 12

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Page Twelve THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday December 18, 1919 THE ADLET COLUMN| 2#¥avevavevays te LIOR UE a eee ay) 0-CHRISTMAS-0 < It's very near. Buy early and you will be sure of the goods. We have LOCAL NEWS . ® FROIOROI ROR HOR ROR RIOR, Shop early. Carry yonr small parcels ~-Viblins a specially at Kee. BOARDERS WANTED---Apply 44 Worsley street. 49-53p ot ROOM for a few more boarders at 138 Peel street. 48-53p FOR SALE Choice pen of Wyandotte 'young cozkerels.« Fisher Flour Mills ur yo ' ond jnan's MAID for general housework. Apply to fur you in Nuts, Almon [Pee : . : | the interesting messaces arol ment, 'st /48-tfe Pe 8, ty Mrs Harold Dynient, High street 48-tfe Grenoble Walnuts, Bi NGL Nvacmorchante te tea wane zils, Sicily Filberts, in the shell; geod and sound FOR SALE~Cutt Apply 17 ¥ AVFEPGRIOVAD There will he service in' st. jAndrew's Church on Christmas - in good condition, ley Phone 278 aBfe| FOR SALE New Emprow Range, Apply | @ Also. shelled, Herning Harry On +1 Peel street, Ban --Bryson's Noo 1 Almond Paste Spanish Layer Raisins, and California Museate!s in bulk for table use ifor your own Xinas cake, $5 conls per pound St. J. G2 Keenan has supplied a munber of msteuments for the new B.C.1 orchestra, Saturday and Menday wer stock shipping days. Fer he {the prive was $15.00 ta $15.25 5 and 6 rooms each. Jas Arnold, 7 Owen 48-0fc HOUSE: Terms street PRICING POINGEA New Dates, extra fine, RRALLAMALARABAR A sery choice range of Chocolates in bulk and in boxes ing, oles lone at his home, 76 Wordey street. Bu D Wil pay the highest Call phone 699 oF bring to 33 A beautiful Crean) Mix- Order veur Xmas Cake vt. M Kosenfeldt, 49-13) lure at... .400 a pound ryson's, Prec auality, La and HY cents a pout FOR SALE tot NE bf ferrell Npjoly Mrs nd me acre Cash pre. len Mamelen, Barri Shop early and often at Aust arrived since the Great War. our first supply of Spanish e . "THE HIB" Areordeans Garretts Muasie Tea and Coffee House Be isiore on the bay Skaters were s Opp. Telephone Office today for the first time this sea. ' or & OR say likee eae, na B T. N. HOBLEY a yen The bas was frozen over apply th WoL Mitehell, TEDL. al esiday might isle AN 5Ie VRALAVARERARS e Rall Planing Mil Co. re 8, Exes. ABARARE FOR SALI. Young regiweral Shorthorn Bull, god quality. Apply to Ered M Warner, Allandale RAR No 1 4651p & y SerUred sey contr cba HIG axe 4 en ee neem fr frames and intorint filtimes ike new by Harry Two, Hone Block, | Enjoyed the Cantata revanates giniletinds Dunlop Se. } Acmmsival eveniag whieh afford On ya Fowill be found pare el great enjoyment ty those whe culars of seine of next Sunday's dq oWas given on Tuesday, Chtistmas elinech music. as fire 8 in the vhureh by Sl) An. Mished to The Examiner. heir. Phe first part of) dames' lately of Cooks ran ineludel several town, hits purchased a tionuh Yomumbers ts FOR SAL Building lot in Barrie 180 ft. S100 rash or ime. or w dine in Lefroy. 5 benant Toole eke! Methotsr on Mary St, north, het and cold water Good stible Nowh | Thresher, very pl Sly sbelonced te the bale br Mefo Gro Vestas Ont Soe Wes. Heath. \ Miss Dobson Mb. Cuil Nichols pat the naan IG: FOR BALE, omibwin uncer Pelster, and an une tle site te ah te conalainsg Dumber by the ehair pp Sienley is im few this | ih a we eden Waren V wits exerelinicly well dane. werk in ile intiwesis uf the Allandale, PIL 4958p |) Hart I consisted he cane Lnited Vetveans' Lage - fata The Story of Christmas" by Harry Fivnn will speak at Mules he {2 Matthews This compositinn con seoting on Saturday melt 19 e Mie Res TH: Orillia, ep eall at Vets taeh beautiful chert eh dyer pre nt Taernie OR EXCHANG. ropriite to baat i yeur Nias Cake Sip] voy pay . spection a s everybody a | PUR SALE--Shotgua. Good ar new, Can "PPCMEN tnd wish everybody at con! be een at this office. S1Sle ts face, Ow: | ving property | FOR "SALE --Guod 7 foot tubaggan and . L. Moran, cushign. 33 Clappertun St 3151p aor In | we rn Ets. Orenden College, Barrie "47tfe URS REMODELLED and Repaired. Mins McArthur, King Block. Burrie.1sp terry Cheri ~--Hunter Clothe Mg Store. Barrie, Duets myo 1, Flas, a ced yearlin ner may hive sa and paying expe STRAYED to S. Tracey's, Colwell, |. Exes two" red heifers, Owner may have same proving property and puying ex LE- Vive suckling pigs. Apply BRED VORKSHIRES, chore bred fewail, near 7th con., Vespra, Sip! ih sw en NY ag te fo VOW GALEA.lwanduew taune BOR Be veer ay: wood. Enquire 30. Elizabeth street, prices, J. Barclay, Ir. Ontario 4954p 51 5Ip! FOR SALE Seven a our foek howe. GENERAL CARTING and Delivery: W. Goro well ated ester and Ju pghurst & Son, 60 Owen street. Phone | sf aut) SAT AT-5be ay ROOT PULPER (Maseey Harris nearly | reine ia anne SES Stan" MAS: Ys "ome Sto! CHRISTMAS "EATS" e hanging lumps; alk ea ee ares AT WISDOM'S 1 quek cole tw e wrtate, Mrs. Norman Cross, lot 16, com. 5 gallon oil ¢ : Uk Bintan S519! vJorida Grape Fruit, each ..100 Toni fil. Le FURS W nrces paid, «at | YORKSHIRE BOAR (Registered) for sale, | 3 for 250 efuetion guar Wall "call 20Y "price rrawnable, Apply 8. V. Jones |Californin Swedless Oranges. all phe witht re ye te Of Station S1-3le! sizes at 40, 500, 600, 700, 800 in the stuurelaya, HE, et i Levit 48-16p FOR SALE-- White baby cutter, with hood, | Beaytiful Red Cranberries 200 qt. an Currants ...300 Ib, Flowers, Ferns, | : Holly Wreaths, =| Libby's*Pure Mincemeat 'nothing kinds of Christmas Flowering) FURNISHED ROOMS TO, LET--Would | betters... 300 Ib. Order' early. E. A. Horris, rent one or two unfurnished if desired. Frosh Mixed Peel B00 Ib. fest Kad Florist, Phone 713. 49.34e| 135 Collier streei. 50-51 : Sis tins West End Morist, Phone 713, 40.54e/ 135 Collier streei Bl atitavnla Réédel Acidioc Boe phy HOUSE FOR SALE--A fine brick residenee | WANTHD--Clean, heated room oF rooms, (Californian Seerlows Raixins 260 Ib on Dunloy + fend deep basement, ; about A0Quequare feet floor spare. AR: | Feast, elenn Hallow! Dates 300 Ib 4 rooms on first floor and 4 hedrooms | S1-Ble | 5, all flavors, at ply at thik office. \Jelly Powd nd ad a oli > Ment | | Telly Pow =. Vw a the bay Wit Seas RE! TORT Silng iver toacy WH tame - ® for ao engroved on cross. Reward on leaving! Riel) dark used one season. Apply Dee. 24th to: Chain Mix. Grasett. BL-Sle | at Examiner office. ObSIPP Park Tonene in Jelly . 600 Ib by simplified | POR SALE --Maple wood, 12 ind iVeul Loaf With macaroni and Re. | ready for the stove, cheese 35c Ib tereall Apply to Lorne | Wingrove, phone 600131. 50-tfe| Fresh Sansaze ........ 260 Ib. PROPERTY FOR SALB--Pmiure Jana [GT¢en Holly with plenty of Berrias about 100 ueres,iten, 3, Vespra. Apply | theese = 1p LE--Keg'd shorthorns. 1 bull, 22; J. W. Cook, "Midhurst. 50-53 |Firm Yellow Carrats .. op . 30 Ib. s 200 to $1.00 ea. {Large sound Cabbage . Tibor LE spe =--Oue Shorthorn Durham Bull. | dam Imp.) Shropwhires (reg); YOR Sal Xmas Stoekin a few yearling ewes A) and ewe] 17 mos. old; aleo B-year-old heifer with | yo ate chs lates ce cece eae ine. Prices" reuconabn Bot Brow,,; Out at foot. J. A. Lennox. Thornton. "eg. goo, $1.00 and $1.28 box TERS, Barrie. 48p-49-50tfe WANTED--Light, 'portable «aw mill State | Butk Chocolates .... 6. ++ BOo Ib WANTED--Quslified School Nawe for the| {0 particulars, 'price and condition. 'poanul, coroanul and Titler WANTED--Quilified School Nuno for the| {ull a arte Pubic, School Anon | Write Box 6, 'Newmarket, Ont. ap| Seatch Tafly ........ 400 Ib, Feerived by the undersigned, stating) A HED! sresvosces . BOo Ib, Galifieations "ond salary. Dutioe to FOR SALE--Conl heater, hall rack, 4bur-|Spodial/ Xmas Mixed»... 960 Ib. sen ppee Jantary 5, 1920. | Fred Marr, | ner gue range with oven, baby carriage, |Sutted. Peannts sage ees. G00 Tb. Sec Barrie Bound' of Filuestion. 0c] baby sleigh with rugs. Apply to 71 Bs: Quaker Molaxses Kisses ..400 Ib. so Ra, 51.51p WANTED TO BUY~11 in, and Pine, SATURDAY SPECIAL 10, Faia, in September. one yearling|Fruit Wines ..4 bottles for $1.00 seer. "Orne gas have seme by paying Ginger, Black Cherry, Grape expenses, D.H. Maw, 51-839 | Cordial and Port. MOULDERS, Machinists and Pattern Ma. WISDOM 'Ss kers wanted for general machinery work. CREDIT SALES WE TAKE PHOTOS OPO nj | First-clase nbop. conditions, highest wa. WE TAKE PHOTOS of your home and|" gee 'The E. Long Manufacturing Go, also family groups taken there any time, Tueedsy, Dec. :30.--Dee' J. Barclay,. lot 16, con. 7. Junie, sale of 20 serea of Spruce, Hemlock. Basswood. and Hard-/ STRAYED onto my premises, lot 82, con, wood. Also wish to contract for the i nfg. of & quantity of the following 53-4x133.4, sizes' made of Softwood. 716 thick rough Examiner Office, Ltd., Orillia' Ont. eae 'anywhere. Why not have us copy your - -- old valued photos, tin types or any|WANTED--Two friends to take positions small photo into the latest modern styles.} together in Toronto, one as cook and Mail orders promptly executed and re-| Iauncrese; one a pariormaid. Wages $25| 16, con, tamed repstared, WB. Martin, photo-/ month eveh, with usual privileres,| timber." See bi W. A. McConkey, grapher, 17 Eugenia etreet, Barrie. Box -"'S", Examiner, 51-51e! auctioneer. | ' "¢ And your share of all ) Men's Mackinaw Coats in checks, with large collar the joys that attend this and belt. These are good value $15.75, $16.50 great Holiday. Men's Plain Black Mackinaw Coats, special at Time brings changes, . 7 but' Christmas retains y ever the old fashioned appeal. These are big value at ..... ay During Yuletide hours 4 AUAAIRUBITTG WE BG alae larenece ace aeoses $10.50, $13.50 Boys' Mackinaw Coats, Red and Black and Brown and Black checks, with belts, sizes 28, 30, 32. vss+.., $9.00 special price +++. $2.50 range of col- ors, easy priced ....$1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 Silk Neck Scarfs in Black and colors, much under to-day's price - $1.25 and $2.25 Men's Fine Shirts made a hy the Regal and Ar- row Shirt Co., good . coloring and easy pric- ed $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, with soft ur hard cuffs. You should lay in a stock of. these at. this price and save money. . You should see the nice line of Overcoats just in, a . in checks and plain colors, waist-line and with 7 This Store wishes you belts. They are extra value at a very Merry Christmas. +++... $20.00, $25.00, $27.50, $35.00, $40.00 Men's Hockey Boots, sizes 6, 7, the old, become young again --Youth and old age are one. Forget dull cares and worries and remember only that the happiness of y others is to be considered ay and that this Store re- y joices with you on this occasion and hopes that Aa for you there may be many more Christmases, each with its quota of happiness, -- J. SUTCLIFFE & SONS { Men's Lined Mocha Mitts. 'These are extra value . .$2.00 to $2.50 WE SAVE YOU Men's. Fine Quality Grey and Black Wool Mitts, MONEY Price oo. eee eee ee ... 50 and $1.00 Men's Mocha and Cape Wool lined Gloves, easy priced ..... . $2.00, $2.25, $3.00 Men's Silk Lined Mocha Gloves, special $3.00 pr. Boys' Real Scotch Knit Gloves, Dent's make, with leather trimmings and dome fasteners, s sizes 4 to 7, special .. 2 Se aiae Boys' Black lined Gauntlet Gloves, special $1.25 > dear teanide nate | i we a ll es oe wk sHpply vou wath beads " bad hd wate. atin wE gerd ate Mis d hi Hr PEON, as ilesivedt at ; anal ; Hie from ty tivers. or | "nm vl seven HOPE Dead ised ft vue tite 4 Hrown's Baer ia er aa pais Fee ferpy Arete the h Bh 2 Vic Mie im ienkirt "tr $b fe EE u wy . : Christmas Suit Bargains oe ali At aenmpam the attraetivs Men's teed osnits, set en antablp Hata aint at Salve for sdeans, ssiue vali all Favre, bandied by eae Fess Rory 30.8 S50 Galas 1 Meus Sat Bena Blow or Blak suits, 840009 value = = rOSHOOR, CO saiue for i Horo | Put your money inte War Sav 9B, KHNL) vale & ssme | ings Stamps and let it work FO Valter for R.R2 Barrie, - a -- value for Sites We qavar pan ALS: 7 | Men's Silk and Silk Knitted Ties, choice coloring, easy price ...... ++... 75e, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Men's Linen H.S. Handkerchiefs, special 40c, 2 for 75c, 50c, 75c Handkerchiefs, plain white and white with colored borders, Special value ..25¢ Men's Sweater Coats, colors Brown, Black, Grey, Red, Tan and checks and' the prices are right, Syne -.. $5.00, $6.00, $8.00, $9.00 Pullover Sweaters, nice range of colors, arate opcawes pays , $5.50, $6.00, $6.50, $8.50 Ladies' Sweater Coats with large Sailor Collar and Belt, colors Paddy and White, Saxe and Grey. This is big value... 2.0... ceca eee $6.00 Boys' tan, lined, gauntlet You should not miss this line at the small price. Xmas Suggestions--Give "Her" the Designer. Twelve Happy Reminders of "You", Spe aR ; a oy Gloves. Very scarce ® g goods. Price.. $1.50 d a 80c instead of $1.80. ; it i ny : | : Ladies THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHTS, DEC. 23RD AND 24TH, UNTIL 10 P.M. With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon. See the nice goods at little prices. y WHERE MOS BORN | TAY--Jn the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, on) In loving memory of Mrs, James Brett, | --_ Snaias Die. 13. 1019, 10 Me' weg {Who pueed away co Dee, 10, 1918, } Good frame house, six rooms, electric Mea, HOM. Lay, & son, If there be one thing pure, | edith: town water... » $1,100 HILL--In Allandale, on Suturday. Decem-, Where all beside is aullied, Nine-roomed brick house, all conveniences, IN MEMORIAM | PROPERTIES _FOR SALE ber 13th. 1919. a son to Mr. and Mry. That can endure, le, totic esses sees $2,300 Frank Hilf When all else pastes away; Nine-roomed brick house, conveniences, nice location $2,800 cen, for quick -- If there be sught Surpassing human deed or word, MARRIED though, CAMPBELL WHITESIDE- -At the Meth: 1, is n Mother's Love. oulist parsonage. Angus. hy the Rev. ; N. Bowes. ou Wednesday, December 3, We think of you, Mother dear, WIA, Hlsie, eldest daughter of Mr. and | But not with outward show, Mrs, T. A. Whiteside of Elmgrove, w But the heart that mourns sincerely HL. Campbell of Bova Mourns silently and low. e wilent grief that in our aouls DIED 1 Fife enn tence At Lefroy, Dee, 15, 1919, Jane Behind a smiling face, all conveniene- Thin is_gond cose $8,500 ro miany an sching heart ie hid k ak floors. Thin Don't widow of the late James Reid, ~Mother is missed by Fother, Sons and | mits it, ewes' -- $3,300 64 yours, Daughters, | Large boarding house. This is a money | maker for the right parties .....$3,500 IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM | Fugnished $4.100. A" snap, ving memory of Villa, only daughter |\yy il Mrs. W. S. McCullough, who left us December 13, 1917, | ice little market garden, twenty weren of the best of land, good house und barn. i A bargain ... $2,900 Softly acenight the stare sre shining 'These ure only a few of the town Proper- | Upon a quiet. grave, . ties we have listed. Come in and look The fondest, dearest, best of all | Where there slecpeth without breathing| aver our list. We can. suit you. Within the grave is Isid. One we loved but could not save. Here is » bargain, 150 ucres of good clay He wax the sunshine of our home She is gone. but not forgotten, losm; good brick house, three burns, A trvastire to us given, | And there dawns smother yeur. lots of water. Just when we earned to love him most tn the lonely hours of thinkin 80 seres good bush, three miles from Bar- God called him home to heaven. Thoughts of Villa are always near. | rie. Considering the price af. wood and Mother and Daddy. SPAMILY._|lember, thir it a enap $9,500 | We alo ave a Inege num of ice IN MEMORIAM Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, farm listed, from 50 to 240 acres, It In loving memory of No, 642208, Brr.!" Geneemen,---Leet winter T recived great Wil pay you to look them over before Marnhall James Gatlow. died in England, /yenean from the ane of MING RS LN | YOU buy. De a, TE tie oil MENT in 'a severe attack of taGrinpe, |PARTRIDGE & GORDON Short and sudden was the dT have frequently proved it. to OF one 10 dearly loved by all |very effective in ease of Tnflamimation, one Date ae F 'The blow was grent, the shock severe, Yours, Phone sey f We little thought his death was near, | W. A. HUTCHINSON, POWKLL---In loving meniory of our dar- Ling Jackie, who fell asleep in Jesus, De- cember 16th, 1918, aged 5 years, 'The fairest lilies are the first to fall, 'The sweetest first to fade. 'And only those. who loved ean tell i 'The a of not saying a last farewell. Lakefield, Que., Oct. 9, 1907. --Brother and Sister. Keep in touch with the Adlota j Box 112 ' a de

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